#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Railroad Diagrams # # The code in this notebook helps with drawing syntax-diagrams. It is a (slightly customized) copy of the [excellent library from Tab Atkins jr.](https://github.com/tabatkins/railroad-diagrams), which unfortunately is not available as a Python package. # **Prerequisites** # # This notebook needs some understanding on advanced concepts in Python and Graphics, notably # * classes # * the Python `with` statement # * Scalable Vector Graphics # ## Excursion: Railroad diagrams implementation # In[1]: import bookutils # In[2]: import re import io # In[3]: class C: # Display constants DEBUG = False # if true, writes some debug information into attributes VS = 8 # minimum vertical separation between things. For a 3px stroke, must be at least 4 AR = 10 # radius of arcs DIAGRAM_CLASS = 'railroad-diagram' # class to put on the root # is the stroke width an odd (1px, 3px, etc) pixel length? STROKE_ODD_PIXEL_LENGTH = True # how to align items when they have extra space. left/right/center INTERNAL_ALIGNMENT = 'center' # width of each monospace character. play until you find the right value # for your font CHAR_WIDTH = 8.5 COMMENT_CHAR_WIDTH = 7 # comments are in smaller text by default DEFAULT_STYLE = '''\ svg.railroad-diagram { } svg.railroad-diagram path { stroke-width:3; stroke:black; fill:white; } svg.railroad-diagram text { font:14px "Fira Mono", monospace; text-anchor:middle; } svg.railroad-diagram text.label{ text-anchor:start; } svg.railroad-diagram text.comment{ font:italic 12px "Fira Mono", monospace; } svg.railroad-diagram rect{ stroke-width:2; stroke:black; fill:mistyrose; } ''' # In[4]: def e(text): text = re.sub(r"&", '&', str(text)) text = re.sub(r"<", '<', str(text)) text = re.sub(r">", '>', str(text)) return str(text) # In[5]: def determineGaps(outer, inner): diff = outer - inner if C.INTERNAL_ALIGNMENT == 'left': return 0, diff elif C.INTERNAL_ALIGNMENT == 'right': return diff, 0 else: return diff / 2, diff / 2 # In[6]: def doubleenumerate(seq): length = len(list(seq)) for i, item in enumerate(seq): yield i, i - length, item # In[7]: def addDebug(el): if not C.DEBUG: return el.attrs['data-x'] = "{0} w:{1} h:{2}/{3}/{4}".format( type(el).__name__, el.width, el.up, el.height, el.down) # In[8]: class DiagramItem: def __init__(self, name, attrs=None, text=None): self.name = name # up = distance it projects above the entry line # height = distance between the entry/exit lines # down = distance it projects below the exit line self.height = 0 self.attrs = attrs or {} self.children = [text] if text else [] self.needsSpace = False def format(self, x, y, width): raise NotImplementedError # Virtual def addTo(self, parent): parent.children.append(self) return self def writeSvg(self, write): write(u'<{0}'.format(self.name)) for name, value in sorted(self.attrs.items()): write(u' {0}="{1}"'.format(name, e(value))) write(u'>') if self.name in ["g", "svg"]: write(u'\n') for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, DiagramItem): child.writeSvg(write) else: write(e(child)) write(u''.format(self.name)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(self, type( other)) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) # In[9]: class Path(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'path', {'d': 'M%s %s' % (x, y)}) def m(self, x, y): self.attrs['d'] += 'm{0} {1}'.format(x, y) return self def ll(self, x, y): # was l(), which violates PEP8 -- AZ self.attrs['d'] += 'l{0} {1}'.format(x, y) return self def h(self, val): self.attrs['d'] += 'h{0}'.format(val) return self def right(self, val): return self.h(max(0, val)) def left(self, val): return self.h(-max(0, val)) def v(self, val): self.attrs['d'] += 'v{0}'.format(val) return self def down(self, val): return self.v(max(0, val)) def up(self, val): return self.v(-max(0, val)) def arc_8(self, start, dir): # 1/8 of a circle arc = C.AR s2 = 1 / math.sqrt(2) * arc s2inv = (arc - s2) path = "a {0} {0} 0 0 {1} ".format(arc, "1" if dir == 'cw' else "0") sd = start + dir if sd == 'ncw': offset = [s2, s2inv] elif sd == 'necw': offset = [s2inv, s2] elif sd == 'ecw': offset = [-s2inv, s2] elif