#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # **Note**: Click on "*Kernel*" > "*Restart Kernel and Clear All Outputs*" in [JupyterLab](https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) *before* reading this notebook to reset its output. If you cannot run this file on your machine, you may want to open it [in the cloud ](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/webartifex/intro-to-python/develop?urlpath=lab/tree/05_numbers/01_content.ipynb). # # Chapter 5: Numbers & Bits (continued) # In this second part of the chapter, we look at the `float` type in detail. It is probably the most commonly used one in all of data science, even across programming languages. # ## The `float` Type # As we have seen before, some assumptions need to be made as to how the $0$s and $1$s in a computer's memory are to be translated into numbers. This process becomes a lot more involved when we go beyond integers and model [real numbers ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_number) (i.e., the set $\mathbb{R}$) with possibly infinitely many digits to the right of the period like $1.23$. # # The **[Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_of_Electrical_and_Electronics_Engineers)** (IEEE, pronounced "eye-triple-E") is one of the important professional associations when it comes to standardizing all kinds of aspects regarding the implementation of soft- and hardware. # # The **[IEEE 754 ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754)** standard defines the so-called **floating-point arithmetic** that is commonly used today by all major programming languages. The standard not only defines how the $0$s and $1$s are organized in memory but also, for example, how values are to be rounded, what happens in exceptional cases like divisions by zero, or what is a zero value in the first place. # # In Python, the simplest way to create a `float` object is to use a literal notation with a dot `.` in it. # In[1]: b = 42.0 # In[2]: id(b) # In[3]: type(b) # In[4]: b # As with `int` literals, we may use underscores `_` to make longer `float` objects easier to read. # In[5]: 0.123_456_789 # In cases where the dot `.` is unnecessary from a mathematical point of view, we either need to end the number with it nevertheless or use the [float() ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#float) built-in to cast the number explicitly. [float() ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#float) can process any numeric object or a properly formatted `str` object. # In[6]: 42. # In[7]: float(42) # In[8]: float("42") # Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored ... # In[9]: float(" 42.87 ") # ... but not whitespace in between. # In[10]: float("42. 87") # `float` objects are implicitly created as the result of dividing an `int` object by another with the division operator `/`. # In[11]: 1 / 3 # In general, if we combine `float` and `int` objects in arithmetic operations, we always end up with a `float` type: Python uses the "broader" representation. # In[12]: 40.0 + 2 # In[13]: 21 * 2.0 # ### Scientific Notation # `float` objects may also be created with the **scientific literal notation**: We use the symbol `e` to indicate powers of $10$, so $1.23 * 10^0$ translates into `1.23e0`. # In[14]: 1.23e0 # Syntactically, `e` needs a `float` or `int` object in its literal notation on its left and an `int` object on its right, both without a space. Otherwise, we get a `SyntaxError`. # In[15]: 1.23 e0 # In[16]: 1.23e 0 # In[17]: 1.23e0.0 # If we leave out the number to the left, Python raises a `NameError` as it unsuccessfully tries to look up a variable named `e0`. # In[18]: e0 # So, to write $10^0$ in Python, we need to think of it as $1*10^0$ and write `1e0`. # In[19]: 1e0 # To express thousands of something (i.e., $10^3$), we write `1e3`. # In[20]: 1e3 # = thousands # Similarly, to express, for example, milliseconds (i.e., $10^{-3} s$), we write `1e-3`. # In[21]: 1e-3 # = milli # ## Special Values # There are also three special values representing "**not a number,**" called `nan`, and positive or negative **infinity**, called `inf` or `-inf`, that are created by passing in the corresponding abbreviation as a `str` object to the [float() ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#float) built-in. These values could be used, for example, as the result of a mathematically undefined operation like division by zero or to model the value of a mathematical function as it goes to infinity. # In[22]: float("nan") # also float("NaN") # In[23]: float("+inf") # also float("+infinity") or float("infinity") # In[24]: float("inf") # also float("+inf") # In[25]: float("-inf") # `nan` objects *never* compare equal to *anything*, not even to themselves. This happens in accordance with the [IEEE 754 ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754) standard. # In[26]: float("nan") == float("nan") # Another caveat is that any arithmetic involving a `nan` object results in `nan`. In other words, the addition below **fails silently** as no error is raised. As this also happens in accordance with the [IEEE 754 ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754) standard, we *need* to be aware of that and check any data we work with for any `nan` occurrences *before* doing any calculations. # In[27]: 42 + float("nan") # On the contrary, as two values go to infinity, there is no such concept as difference and *everything* compares equal. # In[28]: float("inf") == float("inf") # Adding `42` to `inf` makes no difference. # In[29]: float("inf") + 42 # In[30]: float("inf") + 42 == float("inf") # We observe the same for multiplication ... # In[31]: 42 * float("inf") # In[32]: 42 * float("inf") == float("inf") # ... and even exponentiation! # In[33]: float("inf") ** 42 # In[34]: float("inf") ** 42 == float("inf") # Although absolute differences become unmeaningful as we approach infinity, signs are still respected. # In[35]: -42 * float("-inf") # In[36]: -42 * float("-inf") == float("inf") # As a caveat, adding infinities of different signs is an *undefined operation* in math and results in a `nan` object. So, if we (accidentally or unknowingly) do this on a real dataset, we do *not* see any error messages, and our program may continue to run with non-meaningful results! This is another example of a piece of code **failing silently**. # In[37]: float("inf") + float("-inf") # In[38]: float("inf") - float("inf") # ## Imprecision # `float` objects are *inherently* imprecise, and there is *nothing* we can do about it! In particular, arithmetic operations with two `float` objects may result in "weird" rounding "errors" that are strictly deterministic and occur in accordance with the [IEEE 754 ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754) standard. # # For example, let's add `1` to `1e15` and `1e16`, respectively. In the latter case, the `1` somehow gets "lost." # In[39]: 1e15 + 1 # In[40]: 1e16 + 1 # Interactions between sufficiently large and small `float` objects are not the only source of imprecision. # In[41]: from math import sqrt # In[42]: sqrt(2) ** 2 # In[43]: 0.1 + 0.2 # This may become a problem if we rely on equality checks in our programs. # In[44]: sqrt(2) ** 2 == 2 # In[45]: 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 # A popular workaround is to benchmark the absolute value of the difference between the two numbers to be checked for equality against a pre-defined `threshold` *sufficiently* close to `0`, for example, `1e-15`. # In[46]: threshold = 1e-15 # In[47]: abs((sqrt(2) ** 2) - 2) < threshold # In[48]: abs((0.1 + 0.2) - 0.3) < threshold # The built-in [format() ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#format) function allows us to show the **significant digits** of a `float` number as they exist in memory to arbitrary precision. To exemplify it, let's view a couple of `float` objects with `50` digits. This analysis reveals that almost no `float` number is precise! After 14 or 15 digits "weird" things happen. As we see further below, the "random" digits ending the `float` numbers do *not* "physically" exist in memory! Rather, they are "calculated" by the [format() ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#format) function that is forced to show `50` digits. # # The [format() ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#format) function is different from the [format() ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.format) method on `str` objects introduced in the next chapter (cf., [Chapter 6 ](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/webartifex/intro-to-python/blob/develop/06_text/00_content.ipynb#format%28%29-Method)): Yet, both work with the so-called [format specification mini-language ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#format-specification-mini-language): `".50f"` is the instruction to show `50` digits of a `float` number. # In[49]: format(0.1, ".50f") # In[50]: format(0.2, ".50f") # In[51]: format(0.3, ".50f") # In[52]: format(1 / 3, ".50f") # The [format() ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#format) function does *not* round a `float` object in the mathematical sense! It just allows us to show an arbitrary number of the digits as stored in memory, and it also does *not* change these. # # On the contrary, the built-in [round() ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#round) function creates a *new* numeric object that is a rounded version of the one passed in as the argument. It adheres to the common rules of math. # # For example, let's round `1 / 3` to five decimals. The obtained value for `roughly_a_third` is also *imprecise* but different from the "exact" representation of `1 / 3` above. # In[53]: roughly_a_third = round(1 / 3, 