This notebook demonstrates basic usage of the firefly_client API involving how to add region data with text to a FITS image.
Note that it may be necessary to wait for some cells (like those displaying an image) to complete before executing later cells.
Imports for firefly_client:
from firefly_client import FireflyClient
In this example, we use the IRSA Viewer application for firefly server:
Instantiate FireflyClient
using the URL above:
fc = FireflyClient.make_client(url)
Download a sample image and table.
We use astropy here for convenience, but firefly_client itself does not depend on astropy.
Download a cutout of a WISE band as 1 FITS image:
image_url = ('' +
filename =, cache=True, timeout=120)
Instantiating FireflyClient should open a browser to the firefly server in a new tab. You can also achieve this using the following method. The browser open only works when running the notebook locally, otherwise a link is displayed.
# localbrowser, browser_url = fc.launch_browser()
If it does not open automatically, try using the following command to display a web browser link to click on:
Upload a local file to the server and then display it (while keeping in mind the plot_id
parameter being chosen):
imval = fc.upload_file(filename)
status = fc.show_fits(file_on_server=imval, plot_id="region test", title='text region test')
Add region data containing text region with 'textangle' property
text_regions= [
'image;text 100 150 # color=pink text={text angle is 30 deg } edit=0 highlite=0 font="Times 16 bold normal" textangle=30',
'image;text 100 25 # color=pink text={text angle is -20 deg } font="Times 16 bold italic" textangle=-20',
'circle 80.48446937 77.231180603 13.9268922 # text={physical;circle ;; color=cyan } color=cyan',
'image;box 100 150 60 30 30 # color=red text={box on # J2000 with size w=60 & h=30}',
'circle 80.484469p 77.231180p 3.002392 # color=#B8E986 text={This message has both a " and \' in it}']
status = fc.add_region_data(region_data=text_regions, region_layer_id='layerTextRegion',
plot_id='region test')