One of the main applications of dmipy is the ability to fit any model combination to measured dMRI data. To find model parameters that appropriately describe the underlying tissue configuration, it is important to have optimization algorithms that are able to find the globally best solution based on the given data.
The most straight-forward implementation of global optimization in dmipy is brute-force. There are two implementations:
To illustrate how these optimizers work we will first set up a simple MultiCompartmentMicrostructureModel and load the hcp acquisition scheme as example
from dmipy.core.modeling_framework import MultiCompartmentModel
from dmipy.signal_models import gaussian_models
from import wu_minn_hcp_acquisition_scheme
zeppelin = gaussian_models.G2Zeppelin()
mc_model = MultiCompartmentModel([zeppelin])
scheme = wu_minn_hcp_acquisition_scheme()
Normally, these optimizers are only called inside the function, but we can also call them separately. The GlobalBruteOptimizer has a very straightforward design: given a model and an acquisition scheme, it will equally sample every model parameter between the minimum and maximum parameter ranges in 'Ns' steps. However, it treats orientation parameter 'mu' differently, where it uses a spherical grid of 'N_sphere_samples' points.
from dmipy.optimizers import brute2fine
Ns = 5 # number of equal sampling points for standard parameters
N_sphere_samples = 30 # number of orientations that are sampled for orientation 'mu'
global_brute_optimizer = brute2fine.GlobalBruteOptimizer(mc_model, scheme,
Ns=Ns, N_sphere_samples=N_sphere_samples)
We can see it computed a parameter and signal grid for 750 different parameter combinations
print 'parameter grid size:', global_brute_optimizer.parameter_grid.shape
print 'signal grid size:', global_brute_optimizer.signal_grid.shape
parameter grid size: (750, 4) signal grid size: (750, 288)
Showing mc_model's parameters, we can see that this corresponds to $5 * 5 * 30 = 750$ samples for lambda_par, lambda_perp and mu.
OrderedDict([('G2Zeppelin_1_lambda_perp', 1), ('G2Zeppelin_1_mu', 2), ('G2Zeppelin_1_lambda_par', 1)])
If we just take one of the simulated signal grid points as input for the optimizer, we can see that it will return the corresponding parameter combination.
test_signal = global_brute_optimizer.signal_grid[710]
test_parameters = global_brute_optimizer.parameter_grid[710]
print 'actual parameters:', test_parameters
print 'optimizer output: ', global_brute_optimizer(test_signal, parameter_scale_normalization=False)
actual parameters: [ 1.55000000e-09 1.58994250e+00 -2.91158829e+00 1.00000000e-10] optimizer output: [ 1.55000000e-09 1.58994250e+00 -2.91158829e+00 1.00000000e-10]
In this case of course we get the perfect result. However, for actual data this optimizer only returns precomputed brute-force parameter combinations and does not refine them further. It must be given to the Brute2FineOptimizer to get a better result.
The Brute2FineOptimizer does not precompute anything, and will do the brute force and refining for every voxel. For this reason it is useful when you want to find specific parameter solutions that are close to some initial parameter guess, but not very efficient when the same global grid can be used for every voxel.
brute2fine_optimizer = brute2fine.Brute2FineOptimizer(mc_model, scheme)
As a simple illustration you can give an initial parameter guess x0 and the optimizer will find a local minimum from that point.
test_signal = global_brute_optimizer.signal_grid[90]
test_parameters = global_brute_optimizer.parameter_grid[90]
x0_vector = global_brute_optimizer.parameter_grid[400]
print 'actual parameters:', test_parameters
print 'start parameters: ', x0_vector
print 'optimizer output: ', brute2fine_optimizer(test_signal, x0_vector) * mc_model.scales_for_optimization
actual parameters: [ 2.27500000e-09 1.00507992e+00 3.40817407e-01 1.00000000e-10] start parameters: [ 1.00000000e-10 8.73750549e-01 -8.94552392e-01 1.00000000e-10] optimizer output: [ 2.27499914e-09 1.00508076e+00 3.40817944e-01 1.00000000e-10]
Parts of the x0_vector can also be set to None, in which case the optimizer will first do brute-force for those parameters and then do gradient descent to a local minimum.