ENV["LINES"] = 100
@time using Random: seed!
@time using LinearAlgebra
@time using StatsBase
@time using QuadGK
@time using StatsFuns
logmeanexp(x) = logsumexp(x) - log(length(x))
@time using StatsPlots
@time pyplot()
relax(t=0.2) = (backend() == Plots.PyPlotBackend() && PyPlot.clf(); sleep(t))
rd(x, d=3) = round(x; digits=d)
mrd(t, d=3) = map(x->rd(x, d), t)
@time using Turing
0.001326 seconds (1.35 k allocations: 72.297 KiB) 0.001262 seconds (1.35 k allocations: 73.062 KiB) 0.421434 seconds (492.48 k allocations: 27.323 MiB) 0.036551 seconds (52.66 k allocations: 2.846 MiB) 3.161826 seconds (6.80 M allocations: 319.277 MiB, 7.01% gc time) 18.629972 seconds (23.55 M allocations: 1.206 GiB, 2.71% gc time) 8.932715 seconds (17.96 M allocations: 863.120 MiB, 3.12% gc time) 42.442802 seconds (74.43 M allocations: 4.493 GiB, 3.52% gc time)
この節の内容についてはTuring公式ドキュメントの [https://turing.ml/dev/docs/using-turing/guide#access-values-inside-chain](Access Values inside Chain) を参照せよ.
chain = psample(model, NUTS(), 2000, 3)
のようにして作った chain
から名前が vars = [:a, :b, :c]
val = chain[vars].value
として, AxisArray val
W = vcat(val[:,:,m] for m in 1:size(val, 3))...)
と縦に連結すればよい. W
は Array{Real, 2}
型になる. さらに Real
を W
posterior_sample = Array{typeof(W[end,end]), 2}(W)
を実行する. これによって, 縦に長く, 横方向に :a, :b, :c
はSymbolではなく, Stringの配列でもよい.w[1],...,w[10]
のすべてを取り出したければ vars = [:w]
を取り出したければ vars = ["w[$i]" for i in 1:5]
`get_posterior(chain::AbstractChains, vars::vars)` extracts the posterior sample of `vars` from `chain`.
chain = psample(model, NUTS(), 2000, 3)
posterior_sample = get_posterior_sample(chain, [:a, :b, :s])
function get_posterior_sample(
val = chain[vars].value
W = vcat((val[:,:,m] for m in 1:size(val, 3))...)
Array{typeof(W[end,end]), 2}(W)
`get_vars(chain::AbstractChains)` returns the array of the names of the parameters in `chain`.
function get_vars(chain::Turing.Inference.AbstractMCMC.AbstractChains)
vars = chain.name_map[:parameters]
`get_vars(model::AbstractModel)` returns the array of the names of the parameters in `model`.
function get_vars(model::Turing.Inference.AbstractMCMC.AbstractModel)
vi = DynamicPPL.VarInfo(linreg)
vars = collect(keys(DynamicPPL.tonamedtuple(vi)))
function get_posterior_sample(
get_posterior_sample(chain, get_vars(model))
display(@doc get_posterior_sample)
display(@doc get_vars)
get_posterior(chain::AbstractChains, vars::vars)
extracts the posterior sample of vars
from chain
chain = psample(model, NUTS(), 2000, 3)
posterior_sample = get_posterior_sample(chain, [:a, :b, :s])
returns the array of the names of the parameters in chain
returns the array of the names of the parameters in model
データを $(X_k, Y_k)$ ($k=1,\ldots,n$) と書き, 確率モデルを $p(y|x,w)$ と書き, パラメーター $w$ に関する事後分布に関する平均と分散をそれぞれ $E_w[\;]$, $V_w[\;]$ と書くとき, WAICの定義は以下のように書ける:
$$ \begin{aligned} & T = -2\sum_{k=1}^n \log E_w[p(Y_k|X_k, w)], \\ & V = 2\sum_{k=1}^n V_w[\log p(Y_k|X_k, w)], \\ & \operatorname{WAIC} = T + V. \end{aligned} $$$p(Y_k|X_k,w)$ は $\exp(\log p(Y_k|X_k,w))$ と書けるので、$\log p(Y_k|X_k, w)$ からWAICは計算可能である. パラメーター $w$ に関する事後分布のサンプルを $w_l$ ($l=1,\ldots,L$) と書くとき, 上の $T$, $V$ は以下のように近似計算される:
$$ \begin{aligned} & T \approx -2\sum_{k=1}^n \log\,\operatorname{mean}\,\{\,\exp(\operatorname{lp}_{k,l})\mid l=1,\ldots,L\,\}, \\ & V \approx 2\sum_{k=1}^n \operatorname{var}\,\{\, \operatorname{lp}_{k,l}\mid l=1,\ldots,L\,\}. \end{aligned} $$ここで $\operatorname{mean}$ と $\operatorname{var}$ はそれぞれ標本平均と不偏分散を計算する函数であるとし,
$$ \operatorname{lp}_{k,l} = \log p(Y_k|X_k, w_l) $$とおいた. 以下のセルではこれをそのままJuliaのコードに翻訳する.
`logpdf_array(logpdf_func, data, posterior_sample)` returns the array `lp` definef by
lp[k, l] = logpdf_func(data[k, :], posterior_sample[l, :])
function logpdf_array(
n = size(data, 1)
L = size(posterior_sample, 1)
lp = Array{eltype(posterior_sample), 2}(undef, n, L)
for k in 1:n, l in 1:L
@views lp[k, l] = logpdf_func(data[k, :], posterior_sample[l, :])
`logpdf_array(logpdf_func, data, chain::AbstractChains, vars=get_vars(chain))` returns the array `lp` definef by
posterior_sample = get_posterior_sample(chain, vars)
lp[k, l] = logpdf_func(data[k, :], posterior_sample[l, :])
function logpdf_array(
posterior_sample = get_posterior_sample(chain, vars)
logpdf_array(logpdf_func, data, posterior_sample)
`training_error(lp)` returns the training error calculated from the logpdf array `lp`.
function training_error(lp::AbstractArray{R, 2}) where {R}
n, L = size(lp)
-2sum(logmeanexp(@view lp[k, :]) for k in 1:n)
`functional_variance(lp)` returns the functional variance calculated from the logpdf array `lp`.
function functional_variance(lp::AbstractArray{R, 2}) where {R}
n, L = size(lp)
2sum(var(@view lp[k,:]) for k in 1:n)
`waic(lp)` returns the WAIC, the training error, and the functional variance calculated from the logpdf array `lp`.
function waic(lp::AbstractArray{R, 2}) where {R}
T = training_error(lp)
V = functional_variance(lp)
WAIC = T + V
`waic(logpdf_func, data, posterior_sample)` returns the WAIC, the training error, and the functional variance calculated from the arguments.
function waic(
lp = logpdf_array(logpdf_func, data, posterior_sample)
`waic(logpdf_func, data, chain, vars=get_vars(chain))` returns the WAIC, the training error, and the functional variance calculated from the arguments.
@model ols(X, Y) = begin
a ~ Flat()
b ~ Flat()
σ ~ FlatPos(0.0)
for k in eachindex(X)
Y[k] ~ Normal(a + b*X[k], σ)
n = 20
X = 3rand(n)
Y = X .+ 1 .+ 0.3randn(n)
chain_ols = psample(ols(X, Y), NUTS(), 2000, 3)
function logpdf_ols(x, w)
X, Y = x
a, b, σ = w
logpdf(Normal(a + b*X, σ), Y)
data_ols = hcat(X, Y)
vars_ols = [:a, :b, :σ]
@show waic(logpdf_ols, data_ols, chain_ols, vars_ols)
@show chain_ols
function waic(
posterior_sample = get_posterior_sample(chain, vars)
waic(logpdf_func, data, posterior_sample)
display(@doc logpdf_array)
display(@doc training_error)
display(@doc functional_variance)
display(@doc waic)
logpdf_array(logpdf_func, data, posterior_sample)
returns the array lp
definef by
lp[k, l] = logpdf_func(data[k, :], posterior_sample[l, :])
logpdf_array(logpdf_func, data, chain::AbstractChains, vars=get_vars(chain))
returns the array lp
definef by
posterior_sample = get_posterior_sample(chain, vars)
lp[k, l] = logpdf_func(data[k, :], posterior_sample[l, :])
returns the training error calculated from the logpdf array lp
returns the functional variance calculated from the logpdf array lp
returns the WAIC, the training error, and the functional variance calculated from the logpdf array lp
waic(logpdf_func, data, posterior_sample)
returns the WAIC, the training error, and the functional variance calculated from the arguments.
waic(logpdf_func, data, chain, vars=get_vars(chain))
returns the WAIC, the training error, and the functional variance calculated from the arguments.
