#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('capture', '', '%load_ext autoreload\n%autoreload 2\n# %cd ..\nimport sys\nsys.path.append("..")\nimport statnlpbook.util as util\nutil.execute_notebook(\'language_models.ipynb\')\n# import tikzmagic\n%load_ext tikzmagic\nmatplotlib.rcParams[\'figure.figsize\'] = (10.0, 6.0)\n') # # $$ # \newcommand{\prob}{p} # \newcommand{\x}{\mathbf{x}} # \newcommand{\vocab}{V} # \newcommand{\params}{\boldsymbol{\theta}} # \newcommand{\param}{\theta} # \DeclareMathOperator{\perplexity}{PP} # \DeclareMathOperator{\argmax}{argmax} # \newcommand{\train}{\mathcal{D}} # \newcommand{\counts}[2]{\#_{#1}(#2) } # $$ # # Language Models # ## Language Models # # calculate the **probability of seeing a sequence of words**. # For example: how likely is the following sequence? # # > We're going to win bigly. # Is it more likely than this one? # # > We're going to win big league. # ## Use Cases: Machine Translation # # > Wir werden haushoch gewinnen # # translates to? # > We will win by a mile # # or # # > We will win bigly # ## Use Cases: Speech Recognition # # What did he [say](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2016/may/04/donald-trump-we-are-going-to-win-bigly-believe-me-video)? # # > We're going to win bigly # # or # # > We're going to win big league # ## Use Cases: Natural Language Generation # # https://twitter.com/deepdrumpf # # Other applications? # ## Formally # Models the probability # # $$\prob(w_1,\ldots,w_d)$$ # # of observing sequences of words \\(w_1,\ldots,w_d\\). # Without loss of generality: # # \begin{align} # \prob(w_1,\ldots,w_d) &= p(w_1) p(w_2|w_1) p(w_3|w_1, w_2) \ldots \\ # &= \prob(w_1) \prod_{i = 2}^d \prob(w_i|w_1,\ldots,w_{i-1}) # \end{align} # ### Structured Prediction # # predict word $y=w_i$ # * conditioned on history $\x=w_1,\ldots,w_{i-1}$. # ## N-Gram Language Models # # Impossible to estimate sensible probability for each history # # $$ # \x=w_1,\ldots,w_{i-1} # $$ # ### Change **representation** # truncate history to last $n-1$ words: # # $$ # \mathbf{f}(\x)=w_{i-(n-1)},\ldots,w_{i-1} # $$ # # $\prob(\text{bigly}|\text{...,blah, blah, blah, we, will, win}) # = \prob(\text{bigly}|\text{we, will, win})$ # ### Unigram LM # # Set $n=1$: # $$ # \prob(w_i|w_1,\ldots,w_{i-1}) = \prob(w_i). # $$ # # $\prob(\text{bigly}|\text{we, will, win}) = \prob(\text{bigly})$ # ## Uniform LM # Same probability for each word in a *vocabulary* \\(\vocab\\): # # $$ # \prob(w_i|w_1,\ldots,w_{i-1}) = \frac{1}{|\vocab|}. # $$ # # $\prob(\text{big}) = \prob(\text{bigly}) = \frac{1}{|\vocab|}$ # Let us look at a training set and create a uniform LM from it. # In[2]: train[:10] # In[3]: vocab = set(train) baseline = UniformLM(vocab) sum([baseline.probability(w) for w in vocab]) # What about other words? Summing up probabilities? # ## Sampling # * Sampling from an LM is easy and instructive # * Usually, the better the LM, the better the samples # Sample **incrementally**, one word at a time # In[4]: def sample_once(lm, history, words): probs = [lm.probability(word, *history) for word in words] return np.random.choice(words,p=probs) # In[5]: sample_once(baseline, [], list(baseline.vocab)) # In[6]: def sample(lm, initial_history, amount_to_sample): words = list(lm.vocab) result = [] result += initial_history for _ in range(0, amount_to_sample): history = result[-(lm.order - 1):] result.append(sample_once(lm,history,words)) return result # In[7]: sample(baseline, [], 10) # ## Evaluation # * **Extrinsic**: how it improves a downstream task? # * **Intrinsic**: how good