#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Data Sets Tutorial # This tutorial demonstrates how to create and use `DataSet` objects. PyGSTi uses `DataSet` objects to hold experimental or simulated data in the form of outcome counts. When a `DataSet` is used to hold time-independent data (the typical case, and all we'll look at in this tutorial), it essentially looks like a nested dictionary which associates operation sequences with dictionaries of (outcome-label,count) pairs so that `dataset[circuit][outcomeLabel]` can be used to read & write the number of `outcomeLabel` outcomes of the experiment given by the circuit `circuit`. # # There are a few important differences between a `DataSet` and a dictionary-of-dictionaries: # - `DataSet` objects can be in one of two modes: *static* or *non-static*. When in *non-static* mode, data can be freely modified within the set, making this mode to use during the data-entry. In the *static* mode, data cannot be modified and the `DataSet` is essentially read-only. The `done_adding_data` method of a `DataSet` switches from non-static to static mode, and should be called, as the name implies, once all desired data has been added (or modified). Once a `DataSet` is static, it is read-only for the rest of its life; to modify its data the best one can do is make a non-static *copy* via the `copy_nonstatic` member and modify the copy. # # - Because `DataSet`s may contain time-dependent data, the dictionary-access syntax for a single outcome label (i.e. `dataset[circuit][outcomeLabel]`) *cannot* be used to write counts for new `circuit` keys; One should instead use the `add_`*xxx* methods of the `DataSet` object. # # Once a `DataSet` is constructed, filled with data, and made *static*, it is typically passed as a parameter to one of pyGSTi's algorithm or driver routines to find a `Model` estimate based on the data. This tutorial focuses on how to construct a `DataSet` and modify its data. Later tutorials will demonstrate the different GST algorithms. # In[ ]: import pygsti # ## Creating a `DataSet` # There three basic ways to create `DataSet` objects in `pygsti`: # * By creating an empty `DataSet` object and manually adding counts corresponding to operation sequences. Remember that the `add_`*xxx* methods must be used to add data for operation sequences not yet in the `DataSet`. Once the data is added, be sure to call `done_adding_data`, as this restructures the internal storage of the `DataSet` to optimize the access operations used by algorithms. # * By loading from a text-format dataset file via `pygsti.io.read_dataset`. The result is a ready-to-use-in-algorithms *static* `DataSet`, so there's no need to call `done_adding_data` this time. # * By using a `Model` to generate "fake" data via `generate_fake_data`. This can be useful for doing simulations of GST, and comparing to your experimental results. # # We do each of these in turn in the cells below. # In[ ]: #1) Creating a data set from scratch # Note that tuples may be used in lieu of OpString objects ds1 = pygsti.data.DataSet(outcome_labels=['0','1']) ds1.add_count_dict( ('Gx',), {'0': 10, '1': 90} ) ds1.add_count_dict( ('Gx','Gy'), {'0': 40, '1': 60} ) ds1[('Gy',)] = {'0': 10, '1': 90} # dictionary assignment #Modify existing data using dictionary-like access ds1[('Gx',)]['0'] = 15 ds1[('Gx',)]['1'] = 85 #OpString objects can be used. mdl = pygsti.circuits.Circuit( ('Gx','Gy')) ds1[mdl]['0'] = 45 ds1[mdl]['1'] = 55 ds1.done_adding_data() # In[ ]: #2) By creating and loading a text-format dataset file. The first # row is a directive which specifies what the columns (after the # first one) holds. Note that "0" and "1" in are the # SPAM labels and must match those of any Model used in # conjuction with this DataSet. dataset_txt = \ """## Columns = 0 count, 1 count {}@(0) 0 100 Gxpi2:0@(0) 10 90 Gxpi2:0Gypi2:0@(0) 40 60 Gxpi2:0^4@(0) 20 90 """ with open("../tutorial_files/Example_TinyDataset.txt","w") as tinydataset: tinydataset.write(dataset_txt) ds2 = pygsti.io.read_dataset("../tutorial_files/Example_TinyDataset.txt") # In[ ]: #3) By generating fake data (using the std1Q_XYI standard model module) from pygsti.modelpacks import smq1Q_XYI #Depolarize the perfect X,Y,I model depol_gateset = smq1Q_XYI.target_model().depolarize(op_noise=0.1) #Compute the sequences needed to perform Long Sequence GST on # this Model with sequences up to lenth 128 exp_design = smq1Q_XYI.create_gst_experiment_design(max_max_length=128) circuit_list = exp_design.all_circuits_needing_data #Generate fake data (Tutorial 00) ds3 = pygsti.data.simulate_data(depol_gateset, circuit_list, num_samples=1000, sample_error='binomial', seed=100) ds3b = pygsti.data.simulate_data(depol_gateset, circuit_list, num_samples=50, sample_error='binomial', seed=100) #Package the ds3 and ds3b datasets together with their experiment design # and save to disk for later tutorials to use for protocols pygsti.protocols.ProtocolData(exp_design, ds3).write("../tutorial_files/Example_GST_Data") pygsti.protocols.ProtocolData(exp_design, ds3b).write("../tutorial_files/Example_GST_Data_LowCnts") #Also write the dataset files separately pygsti.io.write_dataset("../tutorial_files/Example_Dataset.txt", ds3, outcome_label_order=['0','1']) pygsti.io.write_dataset("../tutorial_files/Example_Dataset_LowCnts.txt", ds3b) # ## Viewing `DataSets` # In[ ]: #It's easy to just print them: print("Dataset1:\n",ds1) print("Dataset2:\n",ds2) print("Dataset3 is too big to print, so here it is truncated to Dataset2's strings\n", ds3.truncate(ds2.keys())) # **Note that the outcome labels `'0'` and `'1'` appear as `('0',)` and `('1',)`**. This is because outcome labels in pyGSTi are tuples of time-ordered instrument element (see the [intermediate measurements tutorial](advanced/Instruments.ipynb)) and POVM effect labels. In the special but common case when there are no intermediate measurements, the outcome label is a 1-tuple of just the final POVM effect label. In this case, one may use the effect label itself (e.g. `'0'` or `'1'`) in place of the 1-tuple in almost all contexts, as it is automatically converted to the 1-tuple (e.g. `('0',)` or `('1',)`) internally. When printing, however, the 1-tuple is still displayed to remind the user of the more general structure contained in the `DataSet`. # ## Iteration over data sets # In[ ]: # A DataSet's keys() method returns a generator of OpString objects ds1.keys() # In[ ]: # There are many ways to iterate over a DataSet. Here's one: for circuit in ds1.keys(): dsRow = ds1[circuit] for spamlabel in dsRow.counts.keys(): print("Circuit = %s, SPAM label = %s, count = %d" % \ (repr(circuit).ljust(13), str(spamlabel).ljust(7), dsRow[spamlabel])) # ## Advanced features of data sets # # ### `collision_action` argument # When creating a `DataSet` one may specify the `collision_action` argument as either `"aggregate"` (the default) or `"keepseparate"`. The former instructs the `DataSet` to simply add the counts of like outcomes when counts are added for an already existing gate sequence. `"keepseparate"`, on the other hand, causes the `DataSet` to tag added count data by appending a fictitious `"#"` operation label to a gate sequence that already exists, where `` is an integer. When retreiving the keys of a `keepseparate` data set, the `stripOccuranceTags` argument to `keys()` determines whether the `"#"` labels are included in the output (if they're not - the default - duplicate keys may be returned). Access to different occurances of the same data are provided via the `occurrance` argument of the `get_row` and `set_row` functions, which should be used instead of the usual bracket indexing. # In[ ]: ds_agg = pygsti.data.DataSet(outcome_labels=['0','1'], collision_action="aggregate") #the default ds_agg.add_count_dict( ('Gx','Gy'), {'0': 10, '1': 90} ) ds_agg.add_count_dict( ('Gx','Gy'), {'0': 40, '1': 60} ) print("Aggregate-mode Dataset:\n",ds_agg) ds_sep = pygsti.data.DataSet(outcome_labels=['0','1'], collision_action="keepseparate") ds_sep.add_count_dict( ('Gx','Gy'), {'0': 10, '1': 90} ) ds_sep.add_count_dict( ('Gx','Gy'), {'0': 40, '1': 60} ) print("Keepseparate-mode Dataset:\n",ds_sep) # ## Related topics # This concludes our overview of `DataSet` objects. Here are a couple of related topics we didn't touch on that might be of interest: # - the ability of a `DataSet` to store **time-dependent data** (in addition to the count data described above) is covered in the [timestamped data tutorial](advanced/TimestampedDataSets.ipynb). # - the `MultiDataSet` object, which is similar to a dictionary of `DataSets` is described in the [MultiDataSet tutorial](advanced/MultiDataSet.ipynb). `MultiDataSet` objects are useful when you have several data sets containing outcomes for the *same* set of circuits, like when you do multiple passes of the same experimental procedure. # In[ ]: