#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # >### đźš© *Create a free WhyLabs account to get more value out of whylogs!*
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Sign up for a [free WhyLabs account](https://whylabs.ai/whylogs-free-signup?utm_source=whylogs-Github&utm_medium=whylogs-example&utm_campaign=KS_profiling) to leverage the power of whylogs and WhyLabs together!* # # Benchmark - KS Test # [![Open in Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://colab.research.google.com/github/whylabs/whylogs/blob/mainline/python/examples/benchmarks/KS_Profiling.ipynb) # > This notebook is a complement to the blog post [_Understanding Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) Tests for Data Drift on Profiled Data_](https://medium.com/p/5c8317796f78). # > # >Please refer to the blog post for additional context. # We applied whylogs' implementation of KS Test and compared the results when applying the same test to the complete data set. The results allow us to discuss the limitations of data profiling for KS drift detection, and also the pros and cons of the KS algorithm itself for different scenarios. # ## Experiment Design # First, we need the data. For this experiment, we will take two samples of equal size from the following distributions: # # - Normal: Broad class of data. Unskewed and Peaked around the center # # - Pareto: Skewed data with long tail/outliers # # - Uniform: Evenly sampled across its domain # # ### Drift Injection # # Next, we’ll inject drift into one sample (which we’ll call the target distribution) to compare it to the reference, unaltered, distribution. # # We will inject drift artificially by simply shifting the data according to a parameter. We’ll use as the parameter a ratio of the distribution’s interquartile range. # # The idea is to have 4 different scenarios: # # - No drift # # - Small drift # # - Medium drift # # - Large drift # # The ideal process of detecting/alerting for drifts can be very subjective, depending on the desired sensitivity for your particular application. In this case, we are assuming that the small-drift scenario is small enough for it to be safely ignored. We are also expecting that the medium and large drift scenarios should result in a drift alert since both would be cases for further inspection. # # # ### Applying the KS test # # As the ground truth, we will use scipy’s implementation of the two-sample KS test, with the complete data from both samples. We will then compare those results with the profiled version of the test. To do so, we’ll use whylogs’ implementation of the same test, which uses only the statistical profile of each sample. # # The distribution metrics contained in the profiles are obtained from a process called data sketching, which adds some degree of randomness to the result. For this reason, the KS test result can be different each time a profile is generated. For this reason, we’ll profile the data 10 times for every scenario, and compare the ground truth to statistics such as the mean, maximum, and minimum of those runs. # # ### Experiment Variables # # Our main goal is to answer: # # “How does whylogs’ KS implementation compare to scipy’s implementation?” # # However, this answer depends on several different variables. We will run three separate experiments to better understand the effect of each variable: Data Volume, Number of buckets, and Profile Size. The first one relates to the number of samples being tested, whereas the last two relate to whylogs internal, tunable parameters. # # ## Installing the required packages # In[ ]: # Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages. get_ipython().run_line_magic('pip', "install 'matplotlib' 'numpy' 'seaborn==0.12.1'") get_ipython().run_line_magic('pip', "install 'scipy==1.7.3' 'whylogs[viz]' 'typing_extensions'") # ## Parameters and Functions - Experiments and Plots # In this section, we'll compile all of the parameter and functions