#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: try: import IPython except: get_ipython().system('pip install IPython') import IPython from IPython.core.display import HTML HTML("""""") # # Creating a John Ruskin StoryMap Visualisation using Linked Art # # This notebook demonstrates how a StoryMap visualisation of John Ruskin's artworks can be created using: # - collections data transformed to Linked Art # - a script to transform the Linked Art JSON-LD representation to a JSON input file # - the KnightLab visualisation service # # # # # #### Further Reading # # - [KnightLab visualisation service](https://knightlab.northwestern.edu/) # - [KnightLab StoryMap visualisation service](https://storymap.knightlab.com/) # - [Linked Art JSON-LD files for John Ruskin](./data/ruskin/output/json/) # # # # # ## Create JSON input file for StoryMap # # The process to create the visualisation: # - iterate over Linked Art JSON-LD files for John Ruskin # - create JSON file that conformed to requirements for the StoryMap visualisation. The required JSON format is [described here](https://storymap.knightlab.com/advanced/#json-syntax). # # Example of JSON requirement is shown here: #
# {
#     width: integer,                    // required for embed tool; width of StoryMap
#     height: integer,                   // required for embed tool; height of StoryMap
#     font_css: string,                  // optional; font set for UI controls/messages
#     calculate_zoom: true,              // optional; defaults to true *unless* map_as_image is true.
#     storymap: {
#         language: string,              // required; two-letter ISO language code
#         map_type: "zoomify",           // required
#         map_as_image: boolean,         // required; omit connecting lines between slide locations
#         map_background_color:  string, // optional; hexadecimal color value for map background
#         zoomify: {
#             path: string,              // required; URL path to zoomable image folder
#             width: integer,            // required; maximum width of image
#             height: integer,           // required; maximum height of image
#             tolerance: decimal         // required; display tolerance
#         }
#         slides: [object]               // required; array of slide objects (see below)
#     }
# }
# # # # #### Further Reading # - [StoryMap JSON file format](https://storymap.knightlab.com/advanced/#json-syntax) # In[2]: try: import os except: get_ipython().system('pip install os') import os try: import json except: get_ipython().system('pip install json') import json try: import IPython except: get_ipython().system('pip install IPython') import IPython from IPython.display import display, IFrame, HTML # ## Create JSON template file # In[3]: storymap = { "storymap": { "zoomify": False, "attribution": "Tanya Gray", "call_to_action": False, "call_to_action_text": "", "map_as_image": False, "map_subdomains": "", "map_type": "osm:standard", "line_follows_path": True, "line_color": "#c34528", "line_color_inactive": "#CCC", "line_join": "miter", "line_weight": 3, "line_opacity": 0.80, "line_dash": "5,5", "show_history_line": True, "slides": [ { "date": "", "location": { }, "media": { "caption": "", "credit": "Wikipedia", "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ruskin" }, "text": { "headline": "John Ruskin's Travels in Europe", "text": "" }, "type": "overview" }] } } # In[5]: # dictionary holding values to be used in visualisation e.g. in styling sources = {} sources["https://www.nga.gov/collection/"] = {"name":"National Gallery of Art","colour": "#E8A798"} sources["https://clevelandart.org/art/"] = {"name":"Cleveland Museum of Art", "colour":"#EDD59E"} sources["https://www.philamuseum.org/collection/object/"] = {"name":"Philadelphia Museum of Art","colour":"#6B5876"} sources["https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/"] = {"name":"Tate Museum","colour":"#A09998"} sources["https://www.harvardartmuseums.org/collections/object/"] = {"name":"Harvard Art Museum","colour":"#00758F"} sources["ashmolean"] = {"name":"Ashmolean Museum","colour":"#3f83e8"} sources["rijk"] = {"name":"Rijksmuseum","colour":"#94b7c3"} months = { '01':'Janauary', '02':'February', '03':'March', '04':'April', '05':'May', '06':'June', '07':'July', '08':'August', '09':'September', '10':'October', '11':'November', '12':'December'} # filepath for JSON file created storymap_file ="data/ruskin/storyvis/storymap.json" # directory containing Linked Art JSON files describing John Ruskin artworks storyvisdir="data/ruskin/storyvis/json" file_list=os.listdir(storyvisdir) # iterate through Linked Art files for file in file_list: with open( storyvisdir + "/" + file) as json_file: # load file into json object artwork = json.load(json_file) # if does not have produced_by property do not include in visualisation if "produced_by" not in artwork: continue # if does not have date value for begin date do not include in visualisation if "begin_of_the_begin" not in artwork["produced_by"]["timespan"]: continue # if begin date is blank or == 1819, do not include if artwork["produced_by"]["timespan"]["begin_of_the_begin"] in (1819,""): continue id = artwork["id"] credit = "" text = "" imageurl = "" bgcolour = "" homepage = "" # iterate over sources dict for source in list(sources.keys()): if source in id: credit = sources[source]["name"] bgcolour = sources[source]["colour"] if "referred_to_by" in artwork and len(artwork["referred_to_by"]) > 0 and "content" in artwork["referred_to_by"][0]: text = artwork["referred_to_by"][0]["content"] if artwork["subject_of"][0]["classified_as"][1]["id"] == "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300266277": homepage = artwork["subject_of"][0]["id"] text = text + "

Artwork homepage" if "representation" in artwork: if artwork["representation"][0]["id"] != "": imageurl = artwork["representation"][0]["id"] if "Harvard" in credit: imageurl = imageurl + "?width=500&height=800" if "begin_of_the_begin" in artwork["produced_by"]["timespan"]: begin = artwork["produced_by"]["timespan"]["begin_of_the_begin"] try: begin = int(begin) timespan_label = artwork["produced_by"]["timespan"]["_label"] for idx in months: if months[idx] in timespan_label: begin = str(begin) + "-" + idx break except: continue coords = artwork["shows"]["represents"][0]["approximated_by"][0]["defined_by"] coords = coords.replace("POINT(", "") coords = coords.replace(")","") coords = coords.split() storymap["storymap"]["slides"].append( { "background": { "color": bgcolour, "opacity": 100 }, "date": str(begin), "location": { "lat": float(coords[0]), "lon": float(coords[1]), "zoom": 4 }, "media": { "caption": artwork["produced_by"]["timespan"]["_label"], "credit": credit, "url": imageurl }, "text": { "headline": artwork["_label"], "text": text } }) storymap["storymap"]["slides"].sort(key=lambda x: x["date"]) text_file = open(storymap_file, 'wt') n = text_file.write(json.dumps(storymap,indent=2)) text_file.close() print(json.dumps(storymap,indent=2)) # ## Story Map Data Visualisation - John Ruskin's Travels in Europe # ### Visualisation Screenshots # # # # # ### Make Story Map Visualisation # In[6]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('HTML', '', '
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n') # ## Online Visualisation # The following visualisation uses KnightLabs online hosting service # # Ruskin StoryMap visualisation # # In[ ]: # In[ ]: