*** Keywords *** Increment suite variable [Arguments] ${increment}=1 ${value}= Get variable value ${global value} 0 ${value}= Evaluate ${value} + ${increment} Set suite variable ${global value} ${value} [Return] ${value} *** Settings *** Library WhiteLibrary *** Tasks *** Attach Notepad window Launch application notepad.exe Attach application by name notepad Attach window Nimetön – Muistio *** Keywords *** Input into Notepad [Arguments] ${text}=Here be dragons Input text to textbox class_name=Edit ${text}\n Clear notepad Click menu button text=Muokkaa Click menu button text=Valitse kaikki Click menu button text=Muokkaa Click menu button text=Poista Save file [Arguments] ${filename}=hello-world.txt Click menu button text=Tiedosto Click menu button text=Tallenna nimellä... Input text to textbox text=Tiedostonimi: ${filename} Select listbox value text=Koodaus: Unicode Click button text=Tallenna