@model ols(X, Y) = begin
a ~ Flat()
b ~ Flat()
σ ~ FlatPos(0.0)
for k in eachindex(X)
Y[k] ~ Normal(a + b*X[k], σ)
n = 20
X = 3rand(n)
Y = X .+ 1 .+ 0.3randn(n)
chain_ols = psample(ols(X, Y), NUTS(), 2000, 3)
function logpdf_ols(x, w)
X, Y = x
a, b, σ = w
logpdf(Normal(a + b*X, σ), Y)
data_ols = hcat(X, Y)
vars_ols = [:a, :b, :σ]
@show waic(logpdf_ols, data_ols, chain_ols, vars_ols)
@show chain_ols
さらに事前分布を $\varphi(w)$ と書くと, データ全体から $k$ 番目の $(X_k, Y_k)$ を除いてできるデータから得られる事後分布は
$$ \varphi^*_k(w) = \frac {\varphi(w)\prod_{i\ne k} p(Y_i|X_i, w)} {\int \varphi(w)\prod_{i\ne k} p(Y_i|X_i, w)\,dw} $$と表わされる. これに関する平均を $E^k_w[\;]$ と書くことにする. このとき, 一個抜き出し交差検証(leave-one-out cross varidation, LOOCV)が次のように定義される:
$$ \operatorname{LOOCV} = -2\sum_{k=1}^n\log E^k_w[p(Y_k|X_k,w)] = -2\sum_{k=1}^n \int p(Y_k|X_k,w)\varphi^*_k(w)\,dw. $$以上のLOOCVの定義を以下のように変形できる:
$$ \begin{aligned} \operatorname{LOOCV} &= -2\sum_{k=1}^n\log \frac {\int \varphi(w)p(Y_k|X_k,w)\prod_{i\ne k} p(Y_i|X_i, w)\,dw} {\int \varphi(w)\prod_{i\ne k} p(Y_i|X_i, w)\,dw} \\ &= -2\sum_{k=1}^n \log \frac {\int \varphi(w)\prod_{i=1}^n p(Y_i|X_i, w)\,dw} {\int \varphi(w)p(Y_k|X_k,w)^{-1}\prod_{i=1}^n p(Y_i|X_i, w)\,dw} \\ &= -2\sum_{k=1}^n \log \left( \frac {\int \varphi(w)p(Y_k|X_k,w)^{-1}\prod_{i=1}^n p(Y_i|X_i, w)\,dw} {\int \varphi(w)\prod_{i=1}^n p(Y_i|X_i, w)\,dw} \right)^{-1} \\ &= -2\sum_{k=1}^n \log E_w\left[p(Y_k|X_k,w)^{-1}\right]^{-1} \\ &= 2\sum_{k=1}^n \log E_w\left[p(Y_k|X_k,w)^{-1}\right] \\ &= 2\sum_{k=1}^n \log E_w[\exp(-\log p(Y_k|X_k,w))]. \end{aligned} $$最初の等号で $\varphi^*_k(w)$ の定義を使った. 4つ目の等号で,
$$ E_w[f(w)] = \int f(w)\varphi^*(w)\,dw, \quad \varphi^*(w) = \frac {\varphi(w)\prod_{i=1}^n p(Y_i|X_i, w)} {\int \varphi(w)\prod_{i=1}^n p(Y_i|X_i, w)\,dw} $$を使い, 5つ目の等号で $\log x^{-1}=-\log x$ を使った.
$$ \operatorname{LOOCV} \approx 2\sum_{k=1}^n \log\,\operatorname{mean}\,\{\,\exp(-\log\operatorname{lp}_{k,l})\mid l=1,\ldots,L\,\}. $$"""
`loocv(lp)` returns the LOOCV from the logpdf array `lp`.
function loocv(lp::AbstractArray{R, 2}) where {R}
n, L = size(lp)
2sum(logmeanexp(- @view lp[k, :]) for k in 1:n)
`loocv(logpdf_func, data, posterior_sample)` returns the LOOCV calculated from the arguments.
function loocv(
lp = logpdf_array(logpdf_func, data, posterior_sample)
`loocv(logpdf_func, data, chain, vars=get_vars(chain))` returns the LOOCV calculated from the arguments.
function loocv(
posterior_sample = get_posterior_sample(chain, vars)
loocv(logpdf_func, data, posterior_sample)
@doc loocv
returns the LOOCV from the logpdf array lp
loocv(logpdf_func, data, posterior_sample)
returns the LOOCV calculated from the arguments.
loocv(logpdf_func, data, chain, vars=get_vars(chain))
returns the LOOCV calculated from the arguments.
`make_pred_pdf(logpdf_func, posterior_sample)` makes the pdf of the predictive distribution from the arguments.
function make_pred_pdf(logpdf_func, posterior_sample::AbstractArray)
L = size(posterior_sample, 1)
pred_pdf(x) = mean(exp(logpdf_func(x, @view(posterior_sample[l, :]))) for l in 1:L)
`make_pred_pdf(logpdf_func, chain::AbstractChains, vars::AbstractVector)` makes the pdf of the predictive distribution from the arguments.
function make_pred_pdf(
posterior_sample = get_posterior_sample(chain, vars)
make_pred_pdf(logpdf_func, posterior_sample)
@doc make_pred_pdf
make_pred_pdf(logpdf_func, posterior_sample)
makes the pdf of the predictive distribution from the arguments.
make_pred_pdf(logpdf_func, chain::AbstractChains, vars::AbstractVector)
makes the pdf of the predictive distribution from the arguments.
