using Plots using ColorSchemes #, using DifferentialEquations function rhs!(dydt, y, params, t) # S, α, Δx are defined globally N = length(y) dydt[1] = dydt[end] = 0.0 i = 2:N-1 # interior points @. dydt[i] = α/Δx^2.0*(y[i-1] - 2.0*y[i] + y[i+1]) + S end; Ldom = 1.0 # domain length N = 21 # number of grid pts including boundaries ybcLo = 0.0 # low bc ybcHi = 1.0 # high bc S = 10.0 # source term α = 1.0 # diffusivity tend = 0.5*Ldom^2/α # integration time x = LinRange(0.0,Ldom,N) # grid the domain Δx = x[2]-x[1] y0 = zeros(N) # Initial condition y0[1] = ybcLo # Known low boundary value y0[end] = ybcHi # Know high boundary value #------------- Solve the problem ntimes = 10 times_to_plot = LinRange(0.0,tend,ntimes) params = nothing odeprob = ODEProblem(rhs!, y0, [0.0,tend], params) sol = solve(odeprob) sol(times_to_plot[5]) #------------- Plot the result fcolors = LinRange(0.1,1,ntimes) #colors = cm.Blues(np.linspace(0.2,1,ntimes)) ##colors = byuignite_jet(np.linspace(0,1,ntimes)) # p = plot for i in 1:ntimes p=plot!(sol(times_to_plot[i]), linewidth=1.5, color=get(cgrad(, rev=true), fcolors[i])) end p=plot!(xlabel="x", ylabel="y(x,t)") p=plot!(legend=nothing) display(p)