This is a simple, pure-python notebook to reproduce the constraints on the Gaia BH1 orbit from joint fitting of RVs and the astrometric constraints.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import emcee
import corner
%matplotlib inline
# the correlation matrix from Gaia, and the vector of best-fit parameters.
# these can be retrieved from the Gaia archive; I just copy them here so
# this notebook can be run without an internet connection or TAP instance.
corr_vec_BH1 = np.array([-0.9385065 , -0.10964689, 0.09768217, 0.02599761, -0.09885585,
-0.04858593, 0.04631094, -0.18919176, 0.12997928, 0.08754877,
-0.7026825 , 0.7199984 , -0.1333831 , -0.16456777, 0.06737773,
0.976118 , -0.90516096, -0.0790209 , -0.0389514 , 0.14850111,
-0.64331377, 0.7340439 , -0.7446727 , -0.32354277, -0.02299099,
0.10600532, -0.12226893, 0.70452565, 0.31863543, -0.2744563 ,
0.2560132 , 0.1476755 , -0.23248082, -0.85903525, 0.25882402,
-0.35804698, 0.9656088 , -0.9219766 , -0.2000572 , 0.05323359,
0.00881674, -0.5612588 , 0.9152694 , 0.8657674 , 0.1358042 ,
-0.01977275, 0.06291951, -0.08401399, 0.08238114, -0.81962156,
-0.07304911, -0.14815669, 0.03363582, 0.13756153, 0.0689249 ,
-0.21668243, 0.16537377, -0.2642203 , -0.15781169, 0.33261746,
0.7964632 , -0.14971647, 0.4369154 , -0.98625296, -0.0418497 ,
# ra, dec, parallax, pmra, pmdec, a_thiele_innes, b_thiele_innes, f_thiele_innes, g_thiele_innes, ecc, period, t_peri
mu_vec_BH1 = np.array([262.171208162297, -0.5810920153840334, 2.0954515888832432, -7.702050443675317,
-25.85042074524512, -0.262289119199277, 2.9291159041806485, 1.5248071482113947,
0.5343685858549198, 0.48893589298452034, 185.7656578920495, -12.024680365644883])
err_vec_BH1 = np.array([0.49589708, 0.15092158, 0.01745574, 0.02040691, 0.02699432, 0.16984475,
0.17521776, 0.15387644, 0.54653114, 0.074341,0.30688563, 6.34896183])
# the RV data
jds_BH1 = np.array([2457881.2899, 2458574.3663, 2459767.6226, 2459791.9186, 2459795.6461, 2459796.4995,
2459798.8399, 2459805.5101, 2459808.7388224313, 2459813.6045, 2459814.58740,
2459815.5927, 2459817.5278, 2459818.5266, 2459818.78698893, 2459819.5543,
2459820.5465, 2459821.5669, 2459822.5745, 2459823.5422430662, 2459824.5305,
2459825.5361, 2459823.8525, 2459824.8516, 2459826.7920, 2459828.5677, 2459829.5373,
2459829.5768, 2459830.6452, 2459831.6223, 2459833.7523, 2459834.5509, 2459834.7691,
2459835.7678, 2459838.8082, 2459838.7208, 2459840.7729, 2459845.5069, 2459855.5012,
2459868.5128, 2459877.6978])
rvs_BH1 = np.array([20.0, 8.9, 63.8, 131.90, 141.4, 142.7, 140.6, 127.7, 118, 90.5, 86.1, 81.90, 74.5, 71.0,
67.8, 67.0, 64.0, 60.7, 57.8, 54.8, 52.1, 49.8, 53.76, 51.18, 46.59, 42.2, 42.1, 40.4,
38.5, 36.5, 33.23, 32.3, 31.74, 30.14, 26.35, 27.5, 24.20, 19.4, 14.2, 9.3, 10.5])
rv_errs_BH1 = np.array([4.1, 5.6, 3, 0.1, 3, 3, 4, 1.0, 4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3,
0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 4,
0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5])
rv_names_BH1 = np.array(['LAMOST', 'LAMOST', 'MagE', 'HIRES', 'MagE', 'MagE', 'GMOS', 'XSHOOTER', 'GMOS', 'FEROS',
# prior on the mass of the luminous star
m1_obs, m1_err = 0.95, 0.05
# the reference epoch of the gaia t_periastron; i.e., JD 2016.0
jd_ref = 2457389.0
# convert the correlation matrix to a covariance matrix
Nparam = 12
triangle_nums = (np.arange(1, Nparam)*(np.arange(1, Nparam) - 1)//2)
cov_mat_BH1 = []
count = 0
for i, sigx in enumerate(err_vec_BH1):
this_row = []
for j, sigy in enumerate(err_vec_BH1):
if i == j:
elif j < i:
this_idx = triangle_nums[j-1] + i
cov_mat_BH1 = np.array(cov_mat_BH1)
# functions to predict RVs at a given time
def fsolve_newton(Mi, ecc, xtol = 1e-10):
numerically solve with newton's method.
Mi: float, 2*pi/P*(t - T_p)
ecc: float, eccentricity
xtol: float, tolerance
eps = 1
EE = Mi + ecc*np.sin(Mi) + ecc**2/2*np.sin(2*Mi) + ecc**3/8*(3*np.sin(3*Mi) - np.sin(Mi))
while eps > xtol:
EE0 = EE
EE = EE0 + (Mi + ecc*np.sin(EE0) - EE0)/(1 - ecc*np.cos(EE0))
eps = np.abs(EE0 - EE)
return EE
def solve_kep_eqn(t, T_p, P, ecc):
Solve Keplers equation E - e*sin(E) = M for E
Here, M = 2*pi/P*(t - T_p)
t: array of times
T_p: float; periastron time
P: float, period
ecc: float, eccentricity
M = 2*np.pi/P * (t - T_p)
E = np.zeros(t.shape)
for i,Mi in enumerate(M):
E[i] = fsolve_newton(Mi = Mi, ecc = ecc, xtol = 1e-10)
return E
def get_radial_velocities(t, P, T_p, ecc, K, omega, gamma):
t: array of times
P: float, period
T_p: float, periastron time
ecc: float, eccentricity
K: float, RV semi-amplitude
omega: float, longitude of periastron (radians, not degrees)
gamma: float, center-of-mass RV
E = solve_kep_eqn(t = t, T_p = T_p, P = P, ecc = ecc)
f = 2*np.arctan2(np.sqrt(1+ecc)*np.sin(E*.5),np.sqrt(1-ecc)*np.cos(E*.5))
vr = K*(np.cos(f + omega) + ecc*np.cos(omega)) + gamma
return vr
# likelihood for joint fit of astrometry and RVs
def get_a0_mas(period, m1, m2, parallax):
predicts a0 (photocenter semi-major axis) in milliarcsec,
assuming a dark companion
period: float, days
m1: float, Msun, (mass of luminous star)
m2: float, Msun, (mass of companion)
parallax: float, milliarcsec
G = 6.6743e-11 # SI units
Msun = 1.98840987069805e+30
AU = 1.4959787e+11
a_au = (((period*86400)**2 * G * (m1*Msun + m2*Msun)/(4*np.pi**2))**(1/3.))/AU
a_mas = a_au*parallax
q = m2/m1
a0_mas = a_mas*q/(1+q)
return a0_mas
def get_Kstar_kms(period, inc_deg, m1, m2, ecc):
RV semi-amplitude of the luminous star
period: float, days
inc_deg: float, inclination in degrees
m1: float, mass of luminous star in Msun
m2: float, mass of companion in Msun
ecc: float, eccentricity
G = 6.6743e-11 # SI units
Msun = 1.98840987069805e+30
Kstar = (2*np.pi*G*(m2*Msun) * (m2/(m1 + m2))**2 * np.sin(inc_deg*np.pi/180)**3 / \
(period*86400 * (1 - ecc**2)**(3/2)))**(1/3)
return Kstar/1000 # km/s
def lnL_with_covariance(y_vec, mu_vec, Sigma_mat):
calculates the likelihood of a vector y_vec, given a multivariate Gaussian likelihood characterized by
a mean mu_vec and a covariance matrix Sigma_ma
return -0.5* - mu_vec).T,, y_vec - mu_vec)) \
-0.5*np.log(np.linalg.det(Sigma_mat)) -len(mu_vec)/2*np.log(2*np.pi)
def ln_likelihood(theta, fit_rvs = False):
theta = ra, dec, parallax, pmra, pmdec, period, ecc, inc_deg, omega_deg, w_deg, t_peri, v_com, m2, m1
fit_rvs: bool; whether to include the RVs or not
ra, dec, parallax, pmra, pmdec, period, ecc, inc_deg, omega_deg, w_deg, t_peri, v_com, m2, m1 = theta
inc, omega, w = inc_deg*np.pi/180, omega_deg*np.pi/180, w_deg*np.pi/180
if fit_rvs:
Kstar_kms = get_Kstar_kms(period = period, inc_deg = inc_deg, m1 = m1, m2 = m2, ecc = ecc)
rv_pred = get_radial_velocities(t = jds_BH1-jd_ref, P = period, T_p = t_peri, ecc = ecc, K = Kstar_kms,