sd == 'secw': offset = [-s2, s2inv] elif sd == 'scw': offset = [-s2, -s2inv] elif sd == 'swcw': offset = [-s2inv, -s2] elif sd == 'wcw': offset = [s2inv, -s2] elif sd == 'nwcw': offset = [s2, -s2inv] elif sd == 'nccw': offset = [-s2, s2inv] elif sd == 'nwccw': offset = [-s2inv, s2] elif sd == 'wccw': offset = [s2inv, s2] elif sd == 'swccw': offset = [s2, s2inv] elif sd == 'sccw': offset = [s2, -s2inv] elif sd == 'seccw': offset = [s2inv, -s2] elif sd == 'eccw': offset = [-s2inv, -s2] elif sd == 'neccw': offset = [-s2, -s2inv] path += " ".join(str(x) for x in offset) self.attrs['d'] += path return self def arc(self, sweep): x = C.AR y = C.AR if sweep[0] == 'e' or sweep[1] == 'w': x *= -1 if sweep[0] == 's' or sweep[1] == 'n': y *= -1 cw = 1 if sweep == 'ne' or sweep == 'es' or sweep == 'sw' or sweep == 'wn' else 0 self.attrs['d'] += 'a{0} {0} 0 0 {1} {2} {3}'.format(C.AR, cw, x, y) return self def format(self): self.attrs['d'] += 'h.5' return self def __repr__(self): return 'Path(%r, %r)' % (self.x, self.y) # In[10]: def wrapString(value): return value if isinstance(value, DiagramItem) else Terminal(value) # In[11]: class Style(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, css): self.name = 'style' self.css = css self.height = 0 self.width = 0 self.needsSpace = False def __repr__(self): return 'Style(%r)' % css def format(self, x, y, width): return self def writeSvg(self, write): # Write included stylesheet as CDATA. See # https:#developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/style cdata = u'/* */\n{css}\n/* */\n'.format(css=self.css) write(u''.format(cdata=cdata)) # In[12]: class Diagram(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, *items, **kwargs): # Accepts a type=[simple|complex] kwarg DiagramItem.__init__( self, 'svg', {'class': C.DIAGRAM_CLASS, 'xmlns': "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"}) self.type = kwargs.get("type", "simple") self.items = [wrapString(item) for item in items] if items and not isinstance(items[0], Start): self.items.insert(0, Start(self.type)) if items and not isinstance(items[-1], End): self.items.append(End(self.type)) self.css = kwargs.get("css", C.DEFAULT_STYLE) if self.css: self.items.insert(0, Style(self.css)) self.up = 0 self.down = 0 self.height = 0 self.width = 0 for item in self.items: if isinstance(item, Style): continue self.width += item.width + (20 if item.needsSpace else 0) self.up = max(self.up, item.up - self.height) self.height += item.height self.down = max(self.down - item.height, item.down) if self.items[0].needsSpace: self.width -= 10 if self.items[-1].needsSpace: self.width -= 10 self.formatted = False def __repr__(self): if self.css: items = ', '.join(map(repr, self.items[2:-1])) else: items = ', '.join(map(repr, self.items[1:-1])) pieces = [] if not items else [items] if self.css != C.DEFAULT_STYLE: pieces.append('css=%r' % self.css) if self.type != 'simple': pieces.append('type=%r' % self.type) return 'Diagram(%s)' % ', '.join(pieces) def format(self, paddingTop=20, paddingRight=None, paddingBottom=None, paddingLeft=None): if paddingRight is None: paddingRight = paddingTop if paddingBottom is None: paddingBottom = paddingTop if paddingLeft is None: paddingLeft = paddingRight x = paddingLeft y = paddingTop + self.up g = DiagramItem('g') if C.STROKE_ODD_PIXEL_LENGTH: g.attrs['transform'] = 'translate(.5 .5)' for item in self.items: if item.needsSpace: Path(x, y).h(10).addTo(g) x += 10 item.format(x, y, item.width).addTo(g) x += item.width y += item.height if item.needsSpace: Path(x, y).h(10).addTo(g) x += 10 self.attrs['width'] = self.width + paddingLeft + paddingRight self.attrs['height'] = self.up + self.height + \ self.down + paddingTop + paddingBottom self.attrs['viewBox'] = "0 0 {width} {height}".format(**self.attrs) g.addTo(self) self.formatted = True return self def writeSvg(self, write): if not self.formatted: self.format() return DiagramItem.writeSvg(self, write) def parseCSSGrammar(self, text): token_patterns = { 'keyword': r"[\w-]+\(?", 'type': r"<[\w-]+(\(\))?>", 'char': r"[/,()]", 'literal': r"'(.)'", 'openbracket': r"\[", 'closebracket': r"\]", 'closebracketbang': r"\]!", 'bar': r"\|", 'doublebar': r"\|\|", 'doubleand': r"&&", 'multstar': r"\*", 'multplus': r"\+", 'multhash': r"#", 'multnum1': r"{\s*(\d+)\s*}", 'multnum2': r"{\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d*)\s*}", 'multhashnum1': r"#{\s*(\d+)\s*}", 'multhashnum2': r"{\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d*)\s*}" } # In[13]: class Sequence(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, *items): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g') self.items = [wrapString(item) for item in items] self.needsSpace = True self.up = 0 self.down = 0 self.height = 0 self.width = 0 for item in self.items: self.width += item.width + (20 if item.needsSpace else 0) self.up = max(self.up, item.up - self.height) self.height += item.height self.down = max(self.down - item.height, item.down) if self.items[0].needsSpace: self.width -= 10 if self.items[-1].needsSpace: self.width -= 10 addDebug(self) def __repr__(self): items = ', '.join(map(repr, self.items)) return 'Sequence(%s)' % items def format(self, x, y, width): leftGap, rightGap = determineGaps(width, self.width) Path(x, y).h(leftGap).addTo(self) Path(x + leftGap + self.width, y + self.height).h(rightGap).addTo(self) x += leftGap for i, item in enumerate(self.items): if item.needsSpace and i > 0: Path(x, y).h(10).addTo(self) x += 10 item.format(x, y, item.width).addTo(self) x += item.width y += item.height if item.needsSpace and i < len(self.items) - 1: Path(x, y).h(10).addTo(self) x += 10 return self # In[14]: class Stack(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, *items): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g') self.items = [wrapString(item) for item in items] self.needsSpace = True self.width = max(item.width + (20 if item.needsSpace else 0) for item in self.items) # pretty sure that space calc is totes wrong if len(self.items) > 1: self.width += C.AR * 2 self.up = self.items[0].up self.down = self.items[-1].down self.height = 0 last = len(self.items) - 1 for i, item in enumerate(self.items): self.height += item.height if i > 0: self.height += max(C.AR * 2, item.up + C.VS) if i < last: self.height += max(C.AR * 2, item.down + C.VS) addDebug(self) def __repr__(self): items = ', '.join(repr(item) for item in self.items) return 'Stack(%s)' % items def format(self, x, y, width): leftGap, rightGap = determineGaps(width, self.width) Path(x, y).h(leftGap).addTo(self) x += leftGap xInitial = x if len(self.items) > 1: Path(x, y).h(C.AR).addTo(self) x += C.AR innerWidth = self.width - C.AR * 2 else: innerWidth = self.width for i, item in enumerate(self.items): item.format(x, y, innerWidth).addTo(self) x += innerWidth y += item.height if i != len(self.items) - 1: (Path(x, y) .arc('ne').down(max(0, item.down + C.VS - C.AR * 2)) .arc('es').left(innerWidth) .arc('nw').down(max(0, self.items[i + 1].up + C.VS - C.AR * 2)) .arc('ws').addTo(self)) y += max(item.down + C.VS, C.AR * 2) + \ max(self.items[i + 1].up + C.VS, C.AR * 2) x = xInitial + C.AR if len(self.items) > 1: Path(x, y).h(C.AR).addTo(self) x += C.AR Path(x, y).h(rightGap).addTo(self) return self # In[15]: class OptionalSequence(DiagramItem): def __new__(cls, *items): if len(items) <= 1: return Sequence(*items) else: return super(OptionalSequence, cls).__new__(cls) def __init__(self, *items): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g') self.items = [wrapString(item) for item in items] self.needsSpace = False self.width = 0 self.up = 0 self.height = sum(item.height for item in self.items) self.down = self.items[0].down heightSoFar = 0 for i, item in enumerate(self.items): self.up = max(self.up, max(C.AR * 2, item.up + C.VS) - heightSoFar) heightSoFar += item.height if i > 0: self.down = max(self.height + self.down, heightSoFar + max(C.AR * 2, item.down + C.VS)) - self.height itemWidth = item.width + (20 if item.needsSpace else 0) if i == 0: self.width += C.AR + max(itemWidth, C.AR) else: self.width += C.AR * 2 + max(itemWidth, C.AR) + C.AR addDebug(self) def __repr__(self): items = ', '.join(repr(item) for item in self.items) return 'OptionalSequence(%s)' % items def format(self, x, y, width): leftGap, rightGap = determineGaps(width, self.width) Path(x, y).right(leftGap).addTo(self) Path(x + leftGap + self.width, y + self.height).right(rightGap).addTo(self) x += leftGap upperLineY = y - self.up last = len(self.items) - 1 for i, item in enumerate(self.items): itemSpace = 10 if item.needsSpace else 0 itemWidth = item.width + itemSpace if i == 0: # Upper skip (Path(x, y) .arc('se') .up(y - upperLineY - C.AR * 2) .arc('wn') .right(itemWidth - C.AR) .arc('ne') .down(y + item.height - upperLineY - C.AR * 2) .arc('ws') .addTo(self)) # Straight line (Path(x, y) .right(itemSpace + C.AR) .addTo(self)) item.format(x + itemSpace + C.AR, y, item.width).addTo(self) x += itemWidth + C.AR y += item.height elif i < last: # Upper skip (Path(x, upperLineY) .right(C.AR * 2 + max(itemWidth, C.AR) + C.AR) .arc('ne') .down(y - upperLineY + item.height - C.AR * 2) .arc('ws') .addTo(self)) # Straight line (Path(x, y) .right(C.AR * 2) .addTo(self)) item.format(x + C.AR * 2, y, item.width).addTo(self) (Path(x + item.width + C.AR * 2, y + item.height) .right(itemSpace + C.AR) .addTo(self)) # Lower skip (Path(x, y) .arc('ne') .down(item.height + max(item.down + C.VS, C.AR * 2) - C.AR * 2) .arc('ws') .right(itemWidth - C.AR) .arc('se') .up(item.down + C.VS - C.AR * 2) .arc('wn') .addTo(self)) x += C.AR * 2 + max(itemWidth, C.AR) + C.AR y += item.height else: # Straight line (Path(x, y) .right(C.AR * 2) .addTo(self)) item.format(x + C.AR * 2, y, item.width).addTo(self) (Path(x + C.AR * 2 + item.width, y + item.height) .right(itemSpace + C.AR) .addTo(self)) # Lower skip (Path(x, y) .arc('ne') .down(item.height + max(item.down + C.VS, C.AR * 2) - C.AR * 2) .arc('ws') .right(itemWidth - C.AR) .arc('se') .up(item.down + C.VS - C.AR * 2) .arc('wn') .addTo(self)) return self # In[16]: class AlternatingSequence(DiagramItem): def __new__(cls, *items): if len(items) == 2: return super(AlternatingSequence, cls).__new__(cls) else: raise Exception( "AlternatingSequence takes exactly two arguments got " + len(items)) def __init__(self, *items): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g') self.items = [wrapString(item) for item in items] self.needsSpace = False arc = C.AR vert = C.VS first = self.items[0] second = self.items[1] arcX = 1 / math.sqrt(2) * arc * 2 arcY = (1 - 1 / math.sqrt(2)) * arc * 2 crossY = max(arc, vert) crossX = (crossY - arcY) + arcX firstOut = max(arc + arc, crossY / 2 + arc + arc, crossY / 2 + vert + first.down) self.up = firstOut + first.height + first.up secondIn = max(arc + arc, crossY / 2 + arc + arc, crossY / 2 + vert + second.up) self.down = secondIn + second.height + second.down self.height = 0 firstWidth = (20 if first.needsSpace else 0) + first.width secondWidth = (20 if second.needsSpace else 0) + second.width self.width = 2 * arc + max(firstWidth, crossX, secondWidth) + 2 * arc addDebug(self) def __repr__(self): items = ', '.join(repr(item) for item in self.items) return 'AlternatingSequence(%s)' % items def format(self, x, y, width): arc = C.AR gaps = determineGaps(width, self.width) Path(x, y).right(gaps[0]).addTo(self) x += gaps[0] Path(x + self.width, y).right(gaps[1]).addTo(self) # bounding box # Path(x+gaps[0], y).up(self.up).right(self.width).down(self.up+self.down).left(self.width).up(self.down).addTo(self) first = self.items[0] second = self.items[1] # top firstIn = self.up - first.up firstOut = self.up - first.up - first.height Path(x, y).arc('se').up(firstIn - 2 * arc).arc('wn').addTo(self) first.format( x + 2 * arc, y - firstIn, self.width - 4 * arc).addTo(self) Path(x + self.width - 2 * arc, y - firstOut).arc('ne').down(firstOut - 2 * arc).arc('ws').addTo(self) # bottom secondIn = self.down - second.down - second.height secondOut = self.down - second.down Path(x, y).arc('ne').down(secondIn - 2 * arc).arc('ws').addTo(self) second.format( x + 2 * arc, y + secondIn, self.width - 4 * arc).addTo(self) Path(x + self.width - 2 * arc, y + secondOut).arc('se').up(secondOut - 2 * arc).arc('wn').addTo(self) # crossover arcX = 1 / Math.sqrt(2) * arc * 2 arcY = (1 - 1 / Math.sqrt(2)) * arc * 2 crossY = max(arc, C.VS) crossX = (crossY - arcY) + arcX crossBar = (self.width - 4 * arc - crossX) / 2 (Path(x + arc, y - crossY / 2 - arc).arc('ws').right(crossBar) .arc_8('n', 'cw').ll(crossX - arcX, crossY - arcY).arc_8('sw', 'ccw') .right(crossBar).arc('ne').addTo(self)) (Path(x + arc, y + crossY / 2 + arc).arc('wn').right(crossBar) .arc_8('s', 'ccw').ll(crossX - arcX, -(crossY - arcY)).arc_8('nw', 'cw') .right(crossBar).arc('se').addTo(self)) return self # In[17]: class Choice(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, default, *items): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g') assert default < len(items) self.default = default self.items = [wrapString(item) for item in items] self.width = C.AR * 4 + max(item.width for item in self.items) self.up = self.items[0].up self.down = self.items[-1].down self.height = self.items[default].height for i, item in enumerate(self.items): if i in [default - 1, default + 1]: arcs = C.AR * 2 else: arcs = C.AR if i < default: self.up += max(arcs, item.height + item.down + C.VS + self.items[i + 1].up) elif i == default: continue else: self.down += max(arcs, item.up + C.VS + self.items[i - 1].down + self.items[i - 1].height) # already counted in self.height self.down -= self.items[default].height addDebug(self) def __repr__(self): items = ', '.join(repr(item) for item in self.items) return 'Choice(%r, %s)' % (self.default, items) def format(self, x, y, width): leftGap, rightGap = determineGaps(width, self.width) # Hook up the two sides if self is narrower than its stated width. Path(x, y).h(leftGap).addTo(self) Path(x + leftGap + self.width, y + self.height).h(rightGap).addTo(self) x += leftGap innerWidth = self.width - C.AR * 4 default = self.items[self.default] # Do the elements that curve above above = self.items[:self.default][::-1] if above: distanceFromY = max( C.AR * 2, default.up + C.VS + above[0].down + above[0].height) for i, ni, item in doubleenumerate(above): Path(x, y).arc('se').up(distanceFromY - C.AR * 2).arc('wn').addTo(self) item.format(x + C.AR * 2, y - distanceFromY, innerWidth).addTo(self) Path(x + C.AR * 2 + innerWidth, y - distanceFromY + item.height).arc('ne') \ .down(distanceFromY - item.height + default.height - C.AR * 2).arc('ws').addTo(self) if ni < -1: distanceFromY += max( C.AR, item.up + C.VS + above[i + 1].down + above[i + 1].height) # Do the straight-line path. Path(x, y).right(C.AR * 2).addTo(self) self.items[self.default].format( x + C.AR * 2, y, innerWidth).addTo(self) Path(x + C.AR * 2 + innerWidth, y + self.height).right(C.AR * 2).addTo(self) # Do the elements that curve below below = self.items[self.default + 1:] if below: distanceFromY = max( C.AR * 2, default.height + default.down + C.VS + below[0].up) for i, item in enumerate(below): Path(x, y).arc('ne').down( distanceFromY - C.AR * 2).arc('ws').addTo(self) item.format(x + C.AR * 2, y + distanceFromY, innerWidth).addTo(self) Path(x + C.AR * 2 + innerWidth, y + distanceFromY + item.height).arc('se') \ .up(distanceFromY - C.AR * 2 + item.height - default.height).arc('wn').addTo(self) distanceFromY += max( C.AR, item.height + item.down + C.VS + (below[i + 1].up if i + 1 < len(below) else 0)) return self # In[18]: class MultipleChoice(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, default, type, *items): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g') assert 0 <= default < len(items) assert type in ["any", "all"] self.default = default self.type = type self.needsSpace = True self.items = [wrapString(item) for item in items] self.innerWidth = max(item.width for item in self.items) self.width = 30 + C.AR + self.innerWidth + C.AR + 20 self.up = self.items[0].up self.down = self.items[-1].down self.height = self.items[default].height for i, item in enumerate(self.items): if i in [default - 1, default + 1]: minimum = 10 + C.AR else: minimum = C.AR if i < default: self.up += max(minimum, item.height + item.down + C.VS + self.items[i + 1].up) elif i == default: continue else: self.down += max(minimum, item.up + C.VS + self.items[i - 1].down + self.items[i - 1].height) # already counted in self.height self.down -= self.items[default].height addDebug(self) def __repr__(self): items = ', '.join(map(repr, self.items)) return 'MultipleChoice(%r, %r, %s)' % (self.default, self.type, items) def format(self, x, y, width): leftGap, rightGap = determineGaps(width, self.width) # Hook up the two sides if self is narrower than its stated width. Path(x, y).h(leftGap).addTo(self) Path(x + leftGap + self.width, y + self.height).h(rightGap).addTo(self) x += leftGap default = self.items[self.default] # Do the elements that curve above above = self.items[:self.default][::-1] if above: distanceFromY = max( 10 + C.AR, default.up + C.VS + above[0].down + above[0].height) for i, ni, item in doubleenumerate(above): (Path(x + 30, y) .up(distanceFromY - C.AR) .arc('wn') .addTo(self)) item.format(x + 30 + C.AR, y - distanceFromY, self.innerWidth).addTo(self) (Path(x + 30 + C.AR + self.innerWidth, y - distanceFromY + item.height) .arc('ne') .down(distanceFromY - item.height + default.height - C.AR - 10) .addTo(self)) if ni < -1: distanceFromY += max( C.AR, item.up + C.VS + above[i + 1].down + above[i + 1].height) # Do the straight-line path. Path(x + 30, y).right(C.AR).addTo(self) self.items[self.default].format( x + 30 + C.AR, y, self.innerWidth).addTo(self) Path(x + 30 + C.AR + self.innerWidth, y + self.height).right(C.AR).addTo(self) # Do the elements that curve below below = self.items[self.default + 1:] if below: distanceFromY = max( 10 + C.AR, default.height + default.down + C.VS + below[0].up) for i, item in enumerate(below): (Path(x + 30, y) .down(distanceFromY - C.AR) .arc('ws') .addTo(self)) item.format(x + 30 + C.AR, y + distanceFromY, self.innerWidth).addTo(self) (Path(x + 30 + C.AR + self.innerWidth, y + distanceFromY + item.height) .arc('se') .up(distanceFromY - C.AR + item.height - default.height - 10) .addTo(self)) distanceFromY += max( C.AR, item.height + item.down + C.VS + (below[i + 1].up if i + 1 < len(below) else 0)) text = DiagramItem('g', attrs={"class": "diagram-text"}).addTo(self) DiagramItem('title', text="take one or more branches, once each, in any order" if self.type == "any" else "take all branches, once each, in any order").addTo(text) DiagramItem('path', attrs={ "d": "M {x} {y} h -26 a 4 4 0 0 0 -4 4 v 12 a 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 h 26 z".format(x=x + 30, y=y - 10), "class": "diagram-text" }).addTo(text) DiagramItem('text', text="1+" if self.type == "any" else "all", attrs={ "x": x + 15, "y": y + 4, "class": "diagram-text" }).addTo(text) DiagramItem('path', attrs={ "d": "M {x} {y} h 16 a 4 4 0 0 1 4 4 v 12 a 4 4 0 0 1 -4 4 h -16 z".format(x=x + self.width - 20, y=y - 10), "class": "diagram-text" }).addTo(text) DiagramItem('text', text=u"↺", attrs={ "x": x + self.width - 10, "y": y + 4, "class": "diagram-arrow" }).addTo(text) return self # In[19]: class HorizontalChoice(DiagramItem): def __new__(cls, *items): if len(items) <= 1: return Sequence(*items) else: return super(HorizontalChoice, cls).__new__(cls) def __init__(self, *items): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g') self.items = [wrapString(item) for item in items] allButLast = self.items[:-1] middles = self.items[1:-1] first = self.items[0] last = self.items[-1] self.needsSpace = False self.width = (C.AR # starting track + C.AR * 2 * (len(self.items) - 1) # inbetween tracks + sum(x.width + (20 if x.needsSpace else 0) for x in self.items) # items # needs space to curve up + (C.AR if last.height > 0 else 0) + C.AR) # ending track # Always exits at entrance height self.height = 0 # All but the last have a track running above them self._upperTrack = max( C.AR * 2, C.VS, max(x.up for x in allButLast) + C.VS ) self.up = max(self._upperTrack, last.up) # All but the first have a track running below them # Last either straight-lines or curves up, so has different calculation self._lowerTrack = max( C.VS, max(x.height + max(x.down + C.VS, C.AR * 2) for x in middles) if middles else 0, last.height + last.down + C.VS ) if first.height < self._lowerTrack: # Make sure there's at least 2*C.AR room between first exit and # lower track self._lowerTrack = max(self._lowerTrack, first.height + C.AR * 2) self.down = max(self._lowerTrack, first.height + first.down) addDebug(self) def format(self, x, y, width): # Hook up the two sides if self is narrower than its stated width. leftGap, rightGap = determineGaps(width, self.width) Path(x, y).h(leftGap).addTo(self) Path(x + leftGap + self.width, y + self.height).h(rightGap).addTo(self) x += leftGap first = self.items[0] last = self.items[-1] # upper track upperSpan = (sum(x.width + (20 if x.needsSpace else 0) for x in self.items[:-1]) + (len(self.items) - 2) * C.AR * 2 - C.AR) (Path(x, y) .arc('se') .up(self._upperTrack - C.AR * 2) .arc('wn') .h(upperSpan) .addTo(self)) # lower track lowerSpan = (sum(x.width + (20 if x.needsSpace else 0) for x in self.items[1:]) + (len(self.items) - 2) * C.AR * 2 + (C.AR if last.height > 0 else 0) - C.AR) lowerStart = x + C.AR + first.width + \ (20 if first.needsSpace else 0) + C.AR * 2 (Path(lowerStart, y + self._lowerTrack) .h(lowerSpan) .arc('se') .up(self._lowerTrack - C.AR * 2) .arc('wn') .addTo(self)) # Items for [i, item] in enumerate(self.items): # input track if i == 0: (Path(x, y) .h(C.AR) .addTo(self)) x += C.AR else: (Path(x, y - self._upperTrack) .arc('ne') .v(self._upperTrack - C.AR * 2) .arc('ws') .addTo(self)) x += C.AR * 2 # item itemWidth = item.width + (20 if item.needsSpace else 0) item.format(x, y, itemWidth).addTo(self) x += itemWidth # output track if i == len(self.items) - 1: if item.height == 0: (Path(x, y) .h(C.AR) .addTo(self)) else: (Path(x, y + item.height) .arc('se') .addTo(self)) elif i == 0 and item.height > self._lowerTrack: # Needs to arc up to meet the lower track, not down. if item.height - self._lowerTrack >= C.AR * 2: (Path(x, y + item.height) .arc('se') .v(self._lowerTrack - item.height + C.AR * 2) .arc('wn') .addTo(self)) else: # Not enough space to fit two arcs # so just bail and draw a straight line for now. (Path(x, y + item.height) .ll(C.AR * 2, self._lowerTrack - item.height) .addTo(self)) else: (Path(x, y + item.height) .arc('ne') .v(self._lowerTrack - item.height - C.AR * 2) .arc('ws') .addTo(self)) return self # In[20]: def Optional(item, skip=False): return Choice(0 if skip else 1, Skip(), item) # In[21]: class OneOrMore(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, item, repeat=None): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g') repeat = repeat or Skip() self.item = wrapString(item) self.rep = wrapString(repeat) self.width = max(self.item.width, self.rep.width) + C.AR * 2 self.height = self.item.height self.up = self.item.up self.down = max( C.AR * 2, self.item.down + C.VS + self.rep.up + self.rep.height + self.rep.down) self.needsSpace = True addDebug(self) def format(self, x, y, width): leftGap, rightGap = determineGaps(width, self.width) # Hook up the two sides if self is narrower than its stated width. Path(x, y).h(leftGap).addTo(self) Path(x + leftGap + self.width, y + self.height).h(rightGap).addTo(self) x += leftGap # Draw item Path(x, y).right(C.AR).addTo(self) self.item.format(x + C.AR, y, self.width - C.AR * 2).addTo(self) Path(x + self.width - C.AR, y + self.height).right(C.AR).addTo(self) # Draw repeat arc distanceFromY = max(C.AR * 2, self.item.height + self.item.down + C.VS + self.rep.up) Path(x + C.AR, y).arc('nw').down(distanceFromY - C.AR * 2) \ .arc('ws').addTo(self) self.rep.format(x + C.AR, y + distanceFromY, self.width - C.AR * 2).addTo(self) Path(x + self.width - C.AR, y + distanceFromY + self.rep.height).arc('se') \ .up(distanceFromY - C.AR * 2 + self.rep.height - self.item.height).arc('en').addTo(self) return self def __repr__(self): return 'OneOrMore(%r, repeat=%r)' % (self.item, self.rep) # In[22]: def ZeroOrMore(item, repeat=None, skip=False): result = Optional(OneOrMore(item, repeat), skip) return result # In[23]: class Start(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, type="simple", label=None): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g') if label: self.width = max(20, len(label) * C.CHAR_WIDTH + 10) else: self.width = 20 self.up = 10 self.down = 10 self.type = type self.label = label addDebug(self) def format(self, x, y, _width): path = Path(x, y - 10) if self.type == "complex": path.down(20).m(0, -10).right(self.width).addTo(self) else: path.down(20).m(10, -20).down(20).m(-10, - 10).right(self.width).addTo(self) if self.label: DiagramItem('text', attrs={ "x": x, "y": y - 15, "style": "text-anchor:start"}, text=self.label).addTo(self) return self def __repr__(self): return 