Abstract: In the soccer world, there is a lot of money involved in transfer of players in the premier leagues around the world. Focussing on the English Premier League, our project - “The League Of Champions” aims to analyze the return on investment on soccer transfer done by teams in the English premier league. It aims to measure club return on each dollar spent on their acquired players for a season , on parameters like Goals scored, active time on the field , assists etc. In addition , we also look to analyze how big a factor player age is , in commanding a high transfer fee , and if clubs prefer to pay large amounts for specialist players in specific field positions.
Note: Each player position performs an important role , depending on the game strategy. The overall purpose is to win matches by scoring goals and defending to prevent the opponents from scoring any.
Observations : Newcastle spent a lot of money per minute of game time of purchased players - suggesting that they sat on the bench a lot of the time