import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import scipy from scipy.interpolate import griddata from scipy.optimize import curve_fit !git clone data = np.loadtxt('/content/computational-geophysics/gravity/data/Gravity_UTM.txt') utm_x = np.array(data[:,0]) utm_y = np.array(data[:,1]) CBA = np.array(data[:,2]) xi = np.linspace(min(utm_x), max(utm_x), 50) yi = np.linspace(min(utm_y), max(utm_y), 50) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) # Interpolation zi = griddata((utm_x,utm_y),CBA,(xi,yi)) # Min max coordinates xmin, xmax = min(utm_x), max(utm_x) ymin, ymax = min(utm_y), max(utm_y) plt.figure(figsize=(8,7)) plt.imshow(zi, aspect='auto', extent=(xmin,xmax,ymax,ymin), cmap='jet') plt.title("Complete Bouguer Anomaly", size=20, pad=10) plt.xlabel("UTM X"); plt.ylabel("UTM Y") plt.colorbar() xi = np.linspace(min(utm_x), max(utm_x), 50) yi = np.linspace(min(utm_y), max(utm_y), 50) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) # Interpolation zi = griddata((utm_x,utm_y),CBA,(xi,yi), method='cubic') plt.figure(figsize=(8,7)) # Plot CBA contours plt.contourf(xi, yi, zi, levels=50, cmap="jet") plt.colorbar() plt.title('Complete Bouguer Anomaly', size=20, pad=10) plt.xlabel('UTM X'); plt.ylabel('UTM Y') # Plot stations plt.scatter(utm_x, utm_y, s=3, color='black', alpha=0.5) def makeSlice(xi, yi, zi, orientation='EW', loc=10): if orientation=='EW': # E-W slice x_slice = xi[loc] y_slice = yi[loc] g_slice = zi[loc] if orientation=='NS': x_slice = [] for k in range(len(xi)): xslice = xi[k][loc] x_slice.append(float(xslice)) x_slice = np.array(x_slice) y_slice = [] for k in range(len(xi)): yslice = yi[k][k] y_slice.append(float(yslice)) y_slice = np.array(y_slice) g_slice = [] for k in range(len(xi)): gslice = zi[k][loc] g_slice.append(float(gslice)) g_slice = np.array(g_slice) if orientation=='SWNE': # SW-NE slice x_slice = np.array(xi[0]) y_slice = [] for k in range(len(x_slice)): yslice = yi[k][k] y_slice.append(float(yslice)) y_slice = np.array(y_slice) g_slice = [] for k in range(len(x_slice)): gslice = zi[k][k] g_slice.append(float(gslice)) g_slice = np.array(g_slice) if orientation=='SENW': # SE-NW slice x_slice = np.array(xi[0]) y_slice = [] for k, j in zip(reversed(range(len(x_slice))), (range(len(x_slice)))): yslice = yi[k][j] y_slice.append(float(yslice)) y_slice = np.array(y_slice) g_slice = [] for k, j in zip(reversed(range(len(x_slice))), (range(len(x_slice)))): gslice = zi[k][j] g_slice.append(float(gslice)) g_slice = np.array(g_slice) return x_slice, y_slice, g_slice # Make 2D slices SWNE = makeSlice(xi, yi, zi, orientation='SWNE') SENW = makeSlice(xi, yi, zi, orientation='SENW') EW1 = makeSlice(xi, yi, zi, orientation='EW', loc=10) EW2 = makeSlice(xi, yi, zi, orientation='EW', loc=zi.shape[0]//2) # Centre EW3 = makeSlice(xi, yi, zi, orientation='EW', loc=40) # Plot lines on grid map data = [SWNE, SENW, EW1, EW2, EW3] plt.figure(figsize=(15,8)) for i in range(5): plt.subplot(2,3,i+1) plt.contourf(xi, yi, zi, levels=50, cmap="jet") plt.plot(data[i][0], data[i][1], color='black') plt.xlabel("UTM X"); plt.ylabel("UTM Y") plt.colorbar() plt.tight_layout(1.1) # Plot CBA over UTM X data = [SWNE, SENW, EW1, EW2, EW3] plt.figure(figsize=(15,6)) for i in range(5): plt.subplot(2,3,i+1) plt.plot(data[i][0], data[i][2], color='black') plt.xlabel("UTM X"); plt.ylabel("CBA [mgal]") plt.tight_layout(1.1) def distanceAxis(slice): x_slice, y_slice, g_slice = slice xd, yd = np.diff(x_slice)**2, np.diff(y_slice)**2 d = np.sqrt(xd + yd) d = np.append(0, np.cumsum(d)) return d, g_slice # Transform (x,y,slice) to (distance,slice) SWNE_t = distanceAxis(SWNE) SENW_t = distanceAxis(SENW) EW1_t = distanceAxis(EW1) EW2_t = distanceAxis(EW2) EW3_t = distanceAxis(EW3) # Plot CBA over Distance data = [SWNE_t, SENW_t, EW1_t, EW2_t, EW3_t] plt.figure(figsize=(15,6)) for i in