(Problem 1) Now, implement a custom convolution function that takes an image and a kernel as inputs and returns the result of the convolution operation.
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as nl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import cv2
import requests
def convolve(image, kernel):
h_i, w_i = image.shape
h_k, w_k = kernel.shape
h_o = h_i - h_k + 1
w_o = w_i - w_k + 1
image_conv = np.zeros((h_o, w_o))
# your code here ----------------------------------------------------------#
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
return image_conv
def load_image_from_url(url):
response = requests.get(url)
image_array = np.frombuffer(response.content, np.uint8)
img = cv2.imdecode(image_array, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
return img
def visualize(imgs, titles, cmap='gray'):
n = len(imgs)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, n)
if n == 1:
axs.imshow(imgs[0], cmap=cmap)
for i in range(n):
axs[i].imshow(imgs[i], cmap=cmap)
img_link = "https://jonghank.github.io/jhk-2024.jpg"
img = load_image_from_url(img_link)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img_gray_raw = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=0.25, fy=0.25)
kernel_mean = 1/100 * np.ones((10,10), dtype=np.float16)
img_gray_flt_cv2 = cv2.filter2D(img_gray_raw, -1, kernel_mean)
img_gray_flt_cus = convolve(img_gray_raw, kernel_mean)
visualize([img_gray_raw, img_gray_flt_cv2, img_gray_flt_cus], ['Original', 'Builtin filter', 'Custom filter'])
As shown in the image, when implementing convolution, you can observe that the image size decreases depending on the size of the kernel. For this reason, when you want to maintain the original image size after convolution, you need to expand the image before applying the convolution to match the size of the kernel. This is known as "Padding", and depending on how the expanded area is filled, there are different padding methods.
As illustrated above, filling with zeros is called "zero-padding", and there are other methods as well, such as filling the padding area by replicating the pixels at the edges.
(Problem 2) Complete the image zero-padding function.
def zero_padding(image, kernel):
h_i, w_i = image.shape
h_k, w_k = kernel.shape
# your code here ----------------------------------------------------------#
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
return image_pad
def convolve_zero_padded(image, kernel):
h_i, w_i = image.shape
h_k, w_k = kernel.shape
image_padded = zero_padding(image, kernel)
image_conv = np.zeros((h_i, w_i))
for i in range(h_i):
for j in range(w_i):
image_conv[i, j] = np.sum(image_padded[i : i + h_k, j : j + w_k] * kernel)
return image_conv
img_gray_flt_cus_zp = convolve_zero_padded(img_gray_raw, kernel_mean)
visualize([img_gray_flt_cus,img_gray_flt_cus_zp], ['Without padding', 'With padding'])
print("Original image : ",img_gray_raw.shape)
print("Convolved image without padding : ",img_gray_flt_cus.shape)
print("Convolved image with padding : ",img_gray_flt_cus_zp.shape)
Original image : (708, 565) Convolved image without padding : (699, 556) Convolved image with padding : (708, 565)
If you implemented the convolution using a for
loop, you may notice that the operation is quite slow. This is due to the limitations of the Python language, as its core functions are not optimized for speed. On the other hand, libraries like NumPy, which are built on C, can perform matrix operations at much higher speeds. By leveraging NumPy's matrix operations, we can significantly improve the speed of the convolution operation.
If the total number of elements in the kernel is $ N_k $, as shown above, the convolution can be represented as the weighted sum of $ N_k $ shifted images, where each image corresponds to a region of the input image. Now, let's implement the convolution operation using this approach and compare its runtime with the one implemented previously.
(Problem 3) Implement the matrix-wise convolution function.
( Hint. Use np.roll()
function. )
def convolve_mtx(image, kernel):
h_i, w_i = image.shape
h_k, w_k = kernel.shape
image_conv = np.zeros((h_i, w_i))
# your code here ----------------------------------------------------------#
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
return image_conv
start = time.time()
img_gray_flt_cus_zp = convolve_zero_padded(img_gray_raw, kernel_mean)
elapsed_cus_zp = time.time() - start
start = time.time()
img_gray_flt_cus_mtx = convolve_mtx(img_gray_raw, kernel_mean)
elapsed_cus_mtx = time.time() - start
visualize([img_gray_flt_cus_zp,img_gray_flt_cus_mtx], ['Element-wise', 'Matrix-wise'])
print("Element-wise elapsed time [s] : ", elapsed_cus_zp)
print("Matrix-wise elapsed time [s] : ", elapsed_cus_mtx)
Element-wise elapsed time [s] : 3.0550103187561035 Matrix-wise elapsed time [s] : 0.9621407985687256
You could see that matrix-wise operations are relatively faster than element-wise operations. The difference in computation time becomes more pronounced as the image size increases.
Let us design filters to remove noise from an image using convolution operations.
img_gray_noisy_gausian = img_gray_raw.copy() + 100*np.random.rand(*img_gray_raw.shape)
img_gray_noisy_salt_pepper = img_gray_raw.copy()
random_mask = np.random.rand(*img_gray_raw.shape)
salt_mask = np.where(random_mask > 0.95)
pepper_mask = np.where(random_mask < 0.05)
img_gray_noisy_salt_pepper[salt_mask] = 255
img_gray_noisy_salt_pepper[pepper_mask] = 0
visualize([img_gray_raw, img_gray_noisy_gausian, img_gray_noisy_salt_pepper], ['Original', 'Gaussian', 'Salt & pepper'])
To implement Gaussian blur, the kernel should be constructed with elements corresponding to values of a Gaussian distribution, with the center of the kernel being the mean point.
$$ \mathbf{K}(w,h) = {1\over \sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\exp{\Big(-{(w-c_w)^2 + (h-c_h)^2\over2\sigma^2}\Big)} $$Where $(c_w,c_h)$ is a center pixel of the kernel.
(Problem 4) Implement the function that outputs the Gaussian kernel.
def kernel_gaussian(size, sigma):
kernel = np.zeros((size, size))
# your code here ----------------------------------------------------------#
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
return kernel
kernel_g = kernel_gaussian(11, 3)
visualize([kernel_g], ['Gaussian kernel'])
The results of Gaussian blur through this Gaussian kernel to a noisy image are as follows.
img_gray_flt_g_g = convolve_mtx(img_gray_noisy_gausian, kernel_g)
img_gray_flt_sp_g = convolve_mtx(img_gray_noisy_salt_pepper, kernel_g)
visualize([img_gray_flt_g_g, img_gray_flt_sp_g], ['Gaussian (filtered)', 'Salt & pepper (filtered)'])
The filters introduced earlier, such as the mean filter and Gaussian filter, are linear filters. However, there are also nonlinear filters where the operation between the kernel and the image patch is nonlinear. One of the most representative nonlinear filters is the Median filter, which outputs the median value among the elements of the image patch.
def median_filter(image, kernel_size):
h_i, w_i = image.shape
image_flt = np.zeros((h_i, w_i))
image_padded = zero_padding(image, np.zeros((kernel_size,kernel_size)))
# your code here ----------------------------------------------------------#
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
return image_flt
img_gray_flt_g_m = median_filter(img_gray_noisy_gausian, 3)
img_gray_flt_sp_m = median_filter(img_gray_noisy_salt_pepper, 3)
visualize([img_gray_flt_g_m, img_gray_flt_sp_m], ['Gaussian (filtered)', 'Salt & pepper (filtered)'])
As can be seen from the results above, the median filter performs well in removing salt-and-pepper noise.