%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
# First, I have to laod different modules that I use for analyzing the data and for plotting:
import sys, os, collections
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.rcdefaults()
import re
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
from collections import Counter
# Second, I have to load the Text Fabric app
from tf.fabric import Fabric
from tf.app import use
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
#BHSa2021 = use('etcbc/bhsa', version="2021", mod='CenterBLC/BHSaddons/tf')
BHSa4c = use('etcbc/bhsa', version="c", mod='CenterBLC/BHSaddons/tf')
#DSS = use('etcbc/dss', hoist=globals())
CPU times: user 3 µs, sys: 1 µs, total: 4 µs Wall time: 6.91 µs
Locating corpus resources ...
Name | # of nodes | # slots / node | % coverage |
book | 39 | 10938.05 | 100 |
chapter | 929 | 459.19 | 100 |
lex | 9233 | 46.20 | 100 |
verse | 23213 | 18.38 | 100 |
half_verse | 45180 | 9.44 | 100 |
sentence | 63727 | 6.69 | 100 |
sentence_atom | 64525 | 6.61 | 100 |
clause | 88121 | 4.84 | 100 |
clause_atom | 90688 | 4.70 | 100 |
phrase | 253207 | 1.68 | 100 |
phrase_atom | 267541 | 1.59 | 100 |
subphrase | 113812 | 1.42 | 38 |
word | 426584 | 1.00 | 100 |
<code>Genesis 1:1</code> (use <a href="https://github.com/{org}/{repo}/blob/master/tf/{version}/book%40en.tf" target="_blank">English book names</a>)
BHSA = Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Amstelodamensis
Phonetic Transcriptions
Parallel Passages
Show this on SHEBANQ
{typ} {rela}
{typ} {function}
{typ} {rela}
pdp vs vt
verse book=Genesis chapter=19|20 verse=2
TotalVocab = BHSa4c.search(TotalVocab)
BHSa4c.show(TotalVocab, start=1, end=10, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'}, multiFeatures=False)
0.18s 4 results
result 1
result 2
result 3
result 4
p1:phrase function=Objc
p1 =: w1
TotalVocab = BHSa4c.search(TotalVocab)
BHSa4c.table(TotalVocab, start=1, end=10, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
0.82s 22667 results
n | p | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Genesis 1:1 | בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃ | אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃ | אֵ֥ת |
2 | Genesis 1:4 | וַיַּ֧רְא אֱלֹהִ֛ים אֶת־הָאֹ֖ור | אֶת־הָאֹ֖ור | אֶת־ |
3 | Genesis 1:5 | וַיִּקְרָ֨א אֱלֹהִ֤ים׀ לָאֹור֙ יֹ֔ום | יֹ֔ום | יֹ֔ום |
4 | Genesis 1:5 | וְלַחֹ֖שֶׁךְ קָ֣רָא לָ֑יְלָה | לָ֑יְלָה | לָ֑יְלָה |
5 | Genesis 1:7 | וַיַּ֣עַשׂ אֱלֹהִים֮ אֶת־הָרָקִיעַ֒ | אֶת־הָרָקִיעַ֒ | אֶת־ |
6 | Genesis 1:8 | וַיִּקְרָ֧א אֱלֹהִ֛ים לָֽרָקִ֖יעַ שָׁמָ֑יִם | שָׁמָ֑יִם | שָׁמָ֑יִם |
7 | Genesis 1:10 | וַיִּקְרָ֨א אֱלֹהִ֤ים׀ לַיַּבָּשָׁה֙ אֶ֔רֶץ | אֶ֔רֶץ | אֶ֔רֶץ |
8 | Genesis 1:10 | וּלְמִקְוֵ֥ה הַמַּ֖יִם קָרָ֣א יַמִּ֑ים | יַמִּ֑ים | יַמִּ֑ים |
9 | Genesis 1:11 | תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ֔שֶׁא עֵ֚שֶׂב עֵ֣ץ פְּרִ֞י | דֶּ֔שֶׁא עֵ֚שֶׂב עֵ֣ץ פְּרִ֞י | דֶּ֔שֶׁא |
10 | Genesis 1:11 | מַזְרִ֣יעַ זֶ֔רַע | זֶ֔רַע | זֶ֔רַע |
word lex* bol_dict_HebArm* bol_dict_EN* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* bol_fa_order* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_dict_abc* language* bol_monad_num* qere_utf8* g_word_utf8* g_lex_utf8* bol_g_word_utf8* bol_qere_presence*
TotalVocab = BHSa4c.search(TotalVocab)
BHSa4c.table(TotalVocab, start=1, end=5, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(TotalVocab, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_vocab.tsv')
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
TotalVocab=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_vocab.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
word lex* bol_dict_HebArm* bol_dict_EN number* g_word_noaccent* freq_occ* rank_occ* bol_fa_order* bol_dict_vc* sp* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_dict_abc* language* bol_monad_num* qere_utf8* g_word_utf8* g_lex_utf8* bol_g_word_utf8* bol_qere_presence*
HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab = BHSa4c.search(HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab)
BHSa4c.table(HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab, start=1, end=5, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_vocab_exercises_HebI-II-III.tsv')
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_vocab_exercises_HebI-II-III.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
& (BHSallWords['bol_lexeme_occurrences1']>=40)
& (~BHSallWords['g_word_noaccent1'].astype(str).str.contains("^\*"))
& (~BHSallWords['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains("four.*verb"))
¶BHSallHebrewWords_selection_of_sequenced2=BHSallHebrewWords.groupby('bol_dict_HebArm1').nth((0,1,2)).sort_values(['rank_occ1','bol_dict_abc1'], ascending=True)
¶BHSallHebrewWords_selection_of_random3=BHSallHebrewWords.groupby('bol_dict_HebArm1').sample(n=3, replace=True).sort_values(['rank_occ1','bol_dict_abc1'], ascending=True)
BHSallHebrewWords_selection_of_random3.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/OTST551_vocab_exercise-pool_Heb-I-II-III_vocab_selection_of_3.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_vocab_exercises_HebI-II-III.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', enccoding='utf-16')
BHSallHebrewWords=BHSallWords[(BHSallWords['language1']=='Hebrew') & (BHSallWords['S1']=='Genesis')]
verse book=Genesis chapter=19 verse=21|22|23|25|27|29|30
word lex* bol_dict_HebArm* bol_dict_EN* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* bol_fa_order* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_dict_abc* language* bol_monad_num* qere_utf8* g_word_utf8* g_lex_utf8* bol_g_word_utf8* bol_qere_presence*
Gen19v = BHSa4c.search(Gen19v)
BHSa4c.table(Gen19v, start=1, end=5, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Gen19v, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises', toFile='Gen19v.tsv')
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_vocab_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
BHSallHebrewWords=BHSallWords[(BHSallWords['language1']=='Hebrew') & (BHSallWords['S1']=='Psalms')]
verse book=Genesis chapter=20 verse=6|7|8|9
w1:word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences>100 bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
w2:word bol_lexeme_occurrences<6000
w1 = w2
OTST552Midterm_Vocab_Text01 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Midterm_Vocab_Text01)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Midterm_Vocab_Text01, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Midterm_Vocab_Text01, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_vocabulary_Heb-II_Midterm_Vocab_Text01.tsv')
v1:verse book=Reges_I chapter=3 verse=3
w1:word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences>100 bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
w2:word bol_lexeme_occurrences<6000
w1 = w2
OTST552Midterm_Vocab_Text02 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Midterm_Vocab_Text02)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Midterm_Vocab_Text02, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Midterm_Vocab_Text02, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_vocabulary_Heb-II_Midterm_Vocab_Text02.tsv')
w1:word lex=W g_word~^W:-|^W@-|^WI-|^WA-|^WE- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT]:|^B|^M|^P|^J[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT]|^[>HX<]:E|^[>HX<]:A|^[>HX<]:@ sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingAll = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingAll)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingAll, start=1, end=10, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
w1:word lex=W g_word~^W:- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingW1 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingW1)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingW1, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingW1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW1_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingW1=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW1_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingW1selection=Hebrew_PrefixingW1 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingW1selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingW1selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=W g_word~^W\.- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingW2 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingW2)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingW2, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingW2, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW2_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingW2=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW2_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingW2selection=Hebrew_PrefixingW2 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingW2selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingW2selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=W g_word~^WI- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingW3 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingW3)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingW3, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingW3, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW3_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingW3=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW3_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingW3selection=Hebrew_PrefixingW3 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingW3selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingW3selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=W g_word~^W@- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[>HX<]:@[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT][AIOUE@] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingW4a = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingW4a)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingW4a, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingW4a, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW4a_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingW4a=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW4a_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingW4aselection=Hebrew_PrefixingW4a \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingW4aselection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingW4aselection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=W g_word~^WA- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[>HX<]:A[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT][AIOUE@] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingW4b = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingW4b)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingW4b, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingW4b, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW4b_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingW4b=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW4b_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingW4bselection=Hebrew_PrefixingW4b \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingW4bselection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingW4bselection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=W g_word~^WE- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[>HX<]:E[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT][AIOUE@] sp=subs|nmpr
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingW4c = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingW4c)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingW4c, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingW4c, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW4c_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingW4c=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW4c_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingW4cselection=Hebrew_PrefixingW4c \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingW4cselection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingW4cselection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=W g_word~^W@- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT][AEIOU][0-9][0-9][>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingW5 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingW5)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingW5, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingW5, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW5_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingW5=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingW5_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingW5selection=Hebrew_PrefixingW5 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingW5selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingW5selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
It seems that the WawChireqJod is a sign of post exilic Hebrew! Particularly at the clause beginning!
w1:word lex=W g_word~^WI bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word lex~^J g_word~^J g_lex~^J sp=subs
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_Prefixing_Research1 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_Prefixing_Research1)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_Prefixing_Research1, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
w1:word lex=W g_word~^WI.* bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word lex~^J g_word~^J g_lex~^J sp=nmpr|subs lex#JHWH/
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_Prefixing_Research2 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_Prefixing_Research2)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_Prefixing_Research2, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
w1:word lex=B|K|L g_word~^B.I-|^K.I-|^LI- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[>BGDHWZXVKLMNS<PYQRFCT]:[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT][AIOUE@] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL1 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL1)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL1, start=1, end=10, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKL1_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL1=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKL1_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL1selection=Hebrew_PrefixingBKL1 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL1selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingBKL1selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=B|K|L g_word~^B.I-|^K.I-|^LI- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_lex~J g_word~^J[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL2 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL2)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL2, start=1, end=10, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL2, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKL2_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL2=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKL2_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL2selection=Hebrew_PrefixingBKL2 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL2selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingBKL2selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=B|K|L g_word~^B.@-|^K.@-|^L@- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[>HX<]:@[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3a = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3a)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3a, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3a, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKL3a_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3a=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKL3a_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3aselection=Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3a \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3aselection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingBKL3aselection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=B|K|L g_word~^B.A-|^K.A-|^LA- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[>HX<]:A[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3b = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3b)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3b, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3b, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKL3b_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3b=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKL3b_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3bselection=Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3b \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3bselection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingBKL3bselection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=B|K|L g_word~^B.E-|^K.E-|^LE- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[>HX<]:E[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3c = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3c)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3c, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3c, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKL3c_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3c=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKL3c_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3cselection=Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3c \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3cselection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingBKL3cselection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=B|K|L g_word~^B.@-|^K.@-|^L@- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT][AEIOU][0-9][0-9][>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL4 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL4)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL4, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingBKL4, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKL4_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL4=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKL4_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL4selection=Hebrew_PrefixingBKL4 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingBKL4selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingBKL4selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=MN g_word~^MI- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[BGDWZVJKLMNSPYQFCT] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingMN1 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingMN1)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingMN1, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingMN1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingMN1_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingMN1=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingMN1_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingMN1selection=Hebrew_PrefixingMN1 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingMN1selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingMN1selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=MN g_word~^M;- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[>HX<] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingMN2 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingMN2)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingMN2, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingMN2, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingMN2_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingMN2=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingMN2_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingMN2selection=Hebrew_PrefixingMN2 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingMN2selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingMN2selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=H g_word~^HA- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[BGDWZVJKLMNSPYQFCT] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingH1 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingH1)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingH1, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingH1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingH1_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingH1=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingH1_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingH1selection=Hebrew_PrefixingH1 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingH1selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingH1selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=H g_word~^H@- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[><R] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingH2 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingH2)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingH2, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingH2, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingH2_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingH2=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingH2_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingH2selection=Hebrew_PrefixingH2 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingH2selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingH2selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=H g_word~^HA- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[HX][AEIOU] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingH3 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingH3)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingH3, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingH3, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingH3_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingH3=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingH3_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingH3selection=Hebrew_PrefixingH3 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingH3selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingH3selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=H g_word~^HE- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[HX][@] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingH4 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingH4)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingH4, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingH4, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingH4_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingH4=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingH4_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingH4selection=Hebrew_PrefixingH4 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingH4selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingH4selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=B|K|L g_word~^B.A-|K.A-|LA- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word lex=H g_word~^- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w3:word g_word~^[BGDWZVJKLMNSPYQFCT] sp=subs|nmpr lex bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
w2 <: w3
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH1 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH1)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH1, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKLH1_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH1=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKLH1_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH1selection=Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH1 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH1selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingBKLH1selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=B|K|L g_word~^B.@-|K.@-|L@- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word lex=H g_word~^- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w3:word g_word~^[><R] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
w2 <: w3
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH2 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH2)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH2, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH2, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKLH2_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH2=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKLH2_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH2selection=Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH2 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH2selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingBKLH2selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=B|K|L g_word~^B.A-|K.A-|LA- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word lex=H g_word~^- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w3:word g_word~^[HX][AEIOU] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
w2 <: w3
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH3 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH3)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH3, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH3, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKLH3_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH3=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKLH3_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH3selection=Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH3 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH3selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingBKLH3selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=B|K|L g_word~^B.E-|K.E-|LE- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word lex=H g_word~^- bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w3:word g_word~^[HX]@ sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
w2 <: w3
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH4 = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH4)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH4, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH4, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKLH4_exercises.tsv')
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH4=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_prefixingBKLH4_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH4selection=Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH4 \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH4selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingBKLH4selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
connect_WBKL = [Hebrew_PrefixingW1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingW2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingW3selection, Hebrew_PrefixingW4aselection, Hebrew_PrefixingW4bselection, Hebrew_PrefixingW4cselection, Hebrew_PrefixingW5selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3aselection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3bselection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3cselection,Hebrew_PrefixingBKL4selection]
prefixing_combined_WBKL = pd.concat(connect_WBKL)
prefixing_combined_WBKL_selection=prefixing_combined_WBKL \
.groupby(['TEXT2']) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
prefixing_combined_WBKL.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingWBKL_simple_selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
all_noncompound_prefixes = [Hebrew_PrefixingW1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingW2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingW3selection, Hebrew_PrefixingW4aselection, Hebrew_PrefixingW4bselection, Hebrew_PrefixingW4cselection, Hebrew_PrefixingW5selection, Hebrew_PrefixingH1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingH2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingH3selection, Hebrew_PrefixingH4selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3aselection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3bselection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3cselection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL4selection, Hebrew_PrefixingMN1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingMN2selection]
all_noncompound_prefixes = pd.concat(all_noncompound_prefixes)
all_noncompound_prefixes.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingAllCombinedNonCompound_selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
all_combound_prefixes = [Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH3selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH4selection]
all_combound_prefixes = pd.concat(all_combound_prefixes)
all_combound_prefixes.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingAllCombinedCompound_selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
connect_H = [Hebrew_PrefixingH1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingH2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingH3selection, Hebrew_PrefixingH4selection]
prefixing_combined_H = pd.concat(connect_H)
prefixing_combined_H.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingHCombined_selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
connect_BKL = [Hebrew_PrefixingBKL1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3aselection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3bselection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3cselection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL4selection]
prefixing_combined_BKL = pd.concat(connect_BKL)
prefixing_combined_BKL.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingBKLCombined_selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
connect_BKLH = [Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH3selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH4selection]
prefixing_combined_BKLH = pd.concat(connect_BKLH)
prefixing_combined_BKLH.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingBKLHCombined_selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
connect_MN = [Hebrew_PrefixingMN1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingMN2selection]
prefixing_combined_MN = pd.concat(connect_MN)
prefixing_combined_MN.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingMNCombined_selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
connect_all = [Hebrew_PrefixingW1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingW2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingW3selection, Hebrew_PrefixingW4aselection, Hebrew_PrefixingW4bselection, Hebrew_PrefixingW4cselection, Hebrew_PrefixingW5selection, Hebrew_PrefixingH1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingH2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingH3selection, Hebrew_PrefixingH4selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3aselection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3bselection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL3cselection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKL4selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH2selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH3selection, Hebrew_PrefixingBKLH4selection, Hebrew_PrefixingMN1selection, Hebrew_PrefixingMN2selection]
prefixing_combined_all = pd.concat(connect_all)
prefixing_combined_all.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_Hebrew_morphology_PrefixingAllCombined_selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
w1:word lex=H bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* freq_lex bol_dict_abc* language=Hebrew bol_monad_num
w2:word g_word~^[J]:[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT] sp=subs|nmpr bol_monad_num
w1 <: w2
Hebrew_PrefixingAll = BHSa4c.search(Hebrew_PrefixingAll)
BHSa4c.table(Hebrew_PrefixingAll, start=1, end=50, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
w1:word bol_qere_presence=0 bol_monad_num* sp=verb g_word_noaccent* lex number* freq_occ* freq_lex* vt=ptca|ptcp st* rank_occ* bol_dict_abc* bol_dict_HebArm* bol_bhsa_word_order* bol_dict_vc* ps* nu* gn* vs* prs_ps=unknown prs_nu* prs_gn* pdp* bol_dict_EN* language=Hebrew
AllParticipalForms0 = BHSa4c.search(AllParticipalForms0)
BHSa4c.table(AllParticipalForms0, start=1, end=10, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(AllParticipalForms0, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_participles_declension_exercises.tsv')
AllParticipalForms=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_participles_declension_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
AllParticipalFormsSelection = AllParticipalForms[(AllParticipalForms['language1'] == 'Hebrew')
& (AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*@H$')) #getting sgFabsolute forms and excluding complicated forms
& (AllParticipalForms['bol_qere_presence1'] == 0) #excluding ketiv-qere cases
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*ET$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*IJ$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*;H$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*EH$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*A[BGDHWYXVKLNSPZQRCFT]AT$')) #excluding segolated forms
| (AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*AT$')) #getting sgFconstruct forms and excluding complicated forms
& (AllParticipalForms['bol_qere_presence1'] == 0) #excluding ketiv-qere cases
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*ET$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*IJ$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*;H$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*EH$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*A[BGDHWYXVKLNSPZQRCFT]AT$')) #excluding segolated forms
| (AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*WT$')) #getting plF forms and excluding complicated forms
& (AllParticipalForms['bol_qere_presence1'] == 0) #excluding ketiv-qere cases
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*ET$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*IJ$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*;H$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*EH$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*A[BGDHWYXVKLNSPZQRCFT]AT$')) #excluding segolated forms
| (AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*[BGDHWYXVKLNSPZQRCFT]$')) #getting sgM forms and excluding complicated forms
& (AllParticipalForms['bol_qere_presence1'] == 0) #excluding ketiv-qere cases
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*ET$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*IJ$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*;H$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*EH$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*A[BGDHWYXVKLNSPZQRCFT]AT$')) #excluding segolated forms
