my_list = [17, 23, 47, 51, 101, 173, 999, 1001] i = 0 while i < len(my_list): v = my_list[i] print v i += 1 for i in range(len(my_list)): v = my_list[i] print v for v in my_list: print v for v in "Hello": print v d = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, } for v in d: print v # Note the strange order! f = open("suzuki.txt") for line in f: print ">", line list(d) list("Hello") ascii = [ord(x) for x in "Hello"] ascii sum(ascii) "-".join(d) import re suzuki = open("suzuki.txt").read() for match in re.finditer(r'\bs\w+', suzuki): print class Lucky(object): def __getitem__(self, index): if index > 3: raise IndexError return 7 lucky = Lucky() lucky[0] lucky[6] for number in lucky: print number list(lucky) 7 in lucky i = iter(lucky) i print print print print print # raises StopIteration, *not* IndexError i = iter(lucky) print list(i) print list(i) i is iter(lucky) i is iter(i) iter(xrange(20)) iter({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) iter([4, 5, 6]) re.finditer(r'\bs\w+', "some text with swords") class Countdown(object): def __iter__(self): # must return an iterator! return iter([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 'launch']) for n in Countdown(): print n class CountdownIterator(object): def __init__(self): self._remaining = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 'launch'] def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if not self._remaining: raise StopIteration return self._remaining.pop(0) for n in CountdownIterator(): print n def countdown_generator(): yield 5 yield 4 yield 3 yield 2 yield 1 yield 'launch' countdown_generator() for n in countdown_generator(): print n class Countdown(object): def __iter__(self): for n in [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 'launch']: yield n for n in Countdown(): print n import time def slow_generator(): time.sleep(5) yield 5 time.sleep(1) yield 4 time.sleep(1) yield 3 time.sleep(1) yield 2 time.sleep(1) yield 1 time.sleep(1) print "starting" for n in slow_generator(): print n print "done" ## def countdown_generator(fn): yield 5 fn(5) yield 1 fn(4) yield 1 fn(3) yield 1 fn(2) yield 1 fn(1) yield 1 def show(n): print n print "starting" for s in countdown_generator(show): time.sleep(s) print "done" def knock_knock(): name = yield "Who's there?" yield "%s who?" % name yield "That's not funny at all" k = knock_knock() k.send("David") k.send("David the environmentalist") ## def running_avg(): "coroutine that accepts numbers and yields their running average" total = float((yield)) count = 1 while True: i = yield total / count count += 1 total += i r = running_avg() r.send(10) r.send(10) r.send(5) r.send(0) r.send(0) ## def advance_generator_once(original_fn): "decorator to advance a generator once immediately after it is created" def actual_call(*args, **kwargs): gen = original_fn(*args, **kwargs) assert is None return gen return actual_call ## running_avg = advance_generator_once(running_avg) r = running_avg() r.send(42) ## @advance_generator_once def rock_paper_scissors(): """ coroutine for playing rock-paper-scissors yields: 'invalid key': invalid input was sent ('win', player, choice0, choice1): when a player wins ('tie', None, choice0, choice1): when there is a tie None: when waiting for more input accepts to .send(): (player, key): player is 0 or 1, key is a character in 'rps' """ valid = 'rps' wins = 'rs', 'sp', 'pr' result = None while True: chosen = [None, None] while None in chosen: player, play = yield result result = None if play in valid: chosen[player] = play else: result = 'invalid key' if chosen[0] + chosen[1] in wins: result = ('win', 0) + tuple(chosen) elif chosen[1] + chosen[0] in wins: result = ('win', 1) + tuple(chosen) else: result = ('tie', None) + tuple(chosen) rps = rock_paper_scissors() rps.send((0, 'r')) rps.send((1, 'p')) rps.send((1, 's')) rps.send((1, 'p')) rps.send((1, 'z')) rps.send((0, 's')) rps.send((0, 'r')) rps.send((1, 'r')) ## import os import termios import tty @advance_generator_once def cbreak_keys(fd): "enter cbreak mode and yield keys as they arrive" termios_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) tty.setcbreak(fd) try: yield # initialize step while True: yield, 1) finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, termios_settings) import pty import itertools master, slave = pty.openpty() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(master) os.write(slave, "hello") c = cbreak_keys(master) for i in range(5): print, old_settings == termios.tcgetattr(master) c.close() old_settings == termios.tcgetattr(master) ## import socket @advance_generator_once def socket_read_and_close(sock): "yields strings from sock and ensures sock.shutdown() is called" try: b = None while b != '': yield b b = sock.recv(1) finally: try: sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except socket.error: pass sock.close() import socket server = socket.socket() server.bind(('', 0)) server.listen(0) host, port = server.getsockname() client = socket.socket() client.connect(('localhost', port)) s, remote = server.accept() client.send("world") client.