Camino schemefiles are formed as: VERSION: STEJSKALTANNER x_1, y_1, z_1, |G_1|, DELTA_1, delta_1, TE_1 x_2 ... ... where x, y, z are the orientations of the b-vectors, |G| is the gradient strength, DELTA is the pulse separation, delta is the pulse length and TE is the Echo Time. Everything is in SI units, so a Connectom gradient strength of 300 mT/m is put in as 0.3 T/m for example. Reference:
The latices were selected by alexander et al (2010) to maximize the packing of the cylinders for the given gamma distribrution to an intra-axonal volume fraction of around (0.7).
The Camino command to run one simulation: SCHEMEFILES="schemefile_hcp_wu_minn" WALKERS=80000 TIMESTEPS=5000 DIFF=1.7E-9; BASEDIR=/home/rfick/simulations/journal_review OUTPUTDIR=$BASEDIR/data mkdir ${OUTPUTDIR} for scheme in $SCHEMEFILES do mkdir ${OUTPUTDIR}/${scheme} while read -r LATSIZE GAMA GAMB FNAME; do datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile $BASEDIR/schemes/$scheme.scheme1 -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} 1> ${OUTPUTDIR}/${scheme}/${FNAME} 2> ${OUTPUTDIR}/${scheme}/${FNAME}_log.txt && cat ${OUTPUTDIR}/${scheme}/${FNAME}_log.txt | grep fraction | awk '{print $5}' > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${scheme}/${FNAME}_fraction.txt" done