Notebook: Hannah Weiser, 2024
This notebook demonstrates how to use the scene swap feature in HELIOS++ both for a terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and UAV-based laser scanning (ULS) example. In the HELIOS++ scene XML, swaps can be defined for each scene part, resulting in a sequence of different scene states. HELIOS++ will automatically repeat the survey for each scene state.
We will use the command-line access of HELIOS++ to run the simulation, and use Python just for displaying the input XMLs and the resulting point clouds.
from pathlib import Path
from IPython.display import Code
from pyhelios.util.xmldisplayer import display_xml, find_playback_dir
import laspy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import os
Code(display_xml('./data/surveys/dyn/als_dyn_geom_swap.xml'), language='XML')
<survey name="dyn_geom_swap_als" scene="data/scenes/dyn/dyn_geom_swap_scene.xml#dyn_geom_swap_scene" platform="data/platforms.xml#sr22" scanner="data/scanners_als.xml#leica_als50">
<platformSettings x="100" y="100.0" z="400" onGround="false" movePerSec_m="5" />
<scannerSettings active="true" pulseFreq_hz="83000" scanFreq_hz="70" scanAngle_deg="60" trajectoryTimeInterval_s="0.01" />
<platformSettings x="-100" y="-100.0" z="400" onGround="false" movePerSec_m="5" />
<scannerSettings active="false" pulseFreq_hz="83000" scanFreq_hz="70" scanAngle_deg="60" />
<platformSettings x="-100" y="100.0" z="400" onGround="false" movePerSec_m="5" />
<scannerSettings active="true" pulseFreq_hz="83000" scanFreq_hz="70" scanAngle_deg="60" trajectoryTimeInterval_s="0.01" />
<platformSettings x="100" y="-100.0" z="400" onGround="false" movePerSec_m="5" />
<scannerSettings active="false" pulseFreq_hz="83000" scanFreq_hz="70" scanAngle_deg="60" />
The scene consists of three scene parts and has a total of four swaps. Based on the definition, the output of the loops will be as follows:
Loop 1:
Loop 2:
Loop 3:
Loop 4:
Code(display_xml('data/scenes/dyn/dyn_geom_swap_scene.xml', 'dyn_geom_swap_scene'))
<scene id="dyn_geom_swap_scene" name="DynGeomSwapScene">
<!-- Ground plane -->
<!-- ************ -->
<part id="1">
<filter type="objloader">
<param type="string" key="filepath" value="data/sceneparts/basic/groundplane/groundplane.obj" />
<filter type="scale">
<param type="double" key="scale" value="120" />
<filter type="translate">
<param type="vec3" key="offset" value="50.0;0;0" />
<!-- Small cube goes sphere for two repetitions then goes big cube -->
<!-- ************************************************************* -->
<part id="2">
<filter type="objloader">
<param type="string" key="filepath" value="data/sceneparts/toyblocks/cube.obj" />
<filter type="rotate">
<param key="rotation" type="rotation">
<rot angle_deg="45" axis="z" />
<filter type="scale">
<param type="double" key="scale" value="0.75" />
<filter type="translate">
<param type="vec3" key="offset" value="-40.0;-50.0;0" />
<!-- Swap small cube by sphere -->
<swap swapStep="2">
<filter type="objloader">
<param type="string" key="filepath" value="data/sceneparts/toyblocks/sphere.obj" />
<filter type="scale">
<param type="double" key="scale" value="1.25" />
<filter type="translate">
<param type="vec3" key="offset" value="-30.0;-60.0;0" />
<!-- Swap sphere by big cube -->
<swap swapStep="1">
<filter type="objloader">
<param type="string" key="filepath" value="data/sceneparts/toyblocks/cube.obj" />
<filter type="rotate">
<param key="rotation" type="rotation">
<rot angle_deg="45" axis="z" />
<filter type="scale">
<param type="double" key="scale" value="1.5" />
<filter type="translate">
<param type="vec3" key="offset" value="-20.0;-60.0;0" />
<!-- Sphere goes cube goes nothing -->
<!-- ***************************** -->
<part id="3">
<filter type="objloader">
<param type="string" key="filepath" value="data/sceneparts/toyblocks/sphere.obj" />
<filter type="scale">
<param type="double" key="scale" value="1.25" />
<filter type="translate">
<param type="vec3" key="offset" value="-10.0;-20.0;0" />
<!-- Swap sphere by cube -->
<filter type="objloader">
<param type="string" key="filepath" value="data/sceneparts/toyblocks/cube.obj" />
<filter type="scale">
<param type="double" key="scale" value="2.0" />
<filter type="translate">
<param type="vec3" key="offset" value="-40.0;40.0;0" />
<!-- Swap cube by nothing -->
<swap force_null="true">
<!-- Small cube goes mid goes big goes bigger -->
<!-- **************************************** -->
<part id="4">
<filter type="objloader">
<param type="string" key="filepath" value="data/sceneparts/toyblocks/cube.obj" />
<filter type="rotate">
<param key="rotation" type="rotation">
<rot angle_deg="45" axis="z" />
<filter type="scale">
<param type="double" key="scale" value="0.75" />
<filter type="translate">
<param type="vec3" key="offset" value="-20.0;10.0;0" />
<!-- Swap small cube by mid cube -->
<swap swapStep="1">
<filter type="rotate">
<param key="rotation" type="rotation">
<rot angle_deg="45" axis="z" />
<filter type="scale">
<param type="double" key="scale" value="2.0" />
<filter type="translate">
<param type="vec3" key="offset" value="-22.0;12.0;0" />
<!-- Swap mid cube by big cube -->
<swap swapStep="1">
<filter type="rotate">
<param key="rotation" type="rotation">
<rot angle_deg="45" axis="z" />
<filter type="scale">
<param type="double" key="scale" value="3.0" />
<filter type="translate">
<param type="vec3" key="offset" value="-18.0;11.0;0.0" />
<!-- Swap big cube by bigger cube -->
<swap swapStep="1">
<filter type="rotate">
<param key="rotation" type="rotation">
<rot angle_deg="45" axis="z" />
<filter type="scale">
<param type="double" key="scale" value="3.5" />
<filter type="translate">
<param type="vec3" key="offset" value="-42.0;12.0;0.0" />
To run the simulation in Jupyter Notebooks, we can use the !command
syntax, but you can also just run it from the command line.