posterior_sample_test = [5, 0] .+ 1.2randn(2, 100)
logpdf_test(x, w) = logpdf(Gamma(exp(w[1]), exp(w[2])), x[1])
pred_pdf_test = make_pred_pdf(logpdf_test, posterior_sample_test)
@show pred_pdf_test([5.0])
@show pred_pdf_test(5.0)
plot(size=(400, 250))
plot!(pred_pdf_test, 0, 50; label="pred_pdf_test")
pred_pdf_test([5.0]) = 0.01698634409454517 pred_pdf_test(5.0) = 0.01698634409454517
@model ols(X, Y) = begin
a ~ Flat()
b ~ Flat()
σ ~ FlatPos(0.0)
for k in eachindex(X)
Y[k] ~ Normal(a + b*X[k], σ)
n = 20
X = 3rand(n)
Y = X .+ 1 .+ 0.3randn(n)
chain_ols = psample(ols(X, Y), NUTS(), 2000, 3)
function logpdf_ols(x, w)
X, Y = x
a, b, σ = w
logpdf(Normal(a + b*X, σ), Y)
data_ols = hcat(X, Y)
vars_ols = [:a, :b, :σ]
waic_ols = waic(logpdf_ols, data_ols, chain_ols, vars_ols)
loocv_ols = loocv(logpdf_ols, data_ols, chain_ols, vars_ols)
@show waic_ols
@show loocv_ols
@show chain_ols
plot(chain_ols; lw=0.5)
┌ Info: Found initial step size
│ ϵ = 0.05
└ @ Turing.Inference C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\Turing\JedVU\src\inference\hmc.jl:553
Parallel sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:08
waic_ols = (WAIC = 18.849114851565552, T = 14.08884910101609, V = 4.760265750549462) loocv_ols = 19.01539110495765 chain_ols = Object of type Chains, with data of type 1000×15×3 Array{Real,3} Iterations = 1:1000 Thinning interval = 1 Chains = 1, 2, 3 Samples per chain = 1000 internals = acceptance_rate, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, is_accept, log_density, lp, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, n_steps, nom_step_size, numerical_error, step_size, tree_depth parameters = a, b, σ 2-element Array{ChainDataFrame,1} Summary Statistics parameters mean std naive_se mcse ess r_hat ────────── ────── ────── ──────── ────── ───────── ────── a 1.0951 0.1650 0.0030 0.0054 989.8906 1.0017 b 0.8655 0.1135 0.0021 0.0033 1102.7093 1.0009 σ 0.3785 0.0680 0.0012 0.0015 1534.5884 0.9995 Quantiles parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5% ────────── ────── ────── ────── ────── ────── a 0.7706 0.9880 1.0940 1.2039 1.4164 b 0.6406 0.7917 0.8659 0.9376 1.0872 σ 0.2752 0.3302 0.3691 0.4158 0.5289
posterior_sample_ols = get_posterior_sample(chain_ols, vars_ols)
a, b, σ = mapslices(median, posterior_sample_ols, dims=1)
@show a, b, σ
lp = logpdf_array(logpdf_ols, data_ols, posterior_sample_ols)
@show T = training_error(lp)
@show V = functional_variance(lp)
@show WAIC = T + V
@show LOOCV = loocv(lp)
X, Y = data_ols[:,1], data_ols[:,2]
Phi = hcat(ones(length(X)), X)
a, b = Phi\Y
σ² = mean((Y - Phi*[a,b]).^2)
@show a, b, √σ²
T = -2sum(logpdf(Normal(Phi[k,:]'*[a,b], √σ²), Y[k]) for k in 1:length(X))
nparams = 3
@show T
@show 2nparams
@show AIC = T + 2nparams
(AIC=AIC, T=T, V=2nparams) |> display
(a, b, σ) = (1.0939559289468321, 0.8659305919345646, 0.3690821664936669) T = training_error(lp) = 14.08884910101609 V = functional_variance(lp) = 4.760265750549462 WAIC = T + V = 18.849114851565552 LOOCV = loocv(lp) = 19.01539110495765
(WAIC = 18.849114851565552, T = 14.08884910101609, V = 4.760265750549462)
(a, b, √σ²) = (1.0858106841809112, 0.8718885100467602, 0.33313315445256647) T = 12.78902109999629 2nparams = 6 AIC = T + 2nparams = 18.78902109999629
(AIC = 18.78902109999629, T = 12.78902109999629, V = 6)
plot(size=(400, 250))
scatter!(X, Y; label="sample")
plot!(x -> x + 1, -0.2, 3.2; label="x+1")
plot!(x -> x + 1 + 2*0.3, -0.2, 3.2; label="±2σ", color=:black, ls=:dot)
plot!(x -> x + 1 - 2*0.3, -0.2, 3.2; label="", color=:black, ls=:dot)
pred_pdf_ols = make_pred_pdf(logpdf_ols, posterior_sample_ols)
x = range(-0.5, 3.5; length=100)
y = range(0.5, 4.5; length=100)
@time z = ((x, y) -> pred_pdf_ols((x, y))).(x', y)
P1 = plot(size=(400, 400), legend=false)
plot!(xtick=-10:10, ytick=-10:10)
plot!(xlim=extrema(x), ylim=extrema(y))
heatmap!(x, y, z)
scatter!(X, Y; label="sample", color=:cyan)
x = range(-7, 10; length=100)
y = range(-6, 11; length=100)
@time z = ((x, y) -> pred_pdf_ols((x, y))).(x', y)
P2 = plot(size=(400, 400), legend=false)
plot!(xtick=-10:2:10, ytick=-10:2:10)
plot!(xlim=extrema(x), ylim=extrema(y))
heatmap!(x, y, z)
scatter!(X, Y; label="sample", color=:cyan)
plot(P1, P2; size=(800, 400), layout=(1, 2))
3.462194 seconds (30.62 M allocations: 1.371 GiB, 12.37% gc time) 3.145276 seconds (30.26 M allocations: 1.352 GiB, 12.28% gc time)
normal_dist(a, b) = Normal(a, exp(b))
logpdf_normal(x, w) = logpdf(normal_dist(w[1], w[2]), x[1])
@doc Normal
The Normal distribution with mean μ
and standard deviation σ≥0
has probability density function
Note that if σ == 0
, then the distribution is a point mass concentrated at μ
. Though not technically a continuous distribution, it is allowed so as to account for cases where σ
may have underflowed, and the functions are defined by taking the pointwise limit as $σ → 0$.
Normal() # standard Normal distribution with zero mean and unit variance
Normal(mu) # Normal distribution with mean mu and unit variance
Normal(mu, sig) # Normal distribution with mean mu and variance sig^2
params(d) # Get the parameters, i.e. (mu, sig)
mean(d) # Get the mean, i.e. mu
std(d) # Get the standard deviation, i.e. sig
External links
gamma_dist(a, b) = Gamma(exp(a), exp(b))
logpdf_gamma(x, w) = logpdf(gamma_dist(w[1], w[2]), x[1])
@doc Gamma
The Gamma distribution with shape parameter α
and scale θ
has probability density function
Gamma() # Gamma distribution with unit shape and unit scale, i.e. Gamma(1, 1)
Gamma(α) # Gamma distribution with shape α and unit scale, i.e. Gamma(α, 1)
Gamma(α, θ) # Gamma distribution with shape α and scale θ
params(d) # Get the parameters, i.e. (α, θ)
shape(d) # Get the shape parameter, i.e. α
scale(d) # Get the scale parameter, i.e. θ
External links
inversegamma_dist(a, b) = InverseGamma(exp(a), exp(b))
logpdf_inversegamma(x, w) = logpdf(inversegamma_dist(w[1], w[2]), x[1])
@doc InverseGamma
InverseGamma(α, θ)
The inverse Gamma distribution with shape parameter α
and scale θ
has probability density function
It is related to the Gamma
distribution: if $X \sim \operatorname{Gamma}(\alpha, \beta)$, then $1 / X \sim \operatorname{InverseGamma}(\alpha, \beta^{-1})$.
