#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Getting Started # [![Open in Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://colab.research.google.com/github/whylabs/whylogs/blob/1.0.x/python/examples/basic/Getting_Started.ipynb) # whylogs provides a standard to log any kind of data. # # With whylogs, we will show how to log data, generating statistical summaries called *profiles*. These profiles can be used in a number of ways, like: # # * Data Visualization # * Data Validation # * Tracking changes in your datasets # ## Table of Content # In this example, we'll explore the basics of logging data with whylogs: # - Installing whylogs # - Profiling data # - Interacting with the profile # - Writing/Reading profiles to/from disk # ## Installing whylogs # whylogs is made available as a Python package. You can get the latest version from PyPI with `pip install whylogs`: # In[1]: get_ipython().system('pip install -q whylogs --pre') # ## Loading a Pandas DataFrame # Before showing how we can log data, we first need the data itself. Let's create a simple Pandas DataFrame: # In[2]: import pandas as pd data = { "animal": ["cat", "hawk", "snake", "cat"], "legs": [4, 2, 0, 4], "weight": [4.3, 1.8, 1.3, 4.1], } df = pd.DataFrame(data) # ## Profiling with whylogs # To obtain a profile of your data, you can simply use whylogs' `log` call, and navigate through the result to a specific profile with `get_profile`: # In[3]: import whylogs as why results = why.log(df) profile = results.profile() # ## Analyzing Profiles # Once you're done logging the data, you can generate a `Profile View` and inspect it in a Pandas Dataframe format: # In[6]: prof_view = profile.view() prof_df = prof_view.to_pandas() prof_df # This will provide you with valuable statistics on a column (feature) basis, such as: # # - Counters, such as number of samples and null values # - Inferred types, such as integral, fractional and boolean # - Estimated Cardinality # - Frequent Items # - Distribution Metrics: min,max, median, quantile values # ## Writing to Disk # You can also store your profile in disk for further inspection: # In[7]: why.write(profile,"profile.bin") # This will create a profile binary file in your local filesystem. # ## Reading from Disk # You can read the profile back into memory with: # In[8]: n_prof = why.read("profile.bin") # > Note: `write` expects a profile as parameter, while `read` returns a `Profile View`. That means that you can use the loaded profile for visualization purposes and merging, but not for further tracking and updates. # ## What's Next? # There's a lot you can do with the profiles you just created. Keep getting your hands dirty with the following examples! # - Basic # - [Visualizing Profiles](https://whylogs-v1-doc-dev.netlify.app/examples/basic/notebook_profile_visualizer) - Compare profiles to detect distribution shifts, visualize histograms and bar charts and explore your data # - [Schema Configuration for Tracking Metrics](https://whylogs-v1-doc-dev.netlify.app/examples/basic/schema_configuration) - Configure tracking metrics according to data type or column features # - More to Come!