This notebook demonstrates basic usage of the firefly_client API.
Note that it may be necessary to wait for some cells (like those displaying an image) to complete before executing later cells.
Imports for Python 2/3 compatibility
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
Imports for firefly_client
from firefly_client import FireflyClient
In this example we use the irsaviewer application for the server.
Instantiate FireflyClient
fc = FireflyClient(url)
Download a sample image and table.
We use astropy here for convenience, but firefly_client itself does not depend on astropy.
Download a cutout of a WISE band 1 image.
image_url = ('' +
filename =, cache=True, timeout=120)
Download a 2MASS catalog
table_url = ("" +
"QUERY=SELECT+*+FROM+fp_psc+WHERE+CONTAINS(POINT('J2000',ra,dec)," +
tablename =, timeout=120, cache=True)
Open a browser to the firefly server in a new tab. The browser open only works when running the notebook locally, otherwise a link is displayed.
localbrowser, browser_url = fc.launch_browser()
Display the web browser link
Alternatively, uncomment the lines below to display the browser application in the notebook.
#from IPython.display import IFrame
#print('url: %s' % fc.get_firefly_url())
#IFrame(fc.get_firefly_url(), 1100, 1000)
A local file can be uploaded to the server and then displayed.
imval = fc.upload_file(filename)
status = fc.show_fits(file_on_server=imval, plot_id="wise-cutout", title='WISE Cutout')
can also display an image from a URL
status = fc.show_fits(file_on_server=None, plot_id="wise-fullimage",
URL='' +
A catalog (with coordinates) will overlay the image by default.
file= fc.upload_file(tablename)
status = fc.show_table(file, tbl_id='tablemass', title='My 2MASS Catalog', page_size=50)
An xy plot can be added using the uploaded table data.
status = fc.show_xyplot(tbl_id='tablemass', xCol='j_m', yCol='h_m-k_m')
Zoom the full image.
status = fc.set_zoom('wise-fullimage', 2)
Pan the image to a celestial coordinate.
status = fc.set_pan('wise-fullimage', 70, 20, coord='J2000')
Set the stretch
status = fc.set_stretch('wise-fullimage', stype='zscale', algorithm='linear')
Add region data
my_regions= ['image;polygon 125 25 160 195 150 150 #color=cyan',
'icrs;circle 69.95d 20d 30i # color=orange text={region 5/7}']
status = fc.add_region_data(region_data=my_regions, region_layer_id='layer1',
Remove the second region
fc.remove_region_data(region_data=my_regions[1], region_layer_id='layer1')