// Use ctrl+enter to run the cell val salaries = Seq(20000, 70000, 40000) val doubleSalary = (x: Int) => x * 2 val newSalaries = salaries.map(doubleSalary) salaries.map(x => x *3) case class Person(name: String, age: Int) val alice = Person("alice", 42) val bob = Person("bob", 43) Seq(alice, bob).map(_.name.capitalize) "I'm a code cell, evaluate me!" println("I'm so effectful!") "I'm smaller, but you can still evaluate me." interp.repositories() ++= Seq(coursier.maven.MavenRepository("https://jitpack.io")) import $ivy.`org.apache.spark::spark-sql:2.4.3` // Or use any other 2.x version here import $ivy.`sh.almond::almond-spark:0.5.0` import org.apache.spark.sql._, org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} Logger.getLogger("org").setLevel(Level.OFF) val spark = { NotebookSparkSession.builder() .progress(false) .master("local[*]") .getOrCreate() } def sc = spark.sparkContext import spark.implicits._ import $file.SparkHelpers, SparkHelpers._ val titanic = spark.read .format("csv") .option("inferSchema", "true").option("header", "true") .load("titanic.csv") titanic.showHTML() import $ivy.`org.vegas-viz::vegas-spark:0.3.12-SNAPSHOT` import vegas._, vegas.data.External._, vegas.sparkExt._ Vegas(). withDataFrame(titanic). mark(vegas.Bar). encodeY("*", aggregate=AggOps.Count, axis=vegas.Axis(title="Number of People", grid=false)). encodeColumn("Pclass", Ord, scale=Scale(padding=16.0), axis=vegas.Axis(orient=Orient.Bottom, axisWidth=1.0, offset= -8.0)). encodeX("Survived", Nominal, scale=Scale(bandSize = 20.0), hideAxis=true). encodeColor("Survived", Nominal, scale=Scale(rangeNominals=List("red", "green"))). configFacet(cell=CellConfig(strokeWidth = 0)).configCell(height=400).show import $ivy.`org.plotly-scala::plotly-almond:0.7.0` import plotly._, plotly.element._, plotly.layout._, plotly.Almond._ val trace1 = plotly.Bar( Seq("giraffes", "orangutans", "monkeys"), Seq(20, 14, 23), name = "SF Zoo" ) val trace2 = plotly.Bar( Seq("giraffes", "orangutans", "monkeys"), Seq(15, 18, 29), name = "LA Zoo" ) val data = Seq(trace1, trace2) val layout = Layout(barmode = BarMode.Group) plot(data, layout) import $ivy.`io.github.stanch::reftree:1.4.0` import reftree.render._, reftree.diagram._, reftree.contrib.SimplifiedInstances.string case class Person(name: String, age: Int) val people = List(Person("Alice", 29), Person("Bob", 25)) val renderer = Renderer(renderingOptions = RenderingOptions(density = 80)) renderer.render("example", Diagram.sourceCodeCaption(people)) Image.fromFile("example.png") import $ivy.`org.typelevel::squants:1.4.0` import squants.energy.Kilowatts, squants.time.Hours val load = Kilowatts(1.2) val time = Hours(2) val energyUsed = load * time Seq.fill(3)(Seq.fill(5)(f"${scala.util.Random.nextFloat}%1.4f")) import $ivy.`org.typelevel::squants:` // put the cursor after the last colon and press shift, select 1.4.0 Seq("alice", "bob", "charlie").map(name => name.) // put the cursor after name. and press shift, select capitalize // Run the cell, then put the cursor on map and press shift+tab multiple times until you get a type hint at the bottom // Click on the link int the type hint for a metabrowse window repl.history.takeRight(3).toList interp.repositories().last import almond.display._ Html("Some bold text") Svg(""" """) Image.from(url = "http://localhost:8888/static/base/images/logo.png") Latex("""$$e^x=\sum_{i=0}^\infty \frac{1}{i!}x^i$$""") Javascript("alert('Hello')") // JS execution is restricted in newer frontends val handle = ProgressBar(10,100) .withHtmlWidth("100%") .withLabel("Overall Progress") for {i <- 1 to 100} { handle.withProgress(i).update() Thread.sleep(30) } val result = Input().withPrompt(">>> ").request() import scala.concurrent.Future implicit val ec = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.global val f = Future { Thread.sleep(10000) "finished" } val v = "a val" var x = "a var that we'll update" var y = "another var" x = "updated x" def randomEmoji()(implicit kernel: almond.api.JupyterApi): Unit = { val emoji = Character.toChars(scala.util.Random.nextInt(0x1F64F - 0x1F600) + 0x1F600).mkString kernel.publish.html(s"""


""")} // import $ivy.`my:library:1.0` randomEmoji()