import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import scipy from scipy.interpolate import griddata !git clone data = np.loadtxt('/content/computational-geophysics/gravity/data/Gravity_UTM.txt') utm_x = np.array(data[:,0]) utm_y = np.array(data[:,1]) CBA = np.array(data[:,2]) xi = np.linspace(min(utm_x), max(utm_x), 50) yi = np.linspace(min(utm_y), max(utm_y), 50) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) # Interpolation zi = griddata((utm_x,utm_y),CBA,(xi,yi)) # Min max coordinates xmin, xmax = min(utm_x), max(utm_x) ymin, ymax = min(utm_y), max(utm_y) plt.figure(figsize=(8,7)) plt.scatter(utm_x, utm_y, s=3, color='black', alpha=0.5) # Plot stations plt.imshow(zi, aspect='auto', extent=(xmin,xmax,ymax,ymin), cmap='jet') plt.title("Complete Bouguer Anomaly", size=20, pad=10) plt.xlabel("UTM X"); plt.ylabel("UTM Y") plt.colorbar() def SVD2D(xi, yi, zi): m, n = xi.shape # First derivative of g to x f2dx_arr = [] for i in range (0,m-1): for j in range (0,n-1): fd=(zi[i+1][j+1]-zi[i][j])/(xi[i+1][j+1]-xi[i][j]) f2dx_arr.append(float(fd)) g_first_x = np.reshape(f2dx_arr, (m-1,n-1)) # Calculate new x coordinates for g'(x) x2d_arr = [] for i in range(0,m-1): for j in range (0,n-1): xd=(xi[i+1][j+1]-xi[i][j]) * 0.5 x2d_arr.append(float(xd)) x_first = np.reshape(x2d_arr, (m-1,n-1)) x_new = xi[:-1,:-1] x_first = x_new+x_first # First derivative of g to y f2dy_arr = [] for i in range (0,m-1): for j in range (0,n-1): fd=(zi[i][j]-zi[i+1][j])/(yi[i][j]-yi[i+1][j]) f2dy_arr.append(float(fd)) g_first_y = np.reshape(f2dy_arr, (m-1,n-1)) # Calculate new y coordinates for g'(y) y2d_arr = [] for i in range(0,m-1): for j in range (0,n-1): yd=(yi[i][j]-yi[i+1][j]) * 0.5 y2d_arr.append(float(yd)) y_first = np.reshape(y2d_arr, (m-1,n-1)) y_new = yi[:-1,:-1] y_first = y_new+y_first # Total of first derivatives g_first = g_first_x + g_first_y # Second derivative of g to x s2dx_arr = [] for i in range (0,m-2): for j in range (0,n-2): sd=(g_first[i+1][j+1]-g_first[i][j])/(x_first[i+1][j+1]-x_first[i][j]) s2dx_arr.append(float(sd)) g_second_x = np.reshape(s2dx_arr, (m-2,n-2)) # Calculate new coordinates for g"(x) x2dd_arr = [] for i in range(0,m-2): for j in range (0,n-2): xdd=(x_first[i+1][j+1]-x_first[i][j]) * 0.5 x2dd_arr.append(float(xdd)) x_second = np.reshape(x2dd_arr, (m-2,n-2)) x_new = x_first[:-1,:-1] x_second = x_new+x_second # Second derivative of g to y s2dy_arr = [] for i in range (0,m-2): for j in range (0,n-2): sd=(g_first[i][j]-g_first[i+1][j])/(y_first[i][j]-y_first[i+1][j]) s2dy_arr.append(float(sd)) g_second_y = np.reshape(s2dy_arr, (m-2,n-2)) # Calculate new coordinates for g"(y) y2dd_arr = [] for i in range(0,m-2): for j in range (0,n-2): ydd=(y_first[i][j]-y_first[i+1][j]) * 0.5 y2dd_arr.append(float(ydd)) y_second = np.reshape(y2dd_arr, (m-2,n-2)) y_new = y_first[:-1,:-1] y_second = y_new+y_second # Total of second derivatives g_second = g_second_x + g_second_y # Residual anomaly (-g"). Convert mgal/m2 to mgal/km2 res = -1 * g_second * 1e6 # Re-gridding CBA to shape (m-2,n-2) because residual has lost shape CBA_regrid = griddata((utm_x,utm_y),CBA,(x_second,y_second)) # Regional. CBA minus residual reg = CBA_regrid - res return res, reg, CBA_regrid # Calculate 2D Second Vertical Derivative res, reg, CBA_regrid = SVD2D(xi, yi, zi) # Min max coordinates xmin, xmax = min(utm_x), max(utm_x) ymin, ymax = min(utm_y), max(utm_y) # Grid map plt.figure(figsize=(15,4.5)) plt.subplot(1,3,1) plt.imshow(CBA_regrid, aspect='auto', extent=(xmin,xmax,ymax,ymin), cmap='terrain') plt.title('Complete Bouguer Anomaly', size=20, pad=12) plt.xlabel('UTM X'); plt.ylabel('UTM Y') plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(1,3,2) plt.imshow(reg, aspect='auto', extent=(xmin,xmax,ymax,ymin), cmap='terrain') plt.title('Regional Anomaly', size=20, pad=12) plt.xlabel('UTM X'); plt.ylabel('UTM Y') plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(1,3,3) plt.imshow(res, aspect='auto', extent=(xmin,xmax,ymax,ymin), cmap='terrain') plt.title('Residual Anomaly', size=20, pad=12) plt.xlabel('UTM X'); plt.ylabel('UTM Y') plt.colorbar() plt.tight_layout(1.03)