range(5): plt.subplot(2,3,i+1) plt.plot(data[i][0], data[i][1], color='black') plt.xlabel("Distance [m]"); plt.ylabel("CBA [mgal]") plt.tight_layout(1.1) def createDataframe(slice): x_slice, y_slice, g_slice = slice d, g_slice = distanceAxis(slice) # Drop NaN values return pd.DataFrame({'UTM X': x_slice, 'UTM Y': y_slice, 'Distance': d, 'CBA': g_slice}).dropna().reset_index(drop=True) # Make dataframe SWNE_df = createDataframe(SWNE) SENW_df = createDataframe(SENW) EW1_df = createDataframe(EW1) EW2_df = createDataframe(EW2) EW3_df = createDataframe(EW3) EW1_df.head(10) def dft(x): # Discrete Fourier transform x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float) N = x.shape[0] n = np.arange(N) k = n.reshape((N, 1)) M = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * k * n / N) fourier =, x) # Decompose complex number into imag and real components imaginary = fourier.imag real = fourier.real absolute = np.sqrt((imaginary**2) + (real**2)) ln_abs = np.log(absolute) return ln_abs def spectral1DFFT(slice_df): """ Calculate Spectrum of Gravity Anomaly from 1D FFT INPUT: slice_df: CBA slice (in DataFrame) OUTPUT: k: Wavenumber lnAbs: Logarithm of absolute component of 1D FFT result """ # distance, g_slice = slice distance, g_slice = slice_df.Distance.values, slice_df.CBA.values # Calculate logarithmic of absolute component by 1D FFT lnAbs = dft(g_slice) # Calculate sampling frequency and wavenumber interval_last = distance[-1] minus = interval_last - distance[0] f_s = 0 # initial freq sampling f_sample = [] for i in range(0,len(g_slice)-1): f_s = f_s + (1 / minus) f_sample.append(float(f_s)) f_sample = np.append(0, f_sample) # Calculate wavenumber k = 2 * np.pi * f_sample return k, lnAbs # 1D FFT and calculate spectrum SWNE_fft = spectral1DFFT(SWNE_df) SENW_fft = spectral1DFFT(SENW_df) EW1_fft = spectral1DFFT(EW1_df) EW2_fft = spectral1DFFT(EW2_df) EW3_fft = spectral1DFFT(EW3_df) fft = [SWNE_fft, SENW_fft, EW1_fft, EW2_fft, EW3_fft] fft_title = ['SW-NE', 'SE-NW', 'E-W 1', 'E-W 2', 'E-W 3'] plt.figure(figsize=(13,7)) for i in range(len(fft)): plt.subplot(2,3,i+1) plt.plot(fft[i][0], fft[i][1], '.-', color='black') plt.xlabel("Wavenumber"); plt.ylabel("Ln(Abs)") plt.title("{} Spectrum".format(fft_title[i]), size=20) plt.tight_layout(1.5) def selectWindow(window): """ Window must be an odd number. Rule and example: * 1.25 rounded to 1. 1 is odd, so window = 1 * 1.75 rounded to 2. 2 is even, so window = 2 - 1 = 1 * 2.25 rounded to 2. 2 is even, so window = 2 + 1 = 3 * 2.75 rounded to 3. 3 is even, so window = 3 """ rounded = np.round(window) if rounded % 2 == 0: # even if (rounded - window) > 0: window = rounded - 1 if (rounded - window) < 0: window = rounded + 1 else: # odd window = rounded return int(window) def analyzeSpectral(slice_df, k, lnAbs, reg_cut=2, res_cut=6): # Regional cutoff k_reg_cut = k[:reg_cut] ln_reg_cut = lnAbs[:reg_cut] # Residual cutoff k_res_cut = k[reg_cut:res_cut] ln_res_cut = lnAbs[reg_cut:res_cut] # Noise cutoff k_noise_cut = k[res_cut:] ln_noise_cut = lnAbs[res_cut:] # Linear regression def linear(x, a, b): return a*x+b [a_reg, b_reg], _ = curve_fit(linear, k_reg_cut, ln_reg_cut) [a_res, b_res], _ = curve_fit(linear, k_res_cut, ln_res_cut) [a_noise, b_noise], _ = curve_fit(linear, k_noise_cut, ln_noise_cut) print("Regional slope: {:.3f}".format(a_reg)) print("Residual slope: {:.3f}".format(a_res)) ln_reg_fit = linear(k_reg_cut, a_reg, b_reg) ln_res_fit = linear(k_res_cut, a_res, b_res) ln_noise_fit = linear(k_noise_cut, a_noise, b_noise) # Calculate cutoff frequency cut_off = (b_res - b_reg) / (a_reg - a_res) print("Cut-off Frequency: {:.5f}".format(cut_off)) # Calculate window distance = slice_df.Distance.values window = 2*np.pi/((distance[3]-distance[2])*cut_off) window = selectWindow(window) # windowing rule print("Calculated window: {} \n".format(window)) # Plot spectrum and regressed lines