required to run the following experiments and plot the results. # In[2]: import numpy as np # For experiment #2, we're running the test with different number of buckets for the KS Test calculation QUANTILE_LIST = [ list(np.linspace(0,1,5)), list(np.linspace(0,1,10)), list(np.linspace(0,1,50)), list(np.linspace(0,1,100)), ] # no drift, small drift, medium drift and large drift drift_magnitudes = [0,0.05,0.4,0.75] sample_sizes = [500,1000,5000,10000,50000] sample_sizes_labels = ['500','1k', '5k','10k','50k'] random_seed = 22 # In[3]: from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64 import pandas as pd from scipy.stats import iqr def generate_data( distribution: str = "normal", generator=None, drift_magnitude: float = 0, size: int = 100000 ) -> pd.Series: """Generates a pandas series with samples drawn from a distribution (normal, pareto or uniform). The internal parameters for each distributions are fixed. You can specify the number of samples you want and also if a drift of a certain magnitude is to be injected. The drift magnitude is a ratio of the distribution's interquartile range. """ if generator is None: generator = Generator(PCG64(12345)) if distribution == "normal": sample = generator.standard_normal(size) elif distribution == "pareto": a,m = 7.,2. sample = (generator.pareto(a, size) + 1) * m elif distribution == "uniform": sample = generator.uniform(-5,5,size) else: raise ValueError("Distribution not found.") offset = (iqr(sample)) * drift_magnitude drifted_sample = sample + offset return pd.Series(drifted_sample) # In[4]: from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import whylogs as why from whylogs.viz.utils.drift_calculations import calculate_drift_values, _compute_ks_test_p_value from scipy import stats def run_ks_experiment(distribution="normal",drift_magnitude=0, quantile_list = QUANTILE_LIST): """Runs KS experiment for given distribution type and drift magnitude. The experiments are run for multiple sample sizes and number of buckets, 10 times for each combination of parameters. Parameters ---------- distribution : str, optional distribution type. "normal","pareto", or "uniform", by default "normal" drift_magnitude : int, optional drift magnitude, by default 0 (no drift) Returns ------- _type_ Dictionary with statistics such as pvalues for whylogs and scipy's implementation, mean absolute errors, and error ranges (minimum and maximum) for whylogs KS test. """ # size_list = [1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000] size_list = sample_sizes experiment_results = {} for quant_i,QUANTILES in enumerate(quantile_list): bars1 = [] heights1 = [] pv_means = [] pv_ranges = [] pv_truths = [] for sample_size in size_list: rng = Generator(PCG64(random_seed)) ref, target = pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame() ref["col"] = generate_data(distribution=distribution, generator=rng, drift_magnitude=0, size=sample_size) target["col"] = generate_data(distribution=distribution, generator=rng, drift_magnitude=drift_magnitude, size=sample_size) scipy_res = stats.ks_2samp(ref["col"], target["col"], mode='asymp') scipy_pvalue = scipy_res.pvalue errors = [] pvalues = [] for i in range(10): ref_profile = why.log(ref).profile() target_profile = why.log(target).profile() ref_dist = ref_profile._columns["col"]._metrics["distribution"].kll.value target_dist = target_profile._columns["col"]._metrics["distribution"].kll.value res = _compute_ks_test_p_value(reference_distribution=ref_dist, target_distribution=target_dist, quantiles=QUANTILES) pv = res["p_value"] error = abs(res["p_value"] - scipy_pvalue) errors.append(error) pvalues.append(pv) mean = sum(errors) / len(errors) mean_pv = sum(pvalues) / len(pvalues) range_pv = [abs(mean_pv-min(pvalues)),abs(mean_pv-max(pvalues))] error = [abs(mean-min(errors)),abs(mean-max(errors))] pv_truth = scipy_pvalue pv_truths.append(pv_truth) bars1.append(mean) heights1.append(error) pv_means.append(mean_pv) pv_ranges.append(range_pv) y_err = [[x[0] for x in heights1],[x[1] for x in heights1]] pv_rg = [[x[0] for x in pv_ranges],[x[1] for x in pv_ranges]] experiment_results[quant_i] = {} experiment_results[quant_i]['bar'] = bars1 experiment_results[quant_i]['yerr'] = y_err experiment_results[quant_i]['pv_means'] = pv_means experiment_results[quant_i]['pv_ranges'] = pv_rg experiment_results[quant_i]['pv_truths'] = pv_truths experiment_results[quant_i]['label'] = "buckets={}".format(len(QUANTILES)) experiment_results[quant_i]['distribution'] = distribution return experiment_results def run_experiment_on_params(distribution="normal",magnitudes = drift_magnitudes): """ Runs the KS experiment for a list of different drift magnitudes """ exps_results = {} for drift_magnitude in magnitudes: exps_results[drift_magnitude] = run_ks_experiment(distribution=distribution, drift_magnitude=drift_magnitude) return exps_results # In[5]: from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib def plot_drift(distribution="normal", magnitudes = [0,0.05,0.4,0.75], sample_size = 100000): """Plots 4 histograms in a 2x2 matrix for different drift magnitudes, for the given distribution type and number of samples. """ rng = Generator(PCG64(random_seed)) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2) fig.tight_layout(pad=1.5) for ix,drift_magnitude in enumerate(magnitudes): x,y = int(ix%2),int(ix/2) df = pd.DataFrame() df["ref"] = generate_data(distribution=distribution, generator=rng, drift_magnitude=0, size=sample_size) df["target"] = generate_data(distribution=distribution, generator=rng, drift_magnitude=drift_magnitude, size=sample_size) # set a grey background (use sns.set_theme() if seaborn version 0.11.0 or above) sns.set(style="darkgrid") sns.histplot(ax=axs[x][y],data=df, x="ref", color="skyblue", label="ref", kde=False) sns.histplot(ax=axs[x][y],data=df, x="target", color="red", label="target", kde=False) if ix==2: axs[x][y].legend(loc=0, prop={'size': 12}) axs[x][y].set_xlabel('Drift Size:{}'.format(drift_magnitude)) fig.text(.5, -0.05, "Artificial drift injection for varying drift magnitudes for {} distribution. Number of samples: {}".format(distribution,sample_size), ha='center',fontsize=10) plt.show() # In[6]: def plot_pvalues(quant_bars_per_drift): """Plots the pvalues for both whylogs and scipy's implementation for different drift magnitudes. Expects 4 different drift magnitudes to plot a 2x2 matrix. Parameters ---------- quant_bars_per_drift : dict Statistics previously collected by KS experiment. """ matplotlib.rc_file_defaults() fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2) fig.tight_layout(pad=1.0) for i,key in enumerate(quant_bars_per_drift): quant_bars = quant_bars_per_drift[key] # whylogs by default uses 100 buckets, so let's choose that quant_index = 3 x,y = int(i%2),int(i/2) pv_means = quant_bars[quant_index]['pv_means'] pv_range = quant_bars[quant_index]['pv_ranges'] pv_truth = quant_bars[quant_index]['pv_truths'] r1 = np.arange(len(pv_means)) axs[x][y].set_xticks([r for r in range(len(quant_bars[quant_index]['bar']))], sample_sizes_labels) axs[x][y].errorbar(r1, pv_means, yerr=pv_range, capsize=7, label="whylogs") axs[x][y].set_ylabel('pvalue') axs[x][y].plot(r1,pv_truth, label="scipy") if i==2: axs[x][y].legend(loc=1, prop={'size': 12}) axs[x][y].set_xlabel('Drift Size:{}'.format(key)) axs[x][y].set_ylim(bottom=0) fig.text(.5, -0.05, "KS pvalue comparison between whylogs and scipy. K=1024, 100 buckets, {} distribution".format(quant_bars[quant_index]['distribution']), ha='center',fontsize=10) plt.show() # In[7]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_buckets_experiment(quant_bars_per_drift): """Plots the mean absolute errors for different number of buckets for different drift magnitudes. Expects 4 different drift magnitudes to plot a 2x2 matrix. The errors are calculated based on the difference between whylogs' and scipy's KS implementation. Parameters ---------- quant_bars_per_drift : dict Statistics previously collected by KS experiment. """ matplotlib.rc_file_defaults() fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2) fig.tight_layout(pad=1.0) barWidth = 0.17 # this plots 4 subplots in a 2x2 matrix assert len(quant_bars_per_drift)==4 for i,drift_magnitude in enumerate(quant_bars_per_drift): quant_bars = quant_bars_per_drift[drift_magnitude] x,y = int(i%2),int(i/2) for ix,key in enumerate(quant_bars): r1 = np.arange(len(quant_bars[key]['bar'])) r2 = [x+ix*barWidth for x in r1] axs[x][y].bar(r2, quant_bars[key]['bar'], width = barWidth, edgecolor = 'black', yerr=quant_bars[key]['yerr'], label=quant_bars[key]['label']) # general layout axs[x][y].tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=6) axs[x][y].set_xticks([r+1.5*barWidth for r in range(len(quant_bars[key]['bar']))], sample_sizes_labels) axs[x][y].set_ylabel('error') if i==2: axs[x][y].legend(loc=1, prop={'size': 6}) axs[x][y].set_xlabel('Drift Size:{}'.format(drift_magnitude)) axs[x][y].set_ylim(bottom=0) fig.text(.5, -0.05, "KS pvalue mean abs. error according to sample size for {} distribution and varying drift magnitudes. K=1024".format(quant_bars[key]['distribution']), ha='center',fontsize=10) plt.show() # In[8]: from whylogs.core.resolvers import Resolver from whylogs.core.datatypes import DataType from typing import Dict, List from typing_extensions import TypedDict from whylogs.core.metrics import StandardMetric from whylogs.core.metrics.metrics import Metric import whylogs as why from whylogs.core import DatasetSchema from whylogs.core import MetricConfig import io import pandas as pd class DataFrameSize(TypedDict): sample_frac: float number_samples: int number_bytes: int class MyCustomResolver(Resolver): """Resolver that assigns DistributionMetric to every column (which is ok because we only have one numerical column).""" def resolve(self, name: str, why_type: DataType, column_schema) -> Dict[str, Metric]: metrics: List[StandardMetric] = [StandardMetric.distribution] result: Dict[str, Metric] = {} for m in metrics: result[m.name] = m.zero(column_schema.cfg) return result def get_parquet_size(df: pd.DataFrame, frac) -> int: """Get the size in bytes of a serialized pandas DF in parquet format. This is only used when comparing profiling vs. sampling results. Returns ------- int number of bytes of serialized dataframe. """ res = DataFrameSize() with io.BytesIO() as buffer: df_sampled = df.sample(frac=frac) df_sampled.to_parquet(buffer) number_bytes = buffer.tell() sample_frac = frac number_samples = len(df_sampled) return DataFrameSize(sample_frac=sample_frac,number_bytes=number_bytes,number_samples=number_samples) # In[9]: import numpy as np from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64 import pandas as pd def get_kll_size_map(kll_list:list): """ This is just to find the proper number of samples and size in bytes to match sizes between profiles and sampled dataframes. Distribution type does not affect significantly the output. """ rng = Generator(PCG64(42)) distribution="normal" sample_size = 100000 drift_magnitude = 0 ref, target = pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame() ref["col"] = generate_data(distribution=distribution, generator=rng, drift_magnitude=0, size=sample_size) kllSizeMap = {} for kll_val in kll_list: ref_view = why.log(ref, schema=DatasetSchema(default_configs=MetricConfig(kll_k_large=kll_val),resolvers=MyCustomResolver())).profile().view() ref_size = len(ref_view.serialize()) closest_sample = DataFrameSize() distance = 10000000 for frac in list(np.linspace(0.0001,0.2,200)): sample_size = get_parquet_size(ref,frac=frac) if abs(ref_size-sample_size["number_bytes"]) < distance: closest_sample = sample_size distance = abs(ref_size-sample_size["number_bytes"]) kllSizeMap[kll_val] = closest_sample return kllSizeMap kll_list = [256,512,1024,2048,4096] kllSizeMap = get_kll_size_map(kll_list=kll_list) # In[10]: from scipy import stats from whylogs.viz.utils.drift_calculations