does it model language? # ## Intrinsic Evaluation # **Shannon Game**: Predict next word, win if prediction match words in actual corpus (or you gave it high probability) # # > Our horrible trade agreements with [???] # # Formalised by ... # ### Perplexity # Given test sequence \\(w_1,\ldots,w_T\\), perplexity \\(\perplexity\\) is **geometric mean of inverse probabilities**: # # \begin{align} # \perplexity(w_1,\ldots,w_T) &= \sqrt[T]{\frac{1}{\prob(w_1)} \frac{1}{\prob(w_2|w_1)} \ldots} \\ # &= \sqrt[T]{\prod_i^T \frac{1}{\prob(w_i|w_{i-n},\ldots,w_{i-1})}} # \end{align} # ### Interpretation # # Consider LM where # * at each position there are exactly **2** words with $\frac{1}{2}$ probability # * in test sequence, one of these is always the true word Created with SnapsherapsbiglyMatkowonstronglyhelostsmally0.50.50.0 # Then # # * $\perplexity(w_1,\ldots,w_T) = \sqrt[T]{2 \cdot 2 \cdot\ldots} = 2$ # * Perplexity $\approx$ average number of choices # Perplexity of uniform LM on an **unseen** test set? # In[8]: perplexity(baseline, test) # Problem: model assigns **zero probability** to words not in the vocabulary. # In[9]: [(w,baseline.probability(w)) for w in test if w not in vocab][:3] # ## The Long Tail # New words not specific to our corpus: # * long **tail** of words that appear only a few times # * each has low probability, but probability of seeing any long tail word is high # # Let us plot word frequency ranks (x-axis) against frequency (y-axis) # In[10]: plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.plot(ranks, sorted_counts) # In log-space such rank vs frequency graphs are **linear** # # * Known as **Zipf's Law** # # Let $r_w$ be the rank of a word \\(w\\), and \\(f_w\\) its frequency: # # $$ # f_w \propto \frac{1}{r_w}. # $$ # # * Also true in [random text](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= # ## Out-of-Vocabularly (OOV) Tokens # There will always be words with zero counts in your training set. # # Solutions: # * Remove unseen words from test set (bad) # * Move probability mass to unseen words (good, discuss later) # * Replace unseen words with out-of-vocabularly token, estimate its probability # ### Inserting OOV Tokens # In[11]: replace_OOVs(baseline.vocab, test[:10]) # What happens to perplexity if training set is small? # ### Estimate `OOV` probability # What is the probability of seeing a word you haven't seen before? # Consider the "words" # # > AA AA BB BB AA # # Going left to right, how often do I see new words? # Inject `OOV` tokens to mark these "new word events" # In[12]: inject_OOVs(["AA","AA","BB","BB","AA"]) # Now train on replaced data... # In[13]: oov_train = inject_OOVs(train) oov_vocab = set(oov_train) oov_test = replace_OOVs(oov_vocab, test) oov_baseline = UniformLM(oov_vocab) perplexity(oov_baseline,oov_test) # What does this perplexity correspond to? # ## Training N-Gram Language Models # N-gram language models condition on a limited history: # # $$ # \prob(w_i|w_1,\ldots,w_{i-1}) = \prob(w_i|w_{i-(n-1)},\ldots,w_{i-1}). # $$ # # What are its parameters (continuous values that control its behaviour)? # One parameter $\param_{w,h}$ for each word $w$ and history $h=w_{i-(n-1)},\ldots,w_{i-1}$ pair: # # $$ # \prob_\params(w|h) = \param_{w,h} # $$ # # $\prob_\params(\text{bigly}|\text{win}) = \param_{\text{bigly, win}}$ # ### Maximum Likelihood Estimate # # Assume training set \\(\train=(w_1,\ldots,w_d)\\) # ### Maximum Likelihood Estimate # # Find \\(\params\\) that maximizes the log-likelihood of \\(\train\\): # # $$ # \params^* = \argmax_\params \log