| (AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*IJM$')) #getting plMabsolute forms and excluding complicated forms
& (AllParticipalForms['bol_qere_presence1'] == 0) #excluding ketiv-qere cases
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*ET$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*IJ$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*;H$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*EH$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*A[BGDHWYXVKLNSPZQRCFT]AT$')) #excluding segolated forms
| (AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*J$')) #getting plMabsolute forms and excluding complicated forms
& (AllParticipalForms['bol_qere_presence1'] == 0) #excluding ketiv-qere cases
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*ET$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*IJ$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*;H$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*EH$'))
& (~AllParticipalForms['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('.*A[BGDHWYXVKLNSPZQRCFT]AT$')) #excluding segolated forms
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Hebrew_Declensionselection=AllParticipalFormsSelection \
.groupby(['st1', 'nu1', 'gn1']) \
.sample(n=10, replace=True)\
.sort_values(['st1', 'nu1', 'gn1','bol_monad_num1'],
Hebrew_Declensionselection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_morphology_declension_exercises_selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
## Loading the DataFrame containing all words of the OT
## Selecting only Hebrew words and only prepositions with pronominal suffixes
BibleOL_PRS_morphology1 = BibleOL_PRS_morphology[( ((BibleOL_PRS_morphology['prs_ps'] == 'p1')
|(BibleOL_PRS_morphology['prs_ps'] == 'p2')
|(BibleOL_PRS_morphology['prs_ps'] == 'p3')
&(BibleOL_PRS_morphology['language'] == 'Hebrew')
&(BibleOL_PRS_morphology['lex'] != 'MN')
&(BibleOL_PRS_morphology['lex'] != 'MJN/')
&(BibleOL_PRS_morphology['bol_qere_presence'] == 0)
&(BibleOL_PRS_morphology['bol_lexeme_occurrences'] > 1300)
&((BibleOL_PRS_morphology['sp'] == 'prep')
|(BibleOL_PRS_morphology['sp'] == 'subs')
& ((BibleOL_PRS_morphology['nu'] == 'sg')
|(BibleOL_PRS_morphology['nu'] == 'pl')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BibleOL_PRS_morphology1=BibleOL_PRS_morphology1 \
]) \
.sample(n=5, replace=True)\
word bol_monad_num* bol_qere_presence=0 bol_vt=perf|impf|wayq|juss|coho|impv|infa|infc|ptca|ptcp lex* number* freq_occ* freq_lex* st* rank_occ* bol_dict_abc* bol_dict_HebArm bol_bhsa_word_order* bol_dict_vc* ps* nu* gn* vt* vs prs_nu* prs_ps* prs_gn* sp=verb pdp* bol_dict_EN g_word_noaccent language=Hebrew
Search1 = BHSa4c.search(Search1)
BHSa4c.table(Search1, start=1, end=2, multiFeatures=True, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Search1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_verbal-morphology_Heb-I-II-III_exercises.tsv')
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
BHSallVerbalMorphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_verbal-morphology_Heb-I-II-III_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
BHSallVerbalMorphology=BHSallVerbalMorphology[(BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1']!='4 root verb') & (BHSallVerbalMorphology['language1']=='Hebrew')]
BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_552=BHSallVerbalMorphology[(BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1']!='4 root verb') & (BHSallVerbalMorphology['language1']=='Hebrew')]
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BHSallVerbalMorphology=BHSallVerbalMorphology \
'prs_gn1']) \
.sample(n=2, replace=True)\
BHSallVerbalMorphology.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/OTST551_Heb-I-II-III_verbal-morphology_selection_of_2.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
verse book=Judices chapter=19 verse=22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29
word sp=verb bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST625ExamWords1 = BHSa4c.search(OTST625ExamWords1)
BHSa4c.table(OTST625ExamWords1, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSallVerbalMorphology.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/OTST551_Heb-I-II-III_verbal-morphology_selection_of_2.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
chapter book=Genesis chapter=19|20
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST551ExamWords = BHSa4c.search(OTST551ExamWords)
BHSa4c.show(OTST551ExamWords, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST551ExamWords, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_phrase-syntax_Heb-I_OTST551-Glanz-course_ExamWords.tsv')
verse book=Genesis chapter=20 verse=6|7|8|9
word sp=verb bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552_Text1_VerbalMorphology = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Text1_VerbalMorphology)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Text1_VerbalMorphology, start=1, end=26, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552_Text1_VerbalMorphology, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology-verb_Heb-II_Midterm_VerbalMorphology_Text01.tsv')
verse book=Reges_I chapter=3 verse=3
word sp=verb bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552_Text2_VerbalMorphology = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Text2_VerbalMorphology)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Text2_VerbalMorphology, start=1, end=4, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552_Text2_VerbalMorphology, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology-verb_Heb-II_Midterm_VerbalMorphology_Text02.tsv')
verse book=Genesis chapter=19 verse=13|14
word sp=verb bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552_Text3_VerbalMorphology = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Text3_VerbalMorphology)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Text3_VerbalMorphology, start=1, end=26, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552_Text3_VerbalMorphology, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_morphology-verb_Heb-II_Midterm_VerbalMorphology_Text03.tsv')
clause typ* kind* rela* domain*
clause_atom rela*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
word lex=LQX[
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
phrase_atom function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_num_phrase* bol_sequence_num_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_num_clause* bol_sequence_num_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
PhraseFunction1 = BHSa4c.search(PhraseFunction1)
BHSa4c.show(PhraseFunction1, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(PhraseFunction1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_phrase-syntax_Heb-I_exercises.tsv')
word ls=ordn|card
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<69
word lex=JHWH/
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
sub1:subphrase rela*
word bol_sequence_number_subphrase* bol_lexeme_occurrences* language=Hebrew ls* lex*
sub2:subphrase rela=atr|dem|rec
word bol_sequence_number_subphrase* bol_lexeme_occurrences* language=Hebrew ls* lex*
p =: sub1
p := sub2
sub1 <: sub2
SubPhrase = BHSa4c.search(SubPhrase)
BHSa4c.show(SubPhrase, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(SubPhrase, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_subphrase_exercise.tsv')
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
SubPhrase=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_subphrase_exercise.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
SubPhrasePart1=SubPhrase[((SubPhrase['rela4'] == 'rec')
| (SubPhrase['rela4'] == 'atr'))]
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
SubPhrasePart1=SubPhrasePart1 \
.groupby(['rela4']) \
.sample(n=100, replace=True)\
SubPhrasePart1.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_subphrase-relations_part1_Heb-I_exercises.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
SubPhrasePart2=SubPhrase[((SubPhrase['rela4'] == 'dem'))]
SubPhrasePart2 = SubPhrasePart2[((SubPhrasePart2['lex5'] != "H"))]
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
SubPhrasePart2=SubPhrasePart2 \
.groupby(['lex5']) \
.sample(n=17, replace=True)\
SubPhrasePart2.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_subphrase-relations_part2_Heb-I_exercises.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
SubPhraseAll = pd.concat([SubPhraseP1,SubPhraseP2], axis=0)
SubPhraseAll.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_subphrase-relations_all_Heb-I_exercises.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<1
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^i.*|geminate
word lex=LQX[
p1:phrase function=Subj|Objc|Pred|PreO|Nega
word bol_sequence_num_phrase* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_num_clause* bol_monad_num*
p2:phrase function=Subj|Objc|Pred|PreO|Nega
word bol_sequence_num_phrase* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_num_clause* bol_monad_num*
p3:phrase function=Subj|Objc|Pred|PreO|Nega
word bol_sequence_num_phrase* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_num_clause* bol_monad_num*
p1 < p2
p2 < p3
PhraseFunction0 = BHSa4c.search(PhraseFunction0)
BHSa4c.show(PhraseFunction0, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(PhraseFunction0, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_phrase_exercise.tsv')
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
PhraseFunction0=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_phrase_exercise.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
PhraseFunction0.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_phrase_Heb1_exercise.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
PhraseFunction0=PhraseFunction0 \
.groupby(['function2']) \
.sample(n=10, replace=True)\
PhraseFunction0.to_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_phrase_Heb1_exercise.csv', sep ='\t')
chapter book=Genesis chapter=19|20
clause typ* kind* rela* domain*
clause_atom rela*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
phrase function=Pred|PreO|PreS|PreC|Objc|Subj|Cmpl typ* rela* det*
phrase_atom function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST551Phrases1 = BHSa4c.search(OTST551Phrases1)
BHSa4c.show(OTST551Phrases1, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST551Phrases1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_phrase-syntax_Heb-I_OTST551-Glanz-course_FinalExamPhrases1.tsv')
clause typ* kind* rela* domain*
clause_atom rela*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
word lex=LQX[
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
phrase_atom function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_num_phrase* bol_sequence_num_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_num_clause* bol_sequence_num_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
PhraseFunction1 = BHSa4c.search(PhraseFunction1)
BHSa4c.show(PhraseFunction1, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(PhraseFunction1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_phrase-syntax_Heb-I_exercises.tsv')
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
phrase function=Pred|PreO|PreS|PreC|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|Voct|Nega typ* rela* det*
phrase_atom function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
c2:clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
phrase function=Pred|PreO|PreS|PreC|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|Voct|Nega typ* rela* det*
phrase_atom function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
c3:clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
phrase function=Pred|PreO|PreS|PreC|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|Voct|Nega typ* rela* det*
phrase_atom function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
c1 <: c2
c2 <: c3
PhraseFunction3 = BHSa4c.search(PhraseFunction3)
BHSa4c.show(PhraseFunction3, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(PhraseFunction3, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_Heb-I-Voc200_exercises.tsv')
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<100
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
phrase function=Pred|PreO|PreS|PreC|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|Voct|Nega typ* rela* det*
phrase_atom function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
c2:clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<100
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
phrase function=Pred|PreO|PreS|PreC|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|Voct|Nega typ* rela* det*
phrase_atom function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
c3:clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<100
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
phrase function=Pred|PreO|PreS|PreC|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|Voct|Nega typ* rela* det*
phrase_atom function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
c1 <: c2
c2 <: c3
PhraseFunction4 = BHSa4c.search(PhraseFunction4)
BHSa4c.show(PhraseFunction4, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(PhraseFunction4, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_Heb-II-Voc100_exercises.tsv')
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
phrase function=Pred|PreO|PreS|PreC|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|Voct|Nega typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
PhraseFunction5 = BHSa4c.search(PhraseFunction5)
BHSa4c.show(PhraseFunction5, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(PhraseFunction5, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_Heb-II-III_NoVocabLimit_exercises.tsv')
verse book=Genesis chapter=20 verse=6|7|8|9
clause typ* kind* rela* domain*
clause_atom rela*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl typ* det*
phrase_atom function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
OTST552Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part01 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part01)
BHSa4c.show(OTST552Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part01, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part01, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_phrase-syntax_Heb-II_Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part01.tsv')
v1:verse book=Reges_I
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<100
clause typ* kind* rela* domain*
clause_atom rela*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl typ* det*
phrase_atom function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<100
v1 <: v2
OTST552Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part02 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part02)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part02, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part02, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_phrase-syntax_Heb-II_Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part02.tsv')
v1:verse book=Reges_I chapter=3 verse=3
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<100
clause typ* kind* rela* domain*
clause_atom rela*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl typ* det*
phrase_atom function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
OTST552Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part02 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part02)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part02, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part02, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_phrase-syntax_Heb-II_Midterm_PhraseFunction_Part02.tsv')
clause typ* kind* rela* domain*
clause_atom rela*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<69
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
word lex=LQX[
p1:phrase function=Voct|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|PreS|PreO|PreC|Pred| typ* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
PhraseFunctionQualifier1 = BHSa4c.search(PhraseFunctionQualifier1)
BHSa4c.show(PhraseFunctionQualifier1, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(PhraseFunctionQualifier1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_QUALIFIER_exercises.tsv')
phrase_atom number rela
word bol_monad_num*
PhraseAtom = BHSa4c.search(PhraseAtom)
BHSa4c.show(PhraseAtom, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(PhraseAtom, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_phrase_atom.tsv')
clause typ number
ClauseFunction = BHSa4c.search(ClauseFunction)
BHSa4c.show(ClauseFunction, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(PhraseFunction, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_clause.tsv')
verse book=Genesis chapter=20 verse=6|7|8|9
clause typ#Voct kind* rela#RgRc|Resu|PreC|Coor|PrAd|Spec|ReVo|Adju domain*
clause_atom typ*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
OTST552Midterm_ClauseRela_Part01 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Midterm_ClauseRela_Part01)
BHSa4c.show(OTST552Midterm_ClauseRela_Part01, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Midterm_ClauseRela_Part01, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_clause-syntax_Heb-II_Midterm_ClauseRela_Part01.tsv')
chapter book=Genesis chapter=19|20
clause rela*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
OTST551ClauseAtomRela1 = BHSa4c.search(OTST551ClauseAtomRela1)
BHSa4c.show(OTST551ClauseAtomRela1, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST551ClauseAtomRela1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_phrase-syntax_Heb-I_OTST551-Glanz-course_FinalExamClauseAtomRela1.tsv')
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
c2:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
c1 <: c2
OTST551ClauseAtomRela1 = BHSa4c.search(OTST551ClauseAtomRela1)
BHSa4c.show(OTST551ClauseAtomRela1, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST551ClauseAtomRela1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_clause-rela_Heb-I-Vocab200_exercise.tsv')
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<100
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
c2:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<100
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
c1 <: c2
OTST552ClauseAtomRela1 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552ClauseAtomRela1)
BHSa4c.show(OTST552ClauseAtomRela1, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552ClauseAtomRela1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_clause-rela_Heb-II-Vocab100_exercise.tsv')
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|^gemi.*|^i.*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
OTST552ClauseAtomRela2 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552ClauseAtomRela2)
BHSa4c.show(OTST552ClauseAtomRela2, start=1, end=2, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552ClauseAtomRela2, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_clause-rela_Heb-II-III_NoVocabLimit_exercise.tsv')
clause_atom typ number
word bol_monad_num*
ClauseAtom = BHSa4c.search(ClauseAtom)
BHSa4c.show(ClauseAtom, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(ClauseAtom, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_clause_atom.tsv')
book book=Jona
clause typ rela=NA|Attr|Objc number
word bol_monad_num*
ClauseRelationsJonah1 = BHSa4c.search(ClauseRelationsJonah1)
BHSa4c.table(ClauseRelationsJonah1, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(ClauseRelationsJonah1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_clause-relations_Jonah.tsv')
sentence number
word bol_monad_num*
Sentence = BHSa4c.search(Sentence)
BHSa4c.show(Sentence, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(Sentence, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_sentence.tsv')
sentence_atom number
word bol_monad_num*
SentenceAtom = BHSa4c.search(SentenceAtom)
BHSa4c.show(SentenceAtom, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(SentenceAtom, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_sentence_atom.tsv')
BOL_ETCBC4c_data=pd.read_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercise-selection_20220701.xlsx', sheet_name='BOL_ETCBC4_database_20220630_nu')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
TF_ETCBC4c_subphrase=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_subphrase.tsv', delimiter='\t',encoding='utf-16')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
TF_ETCBC4c_subphrase.rename(columns={'bol_monad_num2':'monad_num', 'rela1':'subphrase_rela', 'TEXT1':'subphrase', 'TEXT2':'word'}, inplace=True)
TF_ETCBC4c_subphrase = TF_ETCBC4c_subphrase.drop(columns=['R','S1','S2','S3','TYPE1', 'NODE1', 'NODE2', 'TYPE2'])
TF_ETCBC4c_phrase=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_phrase.tsv', delimiter='\t',encoding='utf-16')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
TF_ETCBC4c_phrase.rename(columns={'bol_monad_num2':'monad_num', 'function1':'function', 'TEXT1':'phrase', 'number1':'phrase_number', 'typ1':'phrase_type'}, inplace=True)
TF_ETCBC4c_phrase = TF_ETCBC4c_phrase.drop(columns=['R','S1','S2','S3','TYPE1', 'NODE1', 'NODE2', 'TYPE2','TEXT2'])
TF_ETCBC4c_phrase_atom=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_phrase_atom.tsv', delimiter='\t',encoding='utf-16')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
TF_ETCBC4c_phrase_atom.rename(columns={'bol_monad_num2':'monad_num', 'TEXT1':'phrase_atom', 'rela1':'phrase_atom_rela','number1':'phrase_atom_number', 'typ1':'phrase_type'}, inplace=True)
TF_ETCBC4c_phrase_atom = TF_ETCBC4c_phrase_atom.drop(columns=['R','S1','S2','S3','TYPE1', 'NODE1', 'NODE2', 'TYPE2', 'TEXT2'])
TF_ETCBC4c_clause=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_clause.tsv', delimiter='\t',encoding='utf-16')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
TF_ETCBC4c_clause.rename(columns={'bol_monad_num2':'monad_num'}, inplace=True)
TF_ETCBC4c_clause = TF_ETCBC4c_clause.drop(columns=['R','S1','S2','S3','TEXT1','TYPE1', 'typ1','NODE1', 'NODE2', 'TYPE2','TEXT2','number1'])
TF_ETCBC4c_clause_atom=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_clause_atom.tsv', delimiter='\t',encoding='utf-16')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
TF_ETCBC4c_clause_atom.rename(columns={'bol_monad_num2':'monad_num', 'TEXT1':'clause_atom', 'rela1':'clause_atom_rela','typ1':'clause_atom_typ','number1':'clause_atom_number', 'typ1':'clause_atom_type'}, inplace=True)
TF_ETCBC4c_clause_atom = TF_ETCBC4c_clause_atom.drop(columns=['R','S1','S2','S3','TYPE1', 'NODE1', 'NODE2', 'TYPE2', 'TEXT2'])
TF_ETCBC4c_sentence=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_sentence.tsv', delimiter='\t',encoding='utf-16')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
TF_ETCBC4c_sentence.rename(columns={'bol_monad_num2':'monad_num'}, inplace=True)
TF_ETCBC4c_sentence = TF_ETCBC4c_sentence.drop(columns=['R','S1','S2','S3','TYPE1','TEXT1', 'NODE1', 'NODE2', 'TYPE2','TEXT2','number1'])
TF_ETCBC4c_sentence_atom=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_sentence_atom.tsv', delimiter='\t',encoding='utf-16')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
TF_ETCBC4c_sentence_atom.rename(columns={'bol_monad_num2':'monad_num', 'TEXT1':'sentence_atom', 'number1':'sentence_atom_number'}, inplace=True)
TF_ETCBC4c_sentence_atom = TF_ETCBC4c_sentence_atom.drop(columns=['R','S1','S2','S3','TYPE1', 'NODE1', 'NODE2', 'TYPE2', 'TEXT2'])
BOL_TF_4c_merge1=pd.merge(BOL_ETCBC4c_data, TF_ETCBC4c_subphrase,
BOL_TF_4c_merge2=pd.merge(BOL_TF_4c_merge1, TF_ETCBC4c_phrase_atom,
BOL_TF_4c_merge3=pd.merge(BOL_TF_4c_merge2, TF_ETCBC4c_phrase,
BOL_TF_4c_merge4=pd.merge(BOL_TF_4c_merge3, TF_ETCBC4c_clause_atom,
BOL_TF_4c_merge5=pd.merge(BOL_TF_4c_merge4, TF_ETCBC4c_clause,
BOL_TF_4c_merge6=pd.merge(BOL_TF_4c_merge5, TF_ETCBC4c_sentence_atom,
BOL_TF_4c_merge7=pd.merge(BOL_TF_4c_merge6, TF_ETCBC4c_sentence,
BOL_TF_4c_merge7.rename(columns={'verse':'reference','bol_monad_num2':'monad_num','S1':'book','S2':'chapter','S3':'verse','phrase_atom_y':'phrase_atom','phrase_type_y':'phrase_type'}, inplace=True)
BOL_TF_4c_merge7 = BOL_TF_4c_merge7.drop(columns=['R','TYPE1','TEXT1', 'word'])
BOL_TF_4c_merge = BOL_TF_4c_merge7
BOL_TF_4c_merge.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BOL_ETCBC_4c_complete-database_20220701.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
Here are the classes:
position i | position ii | position iii | position iv |
regular | |||
i-guttural | ii-guttural | iii-guttural | |
i-aleph | iii-aleph | ||
i-waw | ii-waw | ||
i-yod | ii-yod | ||
i-nun | |||
geminate | |||
iii-hey | |||
iv-root |
verse book=Genesis chapter=1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10
word lex=W|H|L|B|>T|MN|JHWH/|<L|>L|>CR|KL/|>MR[|L>|BN/|KJ|HJH[|K|<FH[|>LHJM/|BW>[ number* freq_occ* rank_occ* bol_dict_abc*
HebrewWordRank_1to20 = BHSa4c.search(HebrewWordRank_1to20)
BHSa4c.table(HebrewWordRank_1to20, start=1, end=23, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(HebrewWordRank_1to20, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/4001_publication-presentation/0_pub-book_2023_HebrewVocabBooklet', toFile='HebrewWordRank_1to20.tsv')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
No we only want to show the first two appearances of each word bu using the nth
See the discussion here: https://www.statology.org/pandas-first-row-of-each-group/
HebrewWordRank_1to20.groupby('lex2').nth((0,1)).sort_values(['bol_dict_abc2'], ascending=True)
list=HebrewWordRank_1to20.groupby('lex2').nth((0,1)).sort_values(['bol_dict_abc2'], ascending=True)
word lex* bol_dict_HebArm* number* freq_occ* rank_occ* bol_dict_abc*
HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab = BHSa4c.search(HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab)
BHSa4c.table(HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab, start=1, end=23, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/4001_publication-presentation/0_pub-book_2023_HebrewVocabBooklet', toFile='HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab.tsv')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab.groupby('lex1').nth((0,1)).sort_values(['rank_occ1','bol_dict_abc1'], ascending=True)
HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab=HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab.groupby('lex1').nth((0,1)).sort_values(['rank_occ1','bol_dict_abc1'], ascending=True)
## Loading the DataFrame containing all words of the OT
BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
## Selecting only Hebrew words and only verbs
BibleOL_verbal_morphology = BibleOL_verbal_morphology[(BibleOL_verbal_morphology['pdp1'] == 'verb')
& (BibleOL_verbal_morphology['language1'] == 'Hebrew')]
# For later sorting in excel we need to duplicate important values
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BibleOL_verbal_morphology_select1=BibleOL_verbal_morphology \
'prs_gn1']) \
.nth((0,1)) \
def sortingaidVC(row):
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'regular':
return '01_regular'
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'i-guttural':
return '02_i-guttural'
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'ii-guttural':
return '03_ii-guttural'
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'iii-guttural':
return '04_iii-guttural'
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'i-aleph':
return '05_i-aleph'
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'iii-aleph':
return '06_iii-aleph'
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'i-nun':
return '07_i-nun'
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'i-waw':
return '08_i-waw'
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'i-yod':
return '09_i-yod'
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'iii-hey':
return '10_iii-hey'
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'ii-waw':
return '11_ii-waw'
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'ii-yod':
return '12_ii-yod'
if row['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'geminate':
return '13_geminate'
return '100'
def sortingaidVS(row):
if row['vs1'] == 'qal':
return '01_qal'
if row['vs1'] == 'nif':
return '02_nif'
if row['vs1'] == 'piel':
return '03_piel'
if row['vs1'] == 'pual':
return '04_pual'
if row['vs1'] == 'hit':
return '05_hit'
if row['vs1'] == 'hif':
return '06_hif'
if row['vs1'] == 'hof':
return '07_hof'
return '100'
def sortingaidVT(row):
if row['bol_vt1'] == 'perf':
return '01_perf'
if row['bol_vt1'] == 'impf':
return '02_impf'
if row['bol_vt1'] == 'wayq':
return '03_wayq'
if row['bol_vt1'] == 'coho':
return '04_coho'
if row['bol_vt1'] == 'juss':
return '05_juss'
if row['bol_vt1'] == 'impv':
return '06_impv'
if row['bol_vt1'] == 'infc':
return '07_infc'
if row['bol_vt1'] == 'infa':
return '08_infa'
if row['bol_vt1'] == 'ptca':
return '09_ptca'
if row['bol_vt1'] == 'ptcp':
return '10_ptcp'
return '100'
BibleOL_verbal_morphologyOrganized = BibleOL_verbal_morphology
BibleOL_verbal_morphologyOrganized['vs1']=BibleOL_verbal_morphologyOrganized.apply(lambda row : sortingaidVS(row), axis = 1)
BibleOL_verbal_morphologyOrganized['bol_vt1']=BibleOL_verbal_morphologyOrganized.apply(lambda row : sortingaidVT(row), axis = 1)
BibleOL_verbal_morphologyOrganized['bol_dict_vc1']=BibleOL_verbal_morphologyOrganized.apply(lambda row : sortingaidVC(row), axis = 1)
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BibleOL_verbal_morphology_select1=BibleOL_verbal_morphologyOrganized \
'prs_gn1']) \
.nth((0,1)) \
BibleOL_verbal_morphology_select1.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/HebrewVerbalMorphologySelection_2perForm.xlsx')
VocabStats=pd.read_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/GLI/BibleOL_dictionary_vebal-classes_project/ETCBC4-frequency4.04_progression.xlsx', sheet_name='Hebrew_BibleOL-updated_20210501')
#VocabStats=pd.read_excel('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/GLI/BibleOL_dictionary_vebal-classes_project/ETCBC4-frequency4.04_progression.xlsx', sheet_name='Hebrew_BibleOL-updated_20210501')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
VocabStats[(VocabStats['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'] == 'Section_no01')].sort_values(['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'], ascending=[True]).count()
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
BHSallWordsHebrew = BHSallWords[(BHSallWords['language1'] == 'Hebrew')]
VocabStatsMerge=pd.merge(BHSallWordsHebrew,VocabStats, on='lex', how='outer')
VocabStatsMerge.sort_values(['R'], ascending=[True]).head()
SectionNo1BHS = VocabStatsMerge[
(VocabStatsMerge['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'] == 'Section_no01')
& (VocabStatsMerge['language1'] == 'Hebrew')
].sort_values(['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'], ascending=[True])
SectionNo2BHS = VocabStatsMerge[
(VocabStatsMerge['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'] == 'Section_no02')
& (VocabStatsMerge['language1'] == 'Hebrew')
].sort_values(['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'], ascending=[True])
SectionNo3BHS = VocabStatsMerge[
(VocabStatsMerge['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'] == 'Section_no03')
& (VocabStatsMerge['language1'] == 'Hebrew')
].sort_values(['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'], ascending=[True])
SectionNo4BHS = VocabStatsMerge[
(VocabStatsMerge['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'] == 'Section_no04')
& (VocabStatsMerge['language1'] == 'Hebrew')
].sort_values(['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'], ascending=[True])
SectionNo1Booklet=VocabStats[(VocabStats['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'] == 'Section_no01')].sort_values(['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'], ascending=[True])
SectionNo2Booklet=VocabStats[(VocabStats['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'] == 'Section_no02')].sort_values(['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'], ascending=[True])
SectionNo3Booklet=VocabStats[(VocabStats['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'] == 'Section_no03')].sort_values(['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'], ascending=[True])
SectionNo4Booklet=VocabStats[(VocabStats['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'] == 'Section_no04')].sort_values(['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection'], ascending=[True])
HowManySectionNo1WordsInBHS = 100/len(VocabStatsMerge)*len(SectionNo1BHS)
HowManySectionNo2WordsInBHS = 100/len(VocabStatsMerge)*len(SectionNo2BHS)
HowManySectionNo3WordsInBHS = 100/len(VocabStatsMerge)*len(SectionNo3BHS)
HowManySectionNo4WordsInBHS = 100/len(VocabStatsMerge)*len(SectionNo4BHS)
x = HowManySectionNo1WordsInBHS + HowManySectionNo2WordsInBHS
x = HowManySectionNo1WordsInBHS + HowManySectionNo2WordsInBHS + HowManySectionNo3WordsInBHS
x = HowManySectionNo1WordsInBHS + HowManySectionNo2WordsInBHS + HowManySectionNo3WordsInBHS + HowManySectionNo4WordsInBHS
VocabStatsMerge.groupby(['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection']).sum().plot(kind='pie', y='R', subplots=True, shadow = True,startangle=45,figsize=(15,10), autopct='%1.1f%%')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
VocabStatsMerge.BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection.value_counts(sort=False).plot.pie(autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=True, startangle=45)
plt.pie(VocabStatsMerge["R"], labels=VocabStatsMerge.groupby(['BiblicalHebrewVocabularyBuilderSection']).sum())
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Object': ['Bulb', 'Lamp', 'Table', 'Pen', 'Notebook'],
'Price': [45, 38, 90, 60, 40]
# plotting a pie chart
plt.pie(df["Price"], labels=df["Object"])
word g_word_noaccent g_word_utf8_noaccent g_lex_utf8 voc_lex_utf8 lex bol_dict_HebArm sp=subs nu=pl st=a prs_ps#p1|p2|p3 language=Hebrew
IrregularNouns1 = BHSa4c.search(IrregularNouns1)
BHSa4c.show(IrregularNouns1, start=1, end=23, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(IrregularNouns1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew', toFile='IrregularNouns_pl-abs.tsv')
word lex g_word_noaccent g_word_utf8_noaccent g_lex_utf8 voc_lex_utf8 bol_dict_HebArm sp=subs nu=sg st=c prs_ps#p1|p2|p3 language=Hebrew
IrregularNouns2 = BHSa4c.search(IrregularNouns2)
BHSa4c.show(IrregularNouns2, start=1, end=23, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(IrregularNouns2, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew', toFile='IrregularNouns_sg-cs.tsv')
word sp=verb lex bol_dict_HebArm language=Hebrew vs bol_fa_order bol_lex_occ bol_dict_abc
VerbalStemsPririty = BHSa4c.search(VerbalStemsPririty)
BHSa4c.table(VerbalStemsPririty, start=1, end=10, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(VerbalStemsPririty, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew', toFile='BHSa4c_verbal_stem-priority.tsv')
stempriority=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_verbal_stem-priority.tsv', delimiter='\t',encoding='utf-16')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 20)
