#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # CORONA VIRUS CASES # # ![](attachment:images.jpg) # # # ## Introduction # # covid 19 commonly known as corona virus is a respiratory desease caused by a new strain of corona virus that causes illness in humanss.The first infection was discovered in wuhan china in an infection from SARS-COV 2.The most common symptoms include fever,cough,tiredness loss of taste or smell.Other minor symptoms include sorethroat,headache etc.The disease spreads from person to person through infected air droplets that are projected during sneezing or coughing.It can also be transmitted through infected surfaces that contain the virus and touch their nose,hands or mouth with the contaminated hands.for more information click here [] # # ## Aim # To analyze covid 19 data and give an overview of the same. # # # # # # # In[1]: import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # In[2]: # reading the dataset covid_19=pd.read_csv('covid_19 (2).xls') covid_19.head() # from the above data set we can pick values that helps in our analysis of # ## DATA ANALYSIS # # 2.1.1 Countries most affected by covid 19 # # In[3]: # sorting values from the total cases column from the data mostcases_covid=covid_19.sort_values('Total_cases',ascending=False) mostcases_covid[['Countries','Total_cases','Continent']].head(10) # ## North America # # North america a continent in the nothern hemisphere and also described as nothern subcontinent of a single,America.It is boardered to the north by arctic ocean and to the east by atlantic ocean.It covers an area of about 27,709,000sq km(9,540,000 miles).Its poppulation is estimated to be about 579million people in its 23 independent states,or about 7.5% of the worlds population. # # ## 1.1 Most affected countries by covid 19 # # In[4]: north_am=covid_19[covid_19['Countries']=='North America'] #Top ten countries with most cases in North America top_north=north_am.sort_values('Total_cases').head(10) top_north[['Countries','Total_cases']] # In[5]: top_north['Total_cases'].sum() # In[4]: plt.bar(top_north['Countries'],top_north['Total_cases']) plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.title('NORTH AMERICA TOTAL CASES') plt.xlabel('Countries') plt.ylabel('Total cases(in ten millions') # from the data above we clearly see that the most affected countries in north america are Usa,canada and mexico.Total cases recorded in the continent is 94063168 # ## 1.2 countries with least covid 19 cases # In[7]: north_am=covid_19[covid_19['Continent']=='North America'] #Top ten countries with the least cases in North America least_north=north_am.sort_values('Total_cases',ascending=False) #least_north[['Countries','Total_cases']] # In[8]: least_north # ## Most Death cases # In[11]: north_am=covid_19[covid_19['Continent']=='North America'] #top 10 countries with most death cases in north america top_north=north_am.sort_values('Total_deaths',ascending=False).head(10) top_north[['Countries','Total_deaths']] # In[14]: plt.bar(top_north['Countries'],top_north['Total_deaths']) plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.title('NORTH AMERICA TOTAL DEATHS') plt.xlabel('countries') plt.ylabel('total cases (in ten millions)') # we clearly see that USA is the country with most deaths followed by mexico and canada respectively. # ## 1.4 Least death cases # In[18]: north_am=covid_19[covid_19['Continent']=='North America'] #top ten countries with the most deaths in North America top_north=north_am.sort_values('Total_deaths',ascending=False).head(10) top_north[['Countries','Total_deaths']] # In[19]: plt.bar(top_north['Countries'],top_north['Total_deaths']) plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.title('Countries') plt.ylabel("Total cases(in ten millions)") # from the data above it is evident that the country with the least death cases is El Salvador,Dominican Republic,Costa Rica,Panama,Cuba,Honduras and Guetamala. # # ASIA # # Asia the largest continent on Earth,coveres 9% of the earth surface (44.58 million sq km) and a total population of 4.561 bn . # It is bounded to the east by pacific ocean,on the south by Indian ocean and on the north by the Arctic ocean. # In[6]: asia_covid=covid_19[cvd_19['Continent']=='Asia'] #top ten countries with most cases in Asia top.asia.sort_values('Total_cases',ascending=False).head(10) top.asia.[['Countries','Total_cases']] # ## conclusion # # We tried analysing data on corona case, and we find that most counties got affected after avoiding to follow health guidlines . Due to this , most countries ended up recording high number of deaths. Also we find that, USA is the leading country with corona virus cases in the world. # In[ ]: