You are operating a team of $K$ identical drones; one leader and $K-1$ follower drones, for which you are trying to design optimal formation flight trajectories.
Vehicle $k$'s dynamical behaviour in horizontal plane can be described by $$ \begin{aligned} x^{(k)}_{t+1} &= Ax^{(k)}_t + Bu^{(k)}_t \end{aligned} $$ where the state vector $x^{(k)}_t \in \R^4$ consists of two positions ($p^{(k)}_t\in\R^2$) and two velocities ($v^{(k)}_t\in\R^2$). The vehicle's control $u^{(k)}_t\in\R^2$ is acceleration control for the two axes. Then the following matrices describe the above dynamics. $$ A = \bmat{ 1 & 0 & \left(1-0.5\gamma\Delta t\right)\Delta t & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & \left(1-0.5\gamma\Delta t\right)\Delta t \\ 0 & 0 & 1-\gamma\Delta t & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1-\gamma\Delta t } \\ B = \bmat{ 0.5\Delta t^2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0.5\Delta t^2 \\ \Delta t & 0 \\ 0 & \Delta t } $$
We consider $t\in \{0,\dots,N-1\}$ with $N=1000$ and $\Delta t=0.02$, and we further assume that all the vehicles are (dynamically) identical, that is, they have the same $A$ and $B$.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.sparse as ssp
import scipy.sparse.linalg as sla
n = 1000 # number of timesteps
T = 20 # time will vary from 0 to T with step delt
ts = np.linspace(0,T,n+1)
delt = T/n
gamma = .05 # damping, 0 is no damping
A = np.zeros((4,4))
B = np.zeros((4,2))
A[0,0] = 1
A[1,1] = 1
A[0,2] = (1-gamma*delt/2)*delt
A[1,3] = (1-gamma*delt/2)*delt
A[2,2] = 1 - gamma*delt
A[3,3] = 1 - gamma*delt
B[0,0] = delt**2/2
B[1,1] = delt**2/2
B[2,0] = delt
B[3,1] = delt
We assume that the vehicles are initially at random position with random velocity. You can assume that the random variables are normally distributed.
K = 6 # 6 drones
p_0 = np.random.randn(2,K)*2 # initial positions
v_0 = np.random.randn(2,K) # initial velocities
The initial position and the velocity is visualized below:
print("Initial position:\n", p_0)
print("Initial velocity:\n", v_0)
plt.figure(figsize=(14,9), dpi=100)
for i in range(K):
plt.plot(p_0[0,i], p_0[1,i], 'ro', markersize=5)
plt.arrow(p_0[0,i], p_0[1,i], v_0[0,i], v_0[1,i], head_width=0.2, width=0.05, ec='none')
plt.title('Initial position and velocity')
plt.xlabel(r'$x$ position')
plt.ylabel(r'$y$ position')
Initial position: [[ 3.24869073 -1.22351283 -1.0563435 -2.14593724 1.73081526 -4.60307739] [ 3.48962353 -1.5224138 0.63807819 -0.49874075 2.92421587 -4.12028142]] Initial velocity: [[-0.3224172 -0.38405435 1.13376944 -1.09989127 -0.17242821 -0.87785842] [ 0.04221375 0.58281521 -1.10061918 1.14472371 0.90159072 0.50249434]]
You are required to find the minimum energy formation trajectory that achieves the following formation at $t=N$.
Note that the leader's final position and the velocity, $p^{(1)}_N$ and $v^{(1)}_N$, are unconstrained.
Find the optimal formation flight trajectory by solving $$ \begin{aligned} \underset{u^{(1)}_0,\dots,u^{(1)}_{N-1},\dots,u^{(K)}_0,\dots,u^{(K)}_{N-1}}{\minimize} \quad & \sum_{k=1}^K\sum_{t=0}^{N-1} \|u^{(k)}_t\|^2 \end{aligned} $$ under the prementioned formation flight constraints.
r_formation = 1 # the radius of the formation circle
v_formation = 2 # the speed difference between the leader and the followers
Hint: Define your state variable as the $4K$-vector containing the states of all drones, $$ x_t = \bmat{x_t^{(1)} \\ \vdots \\ x_t^{(K)}} $$ and the control variable as the $2K$-vector containing the controls of all drones: $$ u_t = \bmat{u_t^{(1)} \\ \vdots \\ u_t^{(K)}} $$ Expressing the linear dynamics and the optimization problem in terms of these will help.
# your code here
Your results should look something like the above picture.