stempriority.groupby(['bol_dict_HebArm1','bol_fa_order1','vs1']).count().sort_values(['bol_fa_order1','R', 'vs1',], ascending=[True,False,True])
stempriorityexport=stempriority.groupby(['bol_dict_HebArm1','bol_fa_order1','vs1']).count().sort_values(['bol_fa_order1','R', 'vs1',], ascending=[True,False,True])
stempriorityexport.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/stempriority2.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
The following texts are being used by the OTST teachers:
Genesis:1, 3, 6, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26
Exodus: 20
Judges: 19
1 Samuel: 1
2 Kings: 6
Ruth: 1, 2,
Jeremiah: 37, 38, 39
Psalms: 1, 3
Jonah: 1
word lex* bol_dict_HebArm* bol_dict_EN number* g_word_noaccent* freq_occ* rank_occ* bol_fa_order* bol_dict_vc* sp* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_dict_abc* language* bol_monad_num* qere_utf8* g_word_utf8* g_lex_utf8* bol_g_word_utf8* bol_qere_presence*
HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab = BHSa4c.search(HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab)
BHSa4c.table(HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab, start=1, end=5, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(HebrewWordRank_BibleOL_Vocab, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_vocab_exercises_HebI-II-III.tsv')
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_vocab_exercises_HebI-II-III.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_fa_order1 | bol_g_word_utf81 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | freq_occ1 | g_lex_utf81 | g_word_noaccent1 | g_word_utf81 | language1 | lex1 | number1 | qere_utf81 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 1 | word | בְּ | in, at (time, place); with; by; by means of | בְּ | 834 | NaN | 4 | בְּ | 15541 | 1 | 0 | 14194 | בְּ | B.:- | בְּ | Hebrew | B | 1 | NaN | 3 | prep |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 2 | word | רֵאשִׁ֖ית | beginning, first | רֵאשִׁית | 7117 | NaN | 716 | רֵאשִׁ֖ית | 51 | 2 | 0 | 45 | רֵאשִׁית | R;>CIJT | רֵאשִׁ֖ית | Hebrew | R>CJT/ | 2 | NaN | 868 | subs |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 748 | בָּרָ֣א | 48 | 3 | 0 | 15 | בָּרָא | B.@R@> | בָּרָ֣א | Hebrew | BR>[ | 3 | NaN | 2341 | verb |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 4 | word | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | God; gods; god | אֱלֹהִים | 412 | NaN | 19 | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | 2601 | 4 | 0 | 1177 | אֱלֹה | >:ELOHIJM | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | Hebrew | >LHJM/ | 4 | NaN | 31 | subs |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 5 | word | אֵ֥ת | <OM>; object marker | אֵת I | 815 | NaN | 5 | אֵ֥ת | 11016 | 5 | 0 | 9743 | אֵת | >;T | אֵ֥ת | Hebrew | >T | 5 | NaN | 4 | prep |
& (BHSallWords['bol_lexeme_occurrences1']>=200)
& (~BHSallWords['g_word_noaccent1'].astype(str).str.contains("^\*"))
& (~BHSallWords['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains("four.*verb"))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_fa_order1 | bol_g_word_utf81 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | freq_occ1 | g_lex_utf81 | g_word_noaccent1 | g_word_utf81 | language1 | lex1 | number1 | qere_utf81 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 1 | word | בְּ | in, at (time, place); with; by; by means of | בְּ | 834 | NaN | 4 | בְּ | 15541 | 1 | 0 | 14194 | בְּ | B.:- | בְּ | Hebrew | B | 1 | NaN | 3 | prep |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 4 | word | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | God; gods; god | אֱלֹהִים | 412 | NaN | 19 | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | 2601 | 4 | 0 | 1177 | אֱלֹה | >:ELOHIJM | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | Hebrew | >LHJM/ | 4 | NaN | 31 | subs |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 5 | word | אֵ֥ת | <OM>; object marker | אֵת I | 815 | NaN | 5 | אֵ֥ת | 11016 | 5 | 0 | 9743 | אֵת | >;T | אֵ֥ת | Hebrew | >T | 5 | NaN | 4 | prep |
5 | 6 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 6 | word | הַ | the (art) | הַ I | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הַ | 30380 | 6 | 0 | 24664 | הַ | HA- | הַ | Hebrew | H | 6 | NaN | 1 | art |
6 | 7 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 7 | word | שָּׁמַ֖יִם | heaven; sky | שָׁמַיִם | 7832 | NaN | 123 | שָּׁמַ֖יִם | 421 | 7 | 0 | 395 | שָּׁמַי | C.@MAJIM | שָּׁמַ֖יִם | Hebrew | CMJM/ | 7 | NaN | 85 | subs |
¶BHSallHebrewWords_OTST551_selection_of_random3=BHSallHebrewWords_OTST551.groupby('bol_dict_HebArm1').sample(n=3, replace=True).sort_values(['rank_occ1','bol_dict_abc1'], ascending=True)
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_fa_order1 | bol_g_word_utf81 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | freq_occ1 | g_lex_utf81 | g_word_noaccent1 | g_word_utf81 | language1 | lex1 | number1 | qere_utf81 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | |
167665 | 167666 | 2_Samuel | 13 | 24 | 167666 | word | וַ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וַ | 50273 | 167665 | 0 | 50238 | וַ | WA- | וַ | Hebrew | W | 7201 | NaN | 0 | conj |
348915 | 348916 | Proverbs | 8 | 9 | 348916 | word | וִֽ֝ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וִֽ֝ | 50273 | 348915 | 0 | 50238 | וִ | WI- | וִֽ֝ | Hebrew | W | 1984 | NaN | 0 | conj |
379264 | 379265 | Ezra | 3 | 7 | 379265 | word | וְ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וְ | 50273 | 379264 | 0 | 50238 | וְ | W:- | וְ | Hebrew | W | 1119 | NaN | 0 | conj |
181260 | 181261 | 1_Kings | 7 | 19 | 181261 | word | הָ | the (art) | הַ I | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הָ | 30380 | 181260 | 0 | 24664 | הָ | H@- | הָ | Hebrew | H | 5184 | NaN | 1 | art |
5010 | 5011 | Genesis | 11 | 3 | 5011 | word | הַ֣ | the (art) | הַ I | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הַ֣ | 30380 | 5011 | 0 | 24664 | הַ | HA- | הַ֣ | Hebrew | H | 5011 | NaN | 1 | art |
BHSallHebrewWords_OTST551_selection_of_random3.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_monad_num1", keep='first', inplace=True)
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_fa_order1 | bol_g_word_utf81 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | freq_occ1 | g_lex_utf81 | g_word_noaccent1 | g_word_utf81 | language1 | lex1 | number1 | qere_utf81 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | |
167665 | 167666 | 2_Samuel | 13 | 24 | 167666 | word | וַ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וַ | 50273 | 167665 | 0 | 50238 | וַ | WA- | וַ | Hebrew | W | 7201 | NaN | 0 | conj |
348915 | 348916 | Proverbs | 8 | 9 | 348916 | word | וִֽ֝ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וִֽ֝ | 50273 | 348915 | 0 | 50238 | וִ | WI- | וִֽ֝ | Hebrew | W | 1984 | NaN | 0 | conj |
379264 | 379265 | Ezra | 3 | 7 | 379265 | word | וְ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וְ | 50273 | 379264 | 0 | 50238 | וְ | W:- | וְ | Hebrew | W | 1119 | NaN | 0 | conj |
181260 | 181261 | 1_Kings | 7 | 19 | 181261 | word | הָ | the (art) | הַ I | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הָ | 30380 | 181260 | 0 | 24664 | הָ | H@- | הָ | Hebrew | H | 5184 | NaN | 1 | art |
5010 | 5011 | Genesis | 11 | 3 | 5011 | word | הַ֣ | the (art) | הַ I | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הַ֣ | 30380 | 5011 | 0 | 24664 | הַ | HA- | הַ֣ | Hebrew | H | 5011 | NaN | 1 | art |
& (BHSallWords['bol_lexeme_occurrences1']>=100)
& (~BHSallWords['g_word_noaccent1'].astype(str).str.contains("^\*"))
& (~BHSallWords['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains("four.*verb"))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_fa_order1 | bol_g_word_utf81 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | freq_occ1 | g_lex_utf81 | g_word_noaccent1 | g_word_utf81 | language1 | lex1 | number1 | qere_utf81 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 1 | word | בְּ | in, at (time, place); with; by; by means of | בְּ | 834 | NaN | 4 | בְּ | 15541 | 1 | 0 | 14194 | בְּ | B.:- | בְּ | Hebrew | B | 1 | NaN | 3 | prep |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 4 | word | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | God; gods; god | אֱלֹהִים | 412 | NaN | 19 | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | 2601 | 4 | 0 | 1177 | אֱלֹה | >:ELOHIJM | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | Hebrew | >LHJM/ | 4 | NaN | 31 | subs |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 5 | word | אֵ֥ת | <OM>; object marker | אֵת I | 815 | NaN | 5 | אֵ֥ת | 11016 | 5 | 0 | 9743 | אֵת | >;T | אֵ֥ת | Hebrew | >T | 5 | NaN | 4 | prep |
5 | 6 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 6 | word | הַ | the (art) | הַ I | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הַ | 30380 | 6 | 0 | 24664 | הַ | HA- | הַ | Hebrew | H | 6 | NaN | 1 | art |
6 | 7 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 7 | word | שָּׁמַ֖יִם | heaven; sky | שָׁמַיִם | 7832 | NaN | 123 | שָּׁמַ֖יִם | 421 | 7 | 0 | 395 | שָּׁמַי | C.@MAJIM | שָּׁמַ֖יִם | Hebrew | CMJM/ | 7 | NaN | 85 | subs |
¶BHSallHebrewWords_OTST552_nth3=BHSallHebrewWords_OTST552.groupby('bol_dict_HebArm1').nth((0,1,2)).sort_values(['rank_occ1','bol_dict_abc1'], ascending=True)
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_fa_order1 | bol_g_word_utf81 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | freq_occ1 | g_lex_utf81 | g_word_noaccent1 | g_word_utf81 | language1 | lex1 | number1 | qere_utf81 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | |
bol_dict_HebArm1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
וְ | 8 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 8 | word | וְ | and; also, even (conj); but | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וְ | 50273 | 8 | 0 | 50238 | וְ | W:- | וְ | Hebrew | W | 8 | NaN | 0 | conj |
וְ | 17 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 17 | word | וָ | and; also, even (conj); but | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וָ | 50273 | 17 | 0 | 50238 | וָ | W@- | וָ | Hebrew | W | 17 | NaN | 0 | conj |
וְ | 12 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 12 | word | וְ | and; also, even (conj); but | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וְ | 50273 | 12 | 0 | 50238 | וְ | W:- | וְ | Hebrew | W | 12 | NaN | 0 | conj |
הַ I | 13 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 13 | word | הָ | the (art) | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הָ | 30380 | 13 | 0 | 24664 | הָ | H@- | הָ | Hebrew | H | 13 | NaN | 1 | art |
הַ I | 6 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 6 | word | הַ | the (art) | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הַ | 30380 | 6 | 0 | 24664 | הַ | HA- | הַ | Hebrew | H | 6 | NaN | 1 | art |
¶BHSallHebrewWords_OTST552_selection_of_random3=BHSallHebrewWords_OTST552.groupby('bol_dict_HebArm1').sample(n=3, replace=True).sort_values(['rank_occ1','bol_dict_abc1'], ascending=True)
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_fa_order1 | bol_g_word_utf81 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | freq_occ1 | g_lex_utf81 | g_word_noaccent1 | g_word_utf81 | language1 | lex1 | number1 | qere_utf81 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | |
151784 | 151785 | 1_Samuel | 17 | 44 | 151785 | word | וְ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וְ | 50273 | 151784 | 0 | 50238 | וְ | W:- | וְ | Hebrew | W | 10249 | NaN | 0 | conj |
127476 | 127477 | Judges | 1 | 2 | 127477 | word | וַ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וַ | 50273 | 127476 | 0 | 50238 | וַ | WA- | וַ | Hebrew | W | 26 | NaN | 0 | conj |
81121 | 81122 | Numbers | 17 | 20 | 81122 | word | וְ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וְ | 50273 | 81121 | 0 | 50238 | וְ | W:- | וְ | Hebrew | W | 11512 | NaN | 0 | conj |
337237 | 337238 | Job | 4 | 17 | 337238 | word | הַֽ֭ | <IH>, interrogative He | הֲ II | 1793 | NaN | 72 | הַֽ֭ | 743 | 337237 | 0 | 24664 | הַ | HA- | הַֽ֭ | Hebrew | H= | 1218 | NaN | 1 | inrg |
224024 | 224025 | Isaiah | 36 | 12 | 224025 | word | הֲ | <IH>, interrogative He | הֲ II | 1793 | NaN | 72 | הֲ | 743 | 224024 | 0 | 24664 | הֲ | H:A- | הֲ | Hebrew | H= | 11956 | NaN | 1 | inrg |
BHSallHebrewWords_OTST552_selection_of_random3.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_monad_num1", keep='first', inplace=True)
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_fa_order1 | bol_g_word_utf81 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | freq_occ1 | g_lex_utf81 | g_word_noaccent1 | g_word_utf81 | language1 | lex1 | number1 | qere_utf81 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | |
151784 | 151785 | 1_Samuel | 17 | 44 | 151785 | word | וְ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וְ | 50273 | 151784 | 0 | 50238 | וְ | W:- | וְ | Hebrew | W | 10249 | NaN | 0 | conj |
127476 | 127477 | Judges | 1 | 2 | 127477 | word | וַ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וַ | 50273 | 127476 | 0 | 50238 | וַ | WA- | וַ | Hebrew | W | 26 | NaN | 0 | conj |
81121 | 81122 | Numbers | 17 | 20 | 81122 | word | וְ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וְ | 50273 | 81121 | 0 | 50238 | וְ | W:- | וְ | Hebrew | W | 11512 | NaN | 0 | conj |
337237 | 337238 | Job | 4 | 17 | 337238 | word | הַֽ֭ | <IH>, interrogative He | הֲ II | 1793 | NaN | 72 | הַֽ֭ | 743 | 337237 | 0 | 24664 | הַ | HA- | הַֽ֭ | Hebrew | H= | 1218 | NaN | 1 | inrg |
224024 | 224025 | Isaiah | 36 | 12 | 224025 | word | הֲ | <IH>, interrogative He | הֲ II | 1793 | NaN | 72 | הֲ | 743 | 224024 | 0 | 24664 | הֲ | H:A- | הֲ | Hebrew | H= | 11956 | NaN | 1 | inrg |
& (BHSallWords['bol_lexeme_occurrences1']>=70)
& (~BHSallWords['g_word_noaccent1'].astype(str).str.contains("^\*"))
& (~BHSallWords['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains("four.*verb"))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_fa_order1 | bol_g_word_utf81 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | freq_occ1 | g_lex_utf81 | g_word_noaccent1 | g_word_utf81 | language1 | lex1 | number1 | qere_utf81 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 1 | word | בְּ | in, at (time, place); with; by; by means of | בְּ | 834 | NaN | 4 | בְּ | 15541 | 1 | 0 | 14194 | בְּ | B.:- | בְּ | Hebrew | B | 1 | NaN | 3 | prep |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 4 | word | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | God; gods; god | אֱלֹהִים | 412 | NaN | 19 | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | 2601 | 4 | 0 | 1177 | אֱלֹה | >:ELOHIJM | אֱלֹהִ֑ים | Hebrew | >LHJM/ | 4 | NaN | 31 | subs |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 5 | word | אֵ֥ת | <OM>; object marker | אֵת I | 815 | NaN | 5 | אֵ֥ת | 11016 | 5 | 0 | 9743 | אֵת | >;T | אֵ֥ת | Hebrew | >T | 5 | NaN | 4 | prep |
5 | 6 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 6 | word | הַ | the (art) | הַ I | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הַ | 30380 | 6 | 0 | 24664 | הַ | HA- | הַ | Hebrew | H | 6 | NaN | 1 | art |
6 | 7 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 7 | word | שָּׁמַ֖יִם | heaven; sky | שָׁמַיִם | 7832 | NaN | 123 | שָּׁמַ֖יִם | 421 | 7 | 0 | 395 | שָּׁמַי | C.@MAJIM | שָּׁמַ֖יִם | Hebrew | CMJM/ | 7 | NaN | 85 | subs |
¶BHSallHebrewWords_OTST625_selection_of_random3=BHSallHebrewWords_OTST625.groupby('bol_dict_HebArm1').sample(n=3, replace=True).sort_values(['rank_occ1','bol_dict_abc1'], ascending=True)
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_fa_order1 | bol_g_word_utf81 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | freq_occ1 | g_lex_utf81 | g_word_noaccent1 | g_word_utf81 | language1 | lex1 | number1 | qere_utf81 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | |
362447 | 362448 | Ecclesiastes | 9 | 5 | 362448 | word | וְ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וְ | 50273 | 362447 | 0 | 50238 | וְ | W:- | וְ | Hebrew | W | 3173 | NaN | 0 | conj |
414324 | 414325 | 2_Chronicles | 16 | 5 | 414325 | word | וַ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וַ | 50273 | 414324 | 0 | 50238 | וַ | WA- | וַ | Hebrew | W | 7505 | NaN | 0 | conj |
383061 | 383062 | Ezra | 10 | 14 | 383062 | word | וְ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וְ | 50273 | 383061 | 0 | 50238 | וְ | W:- | וְ | Hebrew | W | 4916 | NaN | 0 | conj |
153105 | 153106 | 1_Samuel | 19 | 11 | 153106 | word | הַ | the (art) | הַ I | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הַ | 30380 | 153105 | 0 | 24664 | הַ | HA- | הַ | Hebrew | H | 11570 | NaN | 1 | art |
333946 | 333947 | Psalms | 136 | 5 | 333947 | word | הַ֭ | the (art) | הַ I | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הַ֭ | 30380 | 333946 | 0 | 24664 | הַ | HA- | הַ֭ | Hebrew | H | 23298 | NaN | 1 | art |
BHSallHebrewWords_OTST625_selection_of_random3.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_monad_num1", keep='first', inplace=True)
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_fa_order1 | bol_g_word_utf81 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | freq_occ1 | g_lex_utf81 | g_word_noaccent1 | g_word_utf81 | language1 | lex1 | number1 | qere_utf81 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | |
362447 | 362448 | Ecclesiastes | 9 | 5 | 362448 | word | וְ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וְ | 50273 | 362447 | 0 | 50238 | וְ | W:- | וְ | Hebrew | W | 3173 | NaN | 0 | conj |
414324 | 414325 | 2_Chronicles | 16 | 5 | 414325 | word | וַ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וַ | 50273 | 414324 | 0 | 50238 | וַ | WA- | וַ | Hebrew | W | 7505 | NaN | 0 | conj |
383061 | 383062 | Ezra | 10 | 14 | 383062 | word | וְ | and; also, even (conj); but | וְ | 1952 | NaN | 1 | וְ | 50273 | 383061 | 0 | 50238 | וְ | W:- | וְ | Hebrew | W | 4916 | NaN | 0 | conj |
153105 | 153106 | 1_Samuel | 19 | 11 | 153106 | word | הַ | the (art) | הַ I | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הַ | 30380 | 153105 | 0 | 24664 | הַ | HA- | הַ | Hebrew | H | 11570 | NaN | 1 | art |
333946 | 333947 | Psalms | 136 | 5 | 333947 | word | הַ֭ | the (art) | הַ I | 1792 | NaN | 2 | הַ֭ | 30380 | 333946 | 0 | 24664 | הַ | HA- | הַ֭ | Hebrew | H | 23298 | NaN | 1 | art |
verse book=Reges_I chapter=21 verse=1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17
w1:word lex* bol_dict_HebArm* bol_dict_EN* number* freq_occ<700 sp#nmpr rank_occ* bol_fa_order* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_dict_abc* language* bol_monad_num* qere_utf8* g_word_utf8* g_lex_utf8* bol_g_word_utf8* bol_qere_presence*
w2:word lex* bol_dict_HebArm* bol_dict_EN* number* freq_occ>100 rank_occ* bol_fa_order* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_dict_abc* language* bol_monad_num* qere_utf8* g_word_utf8* g_lex_utf8* bol_g_word_utf8* bol_qere_presence*
w1 = w2
RegesVocab = BHSa4c.search(RegesVocab)
BHSa4c.table(RegesVocab, start=1, end=10, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
6.58s 58 results
n | p | verse | word | word |
1 | 1_Kings 21:1 | אַחַר֙ | אַחַר֙ | |
2 | 1_Kings 21:1 | דְּבָרִ֣ים | דְּבָרִ֣ים | |
3 | 1_Kings 21:2 | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | |
4 | 1_Kings 21:2 | טֹ֣וב | טֹ֣וב | |
5 | 1_Kings 21:2 | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | |
6 | 1_Kings 21:2 | טֹ֣וב | טֹ֣וב | |
7 | 1_Kings 21:2 | עֵינֶ֔יךָ | עֵינֶ֔יךָ | |
8 | 1_Kings 21:2 | כֶ֖סֶף | כֶ֖סֶף | |
9 | 1_Kings 21:4 | יָּבֹא֩ | יָּבֹא֩ | |
10 | 1_Kings 21:4 | בֵּיתֹ֜ו | בֵּיתֹ֜ו |
BHSa4c.export(RegesVocab, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_vocab_Reges21.tsv')
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
Reges21Vocab=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_vocab_Reges21.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | book1 | chapter1 | verse1 | NODE2 | TYPE2 | TEXT2 | bol_dict_EN2 | bol_dict_HebArm2 | bol_dict_abc2 | bol_fa_order2 | bol_g_word_utf82 | bol_lexeme_occurrences2 | bol_monad_num2 | bol_qere_presence2 | freq_occ2 | g_lex_utf82 | g_word_utf82 | language2 | lex2 | number2 | qere_utf82 | rank_occ2 | sp2 | NODE3 | TYPE3 | TEXT3 | bol_dict_EN3 | bol_dict_HebArm3 | bol_dict_abc3 | bol_fa_order3 | bol_g_word_utf83 | bol_lexeme_occurrences3 | bol_monad_num3 | bol_qere_presence3 | freq_occ3 | g_lex_utf83 | g_word_utf83 | language3 | lex3 | number3 | qere_utf83 | rank_occ3 | |
0 | 1 | 1_Kings | 21 | 1 | 1423723 | verse | וַיְהִ֗י אַחַר֙ הַדְּבָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֔לֶּה כֶּ֧רֶם... | Reges_I | 21 | 1 | 192989 | word | אַחַר֙ | behind, after; back side | אַחַר I | 304 | 75 | אַחַר֙ | 715 | 192988 | 0 | 156 | אַחַר | אַחַר֙ | Hebrew | >XR/ | 16912 | NaN | 281 | subs | 192989 | word | אַחַר֙ | behind, after; back side | אַחַר I | 304 | 75 | אַחַר֙ | 715 | 192988 | 0 | 156 | אַחַר | אַחַר֙ | Hebrew | >XR/ | 16912 | NaN | 281 |
1 | 2 | 1_Kings | 21 | 1 | 1423723 | verse | וַיְהִ֗י אַחַר֙ הַדְּבָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֔לֶּה כֶּ֧רֶם... | Reges_I | 21 | 1 | 192991 | word | דְּבָרִ֣ים | word; thing, matter; deed | דָּבָר I | 1619 | 32 | דְּבָרִ֣ים | 1441 | 192990 | 0 | 186 | דְּבָר | דְּבָרִ֣ים | Hebrew | DBR/ | 16914 | NaN | 228 | subs | 192991 | word | דְּבָרִ֣ים | word; thing, matter; deed | דָּבָר I | 1619 | 32 | דְּבָרִ֣ים | 1441 | 192990 | 0 | 186 | דְּבָר | דְּבָרִ֣ים | Hebrew | DBR/ | 16914 | NaN | 228 |
2 | 3 | 1_Kings | 21 | 2 | 1423724 | verse | וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר אַחְאָ֣ב אֶל־נָבֹ֣ות׀ לֵאמֹר֩׀ תְּ... | Reges_I | 21 | 2 | 193009 | word | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | qal: speak; ni: speak; pi: speak; pu: be spoke... | דבר I | 1616 | 39 | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | 1138 | 193008 | 0 | 240 | דַבֵּר | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | Hebrew | DBR[ | 16932 | NaN | 179 | verb | 193009 | word | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | qal: speak; ni: speak; pi: speak; pu: be spoke... | דבר I | 1616 | 39 | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | 1138 | 193008 | 0 | 240 | דַבֵּר | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | Hebrew | DBR[ | 16932 | NaN | 179 |
3 | 4 | 1_Kings | 21 | 2 | 1423724 | verse | וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר אַחְאָ֣ב אֶל־נָבֹ֣ות׀ לֵאמֹר֩׀ תְּ... | Reges_I | 21 | 2 | 193035 | word | טֹ֣וב | good (adj); goodness (n) | טֹוב I | 2797 | 112 | טֹ֣וב | 469 | 193034 | 0 | 423 | טֹוב | טֹ֣וב | Hebrew | VWB/ | 16958 | NaN | 79 | adjv | 193035 | word | טֹ֣וב | good (adj); goodness (n) | טֹוב I | 2797 | 112 | טֹ֣וב | 469 | 193034 | 0 | 423 | טֹוב | טֹ֣וב | Hebrew | VWB/ | 16958 | NaN | 79 |
4 | 5 | 1_Kings | 21 | 2 | 1423724 | verse | וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר אַחְאָ֣ב אֶל־נָבֹ֣ות׀ לֵאמֹר֩׀ תְּ... | Reges_I | 21 | 2 | 193036 | word | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | from, out of, part of, because of (prep); than... | מִן I | 4345 | 6 | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | 7562 | 193035 | 0 | 174 | מִמֶּןּ | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | Hebrew | MN | 16959 | NaN | 252 | prep | 193036 | word | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | from, out of, part of, because of (prep); than... | מִן I | 4345 | 6 | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | 7562 | 193035 | 0 | 174 | מִמֶּןּ | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | Hebrew | MN | 16959 | NaN | 252 |
R | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | chapter1 | verse1 | NODE2 | bol_dict_abc2 | bol_fa_order2 | bol_lexeme_occurrences2 | bol_monad_num2 | bol_qere_presence2 | freq_occ2 | number2 | qere_utf82 | rank_occ2 | NODE3 | bol_dict_abc3 | bol_fa_order3 | bol_lexeme_occurrences3 | bol_monad_num3 | bol_qere_presence3 | freq_occ3 | number3 | qere_utf83 | rank_occ3 | |
count | 58.000000 | 58.0 | 58.000000 | 5.800000e+01 | 58.0 | 58.000000 | 58.000000 | 58.000000 | 58.000000 | 58.000000 | 58.000000 | 58.0 | 58.000000 | 58.000000 | 0.0 | 58.000000 | 58.000000 | 58.000000 | 58.000000 | 58.000000 | 58.000000 | 58.0 | 58.000000 | 58.000000 | 0.0 | 58.000000 |
mean | 29.500000 | 21.0 | 8.500000 | 1.423730e+06 | 21.0 | 8.500000 | 193188.310345 | 3273.793103 | 70.913793 | 1852.465517 | 193187.310345 | 0.0 | 255.068966 | 17111.310345 | NaN | 202.775862 | 193188.310345 | 3273.793103 | 70.913793 | 1852.465517 | 193187.310345 | 0.0 | 255.068966 | 17111.310345 | NaN | 202.775862 |
std | 16.886879 | 0.0 | 4.758188 | 4.758188e+00 | 0.0 | 4.758188 | 114.658181 | 2525.936969 | 110.757248 | 1822.351250 | 114.658181 | 0.0 | 123.009180 | 114.658181 | NaN | 103.593342 | 114.658181 | 2525.936969 | 110.757248 | 1822.351250 | 114.658181 | 0.0 | 123.009180 | 114.658181 | NaN | 103.593342 |
min | 1.000000 | 21.0 | 1.000000 | 1.423723e+06 | 21.0 | 1.000000 | 192989.000000 | 170.000000 | 6.000000 | 44.000000 | 192988.000000 | 0.0 | 102.000000 | 16912.000000 | NaN | 53.000000 | 192989.000000 | 170.000000 | 6.000000 | 44.000000 | 192988.000000 | 0.0 | 102.000000 | 16912.000000 | NaN | 53.000000 |
25% | 15.250000 | 21.0 | 4.250000 | 1.423726e+06 | 21.0 | 4.250000 | 193097.750000 | 430.250000 | 25.000000 | 650.500000 | 193096.750000 | 0.0 | 158.000000 | 17020.750000 | NaN | 105.000000 | 193097.750000 | 430.250000 | 25.000000 | 650.500000 | 193096.750000 | 0.0 | 158.000000 | 17020.750000 | NaN | 105.000000 |
50% | 29.500000 | 21.0 | 7.000000 | 1.423729e+06 | 21.0 | 7.000000 | 193159.500000 | 3577.000000 | 40.500000 | 1086.000000 | 193158.500000 | 0.0 | 245.500000 | 17082.500000 | NaN | 176.000000 | 193159.500000 | 3577.000000 | 40.500000 | 1086.000000 | 193158.500000 | 0.0 | 245.500000 | 17082.500000 | NaN | 176.000000 |
75% | 43.750000 | 21.0 | 13.000000 | 1.423735e+06 | 21.0 | 13.000000 | 193282.000000 | 5268.000000 | 79.500000 | 2186.000000 | 193281.000000 | 0.0 | 351.000000 | 17205.000000 | NaN | 278.000000 | 193282.000000 | 5268.000000 | 79.500000 | 2186.000000 | 193281.000000 | 0.0 | 351.000000 | 17205.000000 | NaN | 278.000000 |
max | 58.000000 | 21.0 | 16.000000 | 1.423738e+06 | 21.0 | 16.000000 | 193370.000000 | 7905.000000 | 819.000000 | 7562.000000 | 193369.000000 | 0.0 | 634.000000 | 17293.000000 | NaN | 416.000000 | 193370.000000 | 7905.000000 | 819.000000 | 7562.000000 | 193369.000000 | 0.0 | 634.000000 | 17293.000000 | NaN | 416.000000 |
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Reges21Vocab=Reges21Vocab \
.groupby(['lex2']) \
.sample(n=1, replace=True)\
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | book1 | chapter1 | verse1 | NODE2 | TYPE2 | TEXT2 | bol_dict_EN2 | bol_dict_HebArm2 | bol_dict_abc2 | bol_fa_order2 | bol_g_word_utf82 | bol_lexeme_occurrences2 | bol_monad_num2 | bol_qere_presence2 | freq_occ2 | g_lex_utf82 | g_word_utf82 | language2 | lex2 | number2 | qere_utf82 | rank_occ2 | sp2 | NODE3 | TYPE3 | TEXT3 | bol_dict_EN3 | bol_dict_HebArm3 | bol_dict_abc3 | bol_fa_order3 | bol_g_word_utf83 | bol_lexeme_occurrences3 | bol_monad_num3 | bol_qere_presence3 | freq_occ3 | g_lex_utf83 | g_word_utf83 | language3 | lex3 | number3 | qere_utf83 | rank_occ3 | |
0 | 1 | 1_Kings | 21 | 1 | 1423723 | verse | וַיְהִ֗י אַחַר֙ הַדְּבָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֔לֶּה כֶּ֧רֶם... | Reges_I | 21 | 1 | 192989 | word | אַחַר֙ | behind, after; back side | אַחַר I | 304 | 75 | אַחַר֙ | 715 | 192988 | 0 | 156 | אַחַר | אַחַר֙ | Hebrew | >XR/ | 16912 | NaN | 281 | subs | 192989 | word | אַחַר֙ | behind, after; back side | אַחַר I | 304 | 75 | אַחַר֙ | 715 | 192988 | 0 | 156 | אַחַר | אַחַר֙ | Hebrew | >XR/ | 16912 | NaN | 281 |
1 | 2 | 1_Kings | 21 | 1 | 1423723 | verse | וַיְהִ֗י אַחַר֙ הַדְּבָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֔לֶּה כֶּ֧רֶם... | Reges_I | 21 | 1 | 192991 | word | דְּבָרִ֣ים | word; thing, matter; deed | דָּבָר I | 1619 | 32 | דְּבָרִ֣ים | 1441 | 192990 | 0 | 186 | דְּבָר | דְּבָרִ֣ים | Hebrew | DBR/ | 16914 | NaN | 228 | subs | 192991 | word | דְּבָרִ֣ים | word; thing, matter; deed | דָּבָר I | 1619 | 32 | דְּבָרִ֣ים | 1441 | 192990 | 0 | 186 | דְּבָר | דְּבָרִ֣ים | Hebrew | DBR/ | 16914 | NaN | 228 |
2 | 3 | 1_Kings | 21 | 2 | 1423724 | verse | וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר אַחְאָ֣ב אֶל־נָבֹ֣ות׀ לֵאמֹר֩׀ תְּ... | Reges_I | 21 | 2 | 193009 | word | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | qal: speak; ni: speak; pi: speak; pu: be spoke... | דבר I | 1616 | 39 | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | 1138 | 193008 | 0 | 240 | דַבֵּר | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | Hebrew | DBR[ | 16932 | NaN | 179 | verb | 193009 | word | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | qal: speak; ni: speak; pi: speak; pu: be spoke... | דבר I | 1616 | 39 | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | 1138 | 193008 | 0 | 240 | דַבֵּר | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | Hebrew | DBR[ | 16932 | NaN | 179 |
3 | 4 | 1_Kings | 21 | 2 | 1423724 | verse | וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר אַחְאָ֣ב אֶל־נָבֹ֣ות׀ לֵאמֹר֩׀ תְּ... | Reges_I | 21 | 2 | 193035 | word | טֹ֣וב | good (adj); goodness (n) | טֹוב I | 2797 | 112 | טֹ֣וב | 469 | 193034 | 0 | 423 | טֹוב | טֹ֣וב | Hebrew | VWB/ | 16958 | NaN | 79 | adjv | 193035 | word | טֹ֣וב | good (adj); goodness (n) | טֹוב I | 2797 | 112 | טֹ֣וב | 469 | 193034 | 0 | 423 | טֹוב | טֹ֣וב | Hebrew | VWB/ | 16958 | NaN | 79 |
4 | 5 | 1_Kings | 21 | 2 | 1423724 | verse | וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר אַחְאָ֣ב אֶל־נָבֹ֣ות׀ לֵאמֹר֩׀ תְּ... | Reges_I | 21 | 2 | 193036 | word | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | from, out of, part of, because of (prep); than... | מִן I | 4345 | 6 | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | 7562 | 193035 | 0 | 174 | מִמֶּןּ | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | Hebrew | MN | 16959 | NaN | 252 | prep | 193036 | word | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | from, out of, part of, because of (prep); than... | מִן I | 4345 | 6 | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | 7562 | 193035 | 0 | 174 | מִמֶּןּ | מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | Hebrew | MN | 16959 | NaN | 252 |
5 | 6 | 1_Kings | 21 | 2 | 1423724 | verse | וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר אַחְאָ֣ב אֶל־נָבֹ֣ות׀ לֵאמֹר֩׀ תְּ... | Reges_I | 21 | 2 | 193038 | word | טֹ֣וב | qal: be good, be pleasant; hi: act right; | טוב | 2800 | 819 | טֹ֣וב | 44 | 193037 | 0 | 423 | טֹוב | טֹ֣וב | Hebrew | VWB[ | 16961 | NaN | 79 | verb | 193038 | word | טֹ֣וב | qal: be good, be pleasant; hi: act right; | טוב | 2800 | 819 | טֹ֣וב | 44 | 193037 | 0 | 423 | טֹוב | טֹ֣וב | Hebrew | VWB[ | 16961 | NaN | 79 |
6 | 7 | 1_Kings | 21 | 2 | 1423724 | verse | וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר אַחְאָ֣ב אֶל־נָבֹ֣ות׀ לֵאמֹר֩׀ תְּ... | Reges_I | 21 | 2 | 193040 | word | עֵינֶ֔יךָ | eye; fountain | עַיִן I | 5742 | 52 | עֵינֶ֔יךָ | 887 | 193039 | 0 | 148 | עֵין | עֵינֶ֔יךָ | Hebrew | <JN/ | 16963 | NaN | 288 | subs | 193040 | word | עֵינֶ֔יךָ | eye; fountain | עַיִן I | 5742 | 52 | עֵינֶ֔יךָ | 887 | 193039 | 0 | 148 | עֵין | עֵינֶ֔יךָ | Hebrew | <JN/ | 16963 | NaN | 288 |
9 | 10 | 1_Kings | 21 | 4 | 1423726 | verse | וַיָּבֹא֩ אַחְאָ֨ב אֶל־בֵּיתֹ֜ו סַ֣ר וְזָעֵ֗ף ... | Reges_I | 21 | 4 | 193065 | word | בֵּיתֹ֜ו | house; family | בַּיִת | 957 | 27 | בֵּיתֹ֜ו | 2063 | 193064 | 0 | 169 | בֵּית | בֵּיתֹ֜ו | Hebrew | BJT/ | 16988 | NaN | 262 | subs | 193065 | word | בֵּיתֹ֜ו | house; family | בַּיִת | 957 | 27 | בֵּיתֹ֜ו | 2063 | 193064 | 0 | 169 | בֵּית | בֵּיתֹ֜ו | Hebrew | BJT/ | 16988 | NaN | 262 |
12 | 13 | 1_Kings | 21 | 4 | 1423726 | verse | וַיָּבֹא֩ אַחְאָ֨ב אֶל־בֵּיתֹ֜ו סַ֣ר וְזָעֵ֗ף ... | Reges_I | 21 | 4 | 193093 | word | פָּנָ֖יו | face; surface; front | פָּנֶה I | 6317 | 26 | פָּנָ֖יו | 2127 | 193092 | 0 | 251 | פָּן | פָּנָ֖יו | Hebrew | PNH/ | 17016 | NaN | 173 | subs | 193093 | word | פָּנָ֖יו | face; surface; front | פָּנֶה I | 6317 | 26 | פָּנָ֖יו | 2127 | 193092 | 0 | 251 | פָּן | פָּנָ֖יו | Hebrew | PNH/ | 17016 | NaN | 173 |
13 | 14 | 1_Kings | 21 | 4 | 1423726 | verse | וַיָּבֹא֩ אַחְאָ֨ב אֶל־בֵּיתֹ֜ו סַ֣ר וְזָעֵ֗ף ... | Reges_I | 21 | 4 | 193096 | word | אָ֥כַל | qal: eat, devour; qal pass: eat; ni: be eaten;... | אכל | 383 | 61 | אָ֥כַל | 810 | 193095 | 0 | 164 | אָכַל | אָ֥כַל | Hebrew | >KL[ | 17019 | NaN | 269 | verb | 193096 | word | אָ֥כַל | qal: eat, devour; qal pass: eat; ni: be eaten;... | אכל | 383 | 61 | אָ֥כַל | 810 | 193095 | 0 | 164 | אָכַל | אָ֥כַל | Hebrew | >KL[ | 17019 | NaN | 269 |
16 | 17 | 1_Kings | 21 | 5 | 1423727 | verse | וַתָּבֹ֥א אֵלָ֖יו אִיזֶ֣בֶל אִשְׁתֹּ֑ו וַתְּדַ... | Reges_I | 21 | 5 | 193105 | word | אֵלָ֗יו | toward (prep), unto; towards | אֶל I | 392 | 9 | אֵלָ֗יו | 5517 | 193104 | 0 | 430 | אֵלָי | אֵלָ֗יו | Hebrew | >L | 17028 | NaN | 77 | prep | 193105 | word | אֵלָ֗יו | toward (prep), unto; towards | אֶל I | 392 | 9 | אֵלָ֗יו | 5517 | 193104 | 0 | 430 | אֵלָי | אֵלָ֗יו | Hebrew | >L | 17028 | NaN | 77 |
17 | 18 | 1_Kings | 21 | 5 | 1423727 | verse | וַתָּבֹ֥א אֵלָ֖יו אִיזֶ֣בֶל אִשְׁתֹּ֑ו וַתְּדַ... | Reges_I | 21 | 5 | 193106 | word | מַה־ | what (interr), how (interr) | מָה | 3970 | 91 | מַה | 573 | 193105 | 0 | 567 | מַה | מַה | Hebrew | MH | 17029 | NaN | 63 | prin | 193106 | word | מַה־ | what (interr), how (interr) | מָה | 3970 | 91 | מַה | 573 | 193105 | 0 | 567 | מַה | מַה | Hebrew | MH | 17029 | NaN | 63 |
22 | 23 | 1_Kings | 21 | 6 | 1423728 | verse | וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר אֵלֶ֗יהָ כִּֽי־אֲ֠דַבֵּר אֶל־נָבֹ֨... | Reges_I | 21 | 6 | 193132 | word | אֹ֚ו | or, or even | אֹו | 170 | 155 | אֹ֚ו | 320 | 193131 | 0 | 321 | אֹו | אֹ֚ו | Hebrew | >W | 17055 | NaN | 114 | conj | 193132 | word | אֹ֚ו | or, or even | אֹו | 170 | 155 | אֹ֚ו | 320 | 193131 | 0 | 321 | אֹו | אֹ֚ו | Hebrew | >W | 17055 | NaN | 114 |
24 | 25 | 1_Kings | 21 | 7 | 1423729 | verse | וַתֹּ֤אמֶר אֵלָיו֙ אִיזֶ֣בֶל אִשְׁתֹּ֔ו אַתָּ֕... | Reges_I | 21 | 7 | 193148 | word | תֹּ֤אמֶר | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | 12 | תֹּ֤אמֶר | 5307 | 193147 | 0 | 259 | אמֶר | תֹּ֤אמֶר | Hebrew | >MR[ | 17071 | NaN | 157 | verb | 193148 | word | תֹּ֤אמֶר | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | 12 | תֹּ֤אמֶר | 5307 | 193147 | 0 | 259 | אמֶר | תֹּ֤אמֶר | Hebrew | >MR[ | 17071 | NaN | 157 |
26 | 27 | 1_Kings | 21 | 7 | 1423729 | verse | וַתֹּ֤אמֶר אֵלָיו֙ אִיזֶ֣בֶל אִשְׁתֹּ֔ו אַתָּ֕... | Reges_I | 21 | 7 | 193153 | word | עַתָּ֛ה | now | עַתָּה | 6136 | 119 | עַתָּ֛ה | 433 | 193152 | 0 | 435 | עַתָּה | עַתָּ֛ה | Hebrew | <TH | 17076 | NaN | 75 | advb | 193153 | word | עַתָּ֛ה | now | עַתָּה | 6136 | 119 | עַתָּ֛ה | 433 | 193152 | 0 | 435 | עַתָּה | עַתָּ֛ה | Hebrew | <TH | 17076 | NaN | 75 |
27 | 28 | 1_Kings | 21 | 7 | 1423729 | verse | וַתֹּ֤אמֶר אֵלָיו֙ אִיזֶ֣בֶל אִשְׁתֹּ֔ו אַתָּ֕... | Reges_I | 21 | 7 | 193154 | word | תַּעֲשֶׂ֥ה | qal: do, make; ni: be made, done; pi: press, s... | עשׂה | 6118 | 18 | תַּעֲשֶׂ֥ה | 2629 | 193153 | 0 | 141 | עֲשֶׂה | תַּעֲשֶׂ֥ה | Hebrew | <FH[ | 17077 | NaN | 303 | verb | 193154 | word | תַּעֲשֶׂ֥ה | qal: do, make; ni: be made, done; pi: press, s... | עשׂה | 6118 | 18 | תַּעֲשֶׂ֥ה | 2629 | 193153 | 0 | 141 | עֲשֶׂה | תַּעֲשֶׂ֥ה | Hebrew | <FH[ | 17077 | NaN | 303 |