InverseGamma() # Inverse Gamma distribution with unit shape and unit scale, i.e. InverseGamma(1, 1)
InverseGamma(α) # Inverse Gamma distribution with shape α and unit scale, i.e. InverseGamma(α, 1)
InverseGamma(α, θ) # Inverse Gamma distribution with shape α and scale θ
params(d) # Get the parameters, i.e. (α, θ)
shape(d) # Get the shape parameter, i.e. α
scale(d) # Get the scale parameter, i.e. θ
External links
lognormal_dist(a, b) = LogNormal(a, exp(b))
logpdf_lognormal(x, w) = logpdf(lognormal_dist(w[1], w[2]), x[1])
@doc LogNormal
The log normal distribution is the distribution of the exponential of a Normal
variate: if $X \sim \operatorname{Normal}(\mu, \sigma)$ then $\exp(X) \sim \operatorname{LogNormal}(\mu,\sigma)$. The probability density function is
LogNormal() # Log-normal distribution with zero log-mean and unit scale
LogNormal(mu) # Log-normal distribution with log-mean mu and unit scale
LogNormal(mu, sig) # Log-normal distribution with log-mean mu and scale sig
params(d) # Get the parameters, i.e. (mu, sig)
meanlogx(d) # Get the mean of log(X), i.e. mu
varlogx(d) # Get the variance of log(X), i.e. sig^2
stdlogx(d) # Get the standard deviation of log(X), i.e. sig
External links
weibull_dist(a, b) = Weibull(exp(a), exp(b))
logpdf_weibull(x, w) = logpdf(weibull_dist(w[1], w[2]), x[1])
@doc Weibull
The Weibull distribution with shape α
and scale θ
has probability density function
Weibull() # Weibull distribution with unit shape and unit scale, i.e. Weibull(1, 1)
Weibull(a) # Weibull distribution with shape a and unit scale, i.e. Weibull(a, 1)
Weibull(a, b) # Weibull distribution with shape a and scale b
params(d) # Get the parameters, i.e. (a, b)
shape(d) # Get the shape parameter, i.e. a
scale(d) # Get the scale parameter, i.e. b
External links
@show dist_true = weibull_dist(1.5, 1/10)
n = 1000
X = rand(dist_true, n)
plot(size=(500, 350), legendfontsize=10)
histogram!(X; norm=true, alpha=0.3, label="sample")
plot!(dist_true, 0, 2; label="dist_true")
dist_true = weibull_dist(1.5, 1 / 10) = Weibull{Float64}(α=4.4816890703380645, θ=1.1051709180756477)
@model testmodel(X, dist_func) = begin
a ~ Flat()
b ~ Flat()
X .~ dist_func(a, b)
##testmodel#430 (generic function with 2 methods)
chain_normal = psample(testmodel(X, normal_dist), NUTS(), 2000, 3)
waic_normal = waic(logpdf_normal, X, chain_normal)
@show waic_normal
loocv_normal = loocv(logpdf_normal, X, chain_normal)
@show loocv_normal
@show chain_normal
plot(chain_normal; lw=0.5)
┌ Info: Found initial step size
│ ϵ = 0.05
└ @ Turing.Inference C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\Turing\JedVU\src\inference\hmc.jl:553
Parallel sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:05
waic_normal = (WAIC = 143.7520736219336, T = 139.9459413074622, V = 3.8061323144714003) loocv_normal = 143.75090489485888 chain_normal = Object of type Chains, with data of type 1000×14×3 Array{Real,3} Iterations = 1:1000 Thinning interval = 1 Chains = 1, 2, 3 Samples per chain = 1000 internals = acceptance_rate, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, is_accept, log_density, lp, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, n_steps, nom_step_size, numerical_error, step_size, tree_depth parameters = a, b 2-element Array{ChainDataFrame,1} Summary Statistics parameters mean std naive_se mcse ess r_hat ────────── ─────── ────── ──────── ────── ───────── ────── a 1.0024 0.0082 0.0001 0.0001 3076.7545 1.0005 b -1.3479 0.0220 0.0004 0.0004 3105.4581 0.9995 Quantiles parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5% ────────── ─────── ─────── ─────── ─────── ─────── a 0.9862 0.9969 1.0023 1.0078 1.0196 b -1.3910 -1.3631 -1.3472 -1.3328 -1.3052
chain_gamma = psample(testmodel(X, gamma_dist), NUTS(), 2000, 3)
waic_gamma = waic(logpdf_gamma, X, chain_gamma)
@show waic_gamma
loocv_gamma = loocv(logpdf_gamma, X, chain_gamma)
@show loocv_gamma
@show chain_gamma
plot(chain_gamma; lw=0.5)
┌ Info: Found initial step size
│ ϵ = 0.025
└ @ Turing.Inference C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\Turing\JedVU\src\inference\hmc.jl:553
Parallel sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:14
waic_gamma = (WAIC = 242.55619795660647, T = 237.50715503275975, V = 5.049042923846727) loocv_gamma = 242.55334597773796 chain_gamma = Object of type Chains, with data of type 1000×14×3 Array{Real,3} Iterations = 1:1000 Thinning interval = 1 Chains = 1, 2, 3 Samples per chain = 1000 internals = acceptance_rate, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, is_accept, log_density, lp, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, n_steps, nom_step_size, numerical_error, step_size, tree_depth parameters = a, b 2-element Array{ChainDataFrame,1} Summary Statistics parameters mean std naive_se mcse ess r_hat ────────── ─────── ────── ──────── ────── ──────── ────── a 2.5501 0.0433 0.0008 0.0018 714.8608 1.0022 b -2.5479 0.0443 0.0008 0.0019 715.1871 1.0024 Quantiles parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5% ────────── ─────── ─────── ─────── ─────── ─────── a 2.4626 2.5220 2.5504 2.5789 2.6387 b -2.6377 -2.5777 -2.5478 -2.5187 -2.4582
chain_inversegamma = psample(testmodel(X, inversegamma_dist), NUTS(), 2000, 3)
waic_inversegamma = waic(logpdf_inversegamma, X, chain_inversegamma)
@show waic_inversegamma
loocv_inversegamma = loocv(logpdf_inversegamma, X, chain_inversegamma)
@show loocv_inversegamma
@show chain_inversegamma
plot(chain_inversegamma; lw=0.5)
┌ Info: Found initial step size
│ ϵ = 0.025
└ @ Turing.Inference C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\Turing\JedVU\src\inference\hmc.jl:553
Parallel sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:10
waic_inversegamma = (WAIC = 501.0669809819272, T = 491.5322296725455, V = 9.534751309381688) loocv_inversegamma = 501.0250547819082 chain_inversegamma = Object of type Chains, with data of type 1000×14×3 Array{Real,3} Iterations = 1:1000 Thinning interval = 1 Chains = 1, 2, 3 Samples per chain = 1000 internals = acceptance_rate, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, is_accept, log_density, lp, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, n_steps, nom_step_size, numerical_error, step_size, tree_depth parameters = a, b 2-element Array{ChainDataFrame,1} Summary Statistics parameters mean std naive_se mcse ess r_hat ────────── ────── ────── ──────── ────── ──────── ────── a 2.3042 0.0427 0.0008 0.0016 740.5161 1.0009 b 2.2160 0.0435 0.0008 0.0016 748.1955 1.0011 Quantiles parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5% ────────── ────── ────── ────── ────── ────── a 2.2236 2.2742 2.3035 2.3347 2.3868 b 2.1303 2.1863 2.2144 2.2479 2.2996
chain_lognormal = psample(testmodel(X, lognormal_dist), NUTS(), 2000, 3)
waic_lognormal = waic(logpdf_lognormal, X, chain_lognormal)
@show waic_lognormal
loocv_lognormal = loocv(logpdf_lognormal, X, chain_lognormal)
@show loocv_lognormal
@show chain_lognormal
plot(chain_lognormal; lw=0.5)
┌ Info: Found initial step size
│ ϵ = 0.025
└ @ Turing.Inference C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\Turing\JedVU\src\inference\hmc.jl:553
Parallel sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:03
waic_lognormal = (WAIC = 343.79099285707605, T = 336.58010836584594, V = 7.2108844912300984) loocv_lognormal = 343.78791583887903 chain_lognormal = Object of type Chains, with data of type 1000×14×3 Array{Real,3} Iterations = 1:1000 Thinning interval = 1 Chains = 1, 2, 3 Samples per chain = 1000 internals = acceptance_rate, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, is_accept, log_density, lp, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, n_steps, nom_step_size, numerical_error, step_size, tree_depth parameters = a, b 2-element Array{ChainDataFrame,1} Summary Statistics parameters mean std naive_se mcse ess r_hat ────────── ─────── ────── ──────── ────── ───────── ────── a -0.0372 0.0094 0.0002 0.0002 3244.1229 0.9999 b -1.2116 0.0231 0.0004 0.0004 3111.7774 0.9992 Quantiles parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5% ────────── ─────── ─────── ─────── ─────── ─────── a -0.0550 -0.0435 -0.0371 -0.0307 -0.0195 b -1.2558 -1.2275 -1.2116 -1.1961 -1.1667
chain_weibull = psample(testmodel(X, weibull_dist), NUTS(), 2000, 3)
waic_weibull = waic(logpdf_weibull, X, chain_weibull)
@show waic_weibull
loocv_weibull = loocv(logpdf_weibull, X, chain_weibull)
@show loocv_weibull
@show chain_weibull
plot(chain_weibull; lw=0.5)
┌ Info: Found initial step size
│ ϵ = 0.05
└ @ Turing.Inference C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\Turing\JedVU\src\inference\hmc.jl:553
┌ Warning: The current proposal will be rejected due to numerical error(s).
│ isfinite.((θ, r, ℓπ, ℓκ)) = (true, false, false, false)
└ @ AdvancedHMC C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\AdvancedHMC\haUrH\src\hamiltonian.jl:44
┌ Warning: The current proposal will be rejected due to numerical error(s).