p_\params(\train) # $$ # # where # # $$ # \prob_\params(\train) = \ldots \prob_\params(w_i|\ldots w_{i-1}) \prob_\params(w_{i+1}|\ldots w_{i}) \ldots # $$ # # **Structured Prediction**: this is your continuous optimization problem! # Maximum-log-likelihood estimate (MLE) can be calculated in **[closed form](/notebooks/chapters/mle.ipynb)**: # $$ # \prob_{\params^*}(w|h) = \param^*_{w,h} = \frac{\counts{\train}{h,w}}{\counts{\train}{h}} # $$ # # where # # $$ # \counts{D}{e} = \text{Count of } e \text{ in } D # $$ # # Many LM variants: different estimation of counts. # ## Training a Unigram Model # Let us train a unigram model... # What do you think the most probable words are? # # Remember our training set looks like this ... # In[14]: oov_train[10000:10010] # In[15]: unigram = NGramLM(oov_train,1) plot_probabilities(unigram) # sum([unigram.probability(w) for w in unigram.vocab]) # The unigram LM has substantially reduced (and hence better) perplexity: # In[16]: perplexity(unigram,oov_test) # Its samples look (a little) more reasonable: # In[17]: sample(unigram, [], 10) # ## Bigram Model # We can do better by setting $n=2$ # In[18]: bigram = NGramLM(oov_train,2) plot_probabilities(laplace_bigram, ("FIND",)) #I, FIND, laplace .. # Samples should look (slightly) more fluent: # In[19]: " ".join(sample(laplace_bigram, ['FIND'], 30)) # try: I, FIND # How about perplexity? # In[20]: perplexity(bigram,oov_test) # Some contexts where OOV word (and others) haven't been seen, hence 0 probability... # In[21]: bigram.probability("[OOV]","money") # ## Smoothing # # Maximum likelihood # * **underestimates** true probability of some words # * **overestimates** the probabilities of other # # Solution: _smooth_ the probabilities and **move mass** from seen to unseen events. Created with SnapCount=1Count=0Count=1>1>1Probability Mass per count-class for MLE Smoothing # ### Laplace Smoothing # # Add **pseudo counts** to each event in the dataset # # $$ # \param^{\alpha}_{w,h} = \frac{\counts{\train}{h,w} + \alpha}{\counts{\train}{h} + \alpha \lvert V \rvert } # $$ # # Bayesian view: *maximum posteriori* estimate under a dirichlet prior on parameters. # In[22]: laplace_bigram = LaplaceLM(bigram, 0.1) laplace_bigram.probability("[OOV]","money") # Perplexity should look better now: # In[23]: perplexity(LaplaceLM(bigram, 0.001),oov_test) # ### Example # Consider three events: # In[24]: c = ["word", "train count", "MLE", "Laplace", "Same Denominator"] r1 = ["smally", "0", "0/3", "1/6", "0.5/3"] r2 = ["bigly", "1", "1/3", "2/6", "1/3"] r3 = ["tremendously", "2", "2/3", "3/6", "1.5/3"] util.Table([r1,r2,r3], column_names=c) # How is mass moved for Laplace Smoothing? |Created with SnapCount=1|=1=2Count=2probability for count class in Maximum LikelihoodLaplace=0 # Events with higher counts get penalised more! # # Is this consistent with how counts behave on an unseen test? # In[25]: util.Table(frame, column_names = ["Train Count", "Test Count", "Laplace Count"], number_format="{0:.4f}") # Penalty is closer to being constant than increasing by count: # * Test counts usually between 0.6 and 1.4 smaller than train counts # * In larger datasets this can be a constant! # So "real" re-allocation looks more like this: |Created with SnapCount=1||=1=2Count=2Maximum LikelihoodTest Set Reallocation=0 # ### Interpolation # * Laplace Smoothing assigns mass **uniformly** to the words that haven't been seen in a context. # In[26]: laplace_bigram.probability('rhyme','man'), \ laplace_bigram.probability('of','man') # Not all unseen words (in a context) are equal # With **interpolation** We can do better: # * give more mass to words likely under the $n-1$-gram model. # * Use $\prob(\text{of})$ for estimating $\prob(\text{of} | \text{man})$ # * Combine $n$-gram model \\(p'\\) and a back-off \\(n-1\\) model \\(p''\\): # # $$ # \prob_{\alpha}(w_i|w_{i-n+1},\ldots,w_{i-1}) = \alpha \cdot \prob'(w_i|w_{i-n+1},\ldots,w_{i-1}) + \\ (1 - \alpha) \cdot \prob''(w_i|w_{i-n+2},\ldots,w_{i-1}) # $$ # # In[27]: interpolated = InterpolatedLM(bigram,unigram,0.01) interpolated.probability('rhyme','man'), \ interpolated.probability('of','man') # Can we find a good $\alpha$ parameter? Tune on some **development set**! # In[28]: alphas = np.arange(0,1.1,0.1) perplexities = [perplexity(InterpolatedLM(bigram,unigram,alpha),oov_test) for alpha in alphas] plt.plot(alphas,perplexities) # ### Backoff # * When we have counts for an event, trust these counts and not the simpler model # * use $\prob(\text{bigly}|\text{win})$ if you have seen $(\text{win, bigly})$, not $\prob(\text{bigly})$ # * **back-off** only when no counts for a given event are available. # ### Stupid Backoff # Let \\(w\\) be a word and \\(h_{m}\\) an n-gram of length \\(m\\): # # $$ # \prob_{\mbox{Stupid}}(w|h_{m}) = # \begin{cases} # \frac{\counts{\train}{h_{m},w}}{\counts{\train}{h_{m}}} &= \mbox{if }\counts{\train}{h_{m},w} > 0 \\\\ # \prob_{\mbox{Stupid}}(w|h_{m-1}) & \mbox{otherwise} # \end{cases} # $$ # What is the problem with this model? # In[29]: stupid = StupidBackoff(bigram, unigram, 0.1) sum([stupid.probability(word, 'the') for word in stupid.vocab]) # ### Absolute Discounting # Recall that in test data, a constant probability mass is taken away for each non-zero count event. Can this be captured in a smoothing algorithm? # Yes: subtract (tunable) constant $d$ from each non-zero probability: # # $$ # \prob_{\mbox{Absolute}}(w|h_{m}) = # \begin{cases} # \frac{\counts{\train}{h_{m},w}-d}{\counts{\train}{h_{m}}} &= \mbox{if }\counts{\train}{h_{m},w} > 0 \\\\ # \alpha(h_{m-1})\cdot\prob_{\mbox{Absolute}}(w|h_{m-1}) & \mbox{otherwise} # \end{cases} # $$ # # $\alpha(h_{m-1})$ is a normalizer # ### Unigram Backoff # # Assume, for example: # * *Mos Def* is a rapper name that appears often in the data # * *glasses* appears slightly less often # * neither Def nor glasses have been seen in the context of the word *reading* # Then the final-backoff unigram model might assign a higher probability to # # > I can't see without my reading Def # # than # # > I can't see without my reading glasses # # because $\prob(\text{Def}) > \prob(\text{glasses})$ # But *Def* never follows anything but *Mos*, and we can determine this by looking at the training data! # ### Knesser Ney Smoothing # # Absolute Discounting, but use as final backoff probability the probability that a word appears after (any) word in the training set: # # $$ # \prob_{\mbox{KN}}(w) = \frac{\left|\{w_{-1}:\counts{\train}{w_{-1},w}> 1\} \right|} # {\sum_{w'}\left|\{w_{-1}:\counts{\train}{w_{-1},w'}\} > 1 \right|} # $$ # # This is the *continuation probability* # ## Summary # # * LMs model probability of sequences of words # * Defined in terms of "next-word" distributions conditioned on history # * N-gram models truncate history representation # * Often trained by maximizing log-likelihood of training data and ... # * smoothing to deal with sparsity # # ## Background Reading # # * Jurafsky & Martin, Speech and Language Processing: Chapter 4, N-Grams. # * Bill MacCartney, Stanford NLP Lunch Tutorial: [Smoothing](http://nlp.stanford.edu/~wcmac/papers/20050421-smoothing-tutorial.pdf)