29 | 30 | 1_Kings | 21 | 7 | 1423729 | verse | וַתֹּ֤אמֶר אֵלָיו֙ אִיזֶ֣בֶל אִשְׁתֹּ֔ו אַתָּ֕... | Reges_I | 21 | 7 | 193160 | word | לֶ֨חֶם֙ | bread, food | לֶחֶם I | 3774 | 164 | לֶ֨חֶם֙ | 298 | 193159 | 0 | 254 | לֶחֶם | לֶ֨חֶם֙ | Hebrew | LXM/ | 17083 | NaN | 168 | subs | 193160 | word | לֶ֨חֶם֙ | bread, food | לֶחֶם I | 3774 | 164 | לֶ֨חֶם֙ | 298 | 193159 | 0 | 254 | לֶחֶם | לֶ֨חֶם֙ | Hebrew | LXM/ | 17083 | NaN | 168 |
R | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | chapter1 | verse1 | NODE2 | bol_dict_abc2 | bol_fa_order2 | bol_lexeme_occurrences2 | bol_monad_num2 | bol_qere_presence2 | freq_occ2 | number2 | qere_utf82 | rank_occ2 | NODE3 | bol_dict_abc3 | bol_fa_order3 | bol_lexeme_occurrences3 | bol_monad_num3 | bol_qere_presence3 | freq_occ3 | number3 | qere_utf83 | rank_occ3 | |
count | 29.000000 | 29.0 | 29.000000 | 2.900000e+01 | 29.0 | 29.000000 | 29.000000 | 29.000000 | 29.000000 | 29.000000 | 29.000000 | 29.0 | 29.000000 | 29.000000 | 0.0 | 29.000000 | 29.000000 | 29.000000 | 29.000000 | 29.000000 | 29.000000 | 29.0 | 29.000000 | 29.000000 | 0.0 | 29.000000 |
mean | 27.413793 | 21.0 | 7.965517 | 1.423730e+06 | 21.0 | 7.965517 | 193174.344828 | 3560.310345 | 90.724138 | 1582.862069 | 193173.344828 | 0.0 | 276.586207 | 17097.344828 | NaN | 183.000000 | 193174.344828 | 3560.310345 | 90.724138 | 1582.862069 | 193173.344828 | 0.0 | 276.586207 | 17097.344828 | NaN | 183.000000 |
std | 19.019759 | 0.0 | 5.281252 | 5.281252e+00 | 0.0 | 5.281252 | 128.053916 | 2542.044496 | 148.840974 | 1757.232640 | 128.053916 | 0.0 | 133.926824 | 128.053916 | NaN | 90.427161 | 128.053916 | 2542.044496 | 148.840974 | 1757.232640 | 128.053916 | 0.0 | 133.926824 | 128.053916 | NaN | 90.427161 |
min | 1.000000 | 21.0 | 1.000000 | 1.423723e+06 | 21.0 | 1.000000 | 192989.000000 | 170.000000 | 6.000000 | 44.000000 | 192988.000000 | 0.0 | 124.000000 | 16912.000000 | NaN | 53.000000 | 192989.000000 | 170.000000 | 6.000000 | 44.000000 | 192988.000000 | 0.0 | 124.000000 | 16912.000000 | NaN | 53.000000 |
25% | 10.000000 | 21.0 | 4.000000 | 1.423726e+06 | 21.0 | 4.000000 | 193065.000000 | 957.000000 | 27.000000 | 573.000000 | 193064.000000 | 0.0 | 169.000000 | 16988.000000 | NaN | 96.000000 | 193065.000000 | 957.000000 | 27.000000 | 573.000000 | 193064.000000 | 0.0 | 169.000000 | 16988.000000 | NaN | 96.000000 |
50% | 27.000000 | 21.0 | 7.000000 | 1.423729e+06 | 21.0 | 7.000000 | 193153.000000 | 3577.000000 | 52.000000 | 887.000000 | 193152.000000 | 0.0 | 254.000000 | 17076.000000 | NaN | 168.000000 | 193153.000000 | 3577.000000 | 52.000000 | 887.000000 | 193152.000000 | 0.0 | 254.000000 | 17076.000000 | NaN | 168.000000 |
75% | 44.000000 | 21.0 | 13.000000 | 1.423735e+06 | 21.0 | 13.000000 | 193283.000000 | 5769.000000 | 91.000000 | 2063.000000 | 193282.000000 | 0.0 | 371.000000 | 17206.000000 | NaN | 262.000000 | 193283.000000 | 5769.000000 | 91.000000 | 2063.000000 | 193282.000000 | 0.0 | 371.000000 | 17206.000000 | NaN | 262.000000 |
max | 58.000000 | 21.0 | 16.000000 | 1.423738e+06 | 21.0 | 16.000000 | 193370.000000 | 7905.000000 | 819.000000 | 7562.000000 | 193369.000000 | 0.0 | 634.000000 | 17293.000000 | NaN | 348.000000 | 193370.000000 | 7905.000000 | 819.000000 | 7562.000000 | 193369.000000 | 0.0 | 634.000000 | 17293.000000 | NaN | 348.000000 |
Reges21Vocab.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/OTST551-2_exams_og/OTST552_week12_midterm-sample_Reges21_vocab_selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | language1 | lex1 | ps1 | nu1 | gn1 | number1 | pdp1 | prs_ps1 | prs_nu1 | prs_gn1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | vs1 | vt1 | course approved | regular verbs only | no suffix | transposition | paragogic nun | PielPualHitpael without DF | should be excluded | ambiguity not solved | ketiv-qere | quiz day | teaching days/weeks | select | learned vocab | |
0 | 6410 | Exodus | 14 | 12 | 36462 | word | נַֽעַבְדָ֣ה | 36462 | qal: serve; ni: be cultivated; pu: it is worke... | עבד | 5511 | i-guttural | 36461 | 0 | coho | 288 | 3 | NA<AB:D@H | Hebrew | <BD[ | p1 | pl | unknown | 7699 | verb | unknown | unknown | unknown | 7211 | verb | NaN | qal | impf | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | x | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 200.0 |
1 | 36183 | Isaiah | 21 | 4 | 218782 | word | בִּֽעֲתָ֑תְנִי | 218782 | ni: be terrified; pi: terrify; | בעת | 1137 | ii-guttural | 218781 | 0 | perf | 16 | 1 | B.I<:AT@T:NIJ | Hebrew | B<T[ | p3 | sg | f | 6713 | verb | p1 | sg | unknown | 12851 | verb | NaN | piel | perf | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | x | x | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2 | 60217 | Job | 18 | 11 | 340535 | word | בִּֽעֲתֻ֣הוּ | 340535 | ni: be terrified; pi: terrify; | בעת | 1137 | ii-guttural | 340534 | 0 | perf | 16 | 1 | B.I<:ATUHW. | Hebrew | B<T[ | p3 | pl | unknown | 4515 | verb | p3 | sg | m | 12851 | verb | NaN | piel | perf | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | x | x | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
3 | 32678 | 2_Kings | 6 | 17 | 198501 | word | מָלֵ֨א | 198501 | qal: be full, fill (with), be filled (with); n... | מלא | 4250 | iii-aleph | 198500 | 0 | ptca | 292 | 88 | M@L;> | Hebrew | ML>[ | unknown | sg | m | 3739 | verb | unknown | unknown | unknown | 472 | verb | a | qal | ptca | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | x | x | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 200.0 |
4 | 32863 | 2_Kings | 7 | 15 | 199366 | word | מְלֵאָ֤ה | 199366 | qal: be full, fill (with), be filled (with); n... | מלא | 4250 | iii-aleph | 199365 | 0 | ptca | 292 | 52 | M:L;>@H | Hebrew | ML>[ | unknown | sg | f | 4604 | verb | unknown | unknown | unknown | 766 | verb | a | qal | ptca | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | x | x | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 200.0 |
tense_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyFirstVersion['vt1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
tense_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall Tense Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
ps_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyFirstVersion['ps1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
ps_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall PS Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
gn_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyFirstVersion['gn1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
gn_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall GN Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
vc_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyFirstVersion['bol_dict_vc1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
vc_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall VC Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
vs_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyFirstVersion['vs1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
vs_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall VS Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
word bol_monad_num* bol_qere_presence* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_vt* dagesh* lex* number* vbe* vbs* uvf* prs* pfm* nme* freq_occ* freq_lex* st* rank_occ* bol_dict_abc* bol_dict_HebArm* bol_bhsa_word_order* bol_dict_vc* ps* nu* gn* vt* vs prs_nu* prs_ps* prs_gn* sp=verb pdp* bol_dict_EN* g_word_noaccent* language*
AllVerbs = BHSa4c.search(AllVerbs)
BHSa4c.table(AllVerbs, start=1, end=2, multiFeatures=True, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(AllVerbs, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_all_verb-morphology.tsv')
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
BHSallVerbalMorphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/BHSa4c_BOL_all_verb-morphology.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf |
['ii-guttural, iii-aleph', 'i-guttural, iii-hey', 'i-guttural, ii-guttural', 'i-aleph', 'i-guttural, ii-guttural, iii-hey', 'ii-waw', 'regular', 'iii-hey', 'iii-aleph', 'ii-guttural, iii-guttural', 'i-waw, iii-aleph', 'i-guttural, ii-waw, iii-guttural', 'i-nun', 'ii-guttural', 'i-guttural, ii-waw', 'i-guttural', 'ii-guttural, iii-hey', 'iii-guttural', 'i-waw', 'i-nun, iii-guttural', 'ii-yod', 'geminate', 'i-nun, ii-waw, iii-guttural', 'ii-waw, iii-aleph', 'i-waw, iii-guttural', 'i-guttural, iii-aleph', 'i-waw, ii-guttural, iii-aleph', 'i-nun, iii-aleph', 'i-guttural, ii-guttural, geminate', 'i-yod', 'i-nun, ii-waw', 'i-nun, iii-hey', 'i-guttural, geminate', 'i-nun, ii-guttural', 'i-guttural, ii-yod', 'i-waw, ii-guttural', '4 root verb', 'ii-guttural, geminate', 'i-aleph, iii-hey', 'i-guttural, iii-guttural', 'i-nun, ii-guttural, iii-hey', 'ii-waw, iii-guttural', 'i-waw, iii-hey', 'i-nun, geminate', 'i-waw, ii-guttural, iii-hey', 'ii-yod, iii-guttural', 'ii-yod, iii-aleph', 'i-nun, ii-waw, iii-aleph', 'i-waw, geminate', 'i-guttural, ii-guttural, iii-guttural', 'i-nun, ii-guttural, geminate', 'i-yod, geminate', 'i-waw, ii-guttural, iii-guttural', 'i-nun, ii-yod', nan]
['perf', 'ptca', 'wayq', 'juss', 'impf', 'infc', 'impv', 'infa', 'ptcp', 'coho']
['qal', 'piel', 'hif', 'nif', 'pual', 'hit', 'hof', 'hsht', 'pasq', 'hotp', 'nit', 'poal', 'poel', 'htpo', 'peal', 'tif', 'etpa', 'pael', 'haf', 'htpe', 'htpa', 'peil', 'etpe', 'afel', 'shaf']
[nan, 'H', 'W', 'TJ', 'WN', 'TM', 'NH', 'T', 'T=', 'J', 'H=', 'NW', 'TN', 'JN', 'TWN', 'N>', 'T==', 'N']
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | |
22673 | 22674 | 1_Samuel | 1 | 14 | 141814 | word | תִּשְׁתַּכָּרִ֑ין | 141814 | qal: be, become drunk; pi: make drunk; hit: be... | שׁכר | 7728 | iii-guttural | 18 | 141813 | 0 | impf | DL_DF_DF | 18 | 1 | T.IC:T.AK.@RIJN | f | Hebrew | CKR[ | absent | sg | 278 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | JN | HT | hit | impf |
38340 | 38341 | Isaiah | 45 | 10 | 228041 | word | תְּחִילִֽין׃ ס | 228041 | qal: be in labour, be in labor, be in pain; wr... | חיל I | 2321 | i-guttural, ii-yod | 43 | 228040 | 0 | impf | DL | 40 | 1 | T.:XIJLIJN | f | Hebrew | XJL[ | absent | sg | 15972 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | JN | absent | qal | impf |
43028 | 43029 | Jeremiah | 31 | 22 | 251047 | word | תִּתְחַמָּקִ֔ין | 251047 | qal: turn away; hit: turn hither and thither; | חמק | 2455 | i-guttural | 2 | 251046 | 0 | impf | DL_DF | 2 | 1 | T.IT:XAM.@QIJN | f | Hebrew | XMQ[ | absent | sg | 16047 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | JN | HT | hit | impf |
63954 | 63955 | Ruth | 2 | 8 | 356401 | word | תִדְבָּקִ֖ין | 356401 | qal: stick, cling to; pu: be joined together; ... | דבק | 1613 | regular | 54 | 356400 | 0 | impf | _DL | 54 | 2 | TID:B.@QIJN | f | Hebrew | DBQ[ | absent | sg | 610 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | JN | absent | qal | impf |
64035 | 64036 | Ruth | 2 | 21 | 356720 | word | תִּדְבָּקִ֔ין | 356720 | qal: stick, cling to; pu: be joined together; ... | דבק | 1613 | regular | 54 | 356719 | 0 | impf | DL_DF | 54 | 2 | T.ID:B.@QIJN | f | Hebrew | DBQ[ | absent | sg | 929 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | JN | absent | qal | impf |
64065 | 64066 | Ruth | 3 | 4 | 356851 | word | תַּעֲשִֽׂין׃ | 356851 | qal: do, make; ni: be made, done; pi: press, s... | עשׂה | 6118 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 2629 | 356850 | 0 | juss | DL | 2629 | 1 | T.A<:AFIJN | f | Hebrew | <FH[ | absent | sg | 1060 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | JN | absent | qal | impf |
64129 | 64130 | Ruth | 3 | 18 | 357105 | word | תֵּֽדְעִ֔ין | 357105 | qal: know; notice; learn; ni: make oneself kno... | ידע | 2947 | i-waw, iii-guttural | 944 | 357104 | 0 | impf | DL | 944 | 1 | T.;D:<IJN | f | Hebrew | JD<[ | absent | sg | 1314 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | JN | absent | qal | impf |
& (
| (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vbe1']=='JN')
R 322 S1 322 S2 322 S3 322 NODE1 322 TYPE1 322 TEXT1 322 bol_bhsa_word_order1 322 bol_dict_EN1 322 bol_dict_HebArm1 322 bol_dict_abc1 322 bol_dict_vc1 322 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 322 bol_monad_num1 322 bol_qere_presence1 322 bol_vt1 322 dagesh1 125 freq_lex1 322 freq_occ1 322 g_word_noaccent1 322 gn1 322 language1 322 lex1 322 nme1 322 nu1 322 number1 322 pdp1 322 pfm1 322 prs1 322 prs_gn1 322 prs_nu1 322 prs_ps1 322 ps1 322 rank_occ1 322 sp1 322 st1 0 uvf1 322 vbe1 322 vbs1 322 vs1 322 vt1 322 dtype: int64
BHSallVerbalMorphology['paragogicNun'] = ((BHSallVerbalMorphology['language1']=='Hebrew')
& (
| (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vbe1']=='JN')
) )
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False |
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | |
187 | 188 | Genesis | 3 | 3 | 1231 | word | תְּמֻתֽוּן׃ | 1231 | qal: die; pi: kill; hi: kill, put to death; ho... | מות | 4054 | ii-waw | 835 | 1231 | 0 | impf | DL_DF | 835 | 3 | T.:MUTW.N | m | Hebrew | MWT[ | absent | pl | 1231 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | WN | absent | qal | impf | True |
190 | 191 | Genesis | 3 | 4 | 1241 | word | תְּמֻתֽוּן׃ | 1241 | qal: die; pi: kill; hi: kill, put to death; ho... | מות | 4054 | ii-waw | 835 | 1241 | 0 | impf | DL_DF | 835 | 3 | T.:MUTW.N | m | Hebrew | MWT[ | absent | pl | 1241 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | WN | absent | qal | impf | True |
1289 | 1290 | Genesis | 18 | 28 | 8300 | word | יַחְסְר֞וּן | 8300 | qal: lack, be lacking, decrease; pi: cause to ... | חסר | 2534 | i-guttural | 24 | 8300 | 0 | impf | NaN | 24 | 1 | JAX:S:RW.N | m | Hebrew | XSR[ | absent | pl | 8300 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | WN | absent | qal | impf | True |
1297 | 1298 | Genesis | 18 | 29 | 8332 | word | יִמָּצְא֥וּן | 8332 | qal: find; ni: be found; hi: present; | מצא | 4546 | iii-aleph | 453 | 8332 | 0 | impf | NaN | 453 | 4 | JIM.@Y:>W.N | m | Hebrew | MY>[ | absent | pl | 8332 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 6060 | verb | NaN | absent | WN | N | nif | impf | True |
1303 | 1304 | Genesis | 18 | 30 | 8353 | word | יִמָּצְא֥וּן | 8353 | qal: find; ni: be found; hi: present; | מצא | 4546 | iii-aleph | 453 | 8353 | 0 | impf | NaN | 453 | 4 | JIM.@Y:>W.N | m | Hebrew | MY>[ | absent | pl | 8353 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 6060 | verb | NaN | absent | WN | N | nif | impf | True |
R 322 S1 322 S2 322 S3 322 NODE1 322 TYPE1 322 TEXT1 322 bol_bhsa_word_order1 322 bol_dict_EN1 322 bol_dict_HebArm1 322 bol_dict_abc1 322 bol_dict_vc1 322 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 322 bol_monad_num1 322 bol_qere_presence1 322 bol_vt1 322 dagesh1 125 freq_lex1 322 freq_occ1 322 g_word_noaccent1 322 gn1 322 language1 322 lex1 322 nme1 322 nu1 322 number1 322 pdp1 322 pfm1 322 prs1 322 prs_gn1 322 prs_nu1 322 prs_ps1 322 ps1 322 rank_occ1 322 sp1 322 st1 0 uvf1 322 vbe1 322 vbs1 322 vs1 322 vt1 322 paragogicNun 322 dtype: int64
[nan, 'H', 'W', 'TJ', 'WN', 'TM', 'NH', 'T', 'T=', 'J', 'H=', 'NW', 'TN', 'JN', 'TWN', 'N>', 'T==', 'N']
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vbe1']=='H=')
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vt1']=='impv')
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | |
730 | 731 | Genesis | 11 | 3 | 4996 | word | הָ֚בָה | 4996 | qal: give (impv), come on (interj); | יהב | 2952 | i-waw, ii-guttural | 34 | 4996 | 0 | impv | NaN | 34 | 12 | H@B@H | m | Hebrew | JHB[ | absent | sg | 4996 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 2761 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False |
736 | 737 | Genesis | 11 | 4 | 5020 | word | הָ֣בָה׀ | 5020 | qal: give (impv), come on (interj); | יהב | 2952 | i-waw, ii-guttural | 34 | 5020 | 0 | impv | NaN | 34 | 12 | H@B@H | m | Hebrew | JHB[ | absent | sg | 5020 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 2761 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False |
749 | 750 | Genesis | 11 | 7 | 5085 | word | הָ֚בָה | 5085 | qal: give (impv), come on (interj); | יהב | 2952 | i-waw, ii-guttural | 34 | 5085 | 0 | impv | NaN | 34 | 12 | H@B@H | m | Hebrew | JHB[ | absent | sg | 5085 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 2761 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False |
1022 | 1023 | Genesis | 15 | 9 | 6811 | word | קְחָ֥ה | 6811 | qal: take, grasp, seize; qal pass: take, grasp... | לקח | 3831 | i-nun, iii-guttural | 965 | 6811 | 0 | impv | NaN | 965 | 1 | Q:X@H | m | Hebrew | LQX[ | absent | sg | 6811 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False |
1458 | 1459 | Genesis | 19 | 32 | 9112 | word | לְכָ֨ה | 9112 | qal: go, walk; ni: be gone, fade; pi: go, walk... | הלך | 1879 | i-waw | 1547 | 9112 | 0 | impv | NaN | 1547 | 34 | L:K@H | m | Hebrew | HLK[ | absent | sg | 9112 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 1123 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False |
1635 | 1636 | Genesis | 21 | 23 | 10032 | word | הִשָּׁ֨בְעָה | 10032 | ni: swear; hi: swear; | שׁבע | 7526 | iii-guttural | 185 | 10032 | 0 | impv | NaN | 185 | 5 | HIC.@B:<@H | m | Hebrew | CB<[ | absent | sg | 10032 | verb | H | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 5226 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | N | nif | impv | False |
2144 | 2145 | Genesis | 25 | 31 | 12917 | word | מִכְרָ֥ה | 12917 | qal: sell, give in other hands; ni: be sold; h... | מכר | 4239 | iii-guttural | 80 | 12917 | 0 | impv | NaN | 80 | 5 | MIK:R@H | m | Hebrew | MKR[ | absent | sg | 12917 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 5226 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False |
2149 | 2150 | Genesis | 25 | 33 | 12940 | word | הִשָּׁ֤בְעָה | 12940 | ni: swear; hi: swear; | שׁבע | 7526 | iii-guttural | 185 | 12940 | 0 | impv | NaN | 185 | 5 | HIC.@B:<@H | m | Hebrew | CB<[ | absent | sg | 12940 | verb | H | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 5226 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | N | nif | impv | False |
2301 | 2302 | Genesis | 27 | 3 | 13682 | word | צ֥וּדָה | 13682 | qal: hunt; pi: hunt; | צוד | 6556 | ii-waw | 17 | 13682 | 0 | impv | NaN | 17 | 1 | YW.D@H | m | Hebrew | YWD[ | absent | sg | 13682 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False |
2304 | 2305 | Genesis | 27 | 4 | 13693 | word | הָבִ֥יאָה | 13693 | qal: come, enter, go in; hi: bring; let come; ... | בוא | 889 | ii-waw, iii-aleph | 2570 | 13693 | 0 | impv | NaN | 2570 | 10 | H@BIJ>@H | m | Hebrew | BW>[ | absent | sg | 13693 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 3149 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | H | hif | impv | False |
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vbe1']=='H=')
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vt1']=='impv')
R 306 S1 306 S2 306 S3 306 NODE1 306 TYPE1 306 TEXT1 306 bol_bhsa_word_order1 306 bol_dict_EN1 306 bol_dict_HebArm1 306 bol_dict_abc1 306 bol_dict_vc1 306 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 306 bol_monad_num1 306 bol_qere_presence1 306 bol_vt1 306 dagesh1 35 freq_lex1 306 freq_occ1 306 g_word_noaccent1 306 gn1 306 language1 306 lex1 306 nme1 306 nu1 306 number1 306 pdp1 306 pfm1 5 prs1 306 prs_gn1 306 prs_nu1 306 prs_ps1 306 ps1 306 rank_occ1 306 sp1 306 st1 0 uvf1 306 vbe1 306 vbs1 306 vs1 306 vt1 306 paragogicNun 306 dtype: int64
BHSallVerbalMorphology['emphaticImpv'] = ((BHSallVerbalMorphology['language1']=='Hebrew')
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vbe1']=='H=')
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vt1']=='impv'))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False |
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | |
730 | 731 | Genesis | 11 | 3 | 4996 | word | הָ֚בָה | 4996 | qal: give (impv), come on (interj); | יהב | 2952 | i-waw, ii-guttural | 34 | 4996 | 0 | impv | NaN | 34 | 12 | H@B@H | m | Hebrew | JHB[ | absent | sg | 4996 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 2761 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False | True |
736 | 737 | Genesis | 11 | 4 | 5020 | word | הָ֣בָה׀ | 5020 | qal: give (impv), come on (interj); | יהב | 2952 | i-waw, ii-guttural | 34 | 5020 | 0 | impv | NaN | 34 | 12 | H@B@H | m | Hebrew | JHB[ | absent | sg | 5020 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 2761 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False | True |
749 | 750 | Genesis | 11 | 7 | 5085 | word | הָ֚בָה | 5085 | qal: give (impv), come on (interj); | יהב | 2952 | i-waw, ii-guttural | 34 | 5085 | 0 | impv | NaN | 34 | 12 | H@B@H | m | Hebrew | JHB[ | absent | sg | 5085 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 2761 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False | True |
1022 | 1023 | Genesis | 15 | 9 | 6811 | word | קְחָ֥ה | 6811 | qal: take, grasp, seize; qal pass: take, grasp... | לקח | 3831 | i-nun, iii-guttural | 965 | 6811 | 0 | impv | NaN | 965 | 1 | Q:X@H | m | Hebrew | LQX[ | absent | sg | 6811 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False | True |
1458 | 1459 | Genesis | 19 | 32 | 9112 | word | לְכָ֨ה | 9112 | qal: go, walk; ni: be gone, fade; pi: go, walk... | הלך | 1879 | i-waw | 1547 | 9112 | 0 | impv | NaN | 1547 | 34 | L:K@H | m | Hebrew | HLK[ | absent | sg | 9112 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 1123 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False | True |
['absent', 'M', 'J', 'T=', nan, 'N', 'H', 'T', '>', 'L']
BHSallVerbalMorphology[ (BHSallVerbalMorphology['language1']=='Hebrew')
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vbs1']=='HT')
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['lex1'].str.contains('^[FCSY]'))
& (
| (BHSallVerbalMorphology['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('^[H].*[FCSY].[T]'))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | |
12685 | 12686 | Numbers | 16 | 13 | 80304 | word | תִשְׂתָּרֵ֥ר | 80304 | qal: rule; hit: play the ruler; | שׂרר | 8230 | ii-guttural, geminate | 6 | 80303 | 0 | impf | _DL | 6 | 1 | TIF:T.@R;R | m | Hebrew | FRR[ | absent | sg | 10694 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | HT | hit | impf | False | False |
12686 | 12687 | Numbers | 16 | 13 | 80307 | word | הִשְׂתָּרֵֽר׃ | 80307 | qal: rule; hit: play the ruler; | שׂרר | 8230 | ii-guttural, geminate | 6 | 80306 | 0 | infa | _DL | 6 | 1 | HIF:T.@R;R | unknown | Hebrew | FRR[ | NaN | unknown | 10697 | advb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | HT | hit | infa | False | False |
22673 | 22674 | 1_Samuel | 1 | 14 | 141814 | word | תִּשְׁתַּכָּרִ֑ין | 141814 | qal: be, become drunk; pi: make drunk; hit: be... | שׁכר | 7728 | iii-guttural | 18 | 141813 | 0 | impf | DL_DF_DF | 18 | 1 | T.IC:T.AK.@RIJN | f | Hebrew | CKR[ | absent | sg | 278 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | JN | HT | hit | impf | True | False |
25102 | 25103 | 1_Samuel | 21 | 16 | 154738 | word | הִשְׁתַּגֵּ֖עַ | 154738 | pu: be mad; hit: behave as a madman; | שׁגע | 7553 | iii-guttural | 7 | 154737 | 0 | infc | _DL | 7 | 1 | HIC:T.AG.;<A | unknown | Hebrew | CG<[ | NaN | unknown | 13202 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | HT | hit | infc | False | False |
25727 | 25728 | 1_Samuel | 26 | 19 | 158045 | word | הִסְתַּפֵּ֜חַ | 158045 | qal: attach to; ni: attach oneself to; pi: joi... | ספח | 5454 | iii-guttural | 5 | 158044 | 0 | infc | _DL | 5 | 1 | HIS:T.AP.;XA | unknown | Hebrew | SPX[ | NaN | unknown | 16509 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | HT | hit | infc | False | False |
28669 | 28670 | 2_Samuel | 22 | 24 | 174539 | word | אֶשְׁתַּמְּרָ֖ה | 174539 | qal: keep watch, guard; ni: be guarded; beware... | שׁמר | 7869 | iii-guttural | 468 | 174538 | 0 | wayq | _DL | 468 | 1 | >EC:T.AM.:R@H | unknown | Hebrew | CMR[ | absent | sg | 14074 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | HT | hit | wayq | False | False |
30650 | 30651 | 1_Kings | 14 | 2 | 187657 | word | הִשְׁתַּנִּ֔ית | 187657 | qal: change; repeat; differ; ni: be repeated; ... | שׁנה | 7900 | iii-hey | 25 | 187656 | 0 | perf | _DL | 25 | 1 | HIC:T.AN.IJT | f | Hebrew | CNH[ | absent | sg | 11580 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | T= | HT | hit | perf | False | False |
36824 | 36825 | Isaiah | 28 | 20 | 221177 | word | הִשְׂתָּרֵ֑עַ | 221177 | qal: deformed; hit: stretch oneself; | שׂרע | 8220 | ii-guttural, iii-guttural | 3 | 221176 | 0 | infc | _DL | 3 | 1 | HIF:T.@R;<A | unknown | Hebrew | FR<[ | NaN | unknown | 9108 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | HT | hit | infc | False | False |
36895 | 36896 | Isaiah | 29 | 9 | 221496 | word | הִשְׁתַּֽעַשְׁע֖וּ | 221496 | qal: be pasted together; hit: be pasted togeth... | שׁעע II | 7926 | ii-guttural, geminate | 3 | 221495 | 0 | impv | _DL | 3 | 1 | HIC:T.A<AC:<W. | m | Hebrew | C<<=[ | absent | pl | 9427 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | W | HT | hit | impv | False | False |
36928 | 36929 | Isaiah | 29 | 14 | 221622 | word | תִּסְתַּתָּֽר׃ ס | 221622 | ni: (intransitive) conceal, hide; pi: hide; pu... | סתר | 5502 | iii-guttural | 81 | 221621 | 0 | impf | DL_DF_DF | 81 | 1 | T.IS:T.AT.@R | f | Hebrew | STR[ | absent | sg | 9553 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | HT | hit | impf | False | False |
BHSallVerbalMorphology['Transposition'] = (
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vbs1']=='HT')
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['lex1'].str.contains('^[FCSY]'))
& (
| (BHSallVerbalMorphology['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('^[H].*[FCSY].[T]'))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False |
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | |
12685 | 12686 | Numbers | 16 | 13 | 80304 | word | תִשְׂתָּרֵ֥ר | 80304 | qal: rule; hit: play the ruler; | שׂרר | 8230 | ii-guttural, geminate | 6 | 80303 | 0 | impf | _DL | 6 | 1 | TIF:T.@R;R | m | Hebrew | FRR[ | absent | sg | 10694 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | HT | hit | impf | False | False | True |
12686 | 12687 | Numbers | 16 | 13 | 80307 | word | הִשְׂתָּרֵֽר׃ | 80307 | qal: rule; hit: play the ruler; | שׂרר | 8230 | ii-guttural, geminate | 6 | 80306 | 0 | infa | _DL | 6 | 1 | HIF:T.@R;R | unknown | Hebrew | FRR[ | NaN | unknown | 10697 | advb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | HT | hit | infa | False | False | True |
22673 | 22674 | 1_Samuel | 1 | 14 | 141814 | word | תִּשְׁתַּכָּרִ֑ין | 141814 | qal: be, become drunk; pi: make drunk; hit: be... | שׁכר | 7728 | iii-guttural | 18 | 141813 | 0 | impf | DL_DF_DF | 18 | 1 | T.IC:T.AK.@RIJN | f | Hebrew | CKR[ | absent | sg | 278 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | JN | HT | hit | impf | True | False | True |
25102 | 25103 | 1_Samuel | 21 | 16 | 154738 | word | הִשְׁתַּגֵּ֖עַ | 154738 | pu: be mad; hit: behave as a madman; | שׁגע | 7553 | iii-guttural | 7 | 154737 | 0 | infc | _DL | 7 | 1 | HIC:T.AG.;<A | unknown | Hebrew | CG<[ | NaN | unknown | 13202 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | HT | hit | infc | False | False | True |
25727 | 25728 | 1_Samuel | 26 | 19 | 158045 | word | הִסְתַּפֵּ֜חַ | 158045 | qal: attach to; ni: attach oneself to; pi: joi... | ספח | 5454 | iii-guttural | 5 | 158044 | 0 | infc | _DL | 5 | 1 | HIS:T.AP.;XA | unknown | Hebrew | SPX[ | NaN | unknown | 16509 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | HT | hit | infc | False | False | True |
R 36 S1 36 S2 36 S3 36 NODE1 36 TYPE1 36 TEXT1 36 bol_bhsa_word_order1 36 bol_dict_EN1 36 bol_dict_HebArm1 36 bol_dict_abc1 36 bol_dict_vc1 36 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 36 bol_monad_num1 36 bol_qere_presence1 36 bol_vt1 36 dagesh1 36 freq_lex1 36 freq_occ1 36 g_word_noaccent1 36 gn1 36 language1 36 lex1 36 nme1 28 nu1 36 number1 36 pdp1 36 pfm1 27 prs1 36 prs_gn1 36 prs_nu1 36 prs_ps1 36 ps1 36 rank_occ1 36 sp1 36 st1 8 uvf1 36 vbe1 12 vbs1 36 vs1 36 vt1 36 paragogicNun 36 emphaticImpv 36 Transposition 36 dtype: int64
[nan, 'H', 'W', 'TJ', 'WN', 'TM', 'NH', 'T', 'T=', 'J', 'H=', 'NW', 'TN', 'JN', 'TWN', 'N>', 'T==', 'N']
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vt1']=='wayq')
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['ps1']=='p1')
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | |
3064 | 3065 | Genesis | 32 | 6 | 17528 | word | אֶשְׁלְחָה֙ | 17528 | qal: send; ni: be sent; pi: let go; stretch ou... | שׁלח | 7754 | iii-guttural | 847 | 17527 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 847 | 9 | >EC:L:X@H | unknown | Hebrew | CLX[ | absent | sg | 17528 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 3421 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False |
3960 | 3961 | Genesis | 41 | 11 | 22547 | word | נַּֽחַלְמָ֥ה | 22547 | qal: become strong; dream; hi: make strong; | חלם | 2384 | i-guttural | 29 | 22546 | 0 | wayq | DF | 29 | 1 | N.AXAL:M@H | unknown | Hebrew | XLM[ | absent | pl | 22547 | verb | N | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False |
4335 | 4336 | Genesis | 43 | 21 | 24560 | word | נִּפְתְּחָה֙ | 24560 | qal: open; ni: be opened; pi: loose, free; hit... | פתח I | 6478 | iii-guttural | 135 | 24559 | 0 | wayq | DF_DL | 135 | 2 | N.IP:T.:X@H | unknown | Hebrew | PTX[ | absent | pl | 24560 | verb | N | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False |
11936 | 11937 | Numbers | 8 | 19 | 75564 | word | אֶתְּנָ֨ה | 75564 | qal: give, place; ni: be given, put; ho: be gi... | נתן | 5268 | i-nun | 2010 | 75563 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 2010 | 37 | >ET.:N@H | unknown | Hebrew | NTN[ | absent | sg | 5954 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 1046 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False |
20623 | 20624 | Judges | 6 | 9 | 130600 | word | אֶתְּנָ֥ה | 130600 | qal: give, place; ni: be given, put; ho: be gi... | נתן | 5268 | i-nun | 2010 | 130599 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 2010 | 37 | >ET.:N@H | unknown | Hebrew | NTN[ | absent | sg | 3149 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 1046 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False |
20624 | 20625 | Judges | 6 | 10 | 130605 | word | אֹמְרָ֣ה | 130605 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 130604 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 5307 | 45 | >OM:R@H | unknown | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 3154 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 868 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False |
21265 | 21266 | Judges | 10 | 12 | 134355 | word | אֹושִׁ֥יעָה | 134355 | ni: be saved; hi: save; | ישׁע | 3352 | i-waw, iii-guttural | 205 | 134354 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 205 | 1 | >OWCIJ<@H | unknown | Hebrew | JC<[ | absent | sg | 6904 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False |
21469 | 21470 | Judges | 12 | 3 | 135442 | word | אָשִׂ֨ימָה | 135442 | qal: set, place; hi: set, make into; ho: be put; | שׂים | 8127 | ii-yod | 583 | 135441 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 583 | 4 | >@FIJM@H | unknown | Hebrew | FJM[ | absent | sg | 7991 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 6060 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False |
21470 | 21471 | Judges | 12 | 3 | 135447 | word | אֶעְבְּרָה֙ | 135447 | qal: pass over, transgress; ni: be crossed; pi... | עבר I | 5539 | i-guttural | 548 | 135446 | 0 | wayq | _DL | 548 | 9 | >E<:B.:R@H | unknown | Hebrew | <BR[ | absent | sg | 7996 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 3421 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False |
22844 | 22845 | 1_Samuel | 2 | 28 | 142673 | word | אֶתְּנָה֙ | 142673 | qal: give, place; ni: be given, put; ho: be gi... | נתן | 5268 | i-nun | 2010 | 142672 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 2010 | 37 | >ET.:N@H | unknown | Hebrew | NTN[ | absent | sg | 1137 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 1046 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False |
BHSallVerbalMorphology['WayCohortEnding'] = ((BHSallVerbalMorphology['language1']=='Hebrew')
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vt1']=='wayq')
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['ps1']=='p1')
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False |
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | |
3064 | 3065 | Genesis | 32 | 6 | 17528 | word | אֶשְׁלְחָה֙ | 17528 | qal: send; ni: be sent; pi: let go; stretch ou... | שׁלח | 7754 | iii-guttural | 847 | 17527 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 847 | 9 | >EC:L:X@H | unknown | Hebrew | CLX[ | absent | sg | 17528 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 3421 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | True |
3960 | 3961 | Genesis | 41 | 11 | 22547 | word | נַּֽחַלְמָ֥ה | 22547 | qal: become strong; dream; hi: make strong; | חלם | 2384 | i-guttural | 29 | 22546 | 0 | wayq | DF | 29 | 1 | N.AXAL:M@H | unknown | Hebrew | XLM[ | absent | pl | 22547 | verb | N | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | True |
4335 | 4336 | Genesis | 43 | 21 | 24560 | word | נִּפְתְּחָה֙ | 24560 | qal: open; ni: be opened; pi: loose, free; hit... | פתח I | 6478 | iii-guttural | 135 | 24559 | 0 | wayq | DF_DL | 135 | 2 | N.IP:T.:X@H | unknown | Hebrew | PTX[ | absent | pl | 24560 | verb | N | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | True |
11936 | 11937 | Numbers | 8 | 19 | 75564 | word | אֶתְּנָ֨ה | 75564 | qal: give, place; ni: be given, put; ho: be gi... | נתן | 5268 | i-nun | 2010 | 75563 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 2010 | 37 | >ET.:N@H | unknown | Hebrew | NTN[ | absent | sg | 5954 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 1046 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | True |
20623 | 20624 | Judges | 6 | 9 | 130600 | word | אֶתְּנָ֥ה | 130600 | qal: give, place; ni: be given, put; ho: be gi... | נתן | 5268 | i-nun | 2010 | 130599 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 2010 | 37 | >ET.:N@H | unknown | Hebrew | NTN[ | absent | sg | 3149 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 1046 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | True |
R 98 S1 98 S2 98 S3 98 NODE1 98 TYPE1 98 TEXT1 98 bol_bhsa_word_order1 98 bol_dict_EN1 98 bol_dict_HebArm1 98 bol_dict_abc1 98 bol_dict_vc1 98 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 98 bol_monad_num1 98 bol_qere_presence1 98 bol_vt1 98 dagesh1 12 freq_lex1 98 freq_occ1 98 g_word_noaccent1 98 gn1 98 language1 98 lex1 98 nme1 98 nu1 98 number1 98 pdp1 98 pfm1 98 prs1 98 prs_gn1 98 prs_nu1 98 prs_ps1 98 ps1 98 rank_occ1 98 sp1 98 st1 0 uvf1 98 vbe1 98 vbs1 98 vs1 98 vt1 98 paragogicNun 98 emphaticImpv 98 Transposition 98 WayCohortEnding 98 dtype: int64
