#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Loading the OHHLA corpus # This notebook shows a typical example of data loading and preprocessing necessary for NLP. In this case we are loading a corpus downloaded from the Hip-Hop Lyrics webpage [www.ohhla.com](www.ohhla.com). Our primary goal is to provide a dataset loading function for the [language modelling](todo) chapter in this book. # # We provide the corpus in the `data` directory. As this notebook lives in a sub-directory itself, we access it via `../data`. Before preprocessing all files and provide *generic* loaders it is useful to inspect the format of the files based on a specific example file, and work on the loading process in this context. Here we look at `/data/ohhla/train/www.ohhla.com/anonymous/j_live/SPTA/authentc.jlv.txt`. # In[2]: with open('../data/ohhla/train/www.ohhla.com/anonymous/j_live/allabove/satisfy.jlv.txt.html', 'r') as f: # we use read().splitlines() instead of readlines() to skip newline characters lines = f.read().splitlines() lines # We first would like to remove everything outside of the `
` tag, and then remove the meta information.

# In[3]:

def find_lyrics(lines):
    filtered = []
    in_pre = False
    for line in lines:
        if '
' in line:
            in_pre = True
        elif '
' in line: in_pre = False filtered.append(line.replace("
","")) elif in_pre: filtered.append(line) return filtered[6:] lyrics = find_lyrics(lines) lyrics[:10] # Finally, we would like to convert the list of lines with newline characters to a single string, as this will be easier to process for our language models. We will also mark lyrical "bars" (lines) using a `BAR` tag to still capture the rhythmical structure in the song. # In[4]: string = '[BAR]' + '[/BAR][BAR]'.join(lyrics) + '[/BAR]' string[:500] # We are now ready to provide a loading function. # In[5]: def load_song(file_name): def load_raw(encoding): with open(file_name, 'r',encoding=encoding) as f: # we use read().splitlines() instead of readlines() to skip newline characters lines = f.read().splitlines() # some files are pure txt files for which we don't need to extract the lyrics lyrics = find_lyrics(lines) if file_name.endswith('html') else lines[5:] string = '[BAR]' + '[/BAR][BAR]'.join(lyrics) + '[/BAR]' return string try: return load_raw('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: try: return load_raw('cp1252') except UnicodeDecodeError: print("Could not load " + file_name) return "" song = load_song('../data/ohhla/train/www.ohhla.com/anonymous/j_live/allabove/satisfy.jlv.txt.html') song[:500] # Now we want to load several files from an album directory. # In[6]: from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join def load_album(path): # we filter out directories, and files that don't look like song files in OHHLA. onlyfiles = [join(path, f) for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f)) and 'txt' in f] lyrics = [load_song(f) for f in onlyfiles] return lyrics songs = load_album('../data/ohhla/train/www.ohhla.com/anonymous/j_live/SPTA/') [len(s) for s in songs] # We will also make it easy to load several albums. Then, for a few artists we provide short cuts to the album directories we care about. # In[7]: def load_albums(album_paths): return [song for path in album_paths for song in load_album(path)] top_dir = '../data/ohhla/train/www.ohhla.com/anonymous/' j_live = [ top_dir + '/j_live/allabove/', top_dir + '/j_live/bestpart/' ] len(load_albums(j_live)) # It will be useful to convert a list of documents into a flat list of tokens. Based on the approach showed in the [tokenisation chapter](todo) we can do this as follows: # In[17]: import re token = re.compile("\[BAR\]|\[/BAR\]|[\w-]+|'m|'t|'ll|'ve|'d|'s|\'") def words(docs): return [word for doc in docs for word in token.findall(doc)] song_words = words(songs) song_words[:20] # Finally we provide a function that can load all songs within a top-level directory. # In[10]: def load_all_songs(path): only_files = [join(path, f) for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f)) and 'txt' in f] only_paths = [join(path, f) for f in listdir(path) if not isfile(join(path, f))] lyrics = [load_song(f) for f in only_files] sub_songs = [song for sub_path in only_paths for song in load_all_songs(sub_path)] return lyrics + sub_songs len(load_all_songs("../data/ohhla/train/www.ohhla.com/anonymous/j_live/"))