│ isfinite.((θ, r, ℓπ, ℓκ)) = (true, true, true, false)
└ @ AdvancedHMC C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\AdvancedHMC\haUrH\src\hamiltonian.jl:44
Parallel sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:07
waic_weibull = (WAIC = 135.8190696247778, T = 131.69550370400378, V = 4.123565920773999) loocv_weibull = 135.81696106444352 chain_weibull = Object of type Chains, with data of type 1000×14×3 Array{Real,3} Iterations = 1:1000 Thinning interval = 1 Chains = 1, 2, 3 Samples per chain = 1000 internals = acceptance_rate, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, is_accept, log_density, lp, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, n_steps, nom_step_size, numerical_error, step_size, tree_depth parameters = a, b 2-element Array{ChainDataFrame,1} Summary Statistics parameters mean std naive_se mcse ess r_hat ────────── ────── ────── ──────── ────── ───────── ────── a 1.4748 0.0252 0.0005 0.0006 2326.7643 0.9993 b 0.0951 0.0076 0.0001 0.0002 2044.4410 0.9997 Quantiles parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5% ────────── ────── ────── ────── ────── ────── a 1.4247 1.4576 1.4744 1.4924 1.5230 b 0.0799 0.0899 0.0953 0.1002 0.1094
@show waic_normal |> mrd
@show waic_gamma |> mrd
@show waic_inversegamma |> mrd
@show waic_lognormal |> mrd
@show waic_weibull |> mrd
@show loocv_normal |> mrd
@show loocv_gamma |> mrd
@show loocv_inversegamma |> mrd
@show loocv_lognormal |> mrd
@show loocv_weibull |> mrd
waic_normal |> mrd = (WAIC = 143.752, T = 139.946, V = 3.806) waic_gamma |> mrd = (WAIC = 242.556, T = 237.507, V = 5.049) waic_inversegamma |> mrd = (WAIC = 501.067, T = 491.532, V = 9.535) waic_lognormal |> mrd = (WAIC = 343.791, T = 336.58, V = 7.211) waic_weibull |> mrd = (WAIC = 135.819, T = 131.696, V = 4.124) loocv_normal |> mrd = 143.751 loocv_gamma |> mrd = 242.553 loocv_inversegamma |> mrd = 501.025 loocv_lognormal |> mrd = 343.788 loocv_weibull |> mrd = 135.817
pred_normal = make_pred_pdf(logpdf_normal, chain_normal)
pred_gamma = make_pred_pdf(logpdf_gamma, chain_gamma)
pred_inversegamma = make_pred_pdf(logpdf_inversegamma, chain_inversegamma)
pred_lognormal = make_pred_pdf(logpdf_lognormal, chain_lognormal)
pred_weibull = make_pred_pdf(logpdf_weibull, chain_weibull)
histogram!(X; norm=true, alpha=0.2, label="sample")
plot!(x -> pred_weibull([x]), 0, 2.5; label="weibull", ls=:dash, lw=1.5)
plot!(x -> pred_normal([x]), 0, 2.5; label="normal", ls=:dashdot, lw=1.2)
plot!(x -> pred_gamma([x]), 0, 2.5; label="gamma", ls=:dot, lw=1.2)
plot!(x -> pred_inversegamma([x]), 0, 2.5; label="inversegamma", ls=:dot, lw=1.2)
plot!(x -> pred_lognormal([x]), 0, 2.5; label="lognormal", ls=:dot, lw=1.2)
plot!(dist_true, 0, 2.5; label="dist_true", color=:blue, alpha=0.7, lw=0.8)
tStartExposure = [-2, -18, -18, 10, 3, 8, 12, 13, -18, -18, 8, 10, -11, -18, -18, -18, 12, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, 11, 11, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, 12, 12, 15, 15, -18, -18, -18, -18, 19, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, 18, -18, -18, 6, -18, -18, -18, 9, -18, 11, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, 19, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, 13, 13, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18, 13, -18, -18, -18, -18, -18]
tEndExposure = [3, 12, 3, 11, 4, 16, 16, 16, 15, 15, 16, 11, 9, 2, 12, 17, 15, 17, 18, 13, 16, 11, 18, 14, 18, 20, 12, 10, 17, 15, 15, 14, 17, 20, 18, 13, 23, 23, 22, 20, 21, 21, 21, 15, 21, 17, 20, 18, 20, 7, 20, 20, 20, 20, 18, 22, 22, 18, 18, 18, 9, 20, 18, 22, 23, 19, 19, 22, 22, 13, 22, 22, 23, 23, 17, 17, 22, 18, 18, 22, 18, 20, 15, 20, 19, 23, 22, 22]
tSymptomOnset = [3, 15, 4, 14, 9, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 14, 10, 10, 14, 20, 19, 19, 20, 20, 17, 13, 19, 19, 20, 21, 18, 18, 18, 16, 20, 16, 20, 20, 19, 17, 24, 24, 23, 21, 23, 23, 23, 21, 22, 24, 24, 19, 21, 14, 23, 23, 21, 20, 21, 22, 23, 19, 23, 21, 13, 22, 24, 25, 25, 25, 25, 24, 24, 21, 23, 23, 24, 25, 18, 18, 23, 22, 22, 24, 24, 25, 22, 25, 25, 24, 25, 25]
@show d = length(tStartExposure)
hcat(tStartExposure, tEndExposure, tSymptomOnset)'
d = length(tStartExposure) = 88
3×88 Adjoint{Int64,Array{Int64,2}}: -2 -18 -18 10 3 8 12 13 -18 … -18 13 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 3 12 3 11 4 16 16 16 15 20 15 20 19 23 22 22 3 15 4 14 9 16 16 16 16 25 22 25 25 24 25 25
data_ip = hcat(tStartExposure', tEndExposure', tSymptomOnset')
(1, 264)
@model incubation_period(
) where {VT} = begin
n = length(tStartExposure)
uE = VT(undef, n)
a ~ Flat()
b ~ Flat()
uE .~ Uniform()
for k in 1:n
tE = tStartExposure[k] + uE[k]*(tEndExposure[k] - tStartExposure[k])
tSymptomOnset[k] ~ LocationScale(tE, 1.0, dist_func(a, b))
model_ip(dist_func) = incubation_period(
function logpdf_ip(x, w; dist_func=dist_func, d=length(tStartExposure))
a = w[1]
b = w[2]
uE = @view w[3:end]
sum(logpdf(dist_func(a, b), x[2d+k] - (x[k] + uE[k]*(x[d+k]-x[k]))) for k in 1:d)
logpdf_ip (generic function with 1 method)
L = 1000 + 1000
nchains = 3
@time chain_ip_gamma = psample(model_ip(gamma_dist), NUTS(), L, nchains);
┌ Info: Found initial step size
│ ϵ = 0.05
└ @ Turing.Inference C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\Turing\JedVU\src\inference\hmc.jl:553
┌ Warning: The current proposal will be rejected due to numerical error(s).
