Notebook creator: Sina Zumstein & Hannah Weiser, 2022
This demo scene uses a digital terrain model (DTM) of Heidelberg, Germany, which will be scanned by airborne laser scanning (ALS). We will use the command-line access of HELIOS++ to run the simulation, and use Python just for displaying the input XMLs and the resulting point clouds.
from pathlib import Path
from IPython.display import Code
from pyhelios.util.xmldisplayer import display_xml, find_playback_dir
import os
Let us look at the XML files in the simulation. First, we investigate the survey XML file, als_hd_demo_tiff.xml
Code(display_xml('data/surveys/demo/als_hd_demo_tiff.xml'), language='XML')
<!-- default scanner settings -->
<scannerSettings id="set" active="true" pulseFreq_hz="70000" scanAngle_deg="60" scanFreq_hz="50" />
<survey name="als_hd_demo" scene="data/scenes/demo/hd_demo.xml#hd_demo" platform="data/platforms.xml#sr22" scanner="data/scanners_als.xml#leica_als50-ii">
<!-- platform: Plane, deflector: oscillating -->
<FWFSettings beamSampleQuality="3" binSize_ns="0.25" winSize_ns="1" />
<detectorSettings rangeMax_m="1700" />
<platformSettings x="474500" y="5474500" z="1500.000" onGround="false" movePerSec_m="150" />
<scannerSettings template="set" trajectoryTimeInterval_s="0.05" />
<platformSettings x="490000" y="5474500" z="1500.000" onGround="false" movePerSec_m="150" />
<scannerSettings template="set" trajectoryTimeInterval_s="0.05" />
<platformSettings x="474500" y="5473500" z="1500.000" onGround="false" movePerSec_m="150" />
<scannerSettings template="set" trajectoryTimeInterval_s="0.05" />
<platformSettings x="490000" y="5473500" z="1500.000" onGround="false" movePerSec_m="150" />
<scannerSettings active="false" />
We can see that there are four leg
elements which define the waypoints of the airplane trajectory with x
, y
, z
coordinates and the speed between these waypoints (movePerSec_m
). This results in three flight lines.
Furthermore, we see that the sr22
platform in data/platforms.xml
is referenced, so let's have a look at that next:
Code(display_xml('python/pyhelios/data/platforms.xml', 'sr22'))
<platform id="sr22" name="Cirrus SR-22" type="linearpath">
<scannerMount z="0.7">
<rot axis="x" angle_deg="-90" />
<rot axis="z" angle_deg="90" />
clipMin="0.0" clipMax="0.0" clipEnabled="false" fixedLifespan="1"
type="NORMAL" mean="0.0" stdev="0.02"/>
clipMin="0.0" clipMax="0.0" clipEnabled="false" fixedLifespan="1"
type="NORMAL" mean="0.0" stdev="0.02"/>
clipMin="0.0" clipMax="0.0" clipEnabled="false" fixedLifespan="1"
type="NORMAL" mean="0.0" stdev="0.02"/>
clipMin="0.0" clipMax="0.0" clipEnabled="false" fixedLifespan="1"
type="NORMAL" mean="0.0" stdev="0.001"/>
clipMin="0.0" clipMax="0.0" clipEnabled="false" fixedLifespan="1"
type="NORMAL" mean="0.0" stdev="0.001"/>
clipMin="0.0" clipMax="0.0" clipEnabled="false" fixedLifespan="1"
type="NORMAL" mean="0.0" stdev="0.001"/>-->
This is a linearpath
type platform, a mobile platform which moves in a straight line between consecutive legs with a constant speed provided by the user.
Without any rotations applied to the scannerMount
in the platform XML or the beamOrigin
in the scanner XML, scanners in HELIOS would face towards to Y-axis (forward) and scan in vertical scan lines (in the plane created by the Y- and Z-axis).
For the sr22
, the scannerMount
is configured so that the scanner is rotated -90° around the X-axis (facing downwards) and 90° around the Z-axis (scanning from left to right, i.e., in the plane created by the X- and Z-axes).
For more information and examples, check out the rotations section of the Wiki page on platforms.
Next we will have a look at the scanner that is placed on the platform. Here it is the leica_als50-ii
defined in data/scanners_als.xml
as shown in the survey XML.
Code(display_xml('python/pyhelios/data/scanners_als.xml', 'leica_als50-ii'), language='XML')
<scanner id="leica_als50-ii" accuracy_m="0.05" beamDivergence_rad="0.00022" name="Leica ALS50-II" optics="oscillating" pulseFreqs_Hz="20000,60000,150000" pulseLength_ns="10" rangeMin_m="200" scanAngleMax_deg="37.5" scanFreqMin_Hz="0" scanFreqMax_Hz="90" maxNOR="4" />
Here we can see the scanner-specific settings, for example the beamDivergence_rad
, the accuracy
or the possible pulse frequencies (pulseFreq_Hz
). The Leica ALS50-II has an oscillating beam deflector (optics
) and is capable of recording up to 4 returns per emitted pulse (maxNOR
Now we will have a look at the scene, hd_demo.xml
in data/scenes/demo/hd_demo.xml
Code(display_xml('data/scenes/demo/hd_demo.xml', 'hd_demo'))
<scene id="hd_demo" name="Heidelberg">
<filter type="geotiffloader">
<param type="string" key="filepath" value="data/sceneparts/tiff/dem_hd.tif" />
Here we see one object, which is a digital elevation model (DEM) of Heidelberg (Germany) in GeoTIFF file format. To load it, we use the geotiffloader
filter and give the relative path to the file in the filepath
Next, we will run the simulation. In Jupyter Notebooks, we can run external commands with the !command
syntax, but you can also just run it from the command line.