'Start(type=%r, label=%r)' % (self.type, self.label) # In[24]: class End(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, type="simple"): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'path') self.width = 20 self.up = 10 self.down = 10 self.type = type addDebug(self) def format(self, x, y, _width): if self.type == "simple": self.attrs['d'] = 'M {0} {1} h 20 m -10 -10 v 20 m 10 -20 v 20'.format( x, y) elif self.type == "complex": self.attrs['d'] = 'M {0} {1} h 20 m 0 -10 v 20' return self def __repr__(self): return 'End(type=%r)' % self.type # In[25]: class Terminal(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, text, href=None, title=None): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g', {'class': 'terminal'}) self.text = text self.href = href self.title = title self.width = len(text) * C.CHAR_WIDTH + 20 self.up = 11 self.down = 11 self.needsSpace = True addDebug(self) def __repr__(self): return 'Terminal(%r, href=%r, title=%r)' % ( self.text, self.href, self.title) def format(self, x, y, width): leftGap, rightGap = determineGaps(width, self.width) # Hook up the two sides if self is narrower than its stated width. Path(x, y).h(leftGap).addTo(self) Path(x + leftGap + self.width, y).h(rightGap).addTo(self) DiagramItem('rect', {'x': x + leftGap, 'y': y - 11, 'width': self.width, 'height': self.up + self.down, 'rx': 10, 'ry': 10}).addTo(self) text = DiagramItem('text', {'x': x + width / 2, 'y': y + 4}, self.text) if self.href is not None: a = DiagramItem('a', {'xlink:href': self.href}, text).addTo(self) text.addTo(a) else: text.addTo(self) if self.title is not None: DiagramItem('title', {}, self.title).addTo(self) return self # In[26]: class NonTerminal(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, text, href=None, title=None): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g', {'class': 'non-terminal'}) self.text = text self.href = href self.title = title self.width = len(text) * C.CHAR_WIDTH + 20 self.up = 11 self.down = 11 self.needsSpace = True addDebug(self) def __repr__(self): return 'NonTerminal(%r, href=%r, title=%r)' % ( self.text, self.href, self.title) def format(self, x, y, width): leftGap, rightGap = determineGaps(width, self.width) # Hook up the two sides if self is narrower than its stated width. Path(x, y).h(leftGap).addTo(self) Path(x + leftGap + self.width, y).h(rightGap).addTo(self) DiagramItem('rect', {'x': x + leftGap, 'y': y - 11, 'width': self.width, 'height': self.up + self.down}).addTo(self) text = DiagramItem('text', {'x': x + width / 2, 'y': y + 4}, self.text) if self.href is not None: a = DiagramItem('a', {'xlink:href': self.href}, text).addTo(self) text.addTo(a) else: text.addTo(self) if self.title is not None: DiagramItem('title', {}, self.title).addTo(self) return self # In[27]: class Comment(DiagramItem): def __init__(self, text, href=None, title=None): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g') self.text = text self.href = href self.title = title self.width = len(text) * C.COMMENT_CHAR_WIDTH + 10 self.up = 11 self.down = 11 self.needsSpace = True addDebug(self) def __repr__(self): return 'Comment(%r, href=%r, title=%r)' % ( self.text, self.href, self.title) def format(self, x, y, width): leftGap, rightGap = determineGaps(width, self.width) # Hook up the two sides if self is narrower than its stated width. Path(x, y).h(leftGap).addTo(self) Path(x + leftGap + self.width, y).h(rightGap).addTo(self) text = DiagramItem( 'text', {'x': x + width / 2, 'y': y + 5, 'class': 'comment'}, self.text) if self.href is not None: a = DiagramItem('a', {'xlink:href': self.href}, text).addTo(self) text.addTo(a) else: text.addTo(self) if self.title is not None: DiagramItem('title', {}, self.title).addTo(self) return self # In[28]: class Skip(DiagramItem): def __init__(self): DiagramItem.__init__(self, 'g') self.width = 0 self.up = 0 self.down = 0 addDebug(self) def format(self, x, y, width): Path(x, y).right(width).addTo(self) return self def __repr__(self): return 'Skip()' # In[29]: def show_diagram(graph, log=False): with io.StringIO() as f: d = Diagram(graph) if log: print(d) d.writeSvg(f.write) mysvg = f.getvalue() return mysvg # ## End of Excursion