│ isfinite.((θ, r, ℓπ, ℓκ)) = (true, false, false, false)
└ @ AdvancedHMC C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\AdvancedHMC\haUrH\src\hamiltonian.jl:44
Parallel sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:10:44
650.187142 seconds (6.56 G allocations: 1.728 TiB, 33.46% gc time)
chain_ip_gamma[["a"; "b"; ["uE[$i]" for i in 1:10:d]]]
Object of type Chains, with data of type 1000×11×3 Array{Real,3} Iterations = 1:1000 Thinning interval = 1 Chains = 1, 2, 3 Samples per chain = 1000 parameters = a, b, uE[1], uE[11], uE[21], uE[31], uE[41], uE[51], uE[61], uE[71], uE[81] 2-element Array{ChainDataFrame,1} Summary Statistics parameters mean std naive_se mcse ess r_hat ────────── ────── ────── ──────── ────── ───────── ────── a 1.7228 0.3096 0.0057 0.0117 490.9173 1.0034 b 0.1612 0.3609 0.0066 0.0140 498.1078 1.0027 uE[1] 0.2569 0.1795 0.0033 0.0029 4105.3946 1.0000 uE[11] 0.3464 0.2030 0.0037 0.0030 3747.1291 0.9998 uE[21] 0.8373 0.0864 0.0016 0.0018 3512.9622 0.9997 uE[31] 0.5359 0.2846 0.0052 0.0034 4880.1431 0.9999 uE[41] 0.8808 0.0750 0.0014 0.0013 4165.0778 0.9994 uE[51] 0.8979 0.0722 0.0013 0.0013 3986.7499 0.9997 uE[61] 0.8746 0.1018 0.0019 0.0021 3624.6169 0.9993 uE[71] 0.8592 0.0737 0.0013 0.0010 3907.3316 0.9998 uE[81] 0.9254 0.0665 0.0012 0.0012 3450.9053 1.0000 Quantiles parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5% ────────── ─────── ─────── ────── ────── ────── a 1.0807 1.5080 1.7376 1.9358 2.3066 b -0.4899 -0.0826 0.1401 0.3950 0.9330 uE[1] 0.0130 0.1074 0.2235 0.3778 0.6638 uE[11] 0.0238 0.1792 0.3326 0.4955 0.7566 uE[21] 0.6356 0.7891 0.8507 0.9001 0.9669 uE[31] 0.0328 0.3000 0.5520 0.7807 0.9773 uE[41] 0.7012 0.8427 0.8936 0.9337 0.9867 uE[51] 0.7201 0.8580 0.9115 0.9515 0.9941 uE[61] 0.6048 0.8271 0.8977 0.9481 0.9948 uE[71] 0.6807 0.8206 0.8703 0.9115 0.9691 uE[81] 0.7583 0.8957 0.9429 0.9750 0.9976
#@time plot(chain_ip_gamma[2:2:end]; lw=0.5, alpha=0.8)
@time plot(chain_ip_gamma[["a"; "b"; ["uE[$i]" for i in 1:10:d]]][2:2:end]; lw=0.5, alpha=0.8)
0.974425 seconds (1.76 M allocations: 81.750 MiB)
dist_func = gamma_dist
waic_ip_gamma = waic(logpdf_ip, data_ip, chain_ip_gamma)
loocv_ip_gamma = loocv(logpdf_ip, data_ip, chain_ip_gamma)
@show waic_ip_gamma
@show loocv_ip_gamma;
waic_ip_gamma = (WAIC = 828.0910756394273, T = 345.5145214862969, V = 482.5765541531305) loocv_ip_gamma = 521.7608033574322
@time chain_ip_lognormal = psample(model_ip(lognormal_dist), NUTS(), L, nchains);
┌ Info: Found initial step size
│ ϵ = 0.2
└ @ Turing.Inference C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\Turing\JedVU\src\inference\hmc.jl:553
Parallel sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:06:53
417.389136 seconds (3.77 G allocations: 1016.697 GiB, 36.79% gc time)
chain_ip_lognormal[["a"; "b"; ["uE[$i]" for i in 1:10:d]]]
Object of type Chains, with data of type 1000×11×3 Array{Real,3} Iterations = 1:1000 Thinning interval = 1 Chains = 1, 2, 3 Samples per chain = 1000 parameters = a, b, uE[1], uE[11], uE[21], uE[31], uE[41], uE[51], uE[61], uE[71], uE[81] 2-element Array{ChainDataFrame,1} Summary Statistics parameters mean std naive_se mcse ess r_hat ────────── ─────── ────── ──────── ────── ───────── ────── a 1.8033 0.0897 0.0016 0.0024 1689.2387 1.0019 b -0.7701 0.1789 0.0033 0.0082 539.6518 1.0031 uE[1] 0.2456 0.1710 0.0031 0.0031 3976.5064 0.9994 uE[11] 0.3554 0.1909 0.0035 0.0039 2606.2328 1.0009 uE[21] 0.8279 0.1032 0.0019 0.0022 3090.9849 1.0022 uE[31] 0.5479 0.2871 0.0052 0.0042 4505.0488 0.9994 uE[41] 0.8718 0.0974 0.0018 0.0014 3635.0052 0.9991 uE[51] 0.8880 0.0924 0.0017 0.0016 3292.2488 0.9998 uE[61] 0.8651 0.1258 0.0023 0.0023 3474.5801 0.9996 uE[71] 0.8528 0.0912 0.0017 0.0016 3408.6556 0.9994 uE[81] 0.9088 0.0938 0.0017 0.0016 3146.7634 0.9996 Quantiles parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5% ────────── ─────── ─────── ─────── ─────── ─────── a 1.6367 1.7426 1.8006 1.8605 1.9913 b -1.1426 -0.8925 -0.7687 -0.6450 -0.4267 uE[1] 0.0090 0.1036 0.2204 0.3621 0.6256 uE[11] 0.0239 0.2029 0.3555 0.4950 0.7188 uE[21] 0.5610 0.7859 0.8483 0.8977 0.9560 uE[31] 0.0279 0.3089 0.5691 0.8002 0.9808 uE[41] 0.6296 0.8335 0.8944 0.9357 0.9893 uE[51] 0.6458 0.8529 0.9111 0.9519 0.9920 uE[61] 0.5270 0.8214 0.8996 0.9516 0.9958 uE[71] 0.6101 0.8162 0.8735 0.9139 0.9684 uE[81] 0.6534 0.8770 0.9371 0.9718 0.9981
#@time plot(chain_ip_lognormal[2:2:end]; lw=0.5, alpha=0.8)
@time plot(chain_ip_lognormal[["a"; "b"; ["uE[$i]" for i in 1:10:d]]][2:2:end]; lw=0.5, alpha=0.8)
0.191283 seconds (498.92 k allocations: 19.126 MiB)
dist_func = lognormal_dist
waic_ip_lognormal = waic(logpdf_ip, data_ip, chain_ip_lognormal)
loocv_ip_lognormal = loocv(logpdf_ip, data_ip, chain_ip_lognormal)
@show waic_ip_lognormal
@show loocv_ip_lognormal;
waic_ip_lognormal = (WAIC = 972.3905600179592, T = 340.6357318256695, V = 631.7548281922897) loocv_ip_lognormal = 538.6737465602005
@time chain_ip_weibull = psample(model_ip(weibull_dist), NUTS(), L, nchains);
┌ Info: Found initial step size
│ ϵ = 0.003125
└ @ Turing.Inference C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\Turing\JedVU\src\inference\hmc.jl:553
┌ Warning: The current proposal will be rejected due to numerical error(s).