omega = w, gamma = v_com)
lnL = -0.5*np.sum((rv_pred - rvs_BH1)**2/rv_errs_BH1**2)
lnL = 0
a0_mas = get_a0_mas(period = period, m1 = m1, m2 = m2, parallax = parallax)
A_pred = a0_mas*( np.cos(w)*np.cos(omega) - np.sin(w)*np.sin(omega)*np.cos(inc) )
B_pred = a0_mas*( np.cos(w)*np.sin(omega) + np.sin(w)*np.cos(omega)*np.cos(inc) )
F_pred = -a0_mas*( np.sin(w)*np.cos(omega) + np.cos(w)*np.sin(omega)*np.cos(inc) )
G_pred = -a0_mas*( np.sin(w)*np.sin(omega) - np.cos(w)*np.cos(omega)*np.cos(inc) )
y_vec = np.array([ra, dec, parallax, pmra, pmdec, A_pred, B_pred, F_pred, G_pred, ecc, period, t_peri])
lnL += lnL_with_covariance(y_vec = y_vec, mu_vec = mu_vec_BH1, Sigma_mat = cov_mat_BH1)
lnL += -0.5*(m1 - m1_obs)**2/m1_err**2 # prior on the mass of the luminous star
# put a flat prior on gamma to avoid walkers running to infinity
if np.abs(v_com - 50) > 50:
lnL += -np.inf
if np.isfinite(lnL):
return lnL
return -np.inf
# first the "no-RVs" fit
ndim = 14
nwalkers = 64
p0 = np.array([262.17120816, -0.58109202, 2.09545159, -7.70205044,
-25.85042075, 185.76565789, 0.48893589, 126, 97.8, 12.8, -1.1, 46.6, 9.62, 0.93])
p0 = np.tile(p0, (nwalkers, 1))
p0 += p0 * 1.0e-10 * np.random.normal(size=(nwalkers, ndim))
sampler_norvs = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, ln_likelihood, args=[False])
# 5000 step burn-in
state = sampler_norvs.run_mcmc(p0, 5000)
# 3000 more steps
state = sampler_norvs.run_mcmc(state, 3000)
/Users/kareem/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars app.launch_new_instance()
# next, the "with-rvs" fit. This will take a few minutes because predicting RVs is moderately expensive
# (in production runs we use a compiled C function to speed up the RV prediction)
sampler_withrvs = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, ln_likelihood, args=[True])
# 5000 step burn-in
state = sampler_withrvs.run_mcmc(p0, 5000)
# 5000 more steps
state = sampler_withrvs.run_mcmc(state, 3000)
labels = [r'$P_{\rm orb}\,\,[\rm days]$', r'$\rm ecc$', r'$\rm inc\,\,[\rm deg]$', r'$\Omega\,\,[\rm deg]$',
r'$\omega\,\,[\rm deg]$', r'$T_{p}\,\,[\rm days]$', r'$\gamma\,\,[\rm km\,s^{-1}]$',
r'$M_2\,\,[M_{\odot}]$', r'$M_{\star}\,\,[M_{\odot}]$']
# now compare the fits
half_sampler = sampler_withrvs.flatchain.T[5:].T
half_sampler_norvs = sampler_norvs.flatchain.T[5:].T
fig = corner.corner(half_sampler_norvs, labels=labels, show_titles=True, plot_datapoints = False,
plot_density = False, color = 'c')
fig = corner.corner(half_sampler, labels = labels, show_titles=True, plot_datapoints = False,
plot_density = False, color = 'k', fig = fig, label_kwargs = {'fontsize': 20})
fig.axes[4].plot([], [], 'c', label = r'$\rm astrometry\,\,only$')
fig.axes[4].plot([], [], 'k', label = r'$\rm astrometry+RVs$')
fig.axes[4].legend(loc = 'upper right', frameon = False, fontsize=30)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f8eb91b2c10>
