This example involves the kinematics of a projectile, whose dynamical relations can be described by the following differential equations
where $V$, and $\gamma$ represents the speed and the flight path angle of the projectile, where a positive $\gamma$ implies the projectile is going up, and $\gamma=+\pi/2$ implies vertical ascend.
Suppose a projectile with the following specifications is launched.
(Problem 1) For various initial launch angles, $\gamma(0) = 20,25,\dots, 65, 70$ degrees, plot the vertical trajectory (on $R-h$ plane) and the time history of the projectile's speed.
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(Problem 2) With which initial launch angle, $\gamma(0)$, should the projectile be launched, so that it reaches its maximum range? Answers upto the two most significant digits would suffice.
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(Problem 3) Suppose you use the projectile for a parcel delivery service for your customers. Then you will probably need to make at least two modifications to your system, since the initial and the final speed of the projectile are too much high. So you decided to use a small engine, that will slowly accelerate the projectile in the beginning, and a small parachute that decelerates the projectile when it reaches the target. Your parachute deploys when $h\le 1000m$ and $\gamma\le 0$
So your model now looks like,
\begin{align*} m\dot{V} &= -0.5\rho V^2 S C_d - mg\sin\gamma + T \\ V\dot{\gamma} &= -g\cos\gamma \\ \dot{R} &= V\cos\gamma \\ \dot{h} &= V\sin\gamma \end{align*}with
$$ T = \begin{cases} 4000N & \text{if } t \le 5 s\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$and $$ C_{d}= \begin{cases} 10 & \text{if } \gamma\le 0 \text{ and } h\le 1000m \\ 0.2 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$
Find a sample trajectory when
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(Problem 4) What is the appropriate launch angle, $\gamma(0)$, for delivery to a customer located at 12km far? How long would the delivery to this customer take? How high would your rocket reach during the flight?
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Initial launch angle: 44.1(deg) Landing at: 11.98608871680277(km) Delivery time: 54.2(sec) Maximum altitude: 2.101809671615191(km)