Sofar, model inference was solved analytically, but we used strong assumptions:
Consider again a set of observed data $D=\{x_1,\dotsc,x_N\}$
where, as previously, we use notational shorthand $\mathcal{C}_k \triangleq (z_{nk}=1)$ and a hidden $1$-of-$K$ selector variable $z_{nk}$ with each observation $x_n$ as $$ z_{nk} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } \, z_n \in \mathcal{C}_k\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$
... and now the log-of-sum cannot be further simplified.
which led to easy Gaussian and multinomial parameter estimation.
Let's introduce a $1$-of-$K$ selector variable $z_{nk}$ to represent the unobserved classes $\mathcal{C}_k$ by $$ z_{nk} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if $z_n$ in class $\mathcal{C}_k$}\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$
We'll perform clustering on the data set from the illustrative example by fitting a GMM consisting of two Gaussians using the EM algorithm.
using DataFrames, CSV, LinearAlgebra
include("scripts/gmm_plot.jl") # Holds plotting function
old_faithful ="datasets/old_faithful.csv")
X = convert(Matrix{Float64}, [old_faithful[1] old_faithful[2]]')
N = size(X, 2)
# Initialize the GMM. We assume 2 clusters.
clusters = [MvNormal([4.;60.], [.5 0;0 10^2]);
MvNormal([2.;80.], [.5 0;0 10^2])]
π_hat = [0.5; 0.5] # Mixing weights
γ = fill!(Matrix{Float64}(undef,2,N), NaN) # Responsibilities (row per cluster)
# Define functions for updating the parameters and responsibilities
function updateResponsibilities!(X, clusters, π_hat, γ)
# Expectation step: update γ
norm = [pdf(clusters[1], X) pdf(clusters[2], X)] * π_hat
γ[1,:] = (π_hat[1] * pdf(clusters[1],X) ./ norm)'
γ[2,:] = 1 .- γ[1,:]
function updateParameters!(X, clusters, π_hat, γ)
# Maximization step: update π_hat and clusters using ML estimation
m = sum(γ, dims=2)
π_hat = m / N
μ_hat = (X * γ') ./ m'
for k=1:2
Z = (X .- μ_hat[:,k])
Σ_k = Symmetric(((Z .* (γ[k,:])') * Z') / m[k])
clusters[k] = MvNormal(μ_hat[:,k], convert(Matrix, Σ_k))
# Execute the algorithm: iteratively update parameters and responsibilities
subplot(2,3,1); plotGMM(X, clusters, γ); title("Initial situation")
updateResponsibilities!(X, clusters, π_hat, γ)
subplot(2,3,2); plotGMM(X, clusters, γ); title("After first E-step")
updateParameters!(X, clusters, π_hat, γ)
subplot(2,3,3); plotGMM(X, clusters, γ); title("After first M-step")
iter_counter = 1
for i=1:3
for j=1:i+1
updateResponsibilities!(X, clusters, π_hat, γ)
updateParameters!(X, clusters, π_hat, γ)
iter_counter += 1
plotGMM(X, clusters, γ);
title("After $(iter_counter) iterations")
Note that you can step through the interactive demo yourself by running this script in julia. You can run a script in julia by
julia> include("path/to/script-name.jl")
Classification | Clustering | |
1 | Class label $y_n$ is observed | Class label $z_n$ is latent |
2 | log-likelihood conditions on observed class $$\propto \sum_{nk} y_{nk} \log \mathcal{N}(x_n|\mu_k,\Sigma_k)$$ | log-likelihood marginalizes over latent classes $$\propto \sum_{n}\log \sum_k \pi_k \mathcal{N}(x_n|\mu_k,\Sigma_k)$$ |
3 | 'Hard' class selector $$ y_{nk} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if $y_n$ in class $\mathcal{C}_k$}\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$ | 'Soft' class responsibility $$\gamma_{nk} = p(\mathcal{C}_k|x_n)$$ |
4 | Estimation: $$\begin{align*} \hat{\pi}_k &= \frac{1}{N}\sum_n y_{nk} \\ \hat{\mu}_k &= \frac{\sum_n y_{nk} x_n}{\sum_n y_{nk}} \\ \hat{\Sigma}_k &= \frac{\sum_n y_{nk} (x_n-\hat\mu_k)(x_n-\hat\mu_k)^T}{\sum_n y_{nk}} \end{align*}$$ |
Estimation (1 update of M-step!) $$\begin{align*} \hat{\pi}_k &= \frac{1}{N}\sum_n \gamma_{nk} \\ \hat{\mu}_k &= \frac{\sum_n \gamma_{nk} x_n}{\sum_n \gamma_{nk}} \\ \hat{\Sigma}_k &= \frac{\sum_n \gamma_{nk} (x_n-\hat\mu_k)(x_n-\hat\mu_k)^T}{\sum_n \gamma_{nk}} \end{align*}$$ |