#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Examples for OptPulseProcessor # Author: Boxi Li (etamin1201@gmail.com) # In[1]: from numpy import pi from qutip import basis, fidelity, identity, sigmax, sigmaz, tensor from qutip_qip.circuit import QubitCircuit from qutip_qip.device import OptPulseProcessor from qutip_qip.operations import expand_operator, toffoli from qutip.ipynbtools import version_table import qutip_qip # The `qutip.OptPulseProcessor` is a noisy quantum device simulator integrated with the optimal pulse algorithm from the `qutip.control` module. It is a subclass of `qutip.Processor` and is equipped with a method to find the optimal pulse sequence (hence the name `OptPulseProcessor`) for a `qutip.QubitCircuit` or a list of `qutip.Qobj`. For the user guide of `qutip.Processor`, please refer to [the introductory guide](https://qutip-qip.readthedocs.io/en/stable/qip-processor.html). # # ## Single-qubit gate # Like in the parent class `Processor`, we need to first define the available Hamiltonians in the system. The `OptPulseProcessor` has one more parameter, the drift Hamiltonian, which has no time-dependent coefficients and thus won't be optimized. # In[2]: num_qubits = 1 # Drift Hamiltonian H_d = sigmaz() # The (single) control Hamiltonian H_c = sigmax() processor = OptPulseProcessor(num_qubits, drift=H_d) processor.add_control(H_c, 0) # The method `load_circuit` calls `qutip.control.optimize_pulse_unitary` and returns the pulse coefficients. # In[3]: qc = QubitCircuit(num_qubits) qc.add_gate("SNOT", 0) # This method calls optimize_pulse_unitary tlist, coeffs = processor.load_circuit( qc, min_grad=1e-20, init_pulse_type="RND", num_tslots=6, evo_time=1, verbose=True ) processor.plot_pulses( title="Control pulse for the Hadamard gate", use_control_latex=False ); # Like the `Processor`, the simulation is calculated with a QuTiP solver. The method `run_state` calls `mesolve` and returns the result. One can also add noise to observe the change in the fidelity, e.g. the t1 decoherence time. # In[4]: rho0 = basis(2, 1) plus = (basis(2, 0) + basis(2, 1)).unit() minus = (basis(2, 0) - basis(2, 1)).unit() result = processor.run_state(init_state=rho0) print("Fidelity:", fidelity(result.states[-1], minus)) # add noise processor.t1 = 40.0 result = processor.run_state(init_state=rho0) print("Fidelity with qubit relaxation:", fidelity(result.states[-1], minus)) # ## Multi-qubit gate # In the following example, we use `OptPulseProcessor` to find the optimal control pulse of a multi-qubit circuit. For simplicity, the circuit contains only one Toffoli gate. # In[5]: toffoli() # We have single-qubit control $\sigma_x$ and $\sigma_z$, with the argument `cyclic_permutation=True`, it creates 3 operators each targeted on one qubit. # In[6]: N = 3 H_d = tensor([identity(2)] * 3) test_processor = OptPulseProcessor(N, H_d) test_processor.add_control(sigmaz(), cyclic_permutation=True) test_processor.add_control(sigmax(), cyclic_permutation=True) # The interaction is generated by $\sigma_x\sigma_x$ between the qubit 0 & 1 and qubit 1 & 2. `expand_operator` can be used to expand the operator to a larger dimension with given target qubits. # In[7]: sxsx = tensor([sigmax(), sigmax()]) sxsx01 = expand_operator(sxsx, 3, targets=[0, 1]) sxsx12 = expand_operator(sxsx, 3, targets=[1, 2]) test_processor.add_control(sxsx01) test_processor.add_control(sxsx12) # Use the above defined control Hamiltonians, we now find the optimal pulse for the Toffoli gate with 6 time slots. Instead of a `QubitCircuit`, a list of operators can also be given as an input. # In[8]: def get_control_latex(): """ Get the labels for each Hamiltonian. It is used in the method``plot_pulses``. It is a 2-d nested list, in the plot, a different color will be used for each sublist. """ return [ [r"$\sigma_z^%d$" % n for n in range(test_processor.num_qubits)], [r"$\sigma_x^%d$" % n for n in range(test_processor.num_qubits)], [r"$g_01$", r"$g_12$"], ] test_processor.model.get_control_latex = get_control_latex # In[9]: test_processor.dims = [2, 2, 2] # In[10]: test_processor.load_circuit([toffoli()], num_tslots=6, evo_time=1, verbose=True) test_processor.plot_pulses(title="Contorl pulse for toffoli gate"); # ## Merging a quantum circuit # If there are multiple gates in the circuit, we can choose if we want to first merge them and then find the pulse for the merged unitary. # In[11]: qc = QubitCircuit(3) qc.add_gate("CNOT", controls=0, targets=2) qc.add_gate("RX", targets=2, arg_value=pi / 4) qc.add_gate("RY", targets=1, arg_value=pi / 8) # In[12]: setting_args = { "CNOT": {"num_tslots": 20, "evo_time": 3}, "RX": {"num_tslots": 2, "evo_time": 1}, "RY": {"num_tslots": 2, "evo_time": 1}, } test_processor.load_circuit( qc, merge_gates=False, setting_args=setting_args, verbose=True ) fig, axes = test_processor.plot_pulses( title="Control pulse for a each gate in the circuit", show_axis=True ) axes[-1].set_xlabel("time"); # In the above figure, the pulses from $t=0$ to $t=3$ are for the CNOT gate while the rest for are the two single qubits gates. The difference in the frequency of change is merely a result of our choice of `evo_time`. Here we can see that the three gates are carried out in sequence. # In[13]: qc = QubitCircuit(3) qc.add_gate("CNOT", controls=0, targets=2) qc.add_gate("RX", targets=2, arg_value=pi / 4) qc.add_gate("RY", targets=1, arg_value=pi / 8) test_processor.load_circuit( qc, merge_gates=True, verbose=True, num_tslots=20, evo_time=5 ) test_processor.plot_pulses(title="Control pulse for a \ merged unitary evolution"); # In this figure there are no different stages, the three gates are first merged and then the algorithm finds the optimal pulse for the resulting unitary evolution. # In[14]: print("qutip-qip version:", qutip_qip.version.version) version_table()