import calculate_drift_values def run_kll_experiment(distribution="normal", magnitudes = [0,0.01,0.05,0.1], kllSizeMap:dict = {}): """Runs experiment on different KLL_K parameters. Parameters ---------- distribution : str, optional distribution type. normal, pareto or uniform, by default "normal" magnitudes : list, optional drift magnitudes, by default [0,0.01,0.05,0.1] kllSizeMap : dict, optional Relation between profile and sampled df for a given KLL_K, by default {} Returns ------- dict Statistics such as errors and size in KB for different KLL_K parameters for profile case, and for dfs sampled on different ratios for sampling case. """ kll_list = [int(key) for key in kllSizeMap] sample_size = 100000 kll_bars = {} for drift_magnitude in magnitudes: rng = Generator(PCG64(random_seed)) kll_bars[drift_magnitude] = {} ref, target = pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame() ref["col"] = generate_data(distribution=distribution, generator=rng, drift_magnitude=0, size=sample_size) target["col"] = generate_data(distribution=distribution, generator=rng, drift_magnitude=drift_magnitude, size=sample_size) for kll_val in kll_list: kll_bars[drift_magnitude][kll_val] = {} scipy_res = stats.ks_2samp(ref["col"], target["col"], mode='asymp') scipy_pvalue = scipy_res.pvalue profiled_pvalues = [] sampled_pvalues = [] for i in range(10): ref_profile = why.log(ref, schema=DatasetSchema(default_configs=MetricConfig(kll_k_large=kll_val),resolvers=MyCustomResolver())).profile() ref_view = ref_profile.view() target_profile = why.log(target, schema=DatasetSchema(default_configs=MetricConfig(kll_k_large=kll_val),resolvers=MyCustomResolver())).profile() target_view = target_profile.view() profiled_pvalue = calculate_drift_values(target_view=target_view, reference_view=ref_view)['col']['p_value'] ref_sampled = ref.sample(frac=kllSizeMap[kll_val]['sample_frac']) target_sampled = target.sample(frac=kllSizeMap[kll_val]['sample_frac']) sampled_pvalue = stats.ks_2samp(ref_sampled["col"], target_sampled["col"],mode='asymp').pvalue profiled_pvalues.append(profiled_pvalue) sampled_pvalues.append(sampled_pvalue) size_bytes = kllSizeMap[kll_val]['number_bytes'] size_kb = int(size_bytes/1000) profile_errors = [abs(pv-scipy_pvalue) for pv in profiled_pvalues] sample_errors = [abs(pv-scipy_pvalue) for pv in sampled_pvalues] profile_mean = sum(profile_errors)/len(profile_errors) sample_mean = sum(sample_errors)/len(sample_errors) range_profile_errors = [abs(profile_mean-min(profile_errors)),abs(profile_mean-max(profile_errors))] range_sample_errors = [abs(sample_mean-min(sample_errors)),abs(sample_mean-max(sample_errors))] kll_bars[drift_magnitude][kll_val]['size_kb'] = size_kb kll_bars[drift_magnitude][kll_val]['profile_bars'] = profile_mean kll_bars[drift_magnitude][kll_val]['sample_bars'] = sample_mean kll_bars[drift_magnitude][kll_val]['profile_yerr'] = range_profile_errors kll_bars[drift_magnitude][kll_val]['sample_yerr'] = range_sample_errors kll_bars[drift_magnitude][kll_val]['distribution'] = distribution return kll_bars # In[11]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_kll_experiment(bars_per_kll_per_drift, include_sampling=True): """Plots kll experiments for different magnitudes (expects 4). Parameters ---------- bars_per_kll_per_drift : dict KLL Experiment results. include_sampling : bool, optional If false, plots only errors for the profiling case, by default True """ matplotlib.rc_file_defaults() fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2) fig.tight_layout(pad=1.0) barWidth = 0.17 for i,drift_magnitude in enumerate(bars_per_kll_per_drift): x,y = int(i%2),int(i/2) bars_per_kll = bars_per_kll_per_drift[drift_magnitude] profile_bars = [bars_per_kll[key]['profile_bars'] for key in bars_per_kll] sample_bars = [bars_per_kll[key]['sample_bars'] for key in bars_per_kll] profile_error = [[bars_per_kll[key]['profile_yerr'][0] for key in bars_per_kll],[bars_per_kll[key]['profile_yerr'][1] for key in bars_per_kll]] size_kb = ["{} KB".format(bars_per_kll[key]['size_kb']) for key in bars_per_kll] r1 = np.arange(len(profile_bars)) r2 = [x + barWidth for x in r1] if include_sampling: sample_error = [[bars_per_kll[key]['sample_yerr'][0] for key in bars_per_kll],[bars_per_kll[key]['sample_yerr'][1] for key in bars_per_kll]] axs[x][y].bar(r2, sample_bars, color='tab:blue', yerr = sample_error, width=barWidth,label='Sampled') axs[x][y].set_xticks([r+1*barWidth for r in range(len(profile_bars))], size_kb) else: axs[x][y].set_xticks([r for r in range(len(profile_bars))], size_kb) axs[x][y].tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=6) axs[x][y].bar(r1, profile_bars, color='tab:orange', yerr = profile_error, width=barWidth,label='Profiled') axs[x][y].set_xlabel('Drift Size:{}'.format(drift_magnitude)) axs[x][y].set_ylabel('error') axs[x][y].set_ylim(bottom=0) if i==2: axs[x][y].legend(loc=1) first_key = list(bars_per_kll.keys())[0] if include_sampling: fig.text(.5, -0.05, "KS pvalue mean abs. error comparison between profiling and sampling. {} distribution. Sample size = 100 000.".format(bars_per_kll[first_key]['distribution']), ha='center',fontsize=10) else: fig.text(.5, -0.05, "KS pvalue mean abs. error for profiling. {} distribution. Sample size = 100 000.".format(bars_per_kll[first_key]['distribution']), ha='center',fontsize=10) plt.show() # ## Normal Distribution # ### Drift Injection # In[12]: plot_drift(distribution="normal", magnitudes=drift_magnitudes) # ### Running the Experiment # In[13]: quant_bars_per_drift = run_experiment_on_params(distribution="normal",magnitudes = drift_magnitudes) # ### Experiment #1 - Data Volume # In[14]: plot_pvalues(quant_bars_per_drift) # ### Experiment #2 - No. of Buckets # In[15]: plot_buckets_experiment(quant_bars_per_drift) # - sensitive enough to get very small drift magnitude # - overall trend the same, ground truth pretty much within profiling empirical error bounds # - all but one point would yield the same result (drift/no-drift) # - last point for no drift is arguably wrong, as there's no drift # - oddly enough, even though whylogs is further from the ground truth, it is closer to the expected value, which is no drift (for the first case) # ### Experiment #3 - Profile Size # In[16]: kll_bars = run_kll_experiment(distribution="normal",magnitudes=drift_magnitudes, kllSizeMap=kllSizeMap) # In[17]: plot_kll_experiment(kll_bars, include_sampling=False) # - Error inversely proportional to Profile Size: By increasing the profile size, the errors due to profiling decreases, and it gets closer to the standard approach. # - again, KS is so sensitive that when any drift is present, both approaches go directly to 0 # ## Pareto Distribution # In[18]: plot_drift(distribution="pareto", magnitudes=drift_magnitudes) # ### Running the Experiments # In[19]: quant_bars_per_drift = run_experiment_on_params(distribution="pareto",magnitudes = drift_magnitudes) # ### Experiment #1 - Data Volume # In[20]: plot_pvalues(quant_bars_per_drift) # ### Experiment #2 - No. of Buckets # In[21]: plot_buckets_experiment(quant_bars_per_drift) # ### Experiment #3 - Profile Size # In[22]: kll_bars = run_kll_experiment(distribution="pareto",magnitudes=drift_magnitudes, kllSizeMap=kllSizeMap) # In[23]: plot_kll_experiment(kll_bars, include_sampling=False) # ## Uniform Distribution # In[24]: plot_drift(distribution="uniform", magnitudes=drift_magnitudes) # ### Running the Experiment # In[25]: quant_bars_per_drift = run_experiment_on_params(distribution="uniform",magnitudes = drift_magnitudes) # ### Experiment #1 - Data Volume # In[26]: plot_pvalues(quant_bars_per_drift) # ### Experiment #2 - No. of buckets # In[27]: plot_buckets_experiment(quant_bars_per_drift) # ### Experiment #3 - Profile Size # In[28]: kll_bars = run_kll_experiment(distribution="uniform",magnitudes=drift_magnitudes, kllSizeMap=kllSizeMap) # In[29]: plot_kll_experiment(kll_bars, include_sampling=False)