!helios data/surveys/demo/als_hd_demo_tiff.xml -q
Now we can display a couple of 2D plots of the simulated point cloud.
We first load the output files to numpy arrays.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
output_path = find_playback_dir('data/surveys/demo/als_hd_demo_tiff.xml')
print('Loading points from', Path(output_path))
strip_1 = np.loadtxt(Path(output_path) / '')
strip_2 = np.loadtxt(Path(output_path) / '')
strip_3 = np.loadtxt(Path(output_path) / '')
traj_1 = np.loadtxt(Path(output_path) / 'leg000_trajectory.txt')
traj_2 = np.loadtxt(Path(output_path) / 'leg001_trajectory.txt')
traj_3 = np.loadtxt(Path(output_path) / 'leg002_trajectory.txt')
traj = np.vstack((traj_1[:, :3], traj_2[:, :3], traj_3[:, :3]))
Loading points from E:\Software\_helios_versions\helios\output\als_hd_demo\2024-05-28_18-41-58
Now we create two plots - one from above and one from the side - showing the point cloud colored by flight strip and the trajectory.
# two subplots
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(15, 12))
# view from above, colored by strip, including trajectory - for faster display, show only every 25th measurement
ax1.scatter(strip_1[::25, 0], strip_1[::25, 1], s=0.1, alpha=0.4, label="Points from strip 1") # select X and Y coordinates
ax1.scatter(strip_2[::25, 0], strip_2[::25, 1], s=0.1, alpha=0.4, label="Points from strip 2")
ax1.scatter(strip_3[::25, 0], strip_3[::25, 1], s=0.1, alpha=0.4, label="Points from strip 3")
ax1.scatter(traj[:, 0], traj[:, 1], s=0.1, label="Trajectory", color="black")
ax1.set_xlabel('X', fontsize=18)
ax1.set_ylabel('Y', fontsize=18, rotation=0)
ax1.legend(fontsize=18, markerscale=20, loc="lower right", bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1))
# use only every 50th measurement for better display
ax2.scatter(strip_1[::50, 0], strip_1[::50, 2], alpha=0.05, s=0.1, label="Points from strip 1") # select X and Z coordinates
ax2.scatter(strip_2[::50, 0], strip_2[::50, 2], alpha=0.05, s=0.1, label="Points from strip 2")
ax2.scatter(strip_3[::50, 0], strip_3[::50, 2], alpha=0.05, s=0.1, label="Points from strip 3")
ax2.scatter(traj[:, 0], traj[:, 2], s=0.05, label="Trajectory", color="black")
ax2.set_xlabel('X', fontsize=18)
ax2.set_ylabel('Z', fontsize=18, rotation=0)
#plt.legend(fontsize=18, markerscale=20)
Let's create another plot from above which is colored by altitude.
#view from above - colored by altitude
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5))
# select X and y coordinates
plot1 = ax.scatter(strip_1[::20, 0], strip_1[::20, 1], s=0.1, c=strip_1[::20,2], cmap= 'terrain', vmin=50, vmax=500)
plot2 = ax.scatter(strip_2[::20, 0], strip_2[::20, 1], s=0.1, c=strip_2[::20,2], cmap= 'terrain', vmin=50, vmax=500)
plot3 = ax.scatter(strip_3[::20, 0], strip_3[::20, 1], s=0.1, c=strip_3[::20,2], cmap= 'terrain', vmin=50, vmax=500)
plt.xlabel('X', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Y', fontsize=18, rotation=0)
cbar = plt.colorbar(plot1)
cbar.set_label('Altitude [m]', fontsize=18)
Finally, plot only a section of the point cloud to get a profile of the Neckar valley in Heidelberg.
# Section in direction of Y
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = [480000, 5472000, 480100, 5476000]
section_1 = strip_1[(strip_1[:, 0] > xmin) &
(strip_1[:, 0] < xmax) &
(strip_1[:, 1] > ymin) &
(strip_1[:, 1] < ymax)]
section_2 = strip_2[(strip_2[:, 0] > xmin) &
(strip_2[:, 0] < xmax) &
(strip_2[:, 1] > ymin) &
(strip_2[:, 1] < ymax)]
section_3 = strip_3[(strip_3[:, 0] > xmin) &
(strip_3[:, 0] < xmax) &
(strip_3[:, 1] > ymin) &
(strip_3[:, 1] < ymax)]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot()
ax.scatter(section_1[:, 1], section_1[:, 2], c=section_1[:, 2], cmap='terrain', s=0.01, vmin=50, vmax=500)
ax.scatter(section_2[:, 1], section_2[:, 2], c=section_2[:, 2], cmap='terrain', s=0.01, vmin=50, vmax=500)
ax.scatter(section_3[:, 1], section_3[:, 2], c=section_3[:, 2], cmap='terrain', s=0.01, vmin=50, vmax=500)
plt.xlabel('X', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('Height (Z)', fontsize=18, rotation=90)