5) # In[54]: roughly_a_third # In[55]: format(roughly_a_third, ".50f") # Surprisingly, `0.125` and `0.25` appear to be *precise*, and equality comparison works without the `threshold` workaround: Both are powers of $2$ in disguise. # In[56]: format(0.125, ".50f") # In[57]: format(0.25, ".50f") # In[58]: 0.125 + 0.125 == 0.25 # ## Binary Representations # To understand these subtleties, we need to look at the **[binary representation of floats ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format)** and review the basics of the **[IEEE 754 ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754)** standard. On modern machines, floats are modeled in so-called double precision with $64$ bits that are grouped as in the figure below. The first bit determines the sign ($0$ for plus, $1$ for minus), the next $11$ bits represent an $exponent$ term, and the last $52$ bits resemble the actual significant digits, the so-called $fraction$ part. The three groups are put together like so: # $$float = (-1)^{sign} * 1.fraction * 2^{exponent-1023}$$ # A $1.$ is implicitly prepended as the first digit, and both, $fraction$ and $exponent$, are stored in base $2$ representation (i.e., they both are interpreted like integers above). As $exponent$ is consequently non-negative, between $0_{10}$ and $2047_{10}$ to be precise, the $-1023$, called the exponent bias, centers the entire $2^{exponent-1023}$ term around $1$ and allows the period within the $1.fraction$ part be shifted into either direction by the same amount. Floating-point numbers received their name as the period, formally called the **[radix point ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_point)**, "floats" along the significant digits. As an aside, an $exponent$ of all $0$s or all $1$s is used to model the special values `nan` or `inf`. # # As the standard defines the exponent part to come as a power of $2$, we now see why `0.125` is a *precise* float: It can be represented as a power of $2$, i.e., $0.125 = (-1)^0 * 1.0 * 2^{1020-1023} = 2^{-3} = \frac{1}{8}$. In other words, the floating-point representation of $0.125_{10}$ is $0_2$, $1111111100_2 = 1020_{10}$, and $0_2$ for the three groups, respectively. # # The crucial fact for the data science practitioner to understand is that mapping the *infinite* set of the real numbers $\mathbb{R}$ to a *finite* set of bits leads to the imprecisions shown above! # # So, floats are usually good approximations of real numbers only with their first $14$ or $15$ digits. If more precision is required, we need to revert to other data types such as a `Decimal` or a `Fraction`, as shown in the next two sections. # # This [blog post](http://fabiensanglard.net/floating_point_visually_explained/) gives another neat and *visual* way as to how to think of floats. It also explains why floats become worse approximations of the reals as their absolute values increase. # # The Python [documentation ](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/floatingpoint.html) provides another good discussion of floats and the goodness of their approximations. # # If we are interested in the exact bits behind a `float` object, we use the [.hex() ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#float.hex) method that returns a `str` object beginning with `"0x1."` followed by the $fraction$ in hexadecimal notation and the $exponent$ as an integer after subtraction of $1023$ and separated by a `"p"`. # In[59]: one_eighth = 1 / 8 # In[60]: one_eighth.hex() # Also, the [.as_integer_ratio() ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#float.as_integer_ratio) method returns the two smallest integers whose ratio best approximates a `float` object. # In[61]: one_eighth.as_integer_ratio() # In[62]: roughly_a_third.hex() # In[63]: roughly_a_third.as_integer_ratio() # `0.0` is also a power of $2$ and thus a *precise* `float` number. # In[64]: zero = 0.0 # In[65]: zero.hex() # In[66]: zero.as_integer_ratio() # As seen in [Chapter 1 ](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/webartifex/intro-to-python/blob/develop/01_elements/00_content.ipynb#%28Data%29-Type-%2F-%22Behavior%22), the [.is_integer() ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#float.is_integer) method tells us if a `float` can be casted as an `int` object without any loss in precision. # In[67]: roughly_a_third.is_integer() # In[68]: one = roughly_a_third / roughly_a_third one.is_integer() # As the exact implementation of floats may vary and be dependent on a particular Python installation, we look up the [.float_info ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.html#sys.float_info) attribute in the [sys ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.html) module in the [standard library ](https://docs.python.org/3/library/index.html) to check the details. Usually, this is not necessary. # In[69]: import sys # In[70]: sys.float_info