#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #
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# In[1]: from IPython.core.display import HTML HTML('') # In[2]: import urllib response = urllib.request.urlopen("https://gist.githubusercontent.com/sgttwld/9deff60facb16918e54410cca3d65648/raw") css = str(response.read().decode("utf-8")) HTML("") # In[3]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('config', "InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'") # In[4]: # imports import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf from RD_BA import BA from RD_GD import GD from RD_MA import MA, MA_iter # In[5]: # plot settings sns.reset_defaults() sns.set( rc={ 'figure.figsize': (7,3), 'axes.titlesize': 10, 'axes.labelsize': 10, 'legend.fontsize': 9, 'xtick.labelsize': 8, 'ytick.labelsize': 8, 'axes.spines.top': False, 'axes.spines.right': False, }, style="white" ) # In[6]: def get_source(num): return tf.constant( np.random.beta(a=2,b=2,size=(num)) ) # In[7]: def legend_string(r): return ['beta={}\nN={}\n{} iterations\n{:.2f} seconds'.format( r['beta'],len(r['xhat']),r['episodes'],r['elapsed'])] # In[8]: # parameters beta = 15.0 num = 5000 # # Rate-distortion: _Blahut-Arimoto_ vs. _gradient descent_ vs. _mapping approach_ # Consider a continuous source $X$, for example distributed according to a beta distribution: # In[9]: # source X = get_source(num) ax = pd.DataFrame(X).plot.hist(bins=20,title='Source frequency') ax.legend([r'X ~ Beta(2,2)']) plt.show() # Below we compare three algorithms that are designed to find the minimum of the rate-distortion # Lagrangian (a.k.a. _free energy_) # $$ # F_{RD}(q(\hat X|X)) := \mathbb E[d(X,\hat X)] + \tfrac{1}{\beta} \, I(X;\hat X) # $$ # with respect to conditional distributions $q(\hat X|X)$, where $d$ denotes a distortion # function (e.g. the squared distance $d(s,t) = (s-t)^2$, which is chosen in the simulations below), and # $$ # I(X;\hat X) = \mathbb E_X [D_{KL}(q(\hat X|X)\| \mathbb E_X[q(\hat X|X)])] # $$ # is the mutual information between the source $X$ and the reconstruction $\hat X$. All three algorithms # make use of the fact that the rate-distortion Lagrangian $F_{RD}$ can be written as the optimum # $$ # F_{RD}(q(\hat X|X)) = \min_{q(\hat X)} F^{aux}_{RD}(q(\hat X|X), q(\hat X)) # $$ # where the auxiliary Lagrangian is defined as # $$ # F^{aux}_{RD}(q(\hat X|X), q(\hat X)):= \mathbb E[d(X,\hat X)] + \tfrac{1}{\beta} \, \mathbb E_X [D_{KL}(q(\hat X|X)\| q(\hat X))] , # $$ # since the optimal reconstruction distribution $q^\ast(\hat X)$ is simply given by the marginal # $\mathbb E_X[q(\hat X|X)],$ and by construction we have # $F_{RD}(\, \cdot \, ) = F^{aux}_{RD}(\, \cdot \, ,\mathbb E_X[q(\hat X|X)])$. # ## 1. Blahut-Arimoto ([RD_BA.py](https://github.com/sgttwld/rate-distortion/blob/master/RD_BA.py)) # When the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm is applied to rate-distortion, the auxiliary Lagrangian $F^{aux}_{RD}$ is optimized alternatingly with respect to $q(\hat X|X)$ and $q(\hat X)$ by iterating the closed-form solutions # $$ # q^\ast(\hat X|X=x) = \frac{1}{Z(x)} q(\hat X) \, e^{-\beta d(x,\hat X)} \ , \ \ # q^\ast(\hat X) = \mathbb E_X[q(\hat X|X)] # $$ # where $Z(x) := \mathbb E_{q(\hat X)}[e^{-\beta d(x,\hat X)}]$. # # This is often done by __discretizing the range of $X$__ (here the interval $[0,1]$) __into $N$ fixed parts__, so that $\hat X$ has finite range (one value for each interval) and its probability distribution can be represented by an $N$-dimensional probability vector. The Blahut-Arimoto algorithm then iterates between (i) calculating the Boltzmann distribution $q^\ast(\hat X|X=x)$ for each sample $x$, and (ii) averaging the results over all samples in the dataset to obtain $q(\hat X)$. # In[10]: # Blahut-Arimoto r = BA(X,beta,N=40) ax = pd.DataFrame(r['q']).plot.bar(title=r'Distribution of reconstruction $\hat{X}$',rot=0) ax.legend(legend_string(r)) xticks = np.arange(0,len(r['q']),8) plt.xticks(xticks,np.round(r['xhat'],2)[xticks]) plt.show() # ## 2. Gradient descent ([RD_GD.py](https://github.com/sgttwld/rate-distortion/blob/master/RD_GD.py)) # Here, we use that evaluating the auxiliary free energy $F^{aux}_{RD}$ at the Boltzmann distribution # $q^\ast(\hat X|X)$ results in # $$ # F_{GD}(q(\hat X)) := F^{aux}_{RD}(q^\ast(\hat{X}|X), q(\hat{X})) # = -\frac{1}{\beta}\mathbb{E}_X \Big[ \log \mathbb E_{q(\hat{X})} [e^{-\beta d(X,\hat{X})}] \Big]. # $$ # which can be optimized with respect to $q(\hat{X})$ by using gradient descent. In particular, exactly as in # the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm, we __discretize the range of $X$ into $N$ fixed chunks__, which transforms the # infinite-dimensional optimization problem over distributions $q(\hat{X})$ into an $N$-dimensional optimization # problem over probability vectors. # In[11]: r = GD(X,beta,N=40) ax = pd.DataFrame(r['q']).plot.bar(title=r'Distribution of reconstruction $\hat{X}$',rot=0) ax.legend(legend_string(r)) xticks = np.arange(0,len(r['q']),8) plt.xticks(xticks,np.round(r['xhat'],2)[xticks]) plt.show() # Note that the above results imply that for our choice of $\beta=15$ the optimal reconstruction has support on only two elements (which are located such that the average distortion is minimized). By increasing $\beta$, there will be several phase transitions where more and more reconstruction points are added. However, __due to the fixed discretization of the range of $X$, the exact support and shape of $q(\hat X)$ can only be approximated__. This issue is resolved by the following approach. # ## 3. Mapping approach ([RD_MA.py](https://github.com/sgttwld/rate-distortion/blob/master/RD_MA.py)) # # The [mapping approach](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/340468) to # rate-distortion makes use of the Borel isomorphism theorem, which allows to replace the expectation with respect to $q(\hat{X})$ by integration over $u\in [0,1]$ (with respect to the Lebesgue measure) and where # the value of $\hat X$ is replaced by the value $y(u)$ of some mapping $y:[0,1]\to \mathrm{ran}(X)$, i.e. # $$ # \mathbb E_{q(\hat X)}[f(\hat X)] = \int_0^1 f(y(u)) du # $$ # for any measurable function $f$. Applied to the minimization of the Lagrangian $F_{GD}$ above, this allows # to replace the optimization of $F_{GD}$ with respect to $q(\hat X)$ by the optimization of # $$ # F_{M}(y) := -\frac{1}{\beta}\mathbb{E}_X \Big[ \log \int_0^1 e^{-\beta d(X,y(u))} du \Big] # $$ # with respect to the mappings $y:[0,1]\to \mathrm{ran}(X)$. # # Instead of discretizing the range of $X$, we can now __discretize the domain of $y$__, so that the optimization # is over the values $y_i := y(b_i)$ where $(b_i)_{i=1}^N$ are the fixed representatives for each chunk of the # discretization of $[0,1]$. Note that the difference to the other approaches boils down to how the expectation # with respect to $q(\hat X)$ is calculated from an $N$-dimensional vector, # $$ # \underbrace{\sum_{i=1}^N q_i e^{-\beta d(X,\hat x_i)}}_{\text{1. and 2. above}} \ \ vs. \ \ \underbrace{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N e^{-\beta d(X,y_i)}}_{\text{mapping approach}} # $$ # where $\{\hat x_i\}_{i=1}^N$ is the fixed finite range of $\hat X$ and $q_i:=q(\hat x_i)$ are the optimization # variables in the above approaches, whereas $y_i = y(b_i)$ are the optimization variables in the mapping # approach. In particular, here the __possible values of the reconstruction $\hat X$ can perfectly adapt to the # source $X$__, whereas in the other approaches the possible values are fixed by the discretization. We have implemented two different variants of the mapping approach: # __Direct optimization.__ Here we optimize the discretized version of $F_M$, # $$ # F^{disc}_M(y) := - \frac{1}{\beta} \mathbb E_X\Big[ \log \sum_{i=1}^N e^{-\beta d(X,y_i)} \Big] , # $$ # directly with respect to $y=(y_i)_{i=1}^N$ using gradient descent. # In[12]: r = MA(X,beta,N=10) ax = pd.DataFrame(r['xhat']).plot.hist(bins=100,range=(0,1),title=r'Frequency of $y_i$') ax.legend(legend_string(r)) plt.xlim([0,1]) plt.show() # __Iterative optimization.__ This variant is similar to the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm above, in that it makes use of the fact that the discretized version of $F_M(y)$ can be written as # $$ # F^{disc}_M(y) = \min_{q(I|X)} F^{aux}_M(y,q(I|X)) # $$ # with the auxiliary Lagrangian (see e.g. [Gottwald, Braun 2020](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.11763)) # $$ # F^{aux}_M(y,q(I|x)) := \mathbb E_{X} \Big[ \mathbb E_{q(I|X)}[d(X,y_I)] + \tfrac{1}{\beta} D_{KL}(q(I|X)\|\tfrac{1}{N})\Big]. # $$ # Minimizing $F'_{aux}$ separately in each argument yields the closed-form solutions # $$ # q^\ast(I|X=x) = \frac{e^{-\beta d(x,y_i)}}{\sum_j e^{-\beta d(x,y_j)}} \ , \ \ y^\ast_i = E[X|I{=}i] = \frac{\mathbb E_X[X q(i|X)]}{E_X[q(i|X)]} # $$ # where the solution for $y^\ast$ is only valid for Bregman distortion measures (see e.g. # [Banerjee 2005](https://ecommons.cornell.edu/bitstream/handle/1813/9264/TR001387.pdf?sequence=1)). Iterating these # equation yields an algorithm similar to the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm, which will have performance characteristics that # are different from the direct optimization above. # In[13]: # Mapping approach (iterative algorithm) r = MA_iter(X,beta,N=10) ax = pd.DataFrame(r['xhat']).plot.hist(bins=100,range=(0,1),title=r'Frequency of $y_i$') ax.legend(legend_string(r)) plt.xlim([0,1]) plt.show() #
Sebastian Gottwald