plt.figure(figsize=(7,5)) plt.scatter(k, lnAbs, c='black', alpha=0.7) plt.plot(k_reg_cut, ln_reg_cut, color='red') plt.plot(k_reg_cut, ln_reg_fit, '--', color='red', label='Regional') plt.plot(k_res_cut, ln_res_cut, color='green') plt.plot(k_res_cut, ln_res_fit, '--', color='green', label='Residual') plt.plot(k_noise_cut, ln_noise_cut, color='orange') plt.plot(k_noise_cut, ln_noise_fit, '--', color='orange', label='Noise') plt.axvline(cut_off, color='blue', linewidth=1, label='Cut-off') plt.title("Anomaly Spectrum", size=20, pad=10) plt.xlabel("Wavenumber, k"); plt.ylabel("ln(Abs)") plt.legend() return cut_off, window # Analyze spectrum of each slice. Specify reg_cut and res_cut. SWNE_cutoff, SWNE_window = analyzeSpectral(SWNE_df, SWNE_fft[0], SWNE_fft[1], reg_cut=5, res_cut=10) SENW_cutoff, SENW_window = analyzeSpectral(SENW_df, SENW_fft[0], SENW_fft[1], reg_cut=5, res_cut=13) EW1_cutoff, EW1_window = analyzeSpectral(EW1_df, EW1_fft[0], EW1_fft[1], reg_cut=5, res_cut=12) EW2_cutoff, EW2_window = analyzeSpectral(EW2_df, EW2_fft[0], EW2_fft[1], reg_cut=5, res_cut=12) EW3_cutoff, EW3_window = analyzeSpectral(EW3_df, EW3_fft[0], EW3_fft[1], reg_cut=5, res_cut=14) def separateAnomaly(slice_df, window): reg = slice_df.CBA.rolling(window).mean() res = slice_df.CBA - reg slice_df["Regional"] = reg.values slice_df["Residual"] = res.values return slice_df # Separate anomalies SWNE_result = separateAnomaly(SWNE_df, SWNE_window) SENW_result = separateAnomaly(SENW_df, SENW_window) EW1_result = separateAnomaly(EW1_df, EW1_window) EW2_result = separateAnomaly(EW2_df, EW2_window) EW3_result = separateAnomaly(EW3_df, EW3_window) SWNE_result.head(15) # Plot separated anomalies Slice = EW1_result distance = Slice.Distance reg = Slice.Regional res = Slice.Residual CBA = Slice.CBA plt.figure(figsize=(15,4)) plt.subplot(1,3,1) plt.plot(distance, CBA, '.-', color='blue') plt.title('Complete Bouguer Anomaly', size=20, pad=10) plt.xlabel('Distance (m)'); plt.ylabel('CBA (mgal)') plt.xlim(min(distance), max(distance)) plt.subplot(1,3,2) plt.plot(distance, reg, '.-', color='red') plt.title('Regional Anomaly', size=20, pad=10) plt.xlabel('Distance (m)'); plt.ylabel('Residual anomaly (mgal)') plt.xlim(min(distance), max(distance)) plt.subplot(1,3,3) plt.plot(distance, res, '.-', color='green') plt.axhline(0, linewidth=1, color='black') plt.title('Residual Anomaly', size=20, pad=10) plt.xlabel('Distance (m)'); plt.ylabel('Regional anomaly (mgal)') plt.xlim(min(distance), max(distance)) plt.tight_layout(1.1) # Concatenate all dataframes of slices results = pd.concat((SWNE_result, SENW_result, EW1_result, EW2_result, EW3_result)).reset_index(drop=True) # Gridding x and y xi = np.linspace(min(utm_x), max(utm_x), 50) yi = np.linspace(min(utm_y), max(utm_y), 50) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) x, y = results["UTM X"].values, results["UTM Y"].values CBA, reg, res = results.CBA.values, results.Regional.values, results.Residual.values zi_CBA = griddata((x,y),CBA,(xi,yi)) zi_reg = griddata((x,y),reg,(xi,yi)) zi_res = griddata((x,y),res,(xi,yi)) # Min max coordinates xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x) ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y) # Grid map plt.figure(figsize=(15,4.5)) plt.subplot(1,3,1) plt.imshow(zi_CBA, aspect='auto', extent=(xmin,xmax,ymax,ymin), cmap='terrain') plt.title('Complete Bouguer Anomaly', size=20, pad=12) plt.xlabel('UTM X'); plt.ylabel('UTM Y') plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(1,3,2) plt.imshow(zi_reg, aspect='auto', extent=(xmin,xmax,ymax,ymin), cmap='terrain') plt.title('Regional Anomaly', size=20, pad=12) plt.xlabel('UTM X'); plt.ylabel('UTM Y') plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(1,3,3) plt.imshow(zi_res, aspect='auto', extent=(xmin,xmax,ymax,ymin), cmap='terrain') plt.title('Residual Anomaly', size=20, pad=12) plt.xlabel('UTM X'); plt.ylabel('UTM Y') plt.colorbar() plt.tight_layout(1.03)