#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

OpenSees Examples Manual Examples for OpenSeesPy


OpenSees Example 1b. Elastic Portal Frame -- Static Pushover


# # You can find the original Examples:
# https://opensees.berkeley.edu/wiki/index.php/Examples_Manual
# Original Examples by By Silvia Mazzoni & Frank McKenna, 2006, in Tcl
# Converted to OpenSeesPy by SilviaMazzoni, 2020

# #

Simulation Process

# # Each example script does the following: #

A. Build the model

  1. model dimensions and degrees-of-freedom
  2. #
  3. nodal coordinates
  4. #
  5. nodal constraints -- boundary conditions
  6. #
  7. nodal masses
  8. #
  9. elements and element connectivity
  10. #
  11. recorders for output
  12. #

B. Define & apply gravity load

  1. nodal or element load
  2. #
  3. static-analysis parameters (tolerances & load increments)
  4. #
  5. analyze
  6. #
  7. hold gravity loads constant
  8. #
  9. reset time to zero
  10. #

C. Define and apply lateral load

  • Time Series and Load Pattern (nodal loads for static analysis, support ground motion for earthquake)
  • #
  • lateral-analysis parameters (tolerances and displacement/time increments)
  • # Static Lateral-Load Analysis #
  • define the displacement increments and displacement path
  • # Dynamic Lateral-Load Analysis #
  • define the input motion and all associated parameters, such as scaling and input type
  • #
  • define analysis duration and time increment
  • #
  • define damping
  • #
  • analyze
  • #

    # # Introductory Examples # The objective of Example 1a and Example 1b is to give an overview of input-file format in OpenSees using simple scripts. # These scripts do not take advantage of the Tcl scripting capabilities shown in the later examples. However, they do provide starting a place where the input file is similar to that of more familiar Finite-Element Analysis software. Subsequent examples should be used as the basis for user input files. # #

    OpenSees Example 1b.
    # 2D Elastic Portal Frame -- Static Pushover

    # Introduction # # Objectives of Example 1b # - Two element types
    # - Distributed element loads
    # # # In[1]: ############################################################ # EXAMPLE: # pyEx1b.Portal2D.Push.tcl.py # for OpenSeesPy # --------------------------------------------------------# # by: Silvia Mazzoni, 2020 # silviamazzoni@yahoo.com ############################################################ # configure Python workspace import openseespy.opensees as ops import eSEESminiPy import os import math import numpy as numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ops.wipe() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Example 1. portal frame in 2D # static pushover analysis of Portal Frame, with gravity. # all units are in kip, inch, second # elasticBeamColumn ELEMENT # Silvia Mazzoni and Frank McKenna, 2006 # # ^Y # or # 3_________(3)________4 __ # or | | # or | | # or | | # (1) (2) LCol # or | | # or | | # or | | # =1= =2= _or_ -------->X # or----------LBeam------------| # # SET UP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ops.wipe() # clear opensees model ops.model('basic','-ndm',2,'-ndf',3) # 2 dimensions, 3 dof per node if not os.path.exists('Data'): os.mkdir('Data') # define GEOMETRY ------------------------------------------------------------- # nodal coordinates: ops.node(1,0,0) # node , X Y ops.node(2,504,0) ops.node(3,0,432) ops.node(4,504,432) # Single point constraints -- Boundary Conditions ops.fix(1,1,1,1) # node DX DY RZ ops.fix(2,1,1,1) # node DX DY RZ ops.fix(3,0,0,0) ops.fix(4,0,0,0) # nodal masses: ops.mass(3,5.18,0.,0.) # node , Mx My Mz, Mass=Weight/g. ops.mass(4,5.18,0.,0.) # Define ELEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------- # define geometric transformation: performs a linear geometric transformation of beam stiffness and resisting force from the basic system to the global-coordinate system ops.geomTransf('Linear',1) # associate a tag to transformation # connectivity: (make A very large, 10e6 times its actual value) ops.element('elasticBeamColumn',1,1,3,3600000000,4227,1080000,1) # element elasticBeamColumn eleTag iNode jNode A E Iz transfTag ops.element('elasticBeamColumn',2,2,4,3600000000,4227,1080000,1) ops.element('elasticBeamColumn',3,3,4,5760000000,4227,4423680,1) # Define RECORDERS ------------------------------------------------------------- ops.recorder('Node','-file','Data/DFreeEx1bPush.out','-time','-node',3,4,'-dof',1,2,3,'disp') # displacements of free nodes ops.recorder('Node','-file','Data/DBaseEx1bPush.out','-time','-node',1,2,'-dof',1,2,3,'disp') # displacements of support nodes ops.recorder('Node','-file','Data/RBaseEx1bPush.out','-time','-node',1,2,'-dof',1,2,3,'reaction') # support reaction ops.recorder('Element','-file','Data/FColEx1bPush.out','-time','-ele',1,2,'globalForce') # element forces -- column ops.recorder('Element','-file','Data/FBeamEx1bPush.out','-time','-ele',3,'globalForce') # element forces -- beam # define GRAVITY ------------------------------------------------------------- ops.timeSeries('Linear',1) # timeSeries Linear 1; # define Load Pattern ops.pattern('Plain',1,1) # ops.eleLoad('-ele',3,'-type','-beamUniform',-7.94) # distributed superstructure-weight on beam ops.wipeAnalysis() # adding this to clear Analysis module ops.constraints('Plain') # how it handles boundary conditions ops.numberer('Plain') # renumber dofs to minimize band-width (optimization), if you want to ops.system('BandGeneral') # how to store and solve the system of equations in the analysis ops.test('NormDispIncr',1.0e-8,6) # determine if convergence has been achieved at the end of an iteration step ops.algorithm('Newton') # use Newtons solution algorithm: updates tangent stiffness at every iteration ops.integrator('LoadControl',0.1) # determine the next time step for an analysis, apply gravity in 10 steps ops.analysis('Static') # define type of analysis static or transient ops.analyze(10) # perform gravity analysis ops.loadConst('-time',0.0) # hold gravity constant and restart time # define LATERAL load ------------------------------------------------------------- # Lateral load pattern ops.timeSeries('Linear',2) # timeSeries Linear 2; # define Load Pattern ops.pattern('Plain',2,2) # ops.load(3,2000.,0.0,0.0) # node , FX FY MZ -- representative lateral load at top nodes ops.load(4,2000.,0.0,0.0) # place 1/2 of the weight for each node to get shear coefficient # pushover: diplacement controlled static analysis ops.integrator('DisplacementControl',3,1,0.1) # switch to displacement control, for node 11, dof 1, 0.1 increment ops.analyze(100) # apply 100 steps of pushover analysis to a displacement of 10 print('Done!') # In[2]: eSEESminiPy.drawModel() # In[3]: # plot deformed shape at end of analysis (it may have returned to rest) # amplify the deformtions by 5 eSEESminiPy.drawDeformedShape(5) # In[4]: ops.wipe() # the wipe command here closes all recorder files plt.close('all') fname3 = 'Data/DFreeEx1bPush.out' dataDFree = numpy.loadtxt(fname3) plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Ex1b.Portal2D.Push.tcl') plt.grid(True) plt.plot(dataDFree[:,1]) plt.xlabel('Step Number') plt.ylabel('Free-Node Displacement') plt.subplot(212) plt.grid(True) plt.plot(dataDFree[:,1],dataDFree[:,0]) plt.xlabel('Free-Node Disp.') plt.ylabel('Pseudo-Time (~Force)') print('End of Run: pyEx1b.Portal2D.Push.tcl.py')