│ isfinite.((θ, r, ℓπ, ℓκ)) = (true, false, false, false)
└ @ AdvancedHMC C:\Users\genkuroki\.julia\packages\AdvancedHMC\haUrH\src\hamiltonian.jl:44
Parallel sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:07:10
434.839251 seconds (4.23 G allocations: 1.113 TiB, 32.28% gc time)
chain_ip_weibull[["a"; "b"; ["uE[$i]" for i in 1:10:d]]]
Object of type Chains, with data of type 1000×11×3 Array{Real,3} Iterations = 1:1000 Thinning interval = 1 Chains = 1, 2, 3 Samples per chain = 1000 parameters = a, b, uE[1], uE[11], uE[21], uE[31], uE[41], uE[51], uE[61], uE[71], uE[81] 2-element Array{ChainDataFrame,1} Summary Statistics parameters mean std naive_se mcse ess r_hat ────────── ────── ────── ──────── ────── ───────── ────── a 1.0667 0.1770 0.0032 0.0057 586.4088 1.0029 b 1.9737 0.0795 0.0015 0.0026 1240.8634 1.0018 uE[1] 0.2730 0.2042 0.0037 0.0032 4263.9176 0.9992 uE[11] 0.3301 0.2105 0.0038 0.0029 4085.7993 0.9992 uE[21] 0.8386 0.0723 0.0013 0.0012 3432.4125 0.9995 uE[31] 0.5108 0.2805 0.0051 0.0041 4814.8101 0.9992 uE[41] 0.8814 0.0620 0.0011 0.0012 3859.4796 0.9997 uE[51] 0.8993 0.0616 0.0011 0.0010 3319.3782 1.0010 uE[61] 0.8838 0.0797 0.0015 0.0014 3076.8869 0.9998 uE[71] 0.8619 0.0624 0.0011 0.0011 3116.6802 1.0003 uE[81] 0.9376 0.0477 0.0009 0.0009 3274.0768 1.0006 Quantiles parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5% ────────── ────── ────── ────── ────── ────── a 0.7096 0.9468 1.0753 1.1841 1.4162 b 1.8355 1.9207 1.9671 2.0218 2.1505 uE[1] 0.0097 0.1053 0.2315 0.4022 0.7507 uE[11] 0.0147 0.1604 0.3011 0.4751 0.7875 uE[21] 0.6821 0.7960 0.8418 0.8903 0.9644 uE[31] 0.0310 0.2739 0.5225 0.7464 0.9727 uE[41] 0.7494 0.8445 0.8861 0.9268 0.9835 uE[51] 0.7583 0.8626 0.9056 0.9466 0.9935 uE[61] 0.6962 0.8367 0.8963 0.9439 0.9935 uE[71] 0.7268 0.8246 0.8657 0.9065 0.9689 uE[81] 0.8252 0.9122 0.9471 0.9731 0.9971
#@time plot(chain_ip_weibull[2:2:end]; lw=0.5, alpha=0.8)
@time plot(chain_ip_weibull[["a"; "b"; ["uE[$i]" for i in 1:10:d]]][2:2:end]; lw=0.5, alpha=0.8)
0.252323 seconds (499.00 k allocations: 19.127 MiB, 12.07% gc time)
dist_func = weibull_dist
waic_ip_weibull = waic(logpdf_ip, data_ip, chain_ip_weibull)
loocv_ip_weibull = loocv(logpdf_ip, data_ip, chain_ip_weibull)
@show waic_ip_weibull
@show loocv_ip_weibull;
waic_ip_weibull = (WAIC = 749.4770381373378, T = 336.23477843334075, V = 413.24225970399704) loocv_ip_weibull = 495.36764410126403
@show waic_ip_gamma |> mrd
@show waic_ip_lognormal |> mrd
@show waic_ip_weibull |> mrd
@show loocv_ip_gamma |> mrd
@show loocv_ip_lognormal |> mrd
@show loocv_ip_weibull |> mrd
waic_ip_gamma |> mrd = (WAIC = 828.091, T = 345.515, V = 482.577) waic_ip_lognormal |> mrd = (WAIC = 972.391, T = 340.636, V = 631.755) waic_ip_weibull |> mrd = (WAIC = 749.477, T = 336.235, V = 413.242) loocv_ip_gamma |> mrd = 521.761 loocv_ip_lognormal |> mrd = 538.674 loocv_ip_weibull |> mrd = 495.368
内部パラメーター tE
data_ipr = hcat(tStartExposure, tEndExposure, tSymptomOnset)
function logpdf_ipr(x, w; dist_func=dist_func)
log(quadgk(t -> pdf(dist_func(w[1], w[2]), x[3] - (x[1] + t*(x[2] - x[1]))), 0.0, 1.0)[1])
vars_ipr = [:a, :b]
@show vars_ipr;
vars_ipr = [:a, :b]
dist_func = gamma_dist
@time lp_ipr_gamma = logpdf_array(logpdf_ipr, data_ipr, chain_ip_gamma, vars_ipr)
waic_ipr_gamma = waic(lp_ipr_gamma)
loocv_ipr_gamma = loocv(lp_ipr_gamma)
@show waic_ipr_gamma
@show loocv_ipr_gamma;
9.666607 seconds (19.82 M allocations: 556.247 MiB, 1.85% gc time) waic_ipr_gamma = (WAIC = 599.1654924201086, T = 595.9300712884439, V = 3.2354211316647365) loocv_ipr_gamma = 599.1791611925086
dist_func = lognormal_dist
@time lp_ipr_lognormal = logpdf_array(logpdf_ipr, data_ipr, chain_ip_lognormal, vars_ipr)
waic_ipr_lognormal = waic(lp_ipr_lognormal)
loocv_ipr_lognormal = loocv(lp_ipr_lognormal)
@show waic_ipr_lognormal
@show loocv_ipr_lognormal;
3.418319 seconds (19.02 M allocations: 464.205 MiB, 3.95% gc time) waic_ipr_lognormal = (WAIC = 599.3777169513845, T = 595.9737004437031, V = 3.404016507681404) loocv_ipr_lognormal = 599.3925406158681
dist_func = weibull_dist
@time lp_ipr_weibull = logpdf_array(logpdf_ipr, data_ipr, chain_ip_weibull, vars_ipr)
waic_ipr_weibull = waic(lp_ipr_weibull)
loocv_ipr_weibull = loocv(lp_ipr_weibull)
@show waic_ipr_weibull
@show loocv_ipr_weibull;
8.177001 seconds (18.92 M allocations: 460.334 MiB, 1.09% gc time) waic_ipr_weibull = (WAIC = 599.5004579233479, T = 596.3009392417537, V = 3.19951868159425) loocv_ipr_weibull = 599.5113998705508
@show waic_ipr_gamma |> mrd
@show waic_ipr_lognormal |> mrd
@show waic_ipr_weibull |> mrd
@show loocv_ipr_gamma |> mrd
@show loocv_ipr_lognormal |> mrd
@show loocv_ipr_weibull |> mrd
waic_ipr_gamma |> mrd = (WAIC = 599.165, T = 595.93, V = 3.235) waic_ipr_lognormal |> mrd = (WAIC = 599.378, T = 595.974, V = 3.404) waic_ipr_weibull |> mrd = (WAIC = 599.5, T = 596.301, V = 3.2) loocv_ipr_gamma |> mrd = 599.179 loocv_ipr_lognormal |> mrd = 599.393 loocv_ipr_weibull |> mrd = 599.511
w_gamma = get_posterior_sample(chain_ip_gamma, vars_ipr)
function pdf_ipr_gamma(t)
mean(pdf(gamma_dist(w_gamma[l,1], w_gamma[l,2]), t) for l in 1:size(w_gamma, 1))
w_lognormal = get_posterior_sample(chain_ip_lognormal, vars_ipr)
function pdf_ipr_lognormal(t)
mean(pdf(lognormal_dist(w_lognormal[l,1], w_lognormal[l,2]), t) for l in 1:size(w_lognormal, 1))
w_weibull = get_posterior_sample(chain_ip_weibull, vars_ipr)
function pdf_ipr_weibull(t)
mean(pdf(weibull_dist(w_weibull[l,1], w_weibull[l,2]), t) for l in 1:size(w_weibull, 1))
t = range(0, 25, length=400)
plot(size=(500, 300), legendfontsize=10)
plot!(t, pdf_ipr_gamma.(t); label="gamma", ls=:solid)
plot!(t, pdf_ipr_lognormal.(t); label="lognormal", ls=:dash)
plot!(t, pdf_ipr_weibull.(t); label="weibull", ls=:dashdot)
内部パラメーター uE
を積分で消去した結果を cdf
$$ \begin{aligned} & a \sim \operatorname{Flat}(\mathbb{R}), \\ & b \sim \operatorname{Flat}(\mathbb{R}), \\ & u_k \sim \operatorname{Uniform}(0, 1), \\ & t_{\text{onset},k} - (t_{\text{start},k} + u_k(t_{\text{end},k} - t_{\text{start},k}))\sim \operatorname{ModelDist}(a, b) \quad (k=1,\ldots,n) \end{aligned} $$ここで, $t_{\text{start},k}, t_{\text{end},k}, t_{\text{onset}, k}$ がデータで, $a, b, u_k$ がモデルのパラメータであり, $\operatorname{ModelDist}$ は Gamma, LogNormal, Weibullのどれかである.