['DL', nan, 'DF', 'DF_DL', '_DL', 'DF_DF', 'DL_DF', 'DL_DF_DF', 'DF_Mappiq', '_DL_DL', 'DF_DL_DF', 'DF_DF_Mappiq', 'DL_Mappiq', 'DF_DF_DF', 'DL_DF_Mappiq', 'DL_DF_DL', '_DF_DF']
['qal', 'piel', 'hif', 'nif', 'pual', 'hit', 'hof', 'hsht', 'pasq', 'hotp', 'nit', 'poal', 'poel', 'htpo', 'peal', 'tif', 'etpa', 'pael', 'haf', 'htpe', 'htpa', 'peil', 'etpe', 'afel', 'shaf']
['perf', 'ptca', 'wayq', 'impf', 'infc', 'impv', 'infa', 'ptcp']
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | |
36296 | 36297 | Isaiah | 21 | 4 | 218782 | word | בִּֽעֲתָ֑תְנִי | 218782 | ni: be terrified; pi: terrify; | בעת | 1137 | ii-guttural | 16 | 218781 | 0 | perf | DL | 16 | 1 | B.I<:AT@T:NIJ | f | Hebrew | B<T[ | absent | sg | 6713 | verb | absent | NJ | unknown | sg | p1 | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | piel | perf | False | False | False | False |
BHSallVerbalMorphology[(BHSallVerbalMorphology['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('[MJTN>]:[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT][U][>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT][^\.].*[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT]')) & (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vt1']=='wayq') & (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vs1'].str.contains('p.*l'))]
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | |
61148 | 61149 | Job | 31 | 15 | 343544 | word | יְכֻנֶ֗נּוּ | 343544 | ni: be firm, be established; pi: set up, const... | כון | 3441 | ii-waw | 216 | 343543 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 216 | 1 | J:KUNEN.W. | m | Hebrew | KWN[ | absent | sg | 7524 | verb | J | HW | m | sg | p3 | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | N | NaN | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False |
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | |
490 | 491 | Genesis | 6 | 16 | 2897 | word | תְּכַלֶ֣נָּה | 2897 | qal: come to an end, be completed, long for; p... | כלה | 3494 | iii-hey | 206 | 2897 | 0 | impf | DL_DF | 206 | 2 | T.:KALEN.@H | m | Hebrew | KLH[ | absent | sg | 2897 | verb | T | H | f | sg | p3 | p2 | 9178 | verb | NaN | N | NaN | absent | piel | impf | False | False | False | False |
2211 | 2212 | Genesis | 26 | 14 | 13258 | word | יְקַנְא֥וּ | 13258 | pi: be envious of; arouse jealousy; hi: make j... | קנא | 6957 | iii-aleph | 34 | 13258 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 34 | 4 | J:QAN:>W. | m | Hebrew | QN>[ | absent | pl | 13258 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 6060 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False |
2214 | 2215 | Genesis | 26 | 15 | 13276 | word | יְמַלְא֖וּם | 13276 | qal: be full, fill (with), be filled (with); n... | מלא | 4250 | iii-aleph | 261 | 13276 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 292 | 2 | J:MAL:>W.M | m | Hebrew | ML>[ | absent | pl | 13276 | verb | J | M | m | pl | p3 | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False |
2998 | 2999 | Genesis | 31 | 39 | 17122 | word | תְּבַקְשֶׁ֑נָּה | 17122 | pi: seek; pu: be sought; | בקשׁ | 1180 | regular | 225 | 17121 | 0 | impf | DL_DF | 225 | 2 | T.:BAQ:CEN.@H | m | Hebrew | BQC[ | absent | sg | 17122 | verb | T | H | f | sg | p3 | p2 | 9178 | verb | NaN | N | NaN | absent | piel | impf | False | False | False | False |
3521 | 3522 | Genesis | 37 | 11 | 20379 | word | יְקַנְאוּ־ | 20379 | pi: be envious of; arouse jealousy; hi: make j... | קנא | 6957 | iii-aleph | 34 | 20378 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 34 | 4 | J:QAN:>W. | m | Hebrew | QN>[ | absent | pl | 20379 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 6060 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False |
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | |
6419 | 6420 | Exodus | 14 | 13 | 36484 | word | הִֽתְיַצְב֗וּ | 36484 | hit: take one's stand, position, stand (firm);... | יצב | 3208 | i-waw | 48 | 36483 | 0 | impv | NaN | 48 | 9 | HIT:JAY:BW. | m | Hebrew | JYB[ | absent | pl | 7721 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 3421 | verb | NaN | absent | W | HT | hit | impv | False | False | False | False |
11347 | 11348 | Numbers | 1 | 18 | 69802 | word | יִּתְיַֽלְד֥וּ | 69802 | qal: bear, bring forth; beget; qal pass: bear,... | ילד | 3096 | i-waw | 492 | 69801 | 0 | wayq | DF | 492 | 1 | J.IT:JAL:DW. | m | Hebrew | JLD[ | absent | pl | 192 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | W | HT | hit | wayq | False | False | False | False |
38913 | 38914 | Isaiah | 52 | 2 | 230323 | word | הִתְנַעֲרִ֧י | 230323 | qal: shake, shake off; ni: be shaken off, shak... | נער I | 5149 | i-nun, ii-guttural | 11 | 230322 | 0 | impv | NaN | 11 | 1 | HIT:NA<:ARIJ | f | Hebrew | N<R[ | absent | sg | 18254 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | J | HT | hit | impv | False | False | False | False |
BHSallVerbalMorphology['PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening'] = ((BHSallVerbalMorphology['language1']=='Hebrew')
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False |
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | |
490 | 491 | Genesis | 6 | 16 | 2897 | word | תְּכַלֶ֣נָּה | 2897 | qal: come to an end, be completed, long for; p... | כלה | 3494 | iii-hey | 206 | 2897 | 0 | impf | DL_DF | 206 | 2 | T.:KALEN.@H | m | Hebrew | KLH[ | absent | sg | 2897 | verb | T | H | f | sg | p3 | p2 | 9178 | verb | NaN | N | NaN | absent | piel | impf | False | False | False | False | True |
2211 | 2212 | Genesis | 26 | 14 | 13258 | word | יְקַנְא֥וּ | 13258 | pi: be envious of; arouse jealousy; hi: make j... | קנא | 6957 | iii-aleph | 34 | 13258 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 34 | 4 | J:QAN:>W. | m | Hebrew | QN>[ | absent | pl | 13258 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 6060 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False | True |
2214 | 2215 | Genesis | 26 | 15 | 13276 | word | יְמַלְא֖וּם | 13276 | qal: be full, fill (with), be filled (with); n... | מלא | 4250 | iii-aleph | 261 | 13276 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 292 | 2 | J:MAL:>W.M | m | Hebrew | ML>[ | absent | pl | 13276 | verb | J | M | m | pl | p3 | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False | True |
2998 | 2999 | Genesis | 31 | 39 | 17122 | word | תְּבַקְשֶׁ֑נָּה | 17122 | pi: seek; pu: be sought; | בקשׁ | 1180 | regular | 225 | 17121 | 0 | impf | DL_DF | 225 | 2 | T.:BAQ:CEN.@H | m | Hebrew | BQC[ | absent | sg | 17122 | verb | T | H | f | sg | p3 | p2 | 9178 | verb | NaN | N | NaN | absent | piel | impf | False | False | False | False | True |
3521 | 3522 | Genesis | 37 | 11 | 20379 | word | יְקַנְאוּ־ | 20379 | pi: be envious of; arouse jealousy; hi: make j... | קנא | 6957 | iii-aleph | 34 | 20378 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 34 | 4 | J:QAN:>W. | m | Hebrew | QN>[ | absent | pl | 20379 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 6060 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False | True |
BHSallVerbalMorphology[ (BHSallVerbalMorphology['PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening']==True)
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_vt1'].str.contains('wayq'))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | |
2211 | 2212 | Genesis | 26 | 14 | 13258 | word | יְקַנְא֥וּ | 13258 | pi: be envious of; arouse jealousy; hi: make j... | קנא | 6957 | iii-aleph | 34 | 13258 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 34 | 4 | J:QAN:>W. | m | Hebrew | QN>[ | absent | pl | 13258 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 6060 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False | True |
2214 | 2215 | Genesis | 26 | 15 | 13276 | word | יְמַלְא֖וּם | 13276 | qal: be full, fill (with), be filled (with); n... | מלא | 4250 | iii-aleph | 261 | 13276 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 292 | 2 | J:MAL:>W.M | m | Hebrew | ML>[ | absent | pl | 13276 | verb | J | M | m | pl | p3 | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False | True |
3521 | 3522 | Genesis | 37 | 11 | 20379 | word | יְקַנְאוּ־ | 20379 | pi: be envious of; arouse jealousy; hi: make j... | קנא | 6957 | iii-aleph | 34 | 20378 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 34 | 4 | J:QAN:>W. | m | Hebrew | QN>[ | absent | pl | 20379 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 6060 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False | True |
4190 | 4191 | Genesis | 42 | 25 | 23851 | word | יְמַלְא֣וּ | 23851 | qal: be full, fill (with), be filled (with); n... | מלא | 4250 | iii-aleph | 261 | 23850 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 292 | 12 | J:MAL:>W. | m | Hebrew | ML>[ | absent | pl | 23851 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2761 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False | True |
6472 | 6473 | Exodus | 14 | 27 | 36807 | word | יְנַעֵ֧ר | 36807 | qal: shake, shake off; ni: be shaken off, shak... | נער I | 5149 | i-nun, ii-guttural | 11 | 36806 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 11 | 2 | J:NA<;R | m | Hebrew | N<R[ | absent | sg | 8044 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False | True |
R 242 S1 242 S2 242 S3 242 NODE1 242 TYPE1 242 TEXT1 242 bol_bhsa_word_order1 242 bol_dict_EN1 242 bol_dict_HebArm1 242 bol_dict_abc1 242 bol_dict_vc1 242 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 242 bol_monad_num1 242 bol_qere_presence1 242 bol_vt1 242 dagesh1 53 freq_lex1 242 freq_occ1 242 g_word_noaccent1 242 gn1 242 language1 242 lex1 242 nme1 221 nu1 242 number1 242 pdp1 242 pfm1 224 prs1 242 prs_gn1 242 prs_nu1 242 prs_ps1 242 ps1 242 rank_occ1 242 sp1 242 st1 82 uvf1 242 vbe1 123 vbs1 242 vs1 242 vt1 242 paragogicNun 242 emphaticImpv 242 Transposition 242 WayCohortEnding 242 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 242 dtype: int64
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | |
36296 | 36297 | Isaiah | 21 | 4 | 218782 | word | בִּֽעֲתָ֑תְנִי | 218782 | ni: be terrified; pi: terrify; | בעת | 1137 | ii-guttural | 16 | 218781 | 0 | perf | DL | 16 | 1 | B.I<:AT@T:NIJ | f | Hebrew | B<T[ | absent | sg | 6713 | verb | absent | NJ | unknown | sg | p1 | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | piel | perf | False | False | False | False | True |
# code working for perfect
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('^[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT][:]'))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | |
55023 | 55024 | Psalms | 38 | 11 | 316708 | word | סְ֭חַרְחַר | 316708 | qal: through, wander around; pi: palpitate hea... | סחר | 5351 | ii-guttural | 21 | 316707 | 0 | perf | NaN | 21 | 1 | S:XAR:XAR | m | Hebrew | SXR[ | absent | sg | 6059 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | piel | perf | False | False | False | False | False |
65341 | 65342 | Lamentations | 1 | 20 | 363904 | word | חֳמַרְמָ֔רוּ | 363904 | qal: cover; foam; pi: ferment; | חמר I | 2458 | i-guttural | 5 | 363903 | 0 | perf | NaN | 5 | 2 | X:@MAR:M@RW. | unknown | Hebrew | XMR[ | absent | pl | 396 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | perf | False | False | False | False | False |
65409 | 65410 | Lamentations | 2 | 11 | 364185 | word | חֳמַרְמְר֣וּ | 364185 | qal: cover; foam; pi: ferment; | חמר I | 2458 | i-guttural | 5 | 364184 | 0 | perf | NaN | 5 | 2 | X:@MAR:M:RW. | unknown | Hebrew | XMR[ | absent | pl | 677 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | perf | False | False | False | False | False |
# Catching Guttural without compensatory lengthening (excluding X) in ptc
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[JT>N]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('[JT>N][\.][I][T][:][>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT][:AEIU][>XH<R][^\.]'))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | |
1398 | 1399 | Genesis | 19 | 16 | 8774 | word | יִּתְמַהְמָ֓הּ׀ | 8774 | hit: hesitate, delay, tarry, linger; | מָהַהּ | 3971 | ii-guttural | 9 | 8774 | 0 | wayq | DF_Mappiq | 9 | 2 | J.IT:MAH:M@H. | m | Hebrew | MHH[ | absent | sg | 8774 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | HT | hit | wayq | False | False | False | False | False |
BHSallVerbalMorphology['PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling'] = ((BHSallVerbalMorphology['language1']=='Hebrew')
& (
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[JT>N]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('[JT>N][\.][I][T][:][>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT][:AEIU][>XH<R][^\.]'))
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-waw.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*ii-yod.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'].astype(str).str.contains('.*geminate.*')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['pfm1'].astype(str).str.contains('[MJTN>]')) # I needed to put 'astype(str)' there because there were NaN values in the data
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('^[>BGDHWZXVJKLMNS<PYQRFCT][:]'))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
R 4 S1 4 S2 4 S3 4 NODE1 4 TYPE1 4 TEXT1 4 bol_bhsa_word_order1 4 bol_dict_EN1 4 bol_dict_HebArm1 4 bol_dict_abc1 4 bol_dict_vc1 4 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 4 bol_monad_num1 4 bol_qere_presence1 4 bol_vt1 4 dagesh1 1 freq_lex1 4 freq_occ1 4 g_word_noaccent1 4 gn1 4 language1 4 lex1 4 nme1 4 nu1 4 number1 4 pdp1 4 pfm1 4 prs1 4 prs_gn1 4 prs_nu1 4 prs_ps1 4 ps1 4 rank_occ1 4 sp1 4 st1 0 uvf1 4 vbe1 2 vbs1 4 vs1 4 vt1 4 paragogicNun 4 emphaticImpv 4 Transposition 4 WayCohortEnding 4 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 4 PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling 4 dtype: int64
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
1398 | 1399 | Genesis | 19 | 16 | 8774 | word | יִּתְמַהְמָ֓הּ׀ | 8774 | hit: hesitate, delay, tarry, linger; | מָהַהּ | 3971 | ii-guttural | 9 | 8774 | 0 | wayq | DF_Mappiq | 9 | 2 | J.IT:MAH:M@H. | m | Hebrew | MHH[ | absent | sg | 8774 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | HT | hit | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | True |
55023 | 55024 | Psalms | 38 | 11 | 316708 | word | סְ֭חַרְחַר | 316708 | qal: through, wander around; pi: palpitate hea... | סחר | 5351 | ii-guttural | 21 | 316707 | 0 | perf | NaN | 21 | 1 | S:XAR:XAR | m | Hebrew | SXR[ | absent | sg | 6059 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | piel | perf | False | False | False | False | False | True |
65341 | 65342 | Lamentations | 1 | 20 | 363904 | word | חֳמַרְמָ֔רוּ | 363904 | qal: cover; foam; pi: ferment; | חמר I | 2458 | i-guttural | 5 | 363903 | 0 | perf | NaN | 5 | 2 | X:@MAR:M@RW. | unknown | Hebrew | XMR[ | absent | pl | 396 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | perf | False | False | False | False | False | True |
65409 | 65410 | Lamentations | 2 | 11 | 364185 | word | חֳמַרְמְר֣וּ | 364185 | qal: cover; foam; pi: ferment; | חמר I | 2458 | i-guttural | 5 | 364184 | 0 | perf | NaN | 5 | 2 | X:@MAR:M:RW. | unknown | Hebrew | XMR[ | absent | pl | 677 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | piel | perf | False | False | False | False | False | True |
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
0 | 0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
BHSallVerbalMorphology = BHSallVerbalMorphology.drop("Unnamed: 0", axis='columns')
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
(BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1']!='4 root verb')
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['language1']=='Hebrew')
& (~BHSallVerbalMorphology['g_word_noaccent1'].str.contains('^\*') # excluding ketiv qere matters
& (
| (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vs1']=='nif')
| (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vs1']=='piel')
| (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vs1']=='pual')
| (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vs1']=='hit')
| (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vs1']=='hif')
| (BHSallVerbalMorphology['vs1']=='hof')
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 72025 entries, 0 to 73709 Data columns (total 47 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 R 72025 non-null int64 1 S1 72025 non-null object 2 S2 72025 non-null int64 3 S3 72025 non-null int64 4 NODE1 72025 non-null int64 5 TYPE1 72025 non-null object 6 TEXT1 72025 non-null object 7 bol_bhsa_word_order1 72025 non-null int64 8 bol_dict_EN1 72025 non-null object 9 bol_dict_HebArm1 72025 non-null object 10 bol_dict_abc1 72025 non-null int64 11 bol_dict_vc1 72025 non-null object 12 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 72025 non-null int64 13 bol_monad_num1 72025 non-null int64 14 bol_qere_presence1 72025 non-null int64 15 bol_vt1 72025 non-null object 16 dagesh1 25284 non-null object 17 freq_lex1 72025 non-null int64 18 freq_occ1 72025 non-null int64 19 g_word_noaccent1 72025 non-null object 20 gn1 72025 non-null object 21 language1 72025 non-null object 22 lex1 72025 non-null object 23 nme1 61870 non-null object 24 nu1 72025 non-null object 25 number1 72025 non-null int64 26 pdp1 72025 non-null object 27 pfm1 60781 non-null object 28 prs1 72025 non-null object 29 prs_gn1 72025 non-null object 30 prs_nu1 72025 non-null object 31 prs_ps1 72025 non-null object 32 ps1 72025 non-null object 33 rank_occ1 72025 non-null int64 34 sp1 72025 non-null object 35 st1 16658 non-null object 36 uvf1 72025 non-null object 37 vbe1 22506 non-null object 38 vbs1 72025 non-null object 39 vs1 72025 non-null object 40 vt1 72025 non-null object 41 paragogicNun 72025 non-null bool 42 emphaticImpv 72025 non-null bool 43 Transposition 72025 non-null bool 44 WayCohortEnding 72025 non-null bool 45 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 72025 non-null bool 46 PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling 72025 non-null bool dtypes: bool(6), int64(13), object(28) memory usage: 23.5+ MB
[False, True]
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 71928 entries, 0 to 73709 Data columns (total 47 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 R 71928 non-null int64 1 S1 71928 non-null object 2 S2 71928 non-null int64 3 S3 71928 non-null int64 4 NODE1 71928 non-null int64 5 TYPE1 71928 non-null object 6 TEXT1 71928 non-null object 7 bol_bhsa_word_order1 71928 non-null int64 8 bol_dict_EN1 71928 non-null object 9 bol_dict_HebArm1 71928 non-null object 10 bol_dict_abc1 71928 non-null int64 11 bol_dict_vc1 71928 non-null object 12 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 71928 non-null int64 13 bol_monad_num1 71928 non-null int64 14 bol_qere_presence1 71928 non-null int64 15 bol_vt1 71928 non-null object 16 dagesh1 25272 non-null object 17 freq_lex1 71928 non-null int64 18 freq_occ1 71928 non-null int64 19 g_word_noaccent1 71928 non-null object 20 gn1 71928 non-null object 21 language1 71928 non-null object 22 lex1 71928 non-null object 23 nme1 61773 non-null object 24 nu1 71928 non-null object 25 number1 71928 non-null int64 26 pdp1 71928 non-null object 27 pfm1 60684 non-null object 28 prs1 71928 non-null object 29 prs_gn1 71928 non-null object 30 prs_nu1 71928 non-null object 31 prs_ps1 71928 non-null object 32 ps1 71928 non-null object 33 rank_occ1 71928 non-null int64 34 sp1 71928 non-null object 35 st1 16658 non-null object 36 uvf1 71928 non-null object 37 vbe1 22409 non-null object 38 vbs1 71928 non-null object 39 vs1 71928 non-null object 40 vt1 71928 non-null object 41 paragogicNun 71928 non-null bool 42 emphaticImpv 71928 non-null bool 43 Transposition 71928 non-null bool 44 WayCohortEnding 71928 non-null bool 45 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 71928 non-null bool 46 PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling 71928 non-null bool dtypes: bool(6), int64(13), object(28) memory usage: 23.5+ MB
[False, True]
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 71629 entries, 0 to 73709 Data columns (total 47 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 R 71629 non-null int64 1 S1 71629 non-null object 2 S2 71629 non-null int64 3 S3 71629 non-null int64 4 NODE1 71629 non-null int64 5 TYPE1 71629 non-null object 6 TEXT1 71629 non-null object 7 bol_bhsa_word_order1 71629 non-null int64 8 bol_dict_EN1 71629 non-null object 9 bol_dict_HebArm1 71629 non-null object 10 bol_dict_abc1 71629 non-null int64 11 bol_dict_vc1 71629 non-null object 12 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 71629 non-null int64 13 bol_monad_num1 71629 non-null int64 14 bol_qere_presence1 71629 non-null int64 15 bol_vt1 71629 non-null object 16 dagesh1 25237 non-null object 17 freq_lex1 71629 non-null int64 18 freq_occ1 71629 non-null int64 19 g_word_noaccent1 71629 non-null object 20 gn1 71629 non-null object 21 language1 71629 non-null object 22 lex1 71629 non-null object 23 nme1 61474 non-null object 24 nu1 71629 non-null object 25 number1 71629 non-null int64 26 pdp1 71629 non-null object 27 pfm1 60679 non-null object 28 prs1 71629 non-null object 29 prs_gn1 71629 non-null object 30 prs_nu1 71629 non-null object 31 prs_ps1 71629 non-null object 32 ps1 71629 non-null object 33 rank_occ1 71629 non-null int64 34 sp1 71629 non-null object 35 st1 16658 non-null object 36 uvf1 71629 non-null object 37 vbe1 22110 non-null object 38 vbs1 71629 non-null object 39 vs1 71629 non-null object 40 vt1 71629 non-null object 41 paragogicNun 71629 non-null bool 42 emphaticImpv 71629 non-null bool 43 Transposition 71629 non-null bool 44 WayCohortEnding 71629 non-null bool 45 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 71629 non-null bool 46 PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling 71629 non-null bool dtypes: bool(6), int64(13), object(28) memory usage: 23.4+ MB
[False, True]
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 71390 entries, 0 to 73709 Data columns (total 47 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 R 71390 non-null int64 1 S1 71390 non-null object 2 S2 71390 non-null int64 3 S3 71390 non-null int64 4 NODE1 71390 non-null int64 5 TYPE1 71390 non-null object 6 TEXT1 71390 non-null object 7 bol_bhsa_word_order1 71390 non-null int64 8 bol_dict_EN1 71390 non-null object 9 bol_dict_HebArm1 71390 non-null object 10 bol_dict_abc1 71390 non-null int64 11 bol_dict_vc1 71390 non-null object 12 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 71390 non-null int64 13 bol_monad_num1 71390 non-null int64 14 bol_qere_presence1 71390 non-null int64 15 bol_vt1 71390 non-null object 16 dagesh1 25185 non-null object 17 freq_lex1 71390 non-null int64 18 freq_occ1 71390 non-null int64 19 g_word_noaccent1 71390 non-null object 20 gn1 71390 non-null object 21 language1 71390 non-null object 22 lex1 71390 non-null object 23 nme1 61256 non-null object 24 nu1 71390 non-null object 25 number1 71390 non-null int64 26 pdp1 71390 non-null object 27 pfm1 60457 non-null object 28 prs1 71390 non-null object 29 prs_gn1 71390 non-null object 30 prs_nu1 71390 non-null object 31 prs_ps1 71390 non-null object 32 ps1 71390 non-null object 33 rank_occ1 71390 non-null int64 34 sp1 71390 non-null object 35 st1 16577 non-null object 36 uvf1 71390 non-null object 37 vbe1 21988 non-null object 38 vbs1 71390 non-null object 39 vs1 71390 non-null object 40 vt1 71390 non-null object 41 paragogicNun 71390 non-null bool 42 emphaticImpv 71390 non-null bool 43 Transposition 71390 non-null bool 44 WayCohortEnding 71390 non-null bool 45 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 71390 non-null bool 46 PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling 71390 non-null bool dtypes: bool(6), int64(13), object(28) memory usage: 23.3+ MB
[False, True]
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 71386 entries, 0 to 73709 Data columns (total 47 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 R 71386 non-null int64 1 S1 71386 non-null object 2 S2 71386 non-null int64 3 S3 71386 non-null int64 4 NODE1 71386 non-null int64 5 TYPE1 71386 non-null object 6 TEXT1 71386 non-null object 7 bol_bhsa_word_order1 71386 non-null int64 8 bol_dict_EN1 71386 non-null object 9 bol_dict_HebArm1 71386 non-null object 10 bol_dict_abc1 71386 non-null int64 11 bol_dict_vc1 71386 non-null object 12 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 71386 non-null int64 13 bol_monad_num1 71386 non-null int64 14 bol_qere_presence1 71386 non-null int64 15 bol_vt1 71386 non-null object 16 dagesh1 25184 non-null object 17 freq_lex1 71386 non-null int64 18 freq_occ1 71386 non-null int64 19 g_word_noaccent1 71386 non-null object 20 gn1 71386 non-null object 21 language1 71386 non-null object 22 lex1 71386 non-null object 23 nme1 61252 non-null object 24 nu1 71386 non-null object 25 number1 71386 non-null int64 26 pdp1 71386 non-null object 27 pfm1 60453 non-null object 28 prs1 71386 non-null object 29 prs_gn1 71386 non-null object 30 prs_nu1 71386 non-null object 31 prs_ps1 71386 non-null object 32 ps1 71386 non-null object 33 rank_occ1 71386 non-null int64 34 sp1 71386 non-null object 35 st1 16577 non-null object 36 uvf1 71386 non-null object 37 vbe1 21986 non-null object 38 vbs1 71386 non-null object 39 vs1 71386 non-null object 40 vt1 71386 non-null object 41 paragogicNun 71386 non-null bool 42 emphaticImpv 71386 non-null bool 43 Transposition 71386 non-null bool 44 WayCohortEnding 71386 non-null bool 45 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 71386 non-null bool 46 PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling 71386 non-null bool dtypes: bool(6), int64(13), object(28) memory usage: 23.3+ MB
w1:word sp=prep|subs|art
w2:word bol_monad_num* bol_qere_presence* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_vt* dagesh* lex* number* vbe* vbs* uvf* prs* pfm* nme* freq_occ* freq_lex* st* rank_occ* bol_dict_abc* bol_dict_HebArm* bol_bhsa_word_order* bol_dict_vc* ps* nu* gn* vt=infa vs prs_nu* prs_ps* prs_gn* sp=verb pdp* bol_dict_EN* g_word_noaccent* language*
w1 <: w2
InfAbs = BHSa4c.search(InfAbs)
BHSa4c.table(InfAbs, start=1, end=25, multiFeatures=True, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
9.94s 36 results
n | p | phrase | word | word |
1 | Numbers 11:25 | כְּנֹ֤וחַ | כְּ | נֹ֤וחַ |
2 | Deuteronomy 3:5 | לְבַ֛ד מֵעָרֵ֥י הַפְּרָזִ֖י הַרְבֵּ֥ה מְאֹֽד׃ | פְּרָזִ֖י | הַרְבֵּ֥ה |
3 | Deuteronomy 32:8 | בְּהַנְחֵ֤ל | בְּ | הַנְחֵ֤ל |
4 | Joshua 2:16 | עַ֚ד שֹׁ֣וב | עַ֚ד | שֹׁ֣וב |
5 | Joshua 3:13 | כְּנֹ֣וחַ | כְּ | נֹ֣וחַ |
6 | Joshua 22:8 | בִּנְכָסִ֨ים רַבִּ֜ים וּבְמִקְנֶ֣ה רַב־מְאֹ֔ד בְּכֶ֨סֶף וּבְזָהָ֜ב וּבִנְחֹ֧שֶׁת וּבְבַרְזֶ֛ל וּבִשְׂלָמֹ֖ות הַרְבֵּ֣ה מְאֹ֑ד | שְׂלָמֹ֖ות | הַרְבֵּ֣ה |
7 | Judges 13:21 | לְהֵרָאֹ֖ה | לְ | הֵרָאֹ֖ה |
8 | 1_Samuel 1:9 | אַחֲרֵ֣י שָׁתֹ֑ה | אַחֲרֵ֣י | שָׁתֹ֑ה |
9 | 1_Samuel 3:21 | לְהֵרָאֹ֣ה | לְ | הֵרָאֹ֣ה |
10 | 1_Kings 5:9 | תְבוּנָ֖ה הַרְבֵּ֣ה מְאֹ֑ד וְרֹ֣חַב לֵ֔ב כַּחֹ֕ול | תְבוּנָ֖ה | הַרְבֵּ֣ה |
11 | 1_Kings 10:10 | מֵאָ֥ה וְעֶשְׂרִ֣ים׀ כִּכַּ֣ר זָהָ֗ב וּבְשָׂמִ֛ים הַרְבֵּ֥ה מְאֹ֖ד וְאֶ֣בֶן יְקָרָ֑ה | בְשָׂמִ֛ים | הַרְבֵּ֥ה |
12 | 1_Kings 10:11 | עֲצֵ֧י אַלְמֻגִּ֛ים הַרְבֵּ֥ה מְאֹ֖ד וְאֶ֥בֶן יְקָרָֽה׃ | אַלְמֻגִּ֛ים | הַרְבֵּ֥ה |
13 | 2_Kings 13:17 | עַד־כַּלֵּֽה׃ | עַד־ | כַּלֵּֽה׃ |
14 | 2_Kings 13:19 | עַד־כַּלֵּ֑ה | עַד־ | כַּלֵּ֑ה |
15 | Isaiah 7:2 | כְּנֹ֥ועַ | כְּ | נֹ֥ועַ |
16 | Isaiah 30:2 | לָעֹוז֙ | לָ | עֹוז֙ |
17 | Isaiah 30:15 | בְּהַשְׁקֵט֙ וּבְבִטְחָ֔ה | בְּ | הַשְׁקֵט֙ |
18 | Jeremiah 42:2 | מֵֽהַרְבֵּ֔ה | מֵֽ | הַרְבֵּ֔ה |
19 | Jeremiah 44:19 | לְהַסֵּ֥ךְ | לְ | הַסֵּ֥ךְ |
20 | Jeremiah 44:25 | לְהַסֵּ֥ךְ | לְ | הַסֵּ֥ךְ |
21 | Ezekiel 16:49 | גָּאֹ֨ון שִׂבְעַת־לֶ֜חֶם וְשַׁלְוַ֣ת הַשְׁקֵ֗ט | שַׁלְוַ֣ת | הַשְׁקֵ֗ט |
22 | Haggai 1:9 | אֶל־הַרְבֵּה֙ | אֶל־ | הַרְבֵּה֙ |
23 | Psalms 38:17 | בְּמֹ֥וט | בְּ | מֹ֥וט |
24 | Psalms 46:3 | בְמֹ֥וט | בְ | מֹ֥וט |
25 | Job 34:35 | בְהַשְׂכֵּֽיל׃ | בְ | הַשְׂכֵּֽיל׃ |
BHSa4c.export(InfAbs, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='ProblematicInfAbs.tsv')
InfAbsPrep=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/ProblematicInfAbs.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | NODE2 | TYPE2 | TEXT2 | sp2 | NODE3 | TYPE3 | TEXT3 | bol_bhsa_word_order3 | bol_dict_EN3 | bol_dict_HebArm3 | bol_dict_abc3 | bol_dict_vc3 | bol_lexeme_occurrences3 | bol_monad_num3 | bol_qere_presence3 | bol_vt3 | dagesh3 | freq_lex3 | freq_occ3 | g_word_noaccent3 | gn3 | language3 | lex3 | nme3 | nu3 | number3 | pdp3 | pfm3 | prs3 | prs_gn3 | prs_nu3 | prs_ps3 | ps3 | rank_occ3 | sp3 | st3 | uvf3 | vbe3 | vbs3 | vs3 | vt3 | |
0 | 1 | Numbers | 11 | 25 | 695847 | phrase | כְּנֹ֤וחַ | 77359 | word | כְּ | prep | 77360 | word | נֹ֤וחַ | 77360 | qal: rest, settle down, make quiet; hi: lay, d... | נוח I | 4989 | i-nun, ii-waw, iii-guttural | 141 | 77359 | 0 | infa | NaN | 141 | 7 | NOWXA | unknown | Hebrew | NWX[ | NaN | unknown | 7750 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 4072 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | qal | infa |
1 | 2 | Deuteronomy | 3 | 5 | 705225 | phrase | לְבַ֛ד מֵעָרֵ֥י הַפְּרָזִ֖י הַרְבֵּ֥ה מְאֹֽד׃ | 94607 | word | פְּרָזִ֖י | subs | 94608 | word | הַרְבֵּ֥ה | 94608 | qal: be numerous, become numerous, be great; p... | רבה I | 7129 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 224 | 94607 | 0 | infa | _DL | 224 | 66 | HAR:B.;H | unknown | Hebrew | RBH[ | NaN | unknown | 1810 | advb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 607 | verb | a | absent | NaN | H | hif | infa |
2 | 3 | Deuteronomy | 32 | 8 | 714859 | phrase | בְּהַנְחֵ֤ל | 111542 | word | בְּ | prep | 111543 | word | הַנְחֵ֤ל | 111543 | qal: obtain, receive property; pi: divide as p... | נחל | 5023 | i-nun, ii-guttural | 59 | 111542 | 0 | infa | NaN | 59 | 1 | HAN:X;L | unknown | Hebrew | NXL[ | NaN | unknown | 18745 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | H | hif | infa |
3 | 4 | Joshua | 2 | 16 | 716230 | phrase | עַ֚ד שֹׁ֣וב | 113743 | word | עַ֚ד | prep | 113744 | word | שֹׁ֣וב | 113744 | qal: turn, return, repeat; pi: bring back; sed... | שׁוב I | 7576 | ii-waw | 1037 | 113743 | 0 | infa | NaN | 1038 | 85 | COWB | unknown | Hebrew | CWB[ | NaN | unknown | 819 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 481 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | qal | infa |
4 | 5 | Joshua | 3 | 13 | 716503 | phrase | כְּנֹ֣וחַ | 114223 | word | כְּ | prep | 114224 | word | נֹ֣וחַ | 114224 | qal: rest, settle down, make quiet; hi: lay, d... | נוח I | 4989 | i-nun, ii-waw, iii-guttural | 141 | 114223 | 0 | infa | NaN | 141 | 7 | NOWXA | unknown | Hebrew | NWX[ | NaN | unknown | 1299 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 4072 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | qal | infa |
0 77359 1 94607 2 111542 3 113743 4 114223 5 125439 6 136154 7 141712 8 143259 9 179525 10 184546 11 184583 12 203451 13 203491 14 214291 15 221825 16 222066 17 257842 18 259216 19 259419 20 271915 21 304267 22 316782 23 318105 24 344708 25 346950 26 352564 27 362875 28 382676 29 385863 30 388434 31 412378 32 413774 33 414411 34 418428 35 422541 Name: bol_monad_num3, dtype: int64
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 71351 entries, 0 to 73709 Data columns (total 47 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 R 71351 non-null int64 1 S1 71351 non-null object 2 S2 71351 non-null int64 3 S3 71351 non-null int64 4 NODE1 71351 non-null int64 5 TYPE1 71351 non-null object 6 TEXT1 71351 non-null object 7 bol_bhsa_word_order1 71351 non-null int64 8 bol_dict_EN1 71351 non-null object 9 bol_dict_HebArm1 71351 non-null object 10 bol_dict_abc1 71351 non-null int64 11 bol_dict_vc1 71351 non-null object 12 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 71351 non-null int64 13 bol_monad_num1 71351 non-null int64 14 bol_qere_presence1 71351 non-null int64 15 bol_vt1 71351 non-null object 16 dagesh1 25167 non-null object 17 freq_lex1 71351 non-null int64 18 freq_occ1 71351 non-null int64 19 g_word_noaccent1 71351 non-null object 20 gn1 71351 non-null object 21 language1 71351 non-null object 22 lex1 71351 non-null object 23 nme1 61252 non-null object 24 nu1 71351 non-null object 25 number1 71351 non-null int64 26 pdp1 71351 non-null object 27 pfm1 60451 non-null object 28 prs1 71351 non-null object 29 prs_gn1 71351 non-null object 30 prs_nu1 71351 non-null object 31 prs_ps1 71351 non-null object 32 ps1 71351 non-null object 33 rank_occ1 71351 non-null int64 34 sp1 71351 non-null object 35 st1 16542 non-null object 36 uvf1 71351 non-null object 37 vbe1 21986 non-null object 38 vbs1 71351 non-null object 39 vs1 71351 non-null object 40 vt1 71351 non-null object 41 paragogicNun 71351 non-null bool 42 emphaticImpv 71351 non-null bool 43 Transposition 71351 non-null bool 44 WayCohortEnding 71351 non-null bool 45 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 71351 non-null bool 46 PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling 71351 non-null bool dtypes: bool(6), int64(13), object(28) memory usage: 23.3+ MB
& (
& (BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_552_625['vt1'].str.contains('ptc'))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 71302 entries, 0 to 73709 Data columns (total 47 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 R 71302 non-null int64 1 S1 71302 non-null object 2 S2 71302 non-null int64 3 S3 71302 non-null int64 4 NODE1 71302 non-null int64 5 TYPE1 71302 non-null object 6 TEXT1 71302 non-null object 7 bol_bhsa_word_order1 71302 non-null int64 8 bol_dict_EN1 71302 non-null object 9 bol_dict_HebArm1 71302 non-null object 10 bol_dict_abc1 71302 non-null int64 11 bol_dict_vc1 71302 non-null object 12 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 71302 non-null int64 13 bol_monad_num1 71302 non-null int64 14 bol_qere_presence1 71302 non-null int64 15 bol_vt1 71302 non-null object 16 dagesh1 25167 non-null object 17 freq_lex1 71302 non-null int64 18 freq_occ1 71302 non-null int64 19 g_word_noaccent1 71302 non-null object 20 gn1 71302 non-null object 21 language1 71302 non-null object 22 lex1 71302 non-null object 23 nme1 61212 non-null object 24 nu1 71302 non-null object 25 number1 71302 non-null int64 26 pdp1 71302 non-null object 27 pfm1 60402 non-null object 28 prs1 71302 non-null object 29 prs_gn1 71302 non-null object 30 prs_nu1 71302 non-null object 31 prs_ps1 71302 non-null object 32 ps1 71302 non-null object 33 rank_occ1 71302 non-null int64 34 sp1 71302 non-null object 35 st1 16493 non-null object 36 uvf1 71302 non-null object 37 vbe1 21986 non-null object 38 vbs1 71302 non-null object 39 vs1 71302 non-null object 40 vt1 71302 non-null object 41 paragogicNun 71302 non-null bool 42 emphaticImpv 71302 non-null bool 43 Transposition 71302 non-null bool 44 WayCohortEnding 71302 non-null bool 45 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 71302 non-null bool 46 PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling 71302 non-null bool dtypes: bool(6), int64(13), object(28) memory usage: 23.3+ MB
Some i-yod forms squeeze an unexpected Hey between the preformative and the first root consonant. A total of four exceptional forms can be found.
