%%cpp -d #include "ROOT/TSeq.hxx" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TLegend.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TTree.h" class DemoFloat16 { private: float fF32; // reference member with full single precision Float16_t fF16; // saved as a 16 bit floating point number Float16_t fI16; //[-pi,pi] saved as a 16 bit unsigned int Float16_t fI14; //[-pi,pi,14] saved as a 14 bit unsigned int Float16_t fI10; //[-pi,pi,10] saved as a 10 bit unsigned int Float16_t fI8; //[-pi,pi,8] saved as a 8 bit unsigned int Float16_t fI6; //[-pi,pi,6] saved as a 6 bit unsigned int Float16_t fI4; //[-pi,pi,4] saved as a 4 bit unsigned int Float16_t fR8; //[0, 0, 8] saved as a 16 bit float with a 8 bits mantissa Float16_t fR6; //[0, 0, 6] saved as a 16 bit float with a 6 bits mantissa Float16_t fR4; //[0, 0, 4] saved as a 16 bit float with a 4 bits mantissa Float16_t fR2; //[0, 0, 2] saved as a 16 bit float with a 2 bits mantissa public: DemoFloat16() = default; void Set(float ref) { fF32 = fF16 = fI16 = fI14 = fI10 = fI8 = fI6 = fI4 = fR8 = fR6 = fR4 = fR2 = ref; } }; const auto nEntries = 200000; const auto xmax = TMath::Pi(); const auto xmin = -xmax; TFile::Open("DemoFloat16.root", "recreate"); TTree tree("tree", "DemoFloat16"); DemoFloat16 demoInstance; auto demoInstanceBranch = tree.Branch("d", "DemoFloat16", &demoInstance, 4000); TRandom3 r; for (auto i : ROOT::TSeqI(nEntries)) { demoInstance.Set(r.Uniform(xmin, xmax)); tree.Fill(); } tree.Write(); auto branches = demoInstanceBranch->GetListOfBranches(); const auto nb = branches->GetEntries(); auto br = static_cast(branches->At(0)); const Long64_t zip64 = br->GetZipBytes(); auto h = new TH1F("h", "Float16_t compression and precision", nb, 0, nb); h->SetMaximum(18); h->SetStats(false); auto gcx = new TGraph(); gcx->SetName("gcx"); gcx->SetMarkerStyle(kFullSquare); gcx->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); auto gdrange = new TGraph(); gdrange->SetName("gdrange"); gdrange->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); gdrange->SetMarkerColor(kRed); auto gdval = new TGraph(); gdval->SetName("gdval"); gdval->SetMarkerStyle(kFullTriangleUp); gdval->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); for (auto i : ROOT::TSeqI(nb)) { br = static_cast(branches->At(i)); const auto brName = br->GetName(); h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, brName); auto const cx = double(zip64) / br->GetZipBytes(); gcx->SetPoint(i, i + 0.5, cx); if (i == 0) continue; tree.Draw(Form("(fF32-%s)/(%g)", brName, xmax - xmin), "", "goff"); const auto rmsDrange = TMath::RMS(nEntries, tree.GetV1()); const auto drange = TMath::Max(0., -TMath::Log10(rmsDrange)); gdrange->SetPoint(i - 1, i + 0.5, drange); tree.Draw(Form("(fF32-%s)/fF32 >> hdval_%s", brName, brName), "", "goff"); const auto rmsDval = TMath::RMS(nEntries, tree.GetV1()); const auto dval = TMath::Max(0., -TMath::Log10(rmsDval)); gdval->SetPoint(i - 1, i + 0.5, dval); tree.Draw(Form("(fF32-%s) >> hdvalabs_%s", brName, brName), "", "goff"); auto hdval = gDirectory->Get(Form("hdvalabs_%s", brName)); hdval->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Difference wrt reference value"); auto c = new TCanvas(brName, brName, 800, 600); c->SetGrid(); c->SetLogy(); hdval->DrawClone(); } auto c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 600); c1->SetGrid(); h->Draw(); h->GetXaxis()->LabelsOption("v"); gcx->Draw("lp"); gdrange->Draw("lp"); gdval->Draw("lp"); auto legend = new TLegend(0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 0.9); legend->SetHeader(Form("%d entries within the [-#pi, #pi] range", nEntries)); legend->AddEntry(gcx, "Compression factor", "lp"); legend->AddEntry(gdrange, "Log of precision wrt range: p = -Log_{10}( RMS( #frac{Ref - x}{range} ) ) ", "lp"); legend->AddEntry(gdval, "Log of precision wrt value: p = -Log_{10}( RMS( #frac{Ref - x}{Ref} ) ) ", "lp"); legend->Draw(); %jsroot on gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->Draw()