# posterior predictive check for the "with RVs" solution.
from astropy.time import Time
ra, dec, parallax, pmra, pmdec, period, ecc, inc_deg, omega_deg, w_deg, t_peri, \
v_com, m2, m1 = sampler_withrvs.flatchain.T
t_grid = np.linspace(np.min(jds_BH1) - 150, np.max(jds_BH1) + 150, 3000)
randints = np.random.randint(0, len(period), 50)
colors = ['#e41a1c', '#feb24c', '#e7298a', '#66a61e', '#a6761d', '#377eb8', '#756bb1']
f, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize = (14, 10))
for i in randints:
Kstar_kms = get_Kstar_kms(period = period[i], inc_deg = inc_deg[i], m1 = m1[i], m2 = m2[i], ecc = ecc[i])
rv_pred = get_radial_velocities(t = t_grid-jd_ref, P = period[i], T_p = t_peri[i], ecc = ecc[i], K = Kstar_kms,
omega = w_deg[i]*np.pi/180, gamma = v_com[i])
ax[0].plot(Time(t_grid, format= 'jd').decimalyear, rv_pred, 'k', alpha=0.1, rasterized=True)
ax[1].plot(Time(t_grid, format= 'jd').decimalyear, rv_pred, 'k', alpha=0.1, rasterized=True)
for i, name in enumerate(['LAMOST', 'MagE', 'GMOS', 'XSHOOTER', 'FEROS', 'HIRES', 'ESI']):
m = rv_names_BH1 == name
ax[0].errorbar(Time(jds_BH1[m], format='jd').decimalyear, rvs_BH1[m], yerr= rv_errs_BH1[m], fmt='o', color = colors[i], label = name)
ax[1].errorbar(Time(jds_BH1[m], format='jd').decimalyear, rvs_BH1[m], yerr= rv_errs_BH1[m], fmt='o', color = colors[i], label = name)
ax[0].set_xlabel(r'$\rm year$', fontsize=20)
ax[1].set_xlabel(r'$\rm year$', fontsize=20)
ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$\rm RV\,\,[\rm km\,s^{-1}]$', fontsize=20)
ax[1].set_ylabel(r'$\rm RV\,\,[\rm km\,s^{-1}]$', fontsize=20)
ax[1].legend(loc = 'upper left')
ax[0].legend(loc = 'upper left', ncol=4)
ax[1].set_xlim(2022.3, 2022.9)
ax[0].set_xlim(2017, 2023)
ax[1].set_xticks([2022.3, 2022.4, 2022.5, 2022.6, 2022.7, 2022.8, 2022.9])
ax[1].set_xticklabels([2022.3, 2022.4, 2022.5, 2022.6, 2022.7, 2022.8, 2022.9])
ax[0].set_ylim(-10, 165)
ax[1].set_ylim(-10, 165)
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import mark_inset
def custom_mark_inset(axA, axB, fc='None', ec='k'):
xx = axB.get_xlim()
yy = axB.get_ylim()
xy = (xx[0], yy[0])
width = xx[1] - xx[0]
height = yy[1] - yy[0]
pp = axA.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(xy, width, height, fc=fc, ec=ec))
p1 = axA.add_patch(patches.ConnectionPatch(
xyA=(xx[0], yy[0]), xyB=(xx[0], yy[1]),
coordsA='data', coordsB='data',
axesA=axA, axesB=axB, linewidth=1, color='0.2'))
p2 = axA.add_patch(patches.ConnectionPatch(
xyA=(xx[1], yy[0]), xyB=(xx[1], yy[1]),
coordsA='data', coordsB='data',
axesA=axA, axesB=axB,linewidth=1, color='0.2'))
return pp, p1, p2
pp, p1, p2 = custom_mark_inset(ax[0], ax[1])