& (BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_552_625['vs1'].str.contains('^hif'))
& (BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_552_625['lex1'].str.contains('^J.*\['))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
24565 | 24566 | 1_Samuel | 17 | 47 | 151886 | word | יְהֹושִׁ֣יעַ | 151886 | ni: be saved; hi: save; | ישׁע | 3352 | i-waw, iii-guttural | 205 | 151885 | 0 | impf | NaN | 205 | 2 | J:HOWCIJ<A | m | Hebrew | JC<[ | absent | sg | 10350 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
55346 | 55347 | Psalms | 45 | 18 | 318073 | word | יְ֝הֹודֻ֗ךָ | 318073 | hit: confess; hi: thank, praise, confess; | ידה I | 2932 | i-waw, iii-hey | 111 | 318072 | 0 | impf | NaN | 111 | 1 | J:HOWDUK@ | m | Hebrew | JDH[ | absent | pl | 7424 | verb | J | K | m | sg | p2 | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | W | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
58265 | 58266 | Psalms | 116 | 6 | 330935 | word | יְהֹושִֽׁיעַ׃ | 330935 | ni: be saved; hi: save; | ישׁע | 3352 | i-waw, iii-guttural | 205 | 330934 | 0 | impf | NaN | 205 | 2 | J:HOWCIJ<A | m | Hebrew | JC<[ | absent | sg | 20286 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
69208 | 69209 | Nehemiah | 11 | 17 | 389527 | word | יְהֹודֶ֣ה | 389527 | hit: confess; hi: thank, praise, confess; | ידה I | 2932 | i-waw, iii-hey | 111 | 389526 | 0 | impf | NaN | 111 | 820 | J:HOWDEH | m | Hebrew | JDH[ | absent | sg | 6113 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 40 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
& (BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_552_625['vs1'].str.contains('^hif'))
& (BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_552_625['lex1'].str.contains('^J.*\['))
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 71298 entries, 0 to 73709 Data columns (total 47 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 R 71298 non-null int64 1 S1 71298 non-null object 2 S2 71298 non-null int64 3 S3 71298 non-null int64 4 NODE1 71298 non-null int64 5 TYPE1 71298 non-null object 6 TEXT1 71298 non-null object 7 bol_bhsa_word_order1 71298 non-null int64 8 bol_dict_EN1 71298 non-null object 9 bol_dict_HebArm1 71298 non-null object 10 bol_dict_abc1 71298 non-null int64 11 bol_dict_vc1 71298 non-null object 12 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 71298 non-null int64 13 bol_monad_num1 71298 non-null int64 14 bol_qere_presence1 71298 non-null int64 15 bol_vt1 71298 non-null object 16 dagesh1 25167 non-null object 17 freq_lex1 71298 non-null int64 18 freq_occ1 71298 non-null int64 19 g_word_noaccent1 71298 non-null object 20 gn1 71298 non-null object 21 language1 71298 non-null object 22 lex1 71298 non-null object 23 nme1 61208 non-null object 24 nu1 71298 non-null object 25 number1 71298 non-null int64 26 pdp1 71298 non-null object 27 pfm1 60398 non-null object 28 prs1 71298 non-null object 29 prs_gn1 71298 non-null object 30 prs_nu1 71298 non-null object 31 prs_ps1 71298 non-null object 32 ps1 71298 non-null object 33 rank_occ1 71298 non-null int64 34 sp1 71298 non-null object 35 st1 16493 non-null object 36 uvf1 71298 non-null object 37 vbe1 21985 non-null object 38 vbs1 71298 non-null object 39 vs1 71298 non-null object 40 vt1 71298 non-null object 41 paragogicNun 71298 non-null bool 42 emphaticImpv 71298 non-null bool 43 Transposition 71298 non-null bool 44 WayCohortEnding 71298 non-null bool 45 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 71298 non-null bool 46 PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling 71298 non-null bool dtypes: bool(6), int64(13), object(28) memory usage: 23.3+ MB
Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
0 | 0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 1 | 3 | word | בָּרָ֣א | 3 | qal: create; ni: be created; | ברא I | 1188 | ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 48 | 3 | 0 | perf | DL | 48 | 15 | B.@R@> | m | Hebrew | BR>[ | absent | sg | 3 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2341 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 15 | word | הָיְתָ֥ה | 15 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 15 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 209 | H@J:T@H | f | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 15 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 204 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 2 | 27 | word | מְרַחֶ֖פֶת | 27 | qal: shake; pi: hover; | רחף | 7238 | i-guttural, ii-guttural | 3 | 27 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 3 | 1 | M:RAXEPET | f | Hebrew | RXP[ | T | sg | 27 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 12851 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | piel | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 33 | word | יֹּ֥אמֶר | 33 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 33 | 0 | wayq | DF | 5307 | 2160 | J.O>MER | m | Hebrew | >MR[ | absent | sg | 33 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 18 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 3 | 35 | word | יְהִ֣י | 35 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 35 | 0 | juss | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 35 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
(BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_lexeme_occurrences1'] > 199)
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_dict_vc1'] == 'regular')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 1377 entries, 1076 to 71181 Data columns (total 48 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Unnamed: 0 1377 non-null int64 1 R 1377 non-null int64 2 S1 1377 non-null object 3 S2 1377 non-null int64 4 S3 1377 non-null int64 5 NODE1 1377 non-null int64 6 TYPE1 1377 non-null object 7 TEXT1 1377 non-null object 8 bol_bhsa_word_order1 1377 non-null int64 9 bol_dict_EN1 1377 non-null object 10 bol_dict_HebArm1 1377 non-null object 11 bol_dict_abc1 1377 non-null int64 12 bol_dict_vc1 1377 non-null object 13 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 1377 non-null int64 14 bol_monad_num1 1377 non-null int64 15 bol_qere_presence1 1377 non-null int64 16 bol_vt1 1377 non-null object 17 dagesh1 467 non-null object 18 freq_lex1 1377 non-null int64 19 freq_occ1 1377 non-null int64 20 g_word_noaccent1 1377 non-null object 21 gn1 1377 non-null object 22 language1 1377 non-null object 23 lex1 1377 non-null object 24 nme1 1193 non-null object 25 nu1 1377 non-null object 26 number1 1377 non-null int64 27 pdp1 1377 non-null object 28 pfm1 1148 non-null object 29 prs1 1377 non-null object 30 prs_gn1 1377 non-null object 31 prs_nu1 1377 non-null object 32 prs_ps1 1377 non-null object 33 ps1 1377 non-null object 34 rank_occ1 1377 non-null int64 35 sp1 1377 non-null object 36 st1 317 non-null object 37 uvf1 1377 non-null object 38 vbe1 405 non-null object 39 vbs1 1377 non-null object 40 vs1 1377 non-null object 41 vt1 1377 non-null object 42 paragogicNun 1377 non-null bool 43 emphaticImpv 1377 non-null bool 44 Transposition 1377 non-null bool 45 WayCohortEnding 1377 non-null bool 46 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 1377 non-null bool 47 PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling 1377 non-null bool dtypes: bool(6), int64(14), object(28) memory usage: 470.7+ KB
/var/folders/03/qlrw_2h92mgd4n9sls7f84lc0000gn/T/ipykernel_43836/3841182330.py:1: UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index. BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_sampled=BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_552_625[
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_sampled=BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_sampled \
'prs_gn1']) \
.sample(n=3, random_state=1, replace=True)\
Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
1076 | 1083 | 1084 | Genesis | 16 | 8 | 7186 | word | בָ֖את | 7186 | qal: come, enter, go in; hi: bring; let come; ... | בוא | 889 | ii-waw, iii-aleph | 2570 | 7186 | 0 | perf | NaN | 2570 | 37 | B@>T | f | Hebrew | BW>[ | absent | sg | 7186 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 1046 | verb | NaN | absent | T= | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1076 | 1083 | 1084 | Genesis | 16 | 8 | 7186 | word | בָ֖את | 7186 | qal: come, enter, go in; hi: bring; let come; ... | בוא | 889 | ii-waw, iii-aleph | 2570 | 7186 | 0 | perf | NaN | 2570 | 37 | B@>T | f | Hebrew | BW>[ | absent | sg | 7186 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 1046 | verb | NaN | absent | T= | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1076 | 1083 | 1084 | Genesis | 16 | 8 | 7186 | word | בָ֖את | 7186 | qal: come, enter, go in; hi: bring; let come; ... | בוא | 889 | ii-waw, iii-aleph | 2570 | 7186 | 0 | perf | NaN | 2570 | 37 | B@>T | f | Hebrew | BW>[ | absent | sg | 7186 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 1046 | verb | NaN | absent | T= | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1364 | 1373 | 1374 | Genesis | 19 | 11 | 8653 | word | הִכּוּ֙ | 8653 | ni: be hit; pu: be smitten (down); hi: smite; ... | נכה | 5092 | i-nun, iii-hey | 500 | 8653 | 0 | perf | NaN | 500 | 13 | HIK.W. | unknown | Hebrew | NKH[ | absent | pl | 8653 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2594 | verb | NaN | absent | W | H | hif | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1364 | 1373 | 1374 | Genesis | 19 | 11 | 8653 | word | הִכּוּ֙ | 8653 | ni: be hit; pu: be smitten (down); hi: smite; ... | נכה | 5092 | i-nun, iii-hey | 500 | 8653 | 0 | perf | NaN | 500 | 13 | HIK.W. | unknown | Hebrew | NKH[ | absent | pl | 8653 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2594 | verb | NaN | absent | W | H | hif | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1364 | 1373 | 1374 | Genesis | 19 | 11 | 8653 | word | הִכּוּ֙ | 8653 | ni: be hit; pu: be smitten (down); hi: smite; ... | נכה | 5092 | i-nun, iii-hey | 500 | 8653 | 0 | perf | NaN | 500 | 13 | HIK.W. | unknown | Hebrew | NKH[ | absent | pl | 8653 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2594 | verb | NaN | absent | W | H | hif | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1365 | 1374 | 1375 | Genesis | 19 | 11 | 8663 | word | יִּלְא֖וּ | 8663 | qal: be weary, become weary; ni: be made weary... | לאה | 3686 | ii-guttural, iii-hey | 19 | 8663 | 0 | wayq | DF | 19 | 1 | J.IL:>W. | m | Hebrew | L>H[ | absent | pl | 8663 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1365 | 1374 | 1375 | Genesis | 19 | 11 | 8663 | word | יִּלְא֖וּ | 8663 | qal: be weary, become weary; ni: be made weary... | לאה | 3686 | ii-guttural, iii-hey | 19 | 8663 | 0 | wayq | DF | 19 | 1 | J.IL:>W. | m | Hebrew | L>H[ | absent | pl | 8663 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1365 | 1374 | 1375 | Genesis | 19 | 11 | 8663 | word | יִּלְא֖וּ | 8663 | qal: be weary, become weary; ni: be made weary... | לאה | 3686 | ii-guttural, iii-hey | 19 | 8663 | 0 | wayq | DF | 19 | 1 | J.IL:>W. | m | Hebrew | L>H[ | absent | pl | 8663 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1460 | 1471 | 1472 | Genesis | 19 | 34 | 9166 | word | נַשְׁקֶ֨נּוּ | 9166 | pu: be watered; hi: give to drink; | שׁקה | 7986 | iii-hey | 68 | 9166 | 0 | impf | NaN | 68 | 1 | NAC:QEN.W. | unknown | Hebrew | CQH[ | absent | pl | 9166 | verb | N | HW | m | sg | p3 | p1 | 12851 | verb | NaN | N | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_sampled.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_monad_num1", keep='first', inplace=True)
Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
1076 | 1083 | 1084 | Genesis | 16 | 8 | 7186 | word | בָ֖את | 7186 | qal: come, enter, go in; hi: bring; let come; ... | בוא | 889 | ii-waw, iii-aleph | 2570 | 7186 | 0 | perf | NaN | 2570 | 37 | B@>T | f | Hebrew | BW>[ | absent | sg | 7186 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 1046 | verb | NaN | absent | T= | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1364 | 1373 | 1374 | Genesis | 19 | 11 | 8653 | word | הִכּוּ֙ | 8653 | ni: be hit; pu: be smitten (down); hi: smite; ... | נכה | 5092 | i-nun, iii-hey | 500 | 8653 | 0 | perf | NaN | 500 | 13 | HIK.W. | unknown | Hebrew | NKH[ | absent | pl | 8653 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2594 | verb | NaN | absent | W | H | hif | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1365 | 1374 | 1375 | Genesis | 19 | 11 | 8663 | word | יִּלְא֖וּ | 8663 | qal: be weary, become weary; ni: be made weary... | לאה | 3686 | ii-guttural, iii-hey | 19 | 8663 | 0 | wayq | DF | 19 | 1 | J.IL:>W. | m | Hebrew | L>H[ | absent | pl | 8663 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1460 | 1471 | 1472 | Genesis | 19 | 34 | 9166 | word | נַשְׁקֶ֨נּוּ | 9166 | pu: be watered; hi: give to drink; | שׁקה | 7986 | iii-hey | 68 | 9166 | 0 | impf | NaN | 68 | 1 | NAC:QEN.W. | unknown | Hebrew | CQH[ | absent | pl | 9166 | verb | N | HW | m | sg | p3 | p1 | 12851 | verb | NaN | N | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1464 | 1475 | 1476 | Genesis | 19 | 35 | 9181 | word | תַּשְׁקֶ֜יןָ | 9181 | pu: be watered; hi: give to drink; | שׁקה | 7986 | iii-hey | 68 | 9181 | 0 | wayq | DL | 68 | 2 | T.AC:QEJN@ | f | Hebrew | CQH[ | absent | pl | 9181 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | NH | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1466 | 1477 | 1478 | Genesis | 19 | 35 | 9196 | word | תִּשְׁכַּ֣ב | 9196 | qal: lie down; have sexual intercourse; ni: be... | שׁכב | 7704 | regular | 212 | 9196 | 0 | wayq | DL_DF | 212 | 16 | T.IC:K.AB | f | Hebrew | CKB[ | absent | sg | 9196 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2212 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1470 | 1481 | 1482 | Genesis | 19 | 36 | 9207 | word | תַּהֲרֶ֛יןָ | 9207 | qal: conceive, be pregnant; pi: conceive; pu: ... | הרה | 1931 | i-guttural, ii-guttural, iii-hey | 43 | 9207 | 0 | wayq | DL | 43 | 1 | T.AH:AREJN@ | f | Hebrew | HRH[ | absent | pl | 9207 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | NH | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1473 | 1484 | 1485 | Genesis | 19 | 38 | 9233 | word | יָ֣לְדָה | 9233 | qal: bear, bring forth; beget; qal pass: bear,... | ילד | 3096 | i-waw | 492 | 9233 | 0 | perf | NaN | 492 | 51 | J@L:D@H | f | Hebrew | JLD[ | absent | sg | 9233 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 781 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2521 | 2555 | 2556 | Genesis | 28 | 20 | 14898 | word | שְׁמָרַ֨נִי֙ | 14898 | qal: keep watch, guard; ni: be guarded; beware... | שׁמר | 7869 | iii-guttural | 468 | 14898 | 0 | perf | NaN | 468 | 6 | C:M@RANIJ | m | Hebrew | CMR[ | absent | sg | 14898 | verb | absent | NJ | unknown | sg | p1 | p3 | 4554 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2740 | 2779 | 2780 | Genesis | 30 | 25 | 15982 | word | אֵ֣לְכָ֔ה | 15982 | qal: go, walk; ni: be gone, fade; pi: go, walk... | הלך | 1879 | i-waw | 1547 | 15982 | 0 | coho | NaN | 1547 | 21 | >;L:K@H | unknown | Hebrew | HLK[ | absent | sg | 15982 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 1741 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2748 | 2788 | 2789 | Genesis | 30 | 27 | 16019 | word | יְבָרֲכֵ֥נִי | 16019 | qal: bless; ni: bless oneself; pi: bless; pu: ... | ברך I | 1225 | ii-guttural | 327 | 16019 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 327 | 1 | J:B@R:AK;NIJ | m | Hebrew | BRK[ | absent | sg | 16019 | verb | J | NJ | unknown | sg | p1 | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2998 | 3041 | 3042 | Genesis | 31 | 54 | 17410 | word | יִּזְבַּ֨ח | 17410 | qal: slaughter, sacrifice; pi: sacrifice; | זבח | 1978 | iii-guttural | 134 | 17409 | 0 | wayq | DF_DL | 134 | 18 | J.IZ:B.AX | m | Hebrew | ZBX[ | absent | sg | 17410 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 1982 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3039 | 3083 | 3084 | Genesis | 32 | 10 | 17630 | word | אֵיטִ֥יבָה | 17630 | qal: be good, go well; hi: act right, do well; | יטב | 3083 | i-yod | 117 | 17629 | 0 | coho | NaN | 117 | 1 | >;JVIJB@H | unknown | Hebrew | JVB[ | absent | sg | 17630 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3241 | 3290 | 3291 | Genesis | 34 | 15 | 18709 | word | נֵאֹ֣ות | 18709 | ni: agree; | אות | 220 | i-guttural, ii-waw | 4 | 18708 | 0 | impf | NaN | 4 | 13 | N;>OWT | unknown | Hebrew | >WT[ | absent | pl | 18709 | verb | N | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 2594 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | N | nif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3462 | 3512 | 3513 | Genesis | 37 | 9 | 20329 | word | חָלַ֤מְתִּֽי | 20329 | qal: become strong; dream; hi: make strong; | חלם | 2384 | i-guttural | 29 | 20328 | 0 | perf | _DL | 29 | 7 | X@LAM:T.IJ | unknown | Hebrew | XLM[ | absent | sg | 20329 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 4072 | verb | NaN | absent | TJ | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3463 | 3514 | 3515 | Genesis | 37 | 10 | 20346 | word | יְסַפֵּ֣ר | 20346 | qal: write, count, number; ni: be counted; pi:... | ספר | 5469 | iii-guttural | 108 | 20345 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 108 | 26 | J:SAP.;R | m | Hebrew | SPR[ | absent | sg | 20346 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 1452 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3467 | 3518 | 3519 | Genesis | 37 | 10 | 20367 | word | בֹ֣וא | 20367 | qal: come, enter, go in; hi: bring; let come; ... | בוא | 889 | ii-waw, iii-aleph | 2570 | 20366 | 0 | infa | NaN | 2570 | 140 | BOW> | unknown | Hebrew | BW>[ | NaN | unknown | 20367 | advb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 306 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | qal | infa | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3474 | 3528 | 3529 | Genesis | 37 | 13 | 20411 | word | אֶשְׁלָחֲךָ֣ | 20411 | qal: send; ni: be sent; pi: let go; stretch ou... | שׁלח | 7754 | iii-guttural | 847 | 20410 | 0 | impf | NaN | 847 | 9 | >EC:L@X:AK@ | unknown | Hebrew | CLX[ | absent | sg | 20411 | verb | > | K | m | sg | p2 | p1 | 3421 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3478 | 3532 | 3533 | Genesis | 37 | 14 | 20422 | word | רְאֵ֜ה | 20422 | qal: see; get to know; look at; choose; ni: be... | ראה | 7095 | i-guttural, ii-guttural, iii-hey | 1298 | 20421 | 0 | impv | NaN | 1298 | 207 | R:>;H | m | Hebrew | R>H[ | absent | sg | 20422 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 206 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impv | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3503 | 3558 | 3559 | Genesis | 37 | 20 | 20521 | word | לְכ֣וּ | 20521 | qal: go, walk; ni: be gone, fade; pi: go, walk... | הלך | 1879 | i-waw | 1547 | 20520 | 0 | impv | NaN | 1547 | 82 | L:KW. | m | Hebrew | HLK[ | absent | pl | 20521 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 498 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | qal | impv | False | False | False | False | False | False |
Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
1076 | 1083 | 1084 | Genesis | 16 | 8 | 7186 | word | בָ֖את | 7186 | qal: come, enter, go in; hi: bring; let come; ... | בוא | 889 | ii-waw, iii-aleph | 2570 | 7186 | 0 | perf | NaN | 2570 | 37 | B@>T | f | Hebrew | BW>[ | absent | sg | 7186 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 1046 | verb | NaN | absent | T= | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1364 | 1373 | 1374 | Genesis | 19 | 11 | 8653 | word | הִכּוּ֙ | 8653 | ni: be hit; pu: be smitten (down); hi: smite; ... | נכה | 5092 | i-nun, iii-hey | 500 | 8653 | 0 | perf | NaN | 500 | 13 | HIK.W. | unknown | Hebrew | NKH[ | absent | pl | 8653 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2594 | verb | NaN | absent | W | H | hif | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1365 | 1374 | 1375 | Genesis | 19 | 11 | 8663 | word | יִּלְא֖וּ | 8663 | qal: be weary, become weary; ni: be made weary... | לאה | 3686 | ii-guttural, iii-hey | 19 | 8663 | 0 | wayq | DF | 19 | 1 | J.IL:>W. | m | Hebrew | L>H[ | absent | pl | 8663 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 12851 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1460 | 1471 | 1472 | Genesis | 19 | 34 | 9166 | word | נַשְׁקֶ֨נּוּ | 9166 | pu: be watered; hi: give to drink; | שׁקה | 7986 | iii-hey | 68 | 9166 | 0 | impf | NaN | 68 | 1 | NAC:QEN.W. | unknown | Hebrew | CQH[ | absent | pl | 9166 | verb | N | HW | m | sg | p3 | p1 | 12851 | verb | NaN | N | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
1464 | 1475 | 1476 | Genesis | 19 | 35 | 9181 | word | תַּשְׁקֶ֜יןָ | 9181 | pu: be watered; hi: give to drink; | שׁקה | 7986 | iii-hey | 68 | 9181 | 0 | wayq | DL | 68 | 2 | T.AC:QEJN@ | f | Hebrew | CQH[ | absent | pl | 9181 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | NH | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
tense_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_sampled['bol_vt1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
tense_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall Tense Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
ps_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_sampled['ps1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
ps_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall PS Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
gn_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_sampled['gn1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
gn_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall GN Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
vc_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_sampled['bol_dict_vc1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
vc_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall VC Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
vs_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_sampled['vs1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
vs_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall VS Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
(BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_lexeme_occurrences1'] > 99)
/var/folders/03/qlrw_2h92mgd4n9sls7f84lc0000gn/T/ipykernel_43836/166546048.py:1: UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index. BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST552_sampled=BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_552_625[
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 51797 entries, 1 to 71297 Data columns (total 48 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Unnamed: 0 51797 non-null int64 1 R 51797 non-null int64 2 S1 51797 non-null object 3 S2 51797 non-null int64 4 S3 51797 non-null int64 5 NODE1 51797 non-null int64 6 TYPE1 51797 non-null object 7 TEXT1 51797 non-null object 8 bol_bhsa_word_order1 51797 non-null int64 9 bol_dict_EN1 51797 non-null object 10 bol_dict_HebArm1 51797 non-null object 11 bol_dict_abc1 51797 non-null int64 12 bol_dict_vc1 51797 non-null object 13 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 51797 non-null int64 14 bol_monad_num1 51797 non-null int64 15 bol_qere_presence1 51797 non-null int64 16 bol_vt1 51797 non-null object 17 dagesh1 18695 non-null object 18 freq_lex1 51797 non-null int64 19 freq_occ1 51797 non-null int64 20 g_word_noaccent1 51797 non-null object 21 gn1 51797 non-null object 22 language1 51797 non-null object 23 lex1 51797 non-null object 24 nme1 44580 non-null object 25 nu1 51797 non-null object 26 number1 51797 non-null int64 27 pdp1 51797 non-null object 28 pfm1 43857 non-null object 29 prs1 51797 non-null object 30 prs_gn1 51797 non-null object 31 prs_nu1 51797 non-null object 32 prs_ps1 51797 non-null object 33 ps1 51797 non-null object 34 rank_occ1 51797 non-null int64 35 sp1 51797 non-null object 36 st1 11841 non-null object 37 uvf1 51797 non-null object 38 vbe1 15858 non-null object 39 vbs1 51797 non-null object 40 vs1 51797 non-null object 41 vt1 51797 non-null object 42 paragogicNun 51797 non-null bool 43 emphaticImpv 51797 non-null bool 44 Transposition 51797 non-null bool 45 WayCohortEnding 51797 non-null bool 46 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 51797 non-null bool 47 PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling 51797 non-null bool dtypes: bool(6), int64(14), object(28) memory usage: 17.3+ MB
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST552_sampled=BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST552_sampled \
'prs_gn1']) \
.sample(n=2, random_state=1, replace=True)\
Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
25 | 25 | 26 | Genesis | 1 | 9 | 154 | word | תֵרָאֶ֖ה | 154 | qal: see; get to know; look at; choose; ni: be... | ראה | 7095 | i-guttural, ii-guttural, iii-hey | 1298 | 154 | 0 | impf | NaN | 1298 | 36 | T;R@>EH | f | Hebrew | R>H[ | absent | sg | 154 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 1075 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | N | nif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
36 | 36 | 37 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 205 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 205 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 205 | 0 | wayq | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 205 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
36 | 36 | 37 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 205 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 205 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 205 | 0 | wayq | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 205 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
76 | 76 | 77 | Genesis | 1 | 24 | 449 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 449 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 449 | 0 | impf | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 449 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
76 | 76 | 77 | Genesis | 1 | 24 | 449 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 449 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 449 | 0 | impf | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 449 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
107 | 107 | 108 | Genesis | 2 | 1 | 675 | word | יְכֻלּ֛וּ | 675 | qal: come to an end, be completed, long for; p... | כלה | 3494 | iii-hey | 206 | 675 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 206 | 51 | J:KUL.W. | m | Hebrew | KLH[ | absent | pl | 675 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 781 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | pual | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
107 | 107 | 108 | Genesis | 2 | 1 | 675 | word | יְכֻלּ֛וּ | 675 | qal: come to an end, be completed, long for; p... | כלה | 3494 | iii-hey | 206 | 675 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 206 | 51 | J:KUL.W. | m | Hebrew | KLH[ | absent | pl | 675 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 781 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | pual | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
141 | 141 | 142 | Genesis | 2 | 15 | 953 | word | יַּנִּחֵ֣הוּ | 953 | qal: rest, settle down, make quiet; hi: lay, d... | נוח I | 4989 | i-nun, ii-waw, iii-guttural | 141 | 953 | 0 | wayq | DF_DF | 141 | 3 | J.AN.IX;HW. | m | Hebrew | NWX[ | absent | sg | 953 | verb | J | HW | m | sg | p3 | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
143 | 143 | 144 | Genesis | 2 | 15 | 961 | word | שָׁמְרָֽהּ׃ | 961 | qal: keep watch, guard; ni: be guarded; beware... | שׁמר | 7869 | iii-guttural | 468 | 961 | 0 | infc | NaN | 468 | 10 | C@M:R@H. | unknown | Hebrew | CMR[ | NaN | unknown | 961 | verb | NaN | H | f | sg | p3 | unknown | 3149 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | qal | infc | False | False | False | False | False | False |
151 | 151 | 152 | Genesis | 2 | 17 | 995 | word | תָּמֽוּת׃ | 995 | qal: die; pi: kill; hi: kill, put to death; ho... | מות | 4054 | ii-waw | 835 | 995 | 0 | impf | DL_DF | 835 | 34 | T.@MW.T | m | Hebrew | MWT[ | absent | sg | 995 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 1123 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST552_sampled.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_monad_num1", keep='first', inplace=True)
Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
25 | 25 | 26 | Genesis | 1 | 9 | 154 | word | תֵרָאֶ֖ה | 154 | qal: see; get to know; look at; choose; ni: be... | ראה | 7095 | i-guttural, ii-guttural, iii-hey | 1298 | 154 | 0 | impf | NaN | 1298 | 36 | T;R@>EH | f | Hebrew | R>H[ | absent | sg | 154 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 1075 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | N | nif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
36 | 36 | 37 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 205 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 205 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 205 | 0 | wayq | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 205 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
76 | 76 | 77 | Genesis | 1 | 24 | 449 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 449 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 449 | 0 | impf | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 449 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
107 | 107 | 108 | Genesis | 2 | 1 | 675 | word | יְכֻלּ֛וּ | 675 | qal: come to an end, be completed, long for; p... | כלה | 3494 | iii-hey | 206 | 675 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 206 | 51 | J:KUL.W. | m | Hebrew | KLH[ | absent | pl | 675 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 781 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | pual | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
141 | 141 | 142 | Genesis | 2 | 15 | 953 | word | יַּנִּחֵ֣הוּ | 953 | qal: rest, settle down, make quiet; hi: lay, d... | נוח I | 4989 | i-nun, ii-waw, iii-guttural | 141 | 953 | 0 | wayq | DF_DF | 141 | 3 | J.AN.IX;HW. | m | Hebrew | NWX[ | absent | sg | 953 | verb | J | HW | m | sg | p3 | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
25 | 25 | 26 | Genesis | 1 | 9 | 154 | word | תֵרָאֶ֖ה | 154 | qal: see; get to know; look at; choose; ni: be... | ראה | 7095 | i-guttural, ii-guttural, iii-hey | 1298 | 154 | 0 | impf | NaN | 1298 | 36 | T;R@>EH | f | Hebrew | R>H[ | absent | sg | 154 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 1075 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | N | nif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
36 | 36 | 37 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 205 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 205 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 205 | 0 | wayq | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 205 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
76 | 76 | 77 | Genesis | 1 | 24 | 449 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 449 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 449 | 0 | impf | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 449 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
107 | 107 | 108 | Genesis | 2 | 1 | 675 | word | יְכֻלּ֛וּ | 675 | qal: come to an end, be completed, long for; p... | כלה | 3494 | iii-hey | 206 | 675 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 206 | 51 | J:KUL.W. | m | Hebrew | KLH[ | absent | pl | 675 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 781 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | pual | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
