#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # To start a project, press the button ▶︎****|**** (or Shift+Enter), paying attention to the cursor: it has to be in the cell below. # # Projects you can choose: # # * **basic** [documented in the *Reference Handbook*, at [https://github.com/terna/SLAPP](https://github.com/terna/SLAPP)] # * **basic2classes** [documented in the *Reference Handbook*, at [https://github.com/terna/SLAPP](https://github.com/terna/SLAPP)] # * **debug** [documented in the *Reference Handbook*, at [https://github.com/terna/SLAPP](https://github.com/terna/SLAPP)] # * **production** [documented in [Boero et al.](http://www.palgrave.com/it/book/9781137339805) (2015) book] # * **oligopoly** [documented at [https://github.com/terna/oligopoly](https://github.com/terna/oligopoly)] # * we have also the **school** project [documented in [Boero et al.](http://www.palgrave.com/it/book/9781137339805) (2015) book], but on line it runs without the graphic part (*turtle* based) # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('run', 'runShell.py') # - To launch a new projet use again the ▶︎****|**** button (or Shift+Enter), but only after restarting the kernel with the ⟳ button. Choosing **Kernel/Restart & Clear Output** you also have a clean restart. # # # - Please, do not close this window before having choosen *File/Close and Halt* in the Menu and having hit *Logout*. # # # - A few memos: (i) with **New/Terminal** from the entry online page, you can directly work with your virtual machine (with a *bash* shell in an Ubuntu environment); (ii) opening a .txt or .py file via the entry online page of Jupyter, you can edit and save it; (iii) the button **Upload** in the entry online page allows you to upload files; (iv) outside the Jupiter connection, you can also *ssh* to your account, as *yourUserName@slapp-online.net*, using your password. # # # - With **Cell/All Output/Toggle Scrolling** you can see the output of the simulation in a scrolling window or in a plain one. # # # - **Warning**: to start a new project or to modify an existing one, please create a new folder within the folder "**6 objectSwarmObserverAgents_AESOP_turtleLib_NetworkX**". In case, pay attention to use a new name: the content of the folders which by default are reported in SLAPP, is renewed each time the shell is updated by the system administrator.