#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Create a Satellite Tasking Order # # A basic example on how to create a tasking order on UP42. # ## Authenticate # # First connect with UP42 as explained in the [authentication chapter](authentication.md). # In[ ]: import up42 up42.authenticate(project_id="your project ID", project_api_key="your-project-API-key") # ## Decide on the satellite dataset # # We look at the available data products and decide to create a tasking order for a TerraSar satellite image ([see marketplace](https://up42.com/marketplace/data/tasking/terra-sar-tasking)). The `get_data_products` function gives us the desired Terrasar `data_product_id` which is required for placing the tasking order. # In[ ]: tasking = up42.initialize_tasking() products = tasking.get_data_products(basic=True) products # In[ ]: terrasar_product_id = 'a6f64332-3148-4e05-a475-45a02176f210' # # Create the order parameters # # To help with the order parameters we can use `tasking.construct_order_parameters`. It will also show you how to adjust parameters that are specific to the selected data product as log messages. Use # `tasking.get_data_product_schema(data_product_id)` for more details. # In[ ]: geometry = {'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': (((13.375966, 52.515068), (13.375966, 52.516639), (13.378314, 52.516639), (13.378314, 52.515068), (13.375966, 52.515068)),)} # In[ ]: order_parameters = tasking.construct_order_parameters(data_product_id=terrasar_product_id, name="My Terrasar tasking order", acquisition_start= "2022-11-01", acquisition_end= "2023-03-20", geometry=geometry) order_parameters # In[ ]: order_parameters["params"].update({ "acquisitionMode": "spotlight", "polarization": "hh", "processingLevel": "ssc" }) order_parameters # ## Place the tasking order # # After placing the tasking order, UP42 will carry out a feasibility study for the specified requirements and contact you # with next steps via email. # In[ ]: order = tasking.place_order(order_parameters) order # In[ ]: order.status # ## Next steps: Feasibility study # # After the order placed, the UP42 customer support team will reach out to you via email with the results of the tasking feasibility study and pricing options. # You can also see the status of the tasking order on the UP42 Console - in the Storage menu under the "Orders" tab.