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# # Run fastdup with TIMM Embeddings # # [![Open in Colab](https://img.shields.io/badge/Open%20in%20Colab-blue?style=for-the-badge&logo=google-colab&labelColor=gray)](https://colab.research.google.com/github/visual-layer/fastdup/blob/main/examples/embeddings-timm.ipynb) # [![Open in Kaggle](https://img.shields.io/badge/Open%20in%20Kaggle-blue?style=for-the-badge&logo=kaggle&labelColor=gray)](https://kaggle.com/kernels/welcome?src=https://github.com/visual-layer/fastdup/blob/main/examples/embeddings-timm.ipynb) # [![Explore the Docs](https://img.shields.io/badge/Explore%20the%20Docs-blue?style=for-the-badge&labelColor=gray&logo=read-the-docs)](https://visual-layer.readme.io/docs/embeddings-timm) # In this notebook we show an end-to-end example on how you can pre-compute embeddings using any models from TIMM run fastdup on top of the embeddings to surface dataset issues. # ## Installation # # First, let's install the neccessary packages: # # - [fastdup](https://github.com/visual-layer/fastdup) - To analyze issues in the dataset. # - [TIMM (PyTorch Image Models)](https://github.com/huggingface/pytorch-image-models) - To acquire pre-trained models. # In[1]: get_ipython().system('pip install -Uq fastdup timm') # Now, test the installation. If there's no error message, we are ready to go. # In[2]: import fastdup fastdup.__version__ # ## Download Dataset # # In this notebook, we will the [Price Match Guarantee Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/shopee-product-matching/) from Shopee from Kaggle. # The dataset consists of images from users who sell products on the Shopee online platform. # # Download the dataset [here](https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/shopee-product-matching/data), unzip, and place it in the current directory. # # Here's a snapshot showing some of the images from the dataset. # ![img](https://files.readme.io/09f6849-download.png) # ## List TIMM Models # There are currently 1212 computer vision models on TIMM. Pick a model of your choice to compute the embedding with. # # Now, pick a model of your choice. For demonstration, we will go with a relatively new model `vit_small_patch14_dinov2.lvd142m` from MetaAI. # # Let's list down models that match the keyword `dino`. # In[3]: import timm timm.list_models("*dino*", pretrained=True) # DINOv2 models produce high-performance visual features that can be directly employed with classifiers as simple as linear layers on a variety of computer vision tasks; these visual features are robust and perform well across domains without any requirement for fine-tuning. Read more about DINOv2 [here](https://github.com/facebookresearch/dinov2). # # It makes sense for us to use DINOv2 as a model to create an embedding of the dataset. # ## Compute Embeddings using TIMM # # Loading TIMM models in fastdup is seamless with the `TimmEncoder` wrapper class. This ensures all TIMM models can be used in fastdup to compute the embeddings of your dataset. # Under the hood, the wrapper class loads the model from TIMM excluding the final classification layer. # # Next, let's load the DINOv2 model using the `TimmEncoder` wrapper. # In[4]: from fastdup.embeddings_timm import TimmEncoder timm_model = TimmEncoder('vit_small_patch14_dinov2.lvd142m') # Here are other the parameters for `TimmEncoder` # # + `model_name` (str): The name of the model architecture to use. # + `num_classes` (int): The number of classes for the model. Use num_features=0 to exclude the last layer. Default: `0`. # + `pretrained` (bool): Whether to load pretrained weights. Default: `True`. # + `device` (str): Which device to load the model on. Choices: "cuda" or "cpu". Default: `None`. # + `torch_compile` (bool): Whether to use `torch.compile` to optimize model. Default `False`. # To start computing embeddings, specify the directory where the images are stored. # In[5]: timm_model.compute_embeddings("shopee-product-matching/train_images") # Once done, the embeddings are stored in a folder named `saved_embeddings` in the current directory as a `numpy` array with the appropriate model name. # # For this example the file name is `vit_small_patch14_dinov2.lvd142m_embeddings.npy`. # ## Run fastdup # # Now let's load the embeddings into fastdup and run an analysis to surface dataset issues. # In[6]: fd = fastdup.create(input_dir=timm_model.img_folder) fd.run(annotations=timm_model.file_paths, embeddings=timm_model.embeddings) # ## Visualize # # You can use all of fastdup gallery methods to view duplicates, clusters, etc. # # Let's view the image clusters. # In[7]: fd.vis.component_gallery() # And duplicates gallery. # In[8]: fd.vis.duplicates_gallery() # ## Interactive Exploration # In addition to the static visualizations presented above, fastdup also offers interactive exploration of the dataset. # # To explore the dataset and issues interactively in a browser, run: # In[ ]: fd.explore() # > 🗒 **Note** - This currently requires you to sign-up (for free) to view the interactive exploration. Alternatively, you can visualize fastdup in a non-interactive way using fastdup's built in galleries shown in the upcoming cells. # # You'll be presented with a web interface that lets you conveniently view, filter, and curate your dataset in a web interface. # # # ![image.png](https://vl-blog.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/fastdup_assets/cloud_preview.gif) # ## Wrap Up # In this tutorial, we showed how you can compute embeddings on your dataset using TIMM and run fastdup on top of it to surface dataset issues. # # Questions about this tutorial? Reach out to us on our [Slack channel](https://visuallayer.slack.com/)! # # # # Next, feel free to check out other tutorials - # # + ⚡ [**Quickstart**](https://nbviewer.org/github/visual-layer/fastdup/blob/main/examples/quick-dataset-analysis.ipynb): Learn how to install fastdup, load a dataset and analyze it for potential issues such as duplicates/near-duplicates, broken images, outliers, dark/bright/blurry images, and view visually similar image clusters. If you're new, start here! # + 🧹 [**Clean Image Folder**](https://nbviewer.org/github/visual-layer/fastdup/blob/main/examples/cleaning-image-dataset.ipynb): Learn how to analyze and clean a folder of images from potential issues and export a list of problematic files for further action. If you have an unorganized folder of images, this is a good place to start. # + 🖼 [**Analyze Image Classification Dataset**](https://nbviewer.org/github/visual-layer/fastdup/blob/main/examples/analyzing-image-classification-dataset.ipynb): Learn how to load a labeled image classification dataset and analyze for potential issues. If you have labeled ImageNet-style folder structure, have a go! # + 🎁 [**Analyze Object Detection Dataset**](https://nbviewer.org/github/visual-layer/fastdup/blob/main/examples/analyzing-object-detection-dataset.ipynb): Learn how to load bounding box annotations for object detection and analyze for potential issues. If you have a COCO-style labeled object detection dataset, give this example a try. #
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