141 | 141 | 142 | Genesis | 2 | 15 | 953 | word | יַּנִּחֵ֣הוּ | 953 | qal: rest, settle down, make quiet; hi: lay, d... | נוח I | 4989 | i-nun, ii-waw, iii-guttural | 141 | 953 | 0 | wayq | DF_DF | 141 | 3 | J.AN.IX;HW. | m | Hebrew | NWX[ | absent | sg | 953 | verb | J | HW | m | sg | p3 | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
tense_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST552_sampled['bol_vt1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
tense_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall Tense Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
ps_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST552_sampled['ps1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
ps_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall PS Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
gn_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST552_sampled['gn1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
gn_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall GN Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
vc_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST552_sampled['bol_dict_vc1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
vc_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall VC Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
vs_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST552_sampled['vs1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
vs_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall VS Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
(BHSallVerbalMorphology['bol_lexeme_occurrences1'] >= 70)
/var/folders/03/qlrw_2h92mgd4n9sls7f84lc0000gn/T/ipykernel_43836/1253110721.py:1: UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index. BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST625_sampled=BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST551_552_625[
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 55259 entries, 1 to 71297 Data columns (total 48 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Unnamed: 0 55259 non-null int64 1 R 55259 non-null int64 2 S1 55259 non-null object 3 S2 55259 non-null int64 4 S3 55259 non-null int64 5 NODE1 55259 non-null int64 6 TYPE1 55259 non-null object 7 TEXT1 55259 non-null object 8 bol_bhsa_word_order1 55259 non-null int64 9 bol_dict_EN1 55259 non-null object 10 bol_dict_HebArm1 55259 non-null object 11 bol_dict_abc1 55259 non-null int64 12 bol_dict_vc1 55259 non-null object 13 bol_lexeme_occurrences1 55259 non-null int64 14 bol_monad_num1 55259 non-null int64 15 bol_qere_presence1 55259 non-null int64 16 bol_vt1 55259 non-null object 17 dagesh1 19868 non-null object 18 freq_lex1 55259 non-null int64 19 freq_occ1 55259 non-null int64 20 g_word_noaccent1 55259 non-null object 21 gn1 55259 non-null object 22 language1 55259 non-null object 23 lex1 55259 non-null object 24 nme1 47555 non-null object 25 nu1 55259 non-null object 26 number1 55259 non-null int64 27 pdp1 55259 non-null object 28 pfm1 46809 non-null object 29 prs1 55259 non-null object 30 prs_gn1 55259 non-null object 31 prs_nu1 55259 non-null object 32 prs_ps1 55259 non-null object 33 ps1 55259 non-null object 34 rank_occ1 55259 non-null int64 35 sp1 55259 non-null object 36 st1 12656 non-null object 37 uvf1 55259 non-null object 38 vbe1 16896 non-null object 39 vbs1 55259 non-null object 40 vs1 55259 non-null object 41 vt1 55259 non-null object 42 paragogicNun 55259 non-null bool 43 emphaticImpv 55259 non-null bool 44 Transposition 55259 non-null bool 45 WayCohortEnding 55259 non-null bool 46 PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening 55259 non-null bool 47 PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling 55259 non-null bool dtypes: bool(6), int64(14), object(28) memory usage: 18.4+ MB
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST625_sampled=BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST625_sampled \
'prs_gn1']) \
.sample(n=2, random_state=1, replace=True)\
Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
36 | 36 | 37 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 205 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 205 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 205 | 0 | wayq | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 205 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
36 | 36 | 37 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 205 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 205 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 205 | 0 | wayq | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 205 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
76 | 76 | 77 | Genesis | 1 | 24 | 449 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 449 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 449 | 0 | impf | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 449 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
107 | 107 | 108 | Genesis | 2 | 1 | 675 | word | יְכֻלּ֛וּ | 675 | qal: come to an end, be completed, long for; p... | כלה | 3494 | iii-hey | 206 | 675 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 206 | 51 | J:KUL.W. | m | Hebrew | KLH[ | absent | pl | 675 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 781 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | pual | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
107 | 107 | 108 | Genesis | 2 | 1 | 675 | word | יְכֻלּ֛וּ | 675 | qal: come to an end, be completed, long for; p... | כלה | 3494 | iii-hey | 206 | 675 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 206 | 51 | J:KUL.W. | m | Hebrew | KLH[ | absent | pl | 675 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 781 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | pual | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
141 | 141 | 142 | Genesis | 2 | 15 | 953 | word | יַּנִּחֵ֣הוּ | 953 | qal: rest, settle down, make quiet; hi: lay, d... | נוח I | 4989 | i-nun, ii-waw, iii-guttural | 141 | 953 | 0 | wayq | DF_DF | 141 | 3 | J.AN.IX;HW. | m | Hebrew | NWX[ | absent | sg | 953 | verb | J | HW | m | sg | p3 | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
141 | 141 | 142 | Genesis | 2 | 15 | 953 | word | יַּנִּחֵ֣הוּ | 953 | qal: rest, settle down, make quiet; hi: lay, d... | נוח I | 4989 | i-nun, ii-waw, iii-guttural | 141 | 953 | 0 | wayq | DF_DF | 141 | 3 | J.AN.IX;HW. | m | Hebrew | NWX[ | absent | sg | 953 | verb | J | HW | m | sg | p3 | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
143 | 143 | 144 | Genesis | 2 | 15 | 961 | word | שָׁמְרָֽהּ׃ | 961 | qal: keep watch, guard; ni: be guarded; beware... | שׁמר | 7869 | iii-guttural | 468 | 961 | 0 | infc | NaN | 468 | 10 | C@M:R@H. | unknown | Hebrew | CMR[ | NaN | unknown | 961 | verb | NaN | H | f | sg | p3 | unknown | 3149 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | qal | infc | False | False | False | False | False | False |
147 | 147 | 148 | Genesis | 2 | 16 | 977 | word | תֹּאכֵֽל׃ | 977 | qal: eat, devour; qal pass: eat; ni: be eaten;... | אכל | 383 | i-aleph | 810 | 977 | 0 | impf | DL | 810 | 89 | T.O>K;L | m | Hebrew | >KL[ | absent | sg | 977 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 466 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
150 | 150 | 151 | Genesis | 2 | 17 | 994 | word | מֹ֥ות | 994 | qal: die; pi: kill; hi: kill, put to death; ho... | מות | 4054 | ii-waw | 835 | 994 | 0 | infa | NaN | 835 | 199 | MOWT | unknown | Hebrew | MWT[ | NaN | unknown | 994 | advb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 217 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | qal | infa | False | False | False | False | False | False |
BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST625_sampled.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_monad_num1", keep='first', inplace=True)
Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
36 | 36 | 37 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 205 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 205 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 205 | 0 | wayq | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 205 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
76 | 76 | 77 | Genesis | 1 | 24 | 449 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 449 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 449 | 0 | impf | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 449 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
107 | 107 | 108 | Genesis | 2 | 1 | 675 | word | יְכֻלּ֛וּ | 675 | qal: come to an end, be completed, long for; p... | כלה | 3494 | iii-hey | 206 | 675 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 206 | 51 | J:KUL.W. | m | Hebrew | KLH[ | absent | pl | 675 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 781 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | pual | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
141 | 141 | 142 | Genesis | 2 | 15 | 953 | word | יַּנִּחֵ֣הוּ | 953 | qal: rest, settle down, make quiet; hi: lay, d... | נוח I | 4989 | i-nun, ii-waw, iii-guttural | 141 | 953 | 0 | wayq | DF_DF | 141 | 3 | J.AN.IX;HW. | m | Hebrew | NWX[ | absent | sg | 953 | verb | J | HW | m | sg | p3 | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
143 | 143 | 144 | Genesis | 2 | 15 | 961 | word | שָׁמְרָֽהּ׃ | 961 | qal: keep watch, guard; ni: be guarded; beware... | שׁמר | 7869 | iii-guttural | 468 | 961 | 0 | infc | NaN | 468 | 10 | C@M:R@H. | unknown | Hebrew | CMR[ | NaN | unknown | 961 | verb | NaN | H | f | sg | p3 | unknown | 3149 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | qal | infc | False | False | False | False | False | False |
147 | 147 | 148 | Genesis | 2 | 16 | 977 | word | תֹּאכֵֽל׃ | 977 | qal: eat, devour; qal pass: eat; ni: be eaten;... | אכל | 383 | i-aleph | 810 | 977 | 0 | impf | DL | 810 | 89 | T.O>K;L | m | Hebrew | >KL[ | absent | sg | 977 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 466 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
150 | 150 | 151 | Genesis | 2 | 17 | 994 | word | מֹ֥ות | 994 | qal: die; pi: kill; hi: kill, put to death; ho... | מות | 4054 | ii-waw | 835 | 994 | 0 | infa | NaN | 835 | 199 | MOWT | unknown | Hebrew | MWT[ | NaN | unknown | 994 | advb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 217 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | qal | infa | False | False | False | False | False | False |
168 | 168 | 169 | Genesis | 2 | 22 | 1112 | word | יְבִאֶ֖הָ | 1112 | qal: come, enter, go in; hi: bring; let come; ... | בוא | 889 | ii-waw, iii-aleph | 2570 | 1112 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 2570 | 2 | J:BI>EH@ | m | Hebrew | BW>[ | absent | sg | 1112 | verb | J | H | f | sg | p3 | p3 | 9178 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
171 | 171 | 172 | Genesis | 2 | 23 | 1137 | word | לֻֽקֳחָה־ | 1137 | qal: take, grasp, seize; qal pass: take, grasp... | לקח | 3831 | i-nun, iii-guttural | 965 | 1137 | 0 | perf | NaN | 965 | 11 | LUQ:@X@H | f | Hebrew | LQX[ | absent | sg | 1137 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 2952 | verb | NaN | absent | H | absent | pual | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
183 | 183 | 184 | Genesis | 3 | 2 | 1210 | word | נֹאכֵֽל׃ | 1210 | qal: eat, devour; qal pass: eat; ni: be eaten;... | אכל | 383 | i-aleph | 810 | 1210 | 0 | impf | NaN | 810 | 6 | NO>K;L | unknown | Hebrew | >KL[ | absent | pl | 1210 | verb | N | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 4554 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
187 | 187 | 188 | Genesis | 3 | 3 | 1231 | word | תְּמֻתֽוּן׃ | 1231 | qal: die; pi: kill; hi: kill, put to death; ho... | מות | 4054 | ii-waw | 835 | 1231 | 0 | impf | DL_DF | 835 | 3 | T.:MUTW.N | m | Hebrew | MWT[ | absent | pl | 1231 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | WN | absent | qal | impf | True | False | False | False | False | False |
195 | 195 | 196 | Genesis | 3 | 5 | 1257 | word | יֹדְעֵ֖י | 1257 | qal: know; notice; learn; ni: make oneself kno... | ידע | 2947 | i-waw, iii-guttural | 944 | 1257 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 944 | 10 | JOD:<;J | m | Hebrew | JD<[ | J | pl | 1257 | subs | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 3149 | verb | c | absent | NaN | absent | qal | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
208 | 208 | 209 | Genesis | 3 | 8 | 1321 | word | מִתְהַלֵּ֥ךְ | 1321 | qal: go, walk; ni: be gone, fade; pi: go, walk... | הלך | 1879 | i-waw | 1547 | 1321 | 0 | ptca | NaN | 1547 | 8 | MIT:HAL.;K: | m | Hebrew | HLK[ | NaN | sg | 1321 | verb | M | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 3705 | verb | a | absent | NaN | HT | hit | ptca | False | False | False | False | False | False |
214 | 214 | 215 | Genesis | 3 | 10 | 1364 | word | אִירָ֛א | 1364 | qal: fear, be afraid; ni: be fearful, be terri... | ירא | 3253 | i-waw, ii-guttural, iii-aleph | 332 | 1364 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 332 | 12 | >IJR@> | unknown | Hebrew | JR>[ | absent | sg | 1364 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 2761 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
229 | 229 | 230 | Genesis | 3 | 13 | 1424 | word | אֹכֵֽל׃ | 1424 | qal: eat, devour; qal pass: eat; ni: be eaten;... | אכל | 383 | i-aleph | 810 | 1424 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 810 | 164 | >OK;L | unknown | Hebrew | >KL[ | absent | sg | 1424 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 269 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
240 | 240 | 241 | Genesis | 3 | 16 | 1482 | word | אַרְבֶּה֙ | 1482 | qal: be numerous, become numerous, be great; p... | רבה I | 7129 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 224 | 1482 | 0 | impf | _DL | 224 | 33 | >AR:B.EH | unknown | Hebrew | RBH[ | absent | sg | 1482 | verb | > | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p1 | 1153 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
245 | 245 | 246 | Genesis | 3 | 17 | 1508 | word | תֹּ֨אכַל֙ | 1508 | qal: eat, devour; qal pass: eat; ni: be eaten;... | אכל | 383 | i-aleph | 810 | 1508 | 0 | wayq | DL | 810 | 89 | T.O>KAL | m | Hebrew | >KL[ | absent | sg | 1508 | verb | T | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 466 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
246 | 246 | 247 | Genesis | 3 | 17 | 1513 | word | צִוִּיתִ֨יךָ֙ | 1513 | pi: command; pu: be ordered; | צוה | 6557 | iii-hey | 494 | 1513 | 0 | perf | NaN | 494 | 9 | YIW.IJTIJK@ | unknown | Hebrew | YWH[ | absent | sg | 1513 | verb | absent | K | m | sg | p2 | p1 | 3421 | verb | NaN | absent | TJ | absent | piel | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
254 | 254 | 255 | Genesis | 3 | 19 | 1548 | word | שֽׁוּבְךָ֙ | 1548 | qal: turn, return, repeat; pi: bring back; sed... | שׁוב I | 7576 | ii-waw | 1037 | 1548 | 0 | infc | NaN | 1038 | 4 | CW.B:K@ | unknown | Hebrew | CWB[ | NaN | unknown | 1548 | verb | NaN | K | m | sg | p2 | unknown | 6060 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | qal | infc | False | False | False | False | False | False |
255 | 255 | 256 | Genesis | 3 | 19 | 1554 | word | לֻקָּ֑חְתָּ | 1554 | qal: take, grasp, seize; qal pass: take, grasp... | לקח | 3831 | i-nun, iii-guttural | 965 | 1554 | 0 | perf | _DL | 965 | 47 | LUQ.@X:T.@ | m | Hebrew | LQX[ | absent | sg | 1554 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 838 | verb | NaN | absent | T | absent | pual | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
36 | 36 | 37 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 205 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 205 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 205 | 0 | wayq | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 205 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
76 | 76 | 77 | Genesis | 1 | 24 | 449 | word | תֹּוצֵ֨א | 449 | qal: go out, go forth; hi: bring; ho: be broug... | יצא | 3207 | i-waw, iii-aleph | 1068 | 449 | 0 | impf | DL | 1068 | 3 | T.OWY;> | f | Hebrew | JY>[ | absent | sg | 449 | verb | T= | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | impf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
107 | 107 | 108 | Genesis | 2 | 1 | 675 | word | יְכֻלּ֛וּ | 675 | qal: come to an end, be completed, long for; p... | כלה | 3494 | iii-hey | 206 | 675 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 206 | 51 | J:KUL.W. | m | Hebrew | KLH[ | absent | pl | 675 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 781 | verb | NaN | absent | W | absent | pual | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
141 | 141 | 142 | Genesis | 2 | 15 | 953 | word | יַּנִּחֵ֣הוּ | 953 | qal: rest, settle down, make quiet; hi: lay, d... | נוח I | 4989 | i-nun, ii-waw, iii-guttural | 141 | 953 | 0 | wayq | DF_DF | 141 | 3 | J.AN.IX;HW. | m | Hebrew | NWX[ | absent | sg | 953 | verb | J | HW | m | sg | p3 | p3 | 7211 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | H | hif | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
143 | 143 | 144 | Genesis | 2 | 15 | 961 | word | שָׁמְרָֽהּ׃ | 961 | qal: keep watch, guard; ni: be guarded; beware... | שׁמר | 7869 | iii-guttural | 468 | 961 | 0 | infc | NaN | 468 | 10 | C@M:R@H. | unknown | Hebrew | CMR[ | NaN | unknown | 961 | verb | NaN | H | f | sg | p3 | unknown | 3149 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | qal | infc | False | False | False | False | False | False |
tense_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST625_sampled['bol_vt1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
tense_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall Tense Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
ps_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST625_sampled['ps1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
ps_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall PS Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
gn_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST625_sampled['gn1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
gn_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall GN Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
vc_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST625_sampled['bol_dict_vc1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
vc_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall VC Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
vs_counts= BHSallVerbalMorphologyOTST625_sampled['vs1'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
vs_counts.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall VS Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['S2']==21)
& (BHSallVerbalMorphology['S3']<18)
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | bol_bhsa_word_order1 | bol_dict_EN1 | bol_dict_HebArm1 | bol_dict_abc1 | bol_dict_vc1 | bol_lexeme_occurrences1 | bol_monad_num1 | bol_qere_presence1 | bol_vt1 | dagesh1 | freq_lex1 | freq_occ1 | g_word_noaccent1 | gn1 | language1 | lex1 | nme1 | nu1 | number1 | pdp1 | pfm1 | prs1 | prs_gn1 | prs_nu1 | prs_ps1 | ps1 | rank_occ1 | sp1 | st1 | uvf1 | vbe1 | vbs1 | vs1 | vt1 | paragogicNun | emphaticImpv | Transposition | WayCohortEnding | PielPualHit_wo_DF_compLengthening | PielPualHit_w_DoubleDoubling | |
31620 | 31621 | 1_Kings | 21 | 1 | 192988 | word | יְהִ֗י | 192988 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 192987 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 3561 | 866 | J:HIJ | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 16911 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 38 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
31621 | 31622 | 1_Kings | 21 | 1 | 192995 | word | הָיָ֛ה | 192995 | qal: be, happen, become, occur; ni: be realize... | היה | 1864 | i-guttural, iii-hey | 3561 | 192994 | 0 | perf | NaN | 3561 | 761 | H@J@H | m | Hebrew | HJH[ | absent | sg | 16918 | verb | absent | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 45 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | qal | perf | False | False | False | False | False | False |
31622 | 31623 | 1_Kings | 21 | 2 | 193009 | word | יְדַבֵּ֣ר | 193009 | qal: speak; ni: speak; pi: speak; pu: be spoke... | דבר I | 1616 | iii-guttural | 1138 | 193008 | 0 | wayq | NaN | 1138 | 240 | J:DAB.;R | m | Hebrew | DBR[ | absent | sg | 16932 | verb | J | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p3 | 179 | verb | NaN | absent | NaN | absent | piel | wayq | False | False | False | False | False | False |
31623 | 31624 | 1_Kings | 21 | 2 | 193014 | word | אמֹר֩׀ | 193014 | qal: say, think; ni: be said, be called; hi: d... | אמר I | 545 | i-aleph | 5307 | 193013 | 0 | infc | NaN | 5307 | 1911 | >MOR | unknown | Hebrew | >MR[ | NaN | unknown | 16937 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | 20 | verb | a | absent | NaN | absent | qal | infc | False | False | False | False | False | False |
31624 | 31625 | 1_Kings | 21 | 2 | 193015 | word | תְּנָה־ | 193015 | qal: give, place; ni: be given, put; ho: be gi... | נתן | 5268 | i-nun | 2010 | 193014 | 0 | impv | DL | 2010 | 24 | T.:N@H | m | Hebrew | NTN[ | absent | sg | 16938 | verb | NaN | absent | unknown | unknown | unknown | p2 | 1565 | verb | NaN | absent | H= | absent | qal | impv | False | True | False | False | False | False |
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Reges21Morphology=Reges21Morphology \
.groupby(['S3']) \
.sample(n=1, replace=True)\
Reges21Morphology.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/OTST551-2_exams_og/OTST552_week12_midterm-sample_Reges21_morphology_selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Genesis chapter=1|3|6|12|13|18|19|20|21|22|25|26|27
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|.*i.*|.*gem.*
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Genesis = BHSa4c.search(Genesis)
BHSa4c.table(Genesis, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
4.08s 305 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Genesis 1:5 | יֹ֥ום אֶחָֽד׃ פ | יֹ֥ום אֶחָֽד׃ פ | יֹ֥ום |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Exodus chapter=20
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|.*i.*|.*gem.*
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Exodus = BHSa4c.search(Exodus)
BHSa4c.table(Exodus, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
4.25s 34 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Exodus 20:2 | אָֽנֹכִ֖י֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑֔יךָ | אָֽנֹכִ֖י֙ | אָֽנֹכִ֖י֙ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Numeri chapter=6 verse=22|23|24|25|26|27
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|.*i.*|.*gem.*
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Numeri = BHSa4c.search(Numeri)
BHSa4c.table(Numeri, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.21s 0 results
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Josua chapter=1|10
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|.*i.*|.*gem.*
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Josua = BHSa4c.search(Josua)
BHSa4c.table(Josua, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
5.57s 66 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Joshua 1:2 | וְעַתָּה֩ | וְ | וְ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Judices chapter=19
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|.*i.*|.*gem.*
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Judices = BHSa4c.search(Judices)
BHSa4c.table(Judices, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
5.08s 22 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Judges 19:1 | וּמֶ֖לֶךְ אֵ֣ין בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל | וּ | וּ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Samuel_I chapter=1|9
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|.*i.*|.*gem.*
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Samuel_I = BHSa4c.search(Samuel_I)
BHSa4c.table(Samuel_I, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.83s 87 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | 1_Samuel 1:2 | וְלֹו֙ שְׁתֵּ֣י נָשִׁ֔ים | וְ | וְ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Reges_I chapter=21
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|.*i.*|.*gem.*
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Reges_I = BHSa4c.search(Reges_I)
BHSa4c.table(Reges_I, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.68s 17 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | 1_Kings 21:2 | טֹ֣וב מִמֶּ֑נּוּ | טֹ֣וב | טֹ֣וב |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Reges_II chapter=6
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|.*i.*|.*gem.*
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Reges_II = BHSa4c.search(Reges_II)
BHSa4c.table(Reges_II, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.99s 50 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | 2_Kings 6:10 | לֹ֥א אַחַ֖ת | לֹ֥א | לֹ֥א |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Jeremia chapter=37|38|39
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|.*i.*|.*gem.*
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Jeremia = BHSa4c.search(Jeremia)
BHSa4c.table(Jeremia, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.22s 59 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Jeremiah 37:10 | אִ֤ישׁ בְּאָהֳלֹו֙ | אִ֤ישׁ | אִ֤ישׁ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Jona chapter=1
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|.*i.*|.*gem.*
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Jona = BHSa4c.search(Jona)
BHSa4c.table(Jona, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.41s 19 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Jonah 1:5 | אִ֣ישׁ אֶל־אֱלֹהָיו֒ | אִ֣ישׁ | אִ֣ישׁ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Ruth chapter=1
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb|.*i.*|.*gem.*
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Ruth = BHSa4c.search(Ruth)
BHSa4c.table(Ruth, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.19s 25 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Ruth 1:1 | שְׁפֹ֣ט הַשֹּׁפְטִ֔ים | שְׁפֹ֣ט | שְׁפֹ֣ט |
BHSa4c.export(Genesis+Exodus+Numeri+Josua+Judices+Samuel_I+Reges_I+Reges_II+Jeremia+Jona+Ruth, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_OTST_551_Qualifier-Selection_unfiltered_v0.3.tsv')
BHS_OTST551_phrase_selection=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_OTST_551_Qualifier-Selection_unfiltered_v0.3.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | book1 | chapter1 | NODE2 | TYPE2 | TEXT2 | domain2 | kind2 | rela2 | typ2 | NODE3 | TYPE3 | TEXT3 | det3 | function3 | rela3 | typ3 | NODE4 | TYPE4 | TEXT4 | bol_lexeme_occurrences4 | bol_monad_num4 | bol_qere_presence4 | bol_sequence_number_clause4 | bol_sequence_number_clause_atom4 | bol_sequence_number_phrase4 | bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom4 | language4 | |
0 | 1 | Genesis | 1 | 5 | 1414358 | verse | וַיִּקְרָ֨א אֱלֹהִ֤ים׀ לָאֹור֙ יֹ֔ום וְלַחֹ֖שׁ... | Genesis | 1 | 427567 | clause | יֹ֥ום אֶחָֽד׃ פ | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 651590 | phrase | יֹ֥ום אֶחָֽד׃ פ | und | PreC | NaN | NP | 77 | word | יֹ֥ום | 2304 | 77 | 0 | 15 | 15 | 49 | 49 | Hebrew |
1 | 2 | Genesis | 1 | 5 | 1414358 | verse | וַיִּקְרָ֨א אֱלֹהִ֤ים׀ לָאֹור֙ יֹ֔ום וְלַחֹ֖שׁ... | Genesis | 1 | 427567 | clause | יֹ֥ום אֶחָֽד׃ פ | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 651590 | phrase | יֹ֥ום אֶחָֽד׃ פ | und | PreC | NaN | NP | 78 | word | אֶחָֽד׃ פ | 970 | 78 | 0 | 15 | 16 | 49 | 49 | Hebrew |
2 | 3 | Genesis | 1 | 11 | 1414364 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427592 | clause | אֲשֶׁ֥ר זַרְעֹו־בֹ֖ו | Q | NC | Attr | NmCl | 651664 | phrase | אֲשֶׁ֥ר | NaN | Rela | NaN | CP | 195 | word | אֲשֶׁ֥ר | 5500 | 195 | 0 | 40 | 42 | 123 | 130 | Hebrew |
3 | 4 | Genesis | 1 | 11 | 1414364 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427592 | clause | אֲשֶׁ֥ר זַרְעֹו־בֹ֖ו | Q | NC | Attr | NmCl | 651665 | phrase | זַרְעֹו־ | det | Subj | NaN | NP | 196 | word | זַרְעֹו־ | 229 | 196 | 0 | 40 | 42 | 124 | 131 | Hebrew |
4 | 5 | Genesis | 1 | 11 | 1414364 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427592 | clause | אֲשֶׁ֥ר זַרְעֹו־בֹ֖ו | Q | NC | Attr | NmCl | 651666 | phrase | בֹ֖ו | det | PreC | NaN | PP | 197 | word | בֹ֖ו | 15541 | 197 | 0 | 40 | 43 | 125 | 132 | Hebrew |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 684 entries, 0 to 683 Data columns (total 34 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 R 684 non-null int64 1 S1 684 non-null object 2 S2 684 non-null int64 3 S3 684 non-null int64 4 NODE1 684 non-null int64 5 TYPE1 684 non-null object 6 TEXT1 684 non-null object 7 book1 684 non-null object 8 chapter1 684 non-null int64 9 NODE2 684 non-null int64 10 TYPE2 684 non-null object 11 TEXT2 684 non-null object 12 domain2 684 non-null object 13 kind2 684 non-null object 14 rela2 250 non-null object 15 typ2 684 non-null object 16 NODE3 684 non-null int64 17 TYPE3 684 non-null object 18 TEXT3 684 non-null object 19 det3 462 non-null object 20 function3 684 non-null object 21 rela3 1 non-null object 22 typ3 684 non-null object 23 NODE4 684 non-null int64 24 TYPE4 684 non-null object 25 TEXT4 673 non-null object 26 bol_lexeme_occurrences4 684 non-null int64 27 bol_monad_num4 684 non-null int64 28 bol_qere_presence4 684 non-null int64 29 bol_sequence_number_clause4 684 non-null int64 30 bol_sequence_number_clause_atom4 684 non-null int64 31 bol_sequence_number_phrase4 684 non-null int64 32 bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom4 684 non-null int64 33 language4 684 non-null object dtypes: int64(15), object(19) memory usage: 181.8+ KB
['PreC', 'Rela', 'Subj', 'Conj', 'Intj', 'Modi', 'Frnt', 'Time', 'Loca', 'Ques', 'Nega', 'Cmpl', 'Voct', 'Pred', 'NCop', 'PreS', 'Objc', 'IntS', 'ModS', 'Adju']
| (BHS_OTST551_phrase_selection['function3']=='Subj')
| (BHS_OTST551_phrase_selection['function3']=='Objc')
| (BHS_OTST551_phrase_selection['function3']=='PreO')
| (BHS_OTST551_phrase_selection['function3']=='Nega')
| (BHS_OTST551_phrase_selection['function3']=='PreS')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 178 entries, 3 to 681 Data columns (total 34 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 R 178 non-null int64 1 S1 178 non-null object 2 S2 178 non-null int64 3 S3 178 non-null int64 4 NODE1 178 non-null int64 5 TYPE1 178 non-null object 6 TEXT1 178 non-null object 7 book1 178 non-null object 8 chapter1 178 non-null int64 9 NODE2 178 non-null int64 10 TYPE2 178 non-null object 11 TEXT2 178 non-null object 12 domain2 178 non-null object 13 kind2 178 non-null object 14 rela2 45 non-null object 15 typ2 178 non-null object 16 NODE3 178 non-null int64 17 TYPE3 178 non-null object 18 TEXT3 178 non-null object 19 det3 148 non-null object 20 function3 178 non-null object 21 rela3 1 non-null object 22 typ3 178 non-null object 23 NODE4 178 non-null int64 24 TYPE4 178 non-null object 25 TEXT4 178 non-null object 26 bol_lexeme_occurrences4 178 non-null int64 27 bol_monad_num4 178 non-null int64 28 bol_qere_presence4 178 non-null int64 29 bol_sequence_number_clause4 178 non-null int64 30 bol_sequence_number_clause_atom4 178 non-null int64 31 bol_sequence_number_phrase4 178 non-null int64 32 bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom4 178 non-null int64 33 language4 178 non-null object dtypes: int64(15), object(19) memory usage: 48.7+ KB
