Name Notebooks Description
51f45fbfe160f78605bdd0c1b404e499 GPT4all-langchain-demo.ipynb Example of running GPT4all local LLM via langchain in a Jupyter notebook (Python)
f503cc33a72c4752ac6281389a253f8f personality_disorder.ipynb Attempt at personality disorder stats
2679e2fe5590b01814d560bf28dffa29 archive-bibtex.ipynb Attempt to generate BibTeX file for publications on
6fd3655782daf031299cfec03043d6bc pandas-test.ipynb Test read/write for pandas dataframes
3ff0a28e9f3997fb33d9e8f96a1952aa spritz_mobile_data.ipynb Example of parsing Mark Spritz mobile phone data
ff109ae7b2fca6334c1d4b02768a6840 lang-fairy-books-db.ipynb Scrape and build a simple full text searchable database over Lang's Fairy Books
09945691d3a6881a95dbb72366195b45 jupyter local book hack.ipynb Hack for local Jupyter book
7cf7cf56f3178126df4e7a29d8621623 table2tree.ipynb Convert a pandas dataframe describing a hierarchy to a JSON tree
2e05c7a4aac8002bf9a26c7d97920a9f 07.1 Spreadsheet basics.ipynb example borked in nbqal?
0b794196c19b13ae497df66f5636b807 tm112-demo-run.ipynb tm112-demo-run
de0b88750dfac7fcba0dc4bb1158c045 tm112-demo-rendered.ipynb tm112-demo-rendered 1
3187bce18ffdd79bf258d6011ec301b3 sqlite_utils_magic.ipynb Proof of concept sqlite_utils magic
39a6aa17a966a6ed87f2d05ed6eadb46 NetworkVisualisation.ipynb Example of plotting pretty networks using networkx and a force atlas layout
e73debfa00c1c1a3664afc30ae3db3c8 Moodle quiz.ipynb First pass at trying to parse Moodle CodeRunner quiz questions
4d7a9b8a3fc30e6f81b8d0f4f7d77641 Marking models.ipynb Start to explore marking distributions
df5fc6d0b4a9cb4d3e61202fc970ac58 uk_daily_deaths_nhs.ipynb UK Covid-19 NHS Daily deaths
be9ed42bff3fce2f487d772f3e2404ec fjgsdfhgasdjhgfj.ipynb quick share - will be taken down at some point...
83a26dd7623e1d39798990f229c5d8c9 ev3devsim_ipywidget.ipynb Try to wrap ev3devsim as an ipywidgets using jp_proxy_widget
a58799f76a31f137abf5aeb82bfb7fd3 jp-proxy-widget_Wavesurfer_Sonogram.ipynb jp-proxy-widget Wavesurfer Sonogram
e6b86540baa33391f6d9e91fdfe9fa4c dakar_rules.ipynb Example of generating text from pandas dataframe using a python rules engine ( durable_rules )