# posterior predictive check for the "no RVs" solution.
from astropy.time import Time
ra, dec, parallax, pmra, pmdec, period, ecc, inc_deg, omega_deg, w_deg, t_peri, \
v_com, m2, m1 = sampler_norvs.flatchain.T
t_grid = np.linspace(np.min(jds_BH1) - 150, np.max(jds_BH1) + 150, 3000)
randints = np.random.randint(0, len(period), 50)
colors = ['#e41a1c', '#feb24c', '#e7298a', '#66a61e', '#a6761d', '#377eb8', '#756bb1']
f, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize = (14, 10))
for i in randints:
Kstar_kms = get_Kstar_kms(period = period[i], inc_deg = inc_deg[i], m1 = m1[i], m2 = m2[i], ecc = ecc[i])
rv_pred = get_radial_velocities(t = t_grid-jd_ref, P = period[i], T_p = t_peri[i], ecc = ecc[i], K = Kstar_kms,
omega = w_deg[i]*np.pi/180, gamma = 46.6)
ax[0].plot(Time(t_grid, format= 'jd').decimalyear, rv_pred, 'c', alpha=0.1, rasterized=True)
ax[1].plot(Time(t_grid, format= 'jd').decimalyear, rv_pred, 'c', alpha=0.1, rasterized=True)
for i, name in enumerate(['LAMOST', 'MagE', 'GMOS', 'XSHOOTER', 'FEROS', 'HIRES', 'ESI']):
m = rv_names_BH1 == name
ax[0].errorbar(Time(jds_BH1[m], format='jd').decimalyear, rvs_BH1[m], yerr= rv_errs_BH1[m], fmt='o', color = colors[i], label = name)
ax[1].errorbar(Time(jds_BH1[m], format='jd').decimalyear, rvs_BH1[m], yerr= rv_errs_BH1[m], fmt='o', color = colors[i], label = name)
ax[0].set_xlabel(r'$\rm year$', fontsize=20)
ax[1].set_xlabel(r'$\rm year$', fontsize=20)
ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$\rm RV\,\,[\rm km\,s^{-1}]$', fontsize=20)
ax[1].set_ylabel(r'$\rm RV\,\,[\rm km\,s^{-1}]$', fontsize=20)
ax[1].legend(loc = 'upper left')
ax[0].legend(loc = 'upper left', ncol=4)
ax[1].set_xlim(2022.3, 2022.9)
ax[0].set_xlim(2017, 2023)
ax[1].set_xticks([2022.3, 2022.4, 2022.5, 2022.6, 2022.7, 2022.8, 2022.9])
ax[1].set_xticklabels([2022.3, 2022.4, 2022.5, 2022.6, 2022.7, 2022.8, 2022.9])
ax[0].set_ylim(-10, 195)
ax[1].set_ylim(-10, 195)
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import mark_inset
def custom_mark_inset(axA, axB, fc='None', ec='k'):
xx = axB.get_xlim()
yy = axB.get_ylim()
xy = (xx[0], yy[0])
width = xx[1] - xx[0]
height = yy[1] - yy[0]
pp = axA.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(xy, width, height, fc=fc, ec=ec))
p1 = axA.add_patch(patches.ConnectionPatch(
xyA=(xx[0], yy[0]), xyB=(xx[0], yy[1]),
coordsA='data', coordsB='data',
axesA=axA, axesB=axB, linewidth=1, color='0.2'))
p2 = axA.add_patch(patches.ConnectionPatch(
xyA=(xx[1], yy[0]), xyB=(xx[1], yy[1]),
coordsA='data', coordsB='data',
axesA=axA, axesB=axB,linewidth=1, color='0.2'))
return pp, p1, p2
pp, p1, p2 = custom_mark_inset(ax[0], ax[1])