using namespace TMVA::Experimental; %%cpp -d void CompileModelForRDF(const std::string & headerModelFile, unsigned int ninputs, unsigned int nslots=0) { std::string modelName = headerModelFile.substr(0,headerModelFile.find(".hxx")); std::string cmd = std::string("#include \"") + headerModelFile + std::string("\""); auto ret = gInterpreter->Declare(cmd.c_str()); if (!ret) throw std::runtime_error("Error compiling : " + cmd); std::cout << "compiled : " << cmd << std::endl; cmd = "auto sofie_functor = TMVA::Experimental::SofieFunctor<" + std::to_string(ninputs) + ",TMVA_SOFIE_" + modelName + "::Session>(" + std::to_string(nslots) + ");"; ret = gInterpreter->Declare(cmd.c_str()); if (!ret) throw std::runtime_error("Error compiling : " + cmd); std::cout << "compiled : " << cmd << std::endl; std::cout << "Model is ready to be evaluated" << std::endl; return; } std::string modelFile = "Higgs_trained_model.h5"; TMVA::PyMethodBase::PyInitialize(); if (gSystem->AccessPathName(modelFile.c_str())) { Info("TMVA_SOFIE_RDataFrame","You need to run TMVA_Higgs_Classification.C to generate the Keras trained model"); return; } SOFIE::RModel model = SOFIE::PyKeras::Parse(modelFile); std::string modelName = modelFile.substr(0,modelFile.find(".h5")); std::string modelHeaderFile = modelName + std::string(".hxx"); model.Generate(); model.OutputGenerated(modelHeaderFile); model.PrintGenerated(); std::string modelWeightFile = modelName + std::string(".dat"); if (gSystem->AccessPathName(modelWeightFile.c_str())) { Error("TMVA_SOFIE_RDataFrame","Generated weight file is missing"); return; } CompileModelForRDF(modelHeaderFile,7); std::string inputFileName = "Higgs_data.root"; std::string inputFile = "" + inputFileName; ROOT::RDataFrame df1("sig_tree", inputFile); auto h1 = df1.Define("DNN_Value", "sofie_functor(rdfslot_,m_jj, m_jjj, m_lv, m_jlv, m_bb, m_wbb, m_wwbb)") .Histo1D({"h_sig", "", 100, 0, 1},"DNN_Value"); ROOT::RDataFrame df2("bkg_tree", inputFile); auto h2 = df2.Define("DNN_Value", "sofie_functor(rdfslot_,m_jj, m_jjj, m_lv, m_jlv, m_bb, m_wbb, m_wwbb)") .Histo1D({"h_bkg", "", 100, 0, 1},"DNN_Value"); h1->SetLineColor(kRed); h2->SetLineColor(kBlue); auto c1 = new TCanvas(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); h2->DrawClone(); h1->DrawClone("SAME"); c1->BuildLegend();