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) for c in socket_read_and_close(s): print c, socket_read_and_close(s).next() ## @advance_generator_once def telnet_filter(): """ coroutine accepting characters and yielding True when the character passed is actual input or False when it is part of a telnet command. """ actual_input = None while True: key = yield actual_input # normal if key != chr(255): actual_input = True continue key = yield False # command if key == chr(255): actual_input = True continue actual_input = False if key == chr(250): while key != chr(240): key = yield False # subnegotiation else: yield False # parameter keep = telnet_filter() chatter = ('\xff\xfd\x03si\xff\xfb"gn\xff\xfa"\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03b' '\x03\x04\x02\x0f\x05\x00\x00\x07b\x1c\x08\x02\x04\tB\x1a' '\n\x02\x7f\x0b\x02\x15\x0f\x02\x11\x10\x02\x13\x11\x02' '\xff\xff\x12\x02\xff\xff\xff\xf0al\xff\xfd\x01') for c in chatter: if keep.send(c): print c, ## @advance_generator_once def telnet_keys(sock): "yields next key or None if key was a filtered out telnet command" # negotiate character-by-character, disable echo sock.send('\xff\xfd\x22\xff\xfb\x01') keep = telnet_filter() s = socket_read_and_close(sock) yield while True: # allow StopIteration to carry through: c = if keep.send(c): yield c else: yield None ## class Timeout(Exception): pass class Disconnect(Exception): pass def game_machine(game_factory, output, best_of=9): """ coroutine that manages and provides comminication for two-player games, best of N :param game_factory: a function that returns a game generator object :param output: a function that sends output to one or both players :param best_of: max games to play per guest (an odd number) yields: 'waiting' : waiting for a guest (disconnect any existing guest) 'play': playing a game, accepting input 'disable timeout': disable the guest timout, accepting input 'reset timeout': reset and start guest timeout, accepting input accepts to .send(): ('join', guest_name): Guest guest_name joined ('key', (player_num, key)): Input from player player_num (0 or 1) accepts to .throw(): Disconnect: the guest disconnected Timeout: the guest timout fired """ ravg = running_avg() while True: event, value = yield 'waiting' if event != 'join': continue game = game_factory() wins = [0, 0] output("Player connected: {0}".format(value), player=0) output("Welcome to the game", player=1) try: response = 'reset timeout' while True: event, value = yield response response = 'play' if event != 'key': continue player, key = value result = game.send((player, key)) if result == 'invalid key': output("Invalid key", player=player) continue elif player == 1: response = 'disable timeout' if not result: continue outcome, player, play0, play1 = result output("Player 0: {0}, Player 1: {1}".format(play0, play1)) if outcome == 'win': wins[player] += 1 output("Player {0} wins!".format(player)) output("Wins: {0} - {1}".format(*wins)) output("Overall: {0:5.2f}%".format( (1 - ravg.send(player)) * 100), player=0) if any(count > best_of / 2 for count in wins): output("Thank you for playing!") break response = 'reset timeout' except Disconnect: output("Opponent disconnected.", player=0) except Timeout: output("Timed out. Good-bye") def say(t, player='all'): print player, ">", t g = game_machine(rock_paper_scissors, say) g.send(('join', 'Ernie')) g.send(('key', (0, 'r'))) g.send(('key', (1, 's'))) g.throw(Disconnect()) g.send(('join', 'Bert')) g.send(('key', (1, 'x'))) g.send(('key', (1, 'p'))) g.send(('key', (0, 'r'))) for player, key in [(0, 's'), (1, 'p')] * 5: r = g.send(('key', (player, key))) r ## import socket import sys import time def console_telnet_game_loop(game_factory, countdown_factory, best_of=9, stdin=None, port=12333, now=None): """ Coroutine that manages IO from console and incoming telnet connections (one client at a time), and tracks a timeout for the telnet clients. Console and telnet client act as player 0 and 1 of a game_machine. :param game_factory: passed to game_machine() :param coutdown_factory: function returning a countdown generator :param best_of: passed to game_machine() :param stdin: file object to use for player 0, default: sys.stdin :param port: telnet port to listen on for player 1 :param now: function to use to get the current time in seconds, default: time.time yields args for*args) accepts to .send() the fd lists returned from """ if stdin is None: stdin = sys.stdin if now is None: now = time.time server = socket.socket() server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server.bind(('', port)) server.listen(0) print "Listening for telnet connections on port", port client = None client_reader = None timeout = None countdown = None local_fd = stdin.fileno() local_user = cbreak_keys(local_fd) def output(txt, player='all'): if player != 1: print txt if player != 0 and client: client.send(txt + '\r\n') g = game_machine(game_factory, output, best_of) state = while True: if state == 'waiting' and client: client = client_reader = timeout = None if state == 'reset timeout': countdown = countdown_factory(lambda n: output(str(n), player=1)) timeout = time.time() + state = 'play' if state == 'disable timeout': countdown = timeout = None telnet_fd = client.fileno() if client else server.fileno() timeout_seconds = max(0, timeout - now()) if timeout else None readable, _, _ = yield [local_fd, telnet_fd], [], [], timeout_seconds if not readable: # no files to read == timeout, advance countdown try: timeout = now() + except StopIteration: state = g.throw(Timeout()) timeout = None continue if local_fd in readable: # local user input state = g.send(('key', (0, readable.remove(local_fd) continue if client: # client input try: key = except StopIteration: state = g.throw(Disconnect()) else: if key: # might be None if telnet commands were filtered state = g.send(('key', (1, key))) continue # accept a new client connection client, addr = server.accept() client_reader = telnet_keys(client) state = g.send(('join', str(addr))) ## import select def main(): loop = console_telnet_game_loop(rock_paper_scissors, countdown_generator) fd_lists = None while True: select_args = loop.send(fd_lists) fd_lists =*select_args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()