このモデルの内部パラメータ $u_k$ を消去しよう. まず, $\operatorname{IntegratedModelDist}(t_{\text{onset}}|a, b, t_{\text{start}}, t_{\text{end}})$ を
$$ \begin{aligned} & p_{\operatorname{IntegratedModelDist}}(t_{\text{onset}}|t_{\text{start}},t_{\text{end}},a,b) \\ & = \int_0^1 p_{\operatorname{ModelDist}} (t_{\text{onset}} - (t_{\text{start}} + u(t_{\text{end}} - t_{\text{start}}))|a,b) \,du \\ & = \begin{cases} p_{\operatorname{ModelDist}} (t_{\text{onset}} - t_{\text{start}}|a,b) & (t_{\text{end}} = t_{\text{start}}) \\ \dfrac { F_{\operatorname{ModelDist}}(t_{\text{onset}} - t_{\text{end}}|a,b) - F_{\operatorname{ModelDist}}(t_{\text{onset}} - t_{\text{start}}|a,b) } {-t_{\text{end}} + t_{\text{start}}} & (\text{otherwise}) \end{cases} \end{aligned} $$と定義する. ここで $F$ は累積分布函数を表す. 積分によって $u$ を削除したモデルは以下のように書ける:
$$ \begin{aligned} & a \sim \operatorname{Flat}(\mathbb{R}), \\ & b \sim \operatorname{Flat}(\mathbb{R}), \\ & t_{\text{onset},k} \sim \operatorname{IntegratedModelDist}(t_{\text{start},k}, t_{\text{end},k}, a, b) \quad (k=1,\ldots,n) \end{aligned} $$このパラメータが2個のモデルとして, WAICやLOOCVは計算されなければいけない.
data_ip2 = hcat(tStartExposure, tEndExposure, tSymptomOnset)
function logpdf_ip2(x, w; dist_func=dist_func)
z = if x[1] == x[2]
pdf(dist_func(w[1], w[2]), x[3] - x[1])
(cdf(dist_func(w[1], w[2]), x[3] - x[2]) - cdf(dist_func(w[1], w[2]), x[3] - x[1]))/(-x[2] + x[1])
vars_ip2 = [:a, :b]
@show vars_ip2;
vars_ip2 = [:a, :b]
k, l = 67, 1234
println((k = k, data_ip2_k_1 = data_ip2[k,1], data_ip2_k_2 = data_ip2[k,2]))
dist_func = gamma_dist
ps_gamma = get_posterior_sample(chain_ip_gamma, vars_ip2)
@show logpdf_ipr(data_ip2[k,:], ps_gamma[l,:])
@show logpdf_ip2(data_ip2[k,:], ps_gamma[l,:])
dist_func = lognormal_dist
ps_gamma = get_posterior_sample(chain_ip_lognormal, vars_ip2)
@show logpdf_ipr(data_ip2[k,:], ps_gamma[l,:])
@show logpdf_ip2(data_ip2[k,:], ps_gamma[l,:])
dist_func = weibull_dist
ps_gamma = get_posterior_sample(chain_ip_weibull, vars_ip2)
@show logpdf_ipr(data_ip2[k,:], ps_gamma[l,:])
@show logpdf_ip2(data_ip2[k,:], ps_gamma[l,:])
(k = 67, data_ip2_k_1 = 19, data_ip2_k_2 = 19) logpdf_ipr(data_ip2[k, :], ps_gamma[l, :]) = -2.0502878321516813 logpdf_ip2(data_ip2[k, :], ps_gamma[l, :]) = -2.0502878321516813 logpdf_ipr(data_ip2[k, :], ps_gamma[l, :]) = -2.057468864082485 logpdf_ip2(data_ip2[k, :], ps_gamma[l, :]) = -2.057468864082485 logpdf_ipr(data_ip2[k, :], ps_gamma[l, :]) = -2.0894116910323914 logpdf_ip2(data_ip2[k, :], ps_gamma[l, :]) = -2.0894116910323914
k, l = 10, 1234
println((k = k, data_ip2_k_1 = data_ip2[k,1], data_ip2_k_2 = data_ip2[k,2]))
dist_func = gamma_dist
ps_gamma = get_posterior_sample(chain_ip_gamma, vars_ip2)
@show logpdf_ipr(data_ip2[k,:], ps_gamma[l,:])
@show logpdf_ip2(data_ip2[k,:], ps_gamma[l,:])
dist_func = lognormal_dist
ps_lognormal = get_posterior_sample(chain_ip_lognormal, vars_ip2)
@show logpdf_ipr(data_ip2[k,:], ps_lognormal[l,:])
@show logpdf_ip2(data_ip2[k,:], ps_lognormal[l,:])
dist_func = weibull_dist
ps_weibull = get_posterior_sample(chain_ip_weibull, vars_ip2)
@show logpdf_ipr(data_ip2[k,:], ps_weibull[l,:])
@show logpdf_ip2(data_ip2[k,:], ps_weibull[l,:])
(k = 10, data_ip2_k_1 = -18, data_ip2_k_2 = 15) logpdf_ipr(data_ip2[k, :], ps_gamma[l, :]) = -3.497768038056459 logpdf_ip2(data_ip2[k, :], ps_gamma[l, :]) = -3.4977680380564586 logpdf_ipr(data_ip2[k, :], ps_lognormal[l, :]) = -3.4972477778287336 logpdf_ip2(data_ip2[k, :], ps_lognormal[l, :]) = -3.4972477778287336 logpdf_ipr(data_ip2[k, :], ps_weibull[l, :]) = -3.5045217380470794 logpdf_ip2(data_ip2[k, :], ps_weibull[l, :]) = -3.50452173804708
dist_func = gamma_dist
@time lp_ip2_gamma = logpdf_array(logpdf_ip2, data_ip2, chain_ip_gamma, vars_ip2)
waic_ip2_gamma = waic(lp_ip2_gamma)
loocv_ip2_gamma = loocv(lp_ip2_gamma)
@show waic_ip2_gamma
@show loocv_ip2_gamma;
0.467945 seconds (934.50 k allocations: 35.991 MiB, 8.06% gc time) waic_ip2_gamma = (WAIC = 599.1654924201018, T = 595.9300712884362, V = 3.235421131665539) loocv_ip2_gamma = 599.1791611925016
dist_func = lognormal_dist
@time lp_ip2_lognormal = logpdf_array(logpdf_ip2, data_ip2, chain_ip_lognormal, vars_ip2)
waic_ip2_lognormal = waic(lp_ip2_lognormal)
loocv_ip2_lognormal = loocv(lp_ip2_lognormal)
@show waic_ip2_lognormal
@show loocv_ip2_lognormal;
0.130799 seconds (867.63 k allocations: 32.887 MiB) waic_ip2_lognormal = (WAIC = 599.3777169514955, T = 595.9737004438692, V = 3.404016507626242) loocv_ip2_lognormal = 599.3925406159791
dist_func = weibull_dist
@time lp_ip2_weibull = logpdf_array(logpdf_ip2, data_ip2, chain_ip_weibull, vars_ip2)
waic_ip2_weibull = waic(lp_ip2_weibull)
loocv_ip2_weibull = loocv(lp_ip2_weibull)
@show waic_ip2_weibull
@show loocv_ip2_weibull;
0.170888 seconds (867.16 k allocations: 32.866 MiB) waic_ip2_weibull = (WAIC = 599.5004579231576, T = 596.3009392415395, V = 3.1995186816180534) loocv_ip2_weibull = 599.5113998703594
@show waic_ip2_gamma |> mrd
@show waic_ip2_lognormal |> mrd
@show waic_ip2_weibull |> mrd
@show loocv_ip2_gamma |> mrd
@show loocv_ip2_lognormal |> mrd
@show loocv_ip2_weibull |> mrd
waic_ip2_gamma |> mrd = (WAIC = 599.165, T = 595.93, V = 3.235) waic_ip2_lognormal |> mrd = (WAIC = 599.378, T = 595.974, V = 3.404) waic_ip2_weibull |> mrd = (WAIC = 599.5, T = 596.301, V = 3.2) loocv_ip2_gamma |> mrd = 599.179 loocv_ip2_lognormal |> mrd = 599.393 loocv_ip2_weibull |> mrd = 599.511
計算速度が圧倒的に速くなっていてかつ, 以下に再掲する数値積分(quadgk函数)を使った計算の結果(既出)と値が一致している.
@show waic_ipr_gamma |> mrd
@show waic_ipr_lognormal |> mrd
@show waic_ipr_weibull |> mrd
@show loocv_ipr_gamma |> mrd
@show loocv_ipr_lognormal |> mrd
@show loocv_ipr_weibull |> mrd
waic_ipr_gamma |> mrd = (WAIC = 599.165, T = 595.93, V = 3.235) waic_ipr_lognormal |> mrd = (WAIC = 599.378, T = 595.974, V = 3.404) waic_ipr_weibull |> mrd = (WAIC = 599.5, T = 596.301, V = 3.2) loocv_ipr_gamma |> mrd = 599.179 loocv_ipr_lognormal |> mrd = 599.393 loocv_ipr_weibull |> mrd = 599.511