In this notebook, we calculate the coupling efficiency of a beam with a single-mode optical fiber assuming no internal losses.
Then, we see how to choose the focal length that maximizes the coupling efficiency.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Here, we define some functions to model the beam and the fiber mode.
def multivar_gaussian(X, Y, M1, M2):
S = np.asarray([X, Y])
S = np.moveaxis(S, 0, 2) - M1
A = np.linalg.inv(M2)
B = np.einsum('ij, lmj -> ilm', A, S)
C = np.einsum('ijk, kij -> ij', S, B)
g = np.exp(- 0.5 * C)
return g
def elliptical_beam(fov, n_pixels, waist, wavelength = 640e-9, focal_length = None):
sigma = np.asarray(waist) / 4
var = 2 * sigma**2
if focal_length is not None:
var = wavelength**2 * focal_length **2 / ( 4* np.pi**2 * var )
var_matrix = np.matrix([[var[0], 0], [0, var[1]]])
x = np.linspace(-0.5*fov, 0.5*fov, num = n_pixels)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, x)
g = multivar_gaussian(xx, yy, [0, 0], var_matrix)
return g / g.max()
def fiber_mode(fov, n_pixels, mfd):
sigma = mfd / 4
var = 2 * sigma**2
var_matrix = np.matrix([[var, 0], [0, var]])
x = np.linspace(-0.5*fov, 0.5*fov, num = n_pixels)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, x)
g = multivar_gaussian(xx, yy, [0, 0], var_matrix)
return g / g.max()
def overlap_integral(e1, e2):
overlap = np.abs( np.sum( e1.conj() * e2 ) )**2
i1 = np.sum(np.abs(e1)**2)
i2 = np.sum(np.abs(e2)**2)
return overlap / i1 / i2
In this example, we consider an elliptical Gaussian beam. However, the method exposed in this notebook is general and can be used for any beam shape.
mfd = 2e-6 # mode field diameter, meters
waist = np.asarray([1.5, 3.5]) * 1e-3 # beam size defined as 1/e^2 or 4sigma, meters
wavelength = 640e-9 # meters
We choose a focal length and define the field of view for the simulation
focal_length = 10e-3 # meters
fov = 4*mfd # meters
n_pixels = 1000
g = elliptical_beam(fov, n_pixels, waist, wavelength = wavelength, focal_length = focal_length)
m = fiber_mode(fov, n_pixels, mfd)
extent = (-0.5*fov*1e6, 0.5*1e6*fov, -0.5*1e6*fov, 0.5*1e6*fov)
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
l1 = plt.contour(g, [g.max()/np.exp(2)], cmap = 'autumn', extent = extent)
l2 = plt.contour(m, [m.max()/np.exp(2)], cmap = 'cool', extent = extent)
plt.xlabel(r'x ($\mu m)$')
plt.ylabel(r'y ($\mu m)$')
plt.title('Fiber core plane')
plt.gca().clabel(l1, l1.levels, fmt = 'Beam', inline=True, fontsize=10)
plt.gca().clabel(l2, l2.levels, fmt = 'Fiber', inline=True, fontsize=10)
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The coupling efficiency is given by the normalized overlap integral $$\eta = \frac{{{{\left| {\int {E_1^*{E_2}\;{\rm{d}^2}x} } \right|}^2}}}{{\int {{{\left| {{E_1}} \right|}^2}{\rm{d}^2}x\;\int {{{\left| {{E_2}} \right|}^2}{\rm{d}^2}x} } }} $$ where $E_1$ is the electric field of the incident beam and $E_2$ is the mode supported by the single-mode optical fiber.
coupling_efficiency = overlap_integral(g, m)
print(f'Coupling efficiency = {coupling_efficiency:.3f}')
Coupling efficiency = 0.643
Now, we define a function that looks for the focal lenght that maximizes the efficiency.
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def loss_function(focal_length, fov, n_pixels, mfd, waist, wavelength):
g = elliptical_beam(fov, n_pixels, waist, wavelength, focal_length)
m = fiber_mode(fov, n_pixels, mfd)
efficiency = overlap_integral(g, m)
loss = np.abs(1 - efficiency)
return loss
def find_focal_length(f0, mfd, waist, wavelength):
fov = 4*mfd
n_pixels = 501
result = minimize(loss_function, x0=f0, args = (fov, n_pixels, mfd, waist, wavelength))
return result
Using a single-valued starting point, the algorithm looks for a single focal length, assumed to be identical on both axes.
f0 = 1e-2 #starting point, meters
#f0 = np.asarray([1e-2, 1e-2]) # if initialized with 2-elements array, it returns two focal lenghts
result = find_focal_length(f0, mfd, waist, wavelength)
message: Optimization terminated successfully. success: True status: 0 fun: 0.15999987071906707 x: [ 5.624e-03] nit: 7 jac: [ 4.053e-06] hess_inv: [[ 2.244e-05]] nfev: 28 njev: 14
foc = np.asarray(result.x)
print('Optimal focal length = ' + np.array2string(1e3*foc, precision=2, separator = ', ') + ' mm')
Optimal focal length = [5.62] mm
We plot the overlap of the beam and the fiber mode with the optimal focal length
g = elliptical_beam(fov, n_pixels, waist, wavelength = wavelength, focal_length = foc)
m = fiber_mode(fov, n_pixels, mfd)
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
l1 = plt.contour(g, [g.max()/np.exp(2)], cmap = 'autumn', extent = extent)
l2 = plt.contour(m, [m.max()/np.exp(2)], cmap = 'cool', extent = extent)
plt.xlabel(r'x ($\mu m)$')
plt.ylabel(r'y ($\mu m)$')
plt.title('Fiber core plane')
plt.gca().clabel(l1, l1.levels, fmt = 'Beam', inline=True, fontsize=10)
plt.gca().clabel(l2, l2.levels, fmt = 'Fiber', inline=True, fontsize=10)
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The best coupling efficiency is
coupling_efficiency = overlap_integral(g, m)
print(f'Optimal coupling efficiency = {coupling_efficiency:.3f}')
Optimal coupling efficiency = 0.840
Using a starting point with two values, the algorithm looks for a different focal length for each axis.
f0 = np.asarray([1e-2, 1e-2])
result = find_focal_length(f0, mfd, waist, wavelength)
message: Optimization terminated successfully. success: True status: 0 fun: 2.360334150353083e-12 x: [ 3.682e-03 8.590e-03] nit: 8 jac: [ 7.607e-06 9.462e-07] hess_inv: [[ 1.382e-05 1.823e-07] [ 1.823e-07 7.392e-05]] nfev: 51 njev: 17
foc = np.asarray(result.x)
print('Optimal focal lengths = ' + np.array2string(1e3*foc, precision=2, separator = ', ') + ' mm')
Optimal focal lengths = [3.68, 8.59] mm
g = elliptical_beam(fov, n_pixels, waist, wavelength = wavelength, focal_length = foc)
m = fiber_mode(fov, n_pixels, mfd)
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
l1 = plt.contour(g, [g.max()/np.exp(2)], cmap = 'autumn', extent = extent)
l2 = plt.contour(m, [m.max()/np.exp(2)], cmap = 'cool', extent = extent)
plt.xlabel(r'x ($\mu m)$')
plt.ylabel(r'y ($\mu m)$')
plt.title('Fiber core plane')
plt.gca().clabel(l1, l1.levels, fmt = 'Beam', inline=True, fontsize=10)
plt.gca().clabel(l2, l2.levels, fmt = 'Fiber', inline=True, fontsize=10)
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coupling_efficiency = overlap_integral(g, m)
print(f'Optimal coupling efficiency = {coupling_efficiency:.3f}')
Optimal coupling efficiency = 1.000
In the case of Gaussian beam, the optimal focal length can be calculated analytically without the need for a numerical minimizer.
The focal length that maximizes the coupling efficiency is
$$ f = \frac{\pi w \mu }{4\lambda}$$where $\lambda$ is the wavelength of the beam, $\mu$ is the mode field diameter (MFD) of the optical fiber, and $w$ is the beam waist (4$\sigma$) measured at the aperture plane of the lens.
If the beam is elliptical, the effective waist is calculated as the geometrical mean of the waist on the two axes.
$$w = \sqrt{ w_x \cdot w_y }$$# analytic solution
waist_eff = np.sqrt( waist ) ) # geometric mean of the waist on the 2 axes
optimal_focal_length = np.pi*waist_eff*mfd/wavelength/4 # meters
print('Optimal focal length = ' + np.array2string(1e3*optimal_focal_length, precision=2, separator = ', ') + ' mm')
Optimal focal length = 5.62 mm
optimal_focal_length = np.pi*waist*mfd/wavelength/4 # meters
print('Optimal focal lengths = ' + np.array2string(1e3*optimal_focal_length, precision=2, separator = ', ') + ' mm')
Optimal focal lengths = [3.68, 8.59] mm