To get the output as a "laz" file, we also specify --lasOutput
and --zipOutput
. We also set the --rebuildScene
flag, because HELIOS++ rewrites the binary .scene
file for each swap iteration. If we had run the survey before and did had set this flag, HELIOS++ would just use the existing scene file and perform only one simulation (the last one from the previous run).
!helios data/surveys/dyn/als_dyn_geom_swap.xml --lasOutput --zipOutput --rebuildScene -q
Now let's find the output files, load it, and visualize it. Since we performed several simulations, we have several output folders, four in total.
# get the last four folders that were written for this survey
output_path = find_playback_dir(r"data/surveys/dyn/als_dyn_geom_swap.xml")
folders_sorted = sorted(Path(output_path).parent.glob('*'))[-4:]
def read_pc(path, pt_src_id):
las =
pc = np.array([las.x, las.y, las.z]).T
object_id = las['hitObjectId']
pt_src_id = np.repeat(pt_src_id, pc.shape[0])
return pc, object_id, pt_src_id
def load_and_merge(pc_folder):
print('Loading points from', Path(pc_folder).relative_to(os.getcwd()))
pcs = []
obj_ids = []
pt_src_ids = []
for i, file in enumerate(Path(pc_folder).glob('*.laz')):
pc, object_id, pt_src_id = read_pc(file, pt_src_id=i)
print('Merging files')
pc_merged = np.vstack(pcs)
object_id_merged = np.hstack(obj_ids)
pt_src_id_merged = np.hstack((pt_src_ids))
except ValueError:
print('No points found in folder')
pc_merged = np.array([])
object_id_merged = np.array([])
pt_src_id_merged = np.array([])
return pc_merged, object_id_merged, pt_src_id_merged
sim_dict = {'name': [],
'pcs': [],
'object_ids': [],
'pt_src_ids': []}
for i, folder in enumerate(folders_sorted):
pc, obj_id, pt_src_id = load_and_merge(folder)
Loading points from output\dyn_geom_swap_als\2024-12-05_18-28-58 Merging files Loading points from output\dyn_geom_swap_als\2024-12-05_18-29-11 Merging files Loading points from output\dyn_geom_swap_als\2024-12-05_18-29-34 Merging files Loading points from output\dyn_geom_swap_als\2024-12-05_18-29-56 Merging files
After loading the point clouds from file, we can now plot the four epochs from the four swaps.
# create figure with 4 panels and 3d axes
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
last_pc = sim_dict['pcs'][-1]
box = (np.ptp(last_pc[:, 0]), np.ptp(last_pc[:, 1]), np.ptp(last_pc[:, 2]))
# color map configuration
lower = 0
upper = 3
n = 4
cmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('sceneparts', ['royalblue', 'cyan', 'yellow', 'orange'], N=n)
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize()
deltac = (upper-lower)/(2*(n-1))
for i, (pc, obj_id, name) in enumerate(zip(sim_dict['pcs'], sim_dict['object_ids'], sim_dict['name'])):
if pc.size == 0:
# plot points in 3D with color based on object id in the respecitve panel
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, i+1, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(pc[::5, 0], pc[::5, 1], pc[::5, 2], c=obj_id[::5], cmap=cmap, s=1)
# set equal axes
# set limits and labels
ax.set_xlim(-75, 200)
ax.set_ylim(-125, 150)
ax.set_zlim(0, 100)
mapper =, cmap=cmap)
mapper.set_array([lower-deltac, upper+deltac])
ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.95, 0.1, 0.02, 0.8])
cbar = fig.colorbar(mapper,
cax=ax2, orientation='vertical',
label="Object ID", ticks=[0, 1, 2, 3])