# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
!pip install --quiet lucid==0.0.5
!npm install -g svelte-cli@2.2.0
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import lucid.modelzoo.vision_models as models
from lucid.misc.io import show
import lucid.optvis.objectives as objectives
import lucid.optvis.param as param
import lucid.optvis.render as render
import lucid.optvis.transform as transform
from lucid.misc.io import show, load
from lucid.misc.io.reading import read
from lucid.misc.io.showing import _image_url, _display_html
import lucid.scratch.web.svelte as lucid_svelte
model = models.InceptionV1()
%%html_define_svelte ChannelAttrWidget
%%html_define_svelte BarsWidget
layer_spritemap_sizes = {
'mixed3a' : 16,
'mixed3b' : 21,
'mixed4a' : 22,
'mixed4b' : 22,
'mixed4c' : 22,
'mixed4d' : 22,
'mixed4e' : 28,
'mixed5a' : 28,
def googlenet_spritemap(layer):
assert layer in layer_spritemap_sizes
size = layer_spritemap_sizes[layer]
url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/lucid-static/building-blocks/googlenet_spritemaps/sprite_%s_channel_alpha.jpeg" % layer
return size, url
def score_f(logit, name):
if name is None:
return 0
elif name == "logsumexp":
base = tf.reduce_max(logit)
return base + tf.log(tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(logit-base)))
elif name in model.labels:
return logit[model.labels.index(name)]
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported")
def channel_attr_simple(img, layer, class1, class2, n_show=4):
# Set up a graph for doing attribution...
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
t_input = tf.placeholder_with_default(img, [None, None, 3])
T = render.import_model(model, t_input, t_input)
# Compute activations
acts = T(layer).eval()
# Compute gradient
logit = T("softmax2_pre_activation")[0]
score = score_f(logit, class1) - score_f(logit, class2)
t_grad = tf.gradients([score], [T(layer)])[0]
grad = t_grad.eval()
# Let's do a very simple linear approximation attribution.
# That is, we say the attribution of y to x is
# the rate at which x changes y times the value of x.
attr = (grad*acts)[0]
# Then we reduce down to channels.
channel_attr = attr.sum(0).sum(0)
# Now we just need to present the results.
# Get spritemaps
spritemap_n, spritemap_url = googlenet_spritemap(layer)
# Let's show the distribution of attributions
print "Distribution of attribution accross channels:"
print ""
lucid_svelte.BarsWidget({"vals" : [float(v) for v in np.sort(channel_attr)[::-1]]})
# Let's pick the most extreme channels to show
ns_pos = list(np.argsort(-channel_attr)[:n_show])
ns_neg = list(np.argsort(channel_attr)[:n_show][::-1])
# ... and show them with ChannelAttrWidget
print ""
print "Top", n_show, "channels in each direction:"
print ""
"spritemap_url": spritemap_url,
"sprite_size": 110,
"sprite_n_wrap": spritemap_n,
"attrsPos": [{"n": n, "v": str(float(channel_attr[n]))[:5]} for n in ns_pos],
"attrsNeg": [{"n": n, "v": str(float(channel_attr[n]))[:5]} for n in ns_neg]
img = load("https://storage.googleapis.com/lucid-static/building-blocks/examples/dog_cat.png")
channel_attr_simple(img, "mixed4d", "Labrador retriever", "tiger cat", n_show=3)
img = load("https://storage.googleapis.com/lucid-static/building-blocks/examples/flowers.png")
channel_attr_simple(img, "mixed4d", "vase", "lemon", n_show=3)
img = load("https://storage.googleapis.com/lucid-static/building-blocks/examples/sunglasses_tux.png")
channel_attr_simple(img, "mixed4d", "bow tie", "sunglasses", n_show=3)
img = load("https://storage.googleapis.com/lucid-static/building-blocks/examples/dog_cat.png")
channel_attr_simple(img, "mixed4d", "Labrador retriever", "tiger cat", n_show=30)
def channel_attr_path(img, layer, class1, class2, n_show=4, stochastic_path=False, N = 100):
# Set up a graph for doing attribution...
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
t_input = tf.placeholder_with_default(img, [None, None, 3])
T = render.import_model(model, t_input, t_input)
# Compute activations
acts = T(layer).eval()
# Compute gradient
logit = T("softmax2_pre_activation")[0]
score = score_f(logit, class1) - score_f(logit, class2)
t_grad = tf.gradients([score], [T(layer)])[0]
# Inegrate on a path from acts=0 to acts=acts
attr = np.zeros(acts.shape[1:])
for n in range(N):
acts_ = acts * float(n) / N
if stochastic_path:
acts_ *= (np.random.uniform(0, 1, [528])+np.random.uniform(0, 1, [528]))/1.5
grad = t_grad.eval({T(layer): acts_})
attr += 1.0 / N * (grad*acts)[0]
# Then we reduce down to channels.
channel_attr = attr.sum(0).sum(0)
# Now we just need to present the results.
# Get spritemaps
spritemap_n, spritemap_url = googlenet_spritemap(layer)
# Let's show the distribution of attributions
print "Distribution of attribution accross channels:"
print ""
lucid_svelte.BarsWidget({"vals" : [float(v) for v in np.sort(channel_attr)[::-1]]})
# Let's pick the most extreme channels to show
ns_pos = list(np.argsort(-channel_attr)[:n_show])
ns_neg = list(np.argsort(channel_attr)[:n_show][::-1])
# ... and show them with ChannelAttrWidget
print ""
print "Top", n_show, "channels in each direction:"
print ""
"spritemap_url": spritemap_url,
"sprite_size": 110,
"sprite_n_wrap": spritemap_n,
"attrsPos": [{"n": n, "v": str(float(channel_attr[n]))[:5]} for n in ns_pos],
"attrsNeg": [{"n": n, "v": str(float(channel_attr[n]))[:5]} for n in ns_neg]
def compare_attr_methods(img, class1, class2):
_display_html("Linear Attribution
channel_attr_simple(img, "mixed4d", class1, class2, n_show=10)
Path Integrated Attribution
channel_attr_path(img, "mixed4d", class1, class2, n_show=10)
Stochastic Path Integrated Attribution
channel_attr_path(img, "mixed4d", class1, class2, n_show=10, stochastic_path=True)
img = load("https://storage.googleapis.com/lucid-static/building-blocks/examples/dog_cat.png")
compare_attr_methods(img, "Labrador retriever", "tiger cat")
img = load("https://storage.googleapis.com/lucid-static/building-blocks/examples/flowers.png")
compare_attr_methods(img, "vase", "lemon")
img = load("https://storage.googleapis.com/lucid-static/building-blocks/examples/pig.jpeg")
compare_attr_methods(img, "hog", "dalmatian")