['Subj', 'Nega', 'Pred', 'PreS', 'Objc']
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BHS_OTST551_phrase_selection_sampled=BHS_OTST551_phrase_selection \
]) \
.sample(n=100, random_state=1, replace=True)\
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | book1 | chapter1 | NODE2 | TYPE2 | TEXT2 | domain2 | kind2 | rela2 | typ2 | NODE3 | TYPE3 | TEXT3 | det3 | function3 | rela3 | typ3 | NODE4 | TYPE4 | TEXT4 | bol_lexeme_occurrences4 | bol_monad_num4 | bol_qere_presence4 | bol_sequence_number_clause4 | bol_sequence_number_clause_atom4 | bol_sequence_number_phrase4 | bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom4 | language4 | |
284 | 285 | Genesis | 27 | 21 | 1415102 | verse | וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יִצְחָק֙ אֶֽל־יַעֲקֹ֔ב גְּשָׁה־נָּ֥... | Genesis | 27 | 430309 | clause | אִם־לֹֽא׃ | Q | WP | NaN | Ellp | 659915 | phrase | לֹֽא׃ | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 13990 | word | לֹֽא׃ | 5167 | 13990 | 0 | 2760 | 2857 | 8378 | 8771 | Hebrew |
540 | 541 | 2_Kings | 6 | 12 | 1423958 | verse | וַיֹּ֨אמֶר֙ אַחַ֣ד מֵֽעֲבָדָ֔יו לֹ֖וא אֲדֹנִ֣י... | Reges_II | 6 | 465612 | clause | לֹ֖וא | Q | NC | NaN | NmCl | 766521 | phrase | לֹ֖וא | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 198377 | word | לֹ֖וא | 5167 | 198376 | 0 | 38002 | 39137 | 114947 | 121774 | Hebrew |
534 | 535 | 2_Kings | 6 | 10 | 1423956 | verse | וַיִּשְׁלַ֞ח מֶ֣לֶךְ יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל אֶֽל־הַמָּקֹ֞... | Reges_II | 6 | 465604 | clause | וְלֹ֥א שְׁתָּֽיִם׃ | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 766498 | phrase | לֹ֥א | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 198342 | word | לֹ֥א | 5167 | 198341 | 0 | 37994 | 39127 | 114924 | 121750 | Hebrew |
110 | 111 | Genesis | 18 | 15 | 1414793 | verse | וַתְּכַחֵ֨שׁ שָׂרָ֧ה׀ לֵאמֹ֛ר לֹ֥א צָחַ֖קְתִּי... | Genesis | 18 | 429015 | clause | לֹ֖א | Q | NC | NaN | NmCl | 656074 | phrase | לֹ֖א | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 8072 | word | לֹ֖א | 5167 | 8072 | 0 | 1466 | 1540 | 4537 | 4775 | Hebrew |
461 | 462 | 1_Samuel | 9 | 4 | 1421665 | verse | וַיַּעֲבֹ֧ר בְּהַר־אֶפְרַ֛יִם וַיַּעֲבֹ֥ר בְּא... | Samuel_I | 9 | 454791 | clause | וָאַ֔יִן | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 734182 | phrase | אַ֔יִן | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 145581 | word | אַ֔יִן | 788 | 145580 | 0 | 27189 | 28089 | 82611 | 87542 | Hebrew |
139 | 140 | Genesis | 19 | 18 | 1414829 | verse | וַיֹּ֥אמֶר לֹ֖וט אֲלֵהֶ֑ם אַל־נָ֖א אֲדֹנָֽי׃ | Genesis | 19 | 429197 | clause | אַל־נָ֖א | Q | NC | NaN | NmCl | 656595 | phrase | אַל־ | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 8834 | word | אַל־ | 726 | 8834 | 0 | 1648 | 1725 | 5058 | 5306 | Hebrew |
124 | 125 | Genesis | 19 | 2 | 1414813 | verse | וַיֹּ֜אמֶר הִנֶּ֣ה נָּא־אֲדֹנַ֗י ס֣וּרוּ נָ֠א ... | Genesis | 19 | 429118 | clause | לֹּ֔א | Q | NC | NaN | NmCl | 656365 | phrase | לֹּ֔א | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 8473 | word | לֹּ֔א | 5167 | 8473 | 0 | 1569 | 1644 | 4828 | 5067 | Hebrew |
498 | 499 | 1_Samuel | 9 | 20 | 1421681 | verse | וְלָאֲתֹנֹ֞ות הָאֹבְדֹ֣ות לְךָ֗ הַיֹּום֙ שְׁלֹ... | Samuel_I | 9 | 454895 | clause | הֲלֹ֣וא לְךָ֔ וּלְכֹ֖ל בֵּ֥ית אָבִֽיךָ׃ ס | Q | NC | NaN | NmCl | 734476 | phrase | לֹ֣וא | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 146007 | word | לֹ֣וא | 5167 | 146006 | 0 | 27293 | 28194 | 82905 | 87840 | Hebrew |
110 | 111 | Genesis | 18 | 15 | 1414793 | verse | וַתְּכַחֵ֨שׁ שָׂרָ֧ה׀ לֵאמֹ֛ר לֹ֥א צָחַ֖קְתִּי... | Genesis | 18 | 429015 | clause | לֹ֖א | Q | NC | NaN | NmCl | 656074 | phrase | לֹ֖א | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 8072 | word | לֹ֖א | 5167 | 8072 | 0 | 1466 | 1540 | 4537 | 4775 | Hebrew |
284 | 285 | Genesis | 27 | 21 | 1415102 | verse | וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יִצְחָק֙ אֶֽל־יַעֲקֹ֔ב גְּשָׁה־נָּ֥... | Genesis | 27 | 430309 | clause | אִם־לֹֽא׃ | Q | WP | NaN | Ellp | 659915 | phrase | לֹֽא׃ | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 13990 | word | לֹֽא׃ | 5167 | 13990 | 0 | 2760 | 2857 | 8378 | 8771 | Hebrew |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 500 entries, 284 to 492 Data columns (total 34 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 R 500 non-null int64 1 S1 500 non-null object 2 S2 500 non-null int64 3 S3 500 non-null int64 4 NODE1 500 non-null int64 5 TYPE1 500 non-null object 6 TEXT1 500 non-null object 7 book1 500 non-null object 8 chapter1 500 non-null int64 9 NODE2 500 non-null int64 10 TYPE2 500 non-null object 11 TEXT2 500 non-null object 12 domain2 500 non-null object 13 kind2 500 non-null object 14 rela2 187 non-null object 15 typ2 500 non-null object 16 NODE3 500 non-null int64 17 TYPE3 500 non-null object 18 TEXT3 500 non-null object 19 det3 200 non-null object 20 function3 500 non-null object 21 rela3 2 non-null object 22 typ3 500 non-null object 23 NODE4 500 non-null int64 24 TYPE4 500 non-null object 25 TEXT4 500 non-null object 26 bol_lexeme_occurrences4 500 non-null int64 27 bol_monad_num4 500 non-null int64 28 bol_qere_presence4 500 non-null int64 29 bol_sequence_number_clause4 500 non-null int64 30 bol_sequence_number_clause_atom4 500 non-null int64 31 bol_sequence_number_phrase4 500 non-null int64 32 bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom4 500 non-null int64 33 language4 500 non-null object dtypes: int64(15), object(19) memory usage: 136.7+ KB
BHS_OTST551_phrase_selection_sampled.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_sequence_number_phrase4", keep='first', inplace=True)
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | book1 | chapter1 | NODE2 | TYPE2 | TEXT2 | domain2 | kind2 | rela2 | typ2 | NODE3 | TYPE3 | TEXT3 | det3 | function3 | rela3 | typ3 | NODE4 | TYPE4 | TEXT4 | bol_lexeme_occurrences4 | bol_monad_num4 | bol_qere_presence4 | bol_sequence_number_clause4 | bol_sequence_number_clause_atom4 | bol_sequence_number_phrase4 | bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom4 | language4 | |
284 | 285 | Genesis | 27 | 21 | 1415102 | verse | וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יִצְחָק֙ אֶֽל־יַעֲקֹ֔ב גְּשָׁה־נָּ֥... | Genesis | 27 | 430309 | clause | אִם־לֹֽא׃ | Q | WP | NaN | Ellp | 659915 | phrase | לֹֽא׃ | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 13990 | word | לֹֽא׃ | 5167 | 13990 | 0 | 2760 | 2857 | 8378 | 8771 | Hebrew |
540 | 541 | 2_Kings | 6 | 12 | 1423958 | verse | וַיֹּ֨אמֶר֙ אַחַ֣ד מֵֽעֲבָדָ֔יו לֹ֖וא אֲדֹנִ֣י... | Reges_II | 6 | 465612 | clause | לֹ֖וא | Q | NC | NaN | NmCl | 766521 | phrase | לֹ֖וא | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 198377 | word | לֹ֖וא | 5167 | 198376 | 0 | 38002 | 39137 | 114947 | 121774 | Hebrew |
534 | 535 | 2_Kings | 6 | 10 | 1423956 | verse | וַיִּשְׁלַ֞ח מֶ֣לֶךְ יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל אֶֽל־הַמָּקֹ֞... | Reges_II | 6 | 465604 | clause | וְלֹ֥א שְׁתָּֽיִם׃ | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 766498 | phrase | לֹ֥א | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 198342 | word | לֹ֥א | 5167 | 198341 | 0 | 37994 | 39127 | 114924 | 121750 | Hebrew |
110 | 111 | Genesis | 18 | 15 | 1414793 | verse | וַתְּכַחֵ֨שׁ שָׂרָ֧ה׀ לֵאמֹ֛ר לֹ֥א צָחַ֖קְתִּי... | Genesis | 18 | 429015 | clause | לֹ֖א | Q | NC | NaN | NmCl | 656074 | phrase | לֹ֖א | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 8072 | word | לֹ֖א | 5167 | 8072 | 0 | 1466 | 1540 | 4537 | 4775 | Hebrew |
461 | 462 | 1_Samuel | 9 | 4 | 1421665 | verse | וַיַּעֲבֹ֧ר בְּהַר־אֶפְרַ֛יִם וַיַּעֲבֹ֥ר בְּא... | Samuel_I | 9 | 454791 | clause | וָאַ֔יִן | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 734182 | phrase | אַ֔יִן | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 145581 | word | אַ֔יִן | 788 | 145580 | 0 | 27189 | 28089 | 82611 | 87542 | Hebrew |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 92 entries, 284 to 628 Data columns (total 34 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 R 92 non-null int64 1 S1 92 non-null object 2 S2 92 non-null int64 3 S3 92 non-null int64 4 NODE1 92 non-null int64 5 TYPE1 92 non-null object 6 TEXT1 92 non-null object 7 book1 92 non-null object 8 chapter1 92 non-null int64 9 NODE2 92 non-null int64 10 TYPE2 92 non-null object 11 TEXT2 92 non-null object 12 domain2 92 non-null object 13 kind2 92 non-null object 14 rela2 24 non-null object 15 typ2 92 non-null object 16 NODE3 92 non-null int64 17 TYPE3 92 non-null object 18 TEXT3 92 non-null object 19 det3 64 non-null object 20 function3 92 non-null object 21 rela3 1 non-null object 22 typ3 92 non-null object 23 NODE4 92 non-null int64 24 TYPE4 92 non-null object 25 TEXT4 92 non-null object 26 bol_lexeme_occurrences4 92 non-null int64 27 bol_monad_num4 92 non-null int64 28 bol_qere_presence4 92 non-null int64 29 bol_sequence_number_clause4 92 non-null int64 30 bol_sequence_number_clause_atom4 92 non-null int64 31 bol_sequence_number_phrase4 92 non-null int64 32 bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom4 92 non-null int64 33 language4 92 non-null object dtypes: int64(15), object(19) memory usage: 25.2+ KB
R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | book1 | chapter1 | NODE2 | TYPE2 | TEXT2 | domain2 | kind2 | rela2 | typ2 | NODE3 | TYPE3 | TEXT3 | det3 | function3 | rela3 | typ3 | NODE4 | TYPE4 | TEXT4 | bol_lexeme_occurrences4 | bol_monad_num4 | bol_qere_presence4 | bol_sequence_number_clause4 | bol_sequence_number_clause_atom4 | bol_sequence_number_phrase4 | bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom4 | language4 | |
284 | 285 | Genesis | 27 | 21 | 1415102 | verse | וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יִצְחָק֙ אֶֽל־יַעֲקֹ֔ב גְּשָׁה־נָּ֥... | Genesis | 27 | 430309 | clause | אִם־לֹֽא׃ | Q | WP | NaN | Ellp | 659915 | phrase | לֹֽא׃ | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 13990 | word | לֹֽא׃ | 5167 | 13990 | 0 | 2760 | 2857 | 8378 | 8771 | Hebrew |
540 | 541 | 2_Kings | 6 | 12 | 1423958 | verse | וַיֹּ֨אמֶר֙ אַחַ֣ד מֵֽעֲבָדָ֔יו לֹ֖וא אֲדֹנִ֣י... | Reges_II | 6 | 465612 | clause | לֹ֖וא | Q | NC | NaN | NmCl | 766521 | phrase | לֹ֖וא | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 198377 | word | לֹ֖וא | 5167 | 198376 | 0 | 38002 | 39137 | 114947 | 121774 | Hebrew |
534 | 535 | 2_Kings | 6 | 10 | 1423956 | verse | וַיִּשְׁלַ֞ח מֶ֣לֶךְ יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל אֶֽל־הַמָּקֹ֞... | Reges_II | 6 | 465604 | clause | וְלֹ֥א שְׁתָּֽיִם׃ | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 766498 | phrase | לֹ֥א | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 198342 | word | לֹ֥א | 5167 | 198341 | 0 | 37994 | 39127 | 114924 | 121750 | Hebrew |
110 | 111 | Genesis | 18 | 15 | 1414793 | verse | וַתְּכַחֵ֨שׁ שָׂרָ֧ה׀ לֵאמֹ֛ר לֹ֥א צָחַ֖קְתִּי... | Genesis | 18 | 429015 | clause | לֹ֖א | Q | NC | NaN | NmCl | 656074 | phrase | לֹ֖א | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 8072 | word | לֹ֖א | 5167 | 8072 | 0 | 1466 | 1540 | 4537 | 4775 | Hebrew |
461 | 462 | 1_Samuel | 9 | 4 | 1421665 | verse | וַיַּעֲבֹ֧ר בְּהַר־אֶפְרַ֛יִם וַיַּעֲבֹ֥ר בְּא... | Samuel_I | 9 | 454791 | clause | וָאַ֔יִן | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 734182 | phrase | אַ֔יִן | NaN | Nega | NaN | NegP | 145581 | word | אַ֔יִן | 788 | 145580 | 0 | 27189 | 28089 | 82611 | 87542 | Hebrew |
phrasefunctions= BHS_OTST551_phrase_selection_sampled['function3'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
phrasefunctions.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall Tense Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
BHS_OTST551_phrase_selection_sampled.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_OTST_551_Qualifier-Selection_filtered_sampled_v0.3.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Genesis chapter=1|3|6|12|13|18|19|20|21|22|25|26|27
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Genesis = BHSa4c.search(Genesis)
BHSa4c.table(Genesis, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.15s 7307 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Genesis 1:1 | בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃ | בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית | בְּ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Exodus chapter=20
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Exodus = BHSa4c.search(Exodus)
BHSa4c.table(Exodus, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.13s 420 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Exodus 20:1 | וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר אֱלֹהִ֔ים אֵ֛ת כָּל־הַדְּבָרִ֥ים הָאֵ֖לֶּה | וַ | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Numeri chapter=6 verse=22|23|24|25|26|27
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Numeri = BHSa4c.search(Numeri)
BHSa4c.table(Numeri, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.04s 50 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Numbers 6:22 | וַיְדַבֵּ֥ר יְהוָ֖ה אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֥ה | וַ | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Josua chapter=1|10
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Josua = BHSa4c.search(Josua)
BHSa4c.table(Josua, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.97s 1509 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Joshua 1:1 | וַיְהִ֗י אַחֲרֵ֛י מֹ֥ות מֹשֶׁ֖ה עֶ֣בֶד יְהוָ֑ה | וַ | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Judices chapter=19
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Judices = BHSa4c.search(Judices)
BHSa4c.table(Judices, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.20s 792 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Judges 19:1 | וַיְהִי֙ בַּיָּמִ֣ים הָהֵ֔ם | וַ | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Samuel_I chapter=1|9
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Samuel_I = BHSa4c.search(Samuel_I)
BHSa4c.table(Samuel_I, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.25s 1290 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | 1_Samuel 1:1 | וַיְהִי֩ אִ֨ישׁ אֶחָ֜ד מִן־הָרָמָתַ֛יִם צֹופִ֖ים מֵהַ֣ר אֶפְרָ֑יִם | וַ | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Reges_I chapter=21
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Reges_I = BHSa4c.search(Reges_I)
BHSa4c.table(Reges_I, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.13s 645 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | 1_Kings 21:1 | וַיְהִ֗י אַחַר֙ הַדְּבָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֔לֶּה | וַ | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Reges_II chapter=6
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Reges_II = BHSa4c.search(Reges_II)
BHSa4c.table(Reges_II, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.01s 748 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | 2_Kings 6:1 | וַיֹּאמְר֥וּ בְנֵֽי־הַנְּבִיאִ֖ים אֶל־אֱלִישָׁ֑ע | וַ | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Jeremia chapter=37|38|39
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Jeremia = BHSa4c.search(Jeremia)
BHSa4c.table(Jeremia, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.38s 1639 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Jeremiah 37:1 | וַיִּ֨מְלָךְ־מֶ֔לֶךְ צִדְקִיָּ֖הוּ בֶּן־יֹֽאשִׁיָּ֑הוּ תַּ֗חַת כָּנְיָ֨הוּ֙ בֶּן־יְהֹ֣ויָקִ֔ים | וַ | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Jona chapter=1
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Jona = BHSa4c.search(Jona)
BHSa4c.table(Jona, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.08s 372 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Jonah 1:1 | וַֽיְהִי֙ דְּבַר־יְהוָ֔ה אֶל־יֹונָ֥ה בֶן־אֲמִתַּ֖י | וַֽ | וַֽ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Psalmi chapter=1|3
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Psalmi = BHSa4c.search(Psalmi)
BHSa4c.table(Psalmi, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.86s 173 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Psalms 1:1 | אַ֥שְֽׁרֵי־הָאִ֗ישׁ | אַ֥שְֽׁרֵי־הָאִ֗ישׁ | אַ֥שְֽׁרֵי־ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Ruth chapter=1|2|3
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Ruth = BHSa4c.search(Ruth)
BHSa4c.table(Ruth, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.83s 1285 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Ruth 1:1 | וַיְהִ֗י בִּימֵי֙ | וַ | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Jesaia chapter=5 verse=1|2|3|4|5|6|7
clause typ* kind=NC|VC|WP rela* domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function* typ* rela* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_qere_presence* language* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Isiah = BHSa4c.search(Isiah)
BHSa4c.table(Isiah, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
3.14s 140 results
n | p | verse | clause | phrase | word |
1 | Isaiah 5:1 | אָשִׁ֤ירָה נָּא֙ לִֽידִידִ֔י שִׁירַ֥ת דֹּודִ֖י לְכַרְמֹ֑ו | אָשִׁ֤ירָה | אָשִׁ֤ירָה |
BHSa4c.export(Genesis+Exodus+Numeri+Josua+Judices+Samuel_I+Reges_I+Reges_II+Jeremia+Jona+Ruth, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_OTST_551_Qualifier-Selection_unfiltered_v0.3.tsv')
BHSa4c.export(Genesis+Exodus+Numeri+Josua+Judices+Samuel_I+Reges_I+Reges_II+Jeremia+Jona+Psalmi+Ruth, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_OTST_552_Qualifier-Selection_unfiltered_v0.3.tsv')
BHSa4c.export(Genesis+Exodus+Numeri+Josua+Judices+Samuel_I+Reges_I+Reges_II+Jeremia+Jona+Psalmi+Ruth+Isiah, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_OTST_625_Qualifier-Selection_unfiltered_v0.3.tsv')
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
| (Reges_I_Phrases['function3']=='Subj')
| (Reges_I_Phrases['function3']=='Objc')
| (Reges_I_Phrases['function3']=='PreC')
| (Reges_I_Phrases['function3']=='Cmpl')
| (Reges_I_Phrases['function3']=='PreO')
| (Reges_I_Phrases['function3']=='Nega')
| (Reges_I_Phrases['function3']=='PreS')
| (Reges_I_Phrases['function3']=='Voct')
Reges_I_phrase_selection = Reges_I_Phrases[(Reges_I_Phrases['S3']<18)]
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
Reges_I_phrase_selection=Reges_I_phrase_selection \
.groupby(['S3','function3']) \
.sample(n=4, replace=True)\
Reges_I_phrase_selection.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_sequence_number_phrase4", keep='first', inplace=True)
Reges_I_phrase_selection.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/OTST551-2_exams_og/OTST552_week12_midterm-sample_Reges21_phrase_selection.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_OTST_552_Qualifier-Selection_unfiltered_v0.3.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
| (BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection['function3']=='Subj')
| (BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection['function3']=='Objc')
| (BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection['function3']=='Cmpl')
| (BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection['function3']=='PreO')
| (BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection['function3']=='Nega')
| (BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection['function3']=='PreS')
| (BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection['function3']=='Voct')
# |
# (
# (BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection['kind2']=='NC')
# & (BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection['function3'].astype(str).str.contains('PreC'))
# )
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection_sampled=BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection_sampled \
]) \
.sample(n=100, random_state=1, replace=True)\
BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection_sampled.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_sequence_number_phrase4", keep='first', inplace=True)
phrasefunctions= BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection_sampled['function3'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
phrasefunctions.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall Tense Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
BHS_OTST552_phrase_selection_sampled.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_OTST_552_Qualifier-Selection_filtered_v0.3.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_OTST_625_Qualifier-Selection_unfiltered_v0.3.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
| (BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection['function3']=='Subj')
| (BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection['function3']=='Objc')
| (BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection['function3']=='Cmpl')
| (BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection['function3']=='PreO')
| (BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection['function3']=='Nega')
| (BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection['function3']=='PreS')
| (BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection['function3']=='Voct')
& (BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection['function3'].astype(str).str.contains('PreC'))
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection_sampled=BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection_sampled \
]) \
.sample(n=100, random_state=1, replace=True)\
BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection_sampled.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_sequence_number_phrase4", keep='first', inplace=True)
phrasefunctions= BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection_sampled['function3'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
phrasefunctions.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall Tense Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
BHS_OTST625_phrase_selection_sampled.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_phrase-function_OTST_625_Qualifier-Selection_filtered_v0.3.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
verse book=Genesis chapter=1|3|6|12|13|18|19|20|21|22|25|26|27 verse*
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Genesis = BHSa4c.search(Genesis)
BHSa4c.table(Genesis, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.45s 6299 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | Genesis 1:1 | בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃ | בְּ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Exodus chapter=20 verse*
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Exodus = BHSa4c.search(Exodus)
BHSa4c.table(Exodus, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.01s 363 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | Exodus 20:1 | וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר אֱלֹהִ֔ים אֵ֛ת כָּל־הַדְּבָרִ֥ים הָאֵ֖לֶּה | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Numeri chapter=6 verse=22|23|24|25|26|27
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Numeri = BHSa4c.search(Numeri)
BHSa4c.table(Numeri, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
1.77s 46 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | Numbers 6:22 | וַיְדַבֵּ֥ר יְהוָ֖ה אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֥ה | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Josua chapter=1|10 verse*
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Josua = BHSa4c.search(Josua)
BHSa4c.table(Josua, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.07s 1194 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | Joshua 1:1 | וַיְהִ֗י אַחֲרֵ֛י מֹ֥ות מֹשֶׁ֖ה עֶ֣בֶד יְהוָ֑ה | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Judices chapter=19 verse*
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Judices = BHSa4c.search(Judices)
BHSa4c.table(Judices, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.13s 708 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | Judges 19:1 | וַיְהִי֙ בַּיָּמִ֣ים הָהֵ֔ם | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Samuel_I chapter=1 verse*
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Samuel_I = BHSa4c.search(Samuel_I)
BHSa4c.table(Samuel_I, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.16s 467 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | 1_Samuel 1:1 | וַיְהִי֩ אִ֨ישׁ אֶחָ֜ד מִן־הָרָמָתַ֛יִם צֹופִ֖ים מֵהַ֣ר אֶפְרָ֑יִם | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Reges_I chapter=21 verse*
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Reges_I = BHSa4c.search(Reges_I)
BHSa4c.table(Reges_I, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.34s 512 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | 1_Kings 21:1 | וַיְהִ֗י אַחַר֙ הַדְּבָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֔לֶּה | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Reges_II chapter=6 verse*
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Reges_II = BHSa4c.search(Reges_II)
BHSa4c.table(Reges_II, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.08s 659 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | 2_Kings 6:1 | וַיֹּאמְר֥וּ בְנֵֽי־הַנְּבִיאִ֖ים אֶל־אֱלִישָׁ֑ע | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Jeremia chapter=37|38|39 verse*
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Jeremia = BHSa4c.search(Jeremia)
BHSa4c.table(Jeremia, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
1.92s 1416 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | Jeremiah 37:1 | וַיִּ֨מְלָךְ־מֶ֔לֶךְ צִדְקִיָּ֖הוּ בֶּן־יֹֽאשִׁיָּ֑הוּ תַּ֗חַת כָּנְיָ֨הוּ֙ בֶּן־יְהֹ֣ויָקִ֔ים | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Jona chapter=1 verse*
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Jona = BHSa4c.search(Jona)
BHSa4c.table(Jona, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.10s 326 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | Jonah 1:1 | וַֽיְהִי֙ דְּבַר־יְהוָ֔ה אֶל־יֹונָ֥ה בֶן־אֲמִתַּ֖י | וַֽ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Psalmi chapter=1|3 verse*
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Psalmi = BHSa4c.search(Psalmi)
BHSa4c.table(Psalmi, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.07s 130 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | Psalms 1:1 | אַ֥שְֽׁרֵי־הָאִ֗ישׁ | אַ֥שְֽׁרֵי־ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Ruth chapter=1|2|3 verse*
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Ruth = BHSa4c.search(Ruth)
BHSa4c.table(Ruth, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.13s 1074 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | Ruth 1:1 | וַיְהִ֗י בִּימֵי֙ | וַ |
I need to add clause kind=WP
so that I can also catch vocatives.
verse book=Jesaia chapter=5 verse=1|2|3|4|5|6|7
c1:clause typ* kind=NC|VC rela=Attr|Objc|NA domain*
word g_word_noaccent~^\*
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
:: word sp=art|subs|nmpr|advb|prep|conj|prps|prde|prin|intj|nega|inrg|adjv
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num*
Isiah = BHSa4c.search(Isiah)
BHSa4c.table(Isiah, start=1, end=1, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
2.25s 111 results
n | p | verse | clause | word |
1 | Isaiah 5:1 | אָשִׁ֤ירָה נָּא֙ לִֽידִידִ֔י שִׁירַ֥ת דֹּודִ֖י לְכַרְמֹ֑ו | אָשִׁ֤ירָה |
BHSa4c.export(Genesis+Exodus+Numeri+Josua+Judices+Samuel_I+Reges_I+Reges_II+Jeremia+Jona+Ruth, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_clause-relation_OTST_551_Qualifier-Selection_unfiltered_v0.3.tsv')
BHSa4c.export(Genesis+Exodus+Numeri+Josua+Judices+Samuel_I+Reges_I+Reges_II+Jeremia+Jona+Psalmi+Ruth, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_clause-relation_OTST_552_Qualifier-Selection_unfiltered_v0.3.tsv')
BHSa4c.export(Genesis+Exodus+Numeri+Josua+Judices+Samuel_I+Reges_I+Reges_II+Jeremia+Jona+Psalmi+Ruth+Isiah, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_clause-relation_OTST_625_Qualifier-Selection_unfiltered_v0.3.tsv')
BHSa4c.export(Reges_I, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/OTST551-2_exams_og/', toFile='OTST552_week12_midterm-sample_Reges21_clause-relation.tsv')
Unnamed: 0.1 | Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | book1 | chapter1 | NODE2 | TYPE2 | TEXT2 | domain2 | kind2 | rela2 | typ2 | NODE3 | TYPE3 | TEXT3 | bol_lexeme_occurrences3 | bol_monad_num3 | bol_sequence_number_clause3 | bol_sequence_number_clause_atom3 | bol_sequence_number_phrase3 | bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom3 | SDATSAU_qualifier_selection | manual exam selection | |
0 | 0 | 1 | 116 | Genesis | 1 | 7 | 1414360 | verse | וַיַּ֣עַשׂ אֱלֹהִים֮ אֶת־הָרָקִיעַ֒ וַיַּבְדֵּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427574 | clause | אֲשֶׁ֖ר מֵעַ֣ל לָרָקִ֑יעַ | N | NC | Attr | NmCl | 116 | word | אֲשֶׁ֖ר | 5500 | 116 | 22 | 23 | 69 | 73 | cl-rela_attr-asher | NaN |
1 | 1 | 176 | 138 | Genesis | 1 | 8 | 1414361 | verse | וַיִּקְרָ֧א אֱלֹהִ֛ים לָֽרָקִ֖יעַ שָׁמָ֑יִם וַ... | Genesis | 1 | 427579 | clause | יֹ֥ום שֵׁנִֽי׃ פ | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 138 | word | יֹ֥ום | 2304 | 138 | 27 | 28 | 85 | 89 | cl-rela_independent-nc | NaN |
2 | 2 | 140 | 189 | Genesis | 1 | 11 | 1414364 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427590 | clause | מַזְרִ֣יעַ זֶ֔רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 187 | word | מַזְרִ֣יעַ | 56 | 187 | 38 | 39 | 118 | 124 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
3 | 2 | 140 | 189 | Genesis | 1 | 11 | 1414364 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427590 | clause | מַזְרִ֣יעַ זֶ֔רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 187 | word | מַזְרִ֣יעַ | 56 | 187 | 38 | 39 | 118 | 124 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
4 | 3 | 143 | 216 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 1414365 | verse | וַתֹּוצֵ֨א הָאָ֜רֶץ דֶּ֠שֶׁא עֵ֣שֶׂב מַזְרִ֤יע... | Genesis | 1 | 427596 | clause | עֹ֥שֶׂה פְּרִ֛י לְמִינֵ֑הוּ | N | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 216 | word | עֹ֥שֶׂה | 2629 | 216 | 44 | 48 | 137 | 147 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 150 entries, 0 to 149 Data columns (total 29 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Unnamed: 0.1 150 non-null int64 1 Unnamed: 0 150 non-null int64 2 R 150 non-null int64 3 S1 150 non-null object 4 S2 150 non-null int64 5 S3 150 non-null int64 6 NODE1 150 non-null int64 7 TYPE1 150 non-null object 8 TEXT1 150 non-null object 9 book1 150 non-null object 10 chapter1 150 non-null int64 11 NODE2 150 non-null int64 12 TYPE2 150 non-null object 13 TEXT2 150 non-null object 14 domain2 150 non-null object 15 kind2 150 non-null object 16 rela2 90 non-null object 17 typ2 150 non-null object 18 NODE3 150 non-null int64 19 TYPE3 150 non-null object 20 TEXT3 150 non-null object 21 bol_lexeme_occurrences3 150 non-null int64 22 bol_monad_num3 150 non-null int64 23 bol_sequence_number_clause3 150 non-null int64 24 bol_sequence_number_clause_atom3 150 non-null int64 25 bol_sequence_number_phrase3 150 non-null int64 26 bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom3 150 non-null int64 27 SDATSAU_qualifier_selection 150 non-null object 28 manual exam selection 0 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(15), object(13) memory usage: 34.1+ KB
['cl-rela_attr-asher', 'cl-rela_independent-nc', 'cl-rela_attr-participle', 'cl-rela_objc', 'cl-rela_independent-vc']
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 120 entries, 0 to 149 Data columns (total 29 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Unnamed: 0.1 120 non-null int64 1 Unnamed: 0 120 non-null int64 2 R 120 non-null int64 3 S1 120 non-null object 4 S2 120 non-null int64 5 S3 120 non-null int64 6 NODE1 120 non-null int64 7 TYPE1 120 non-null object 8 TEXT1 120 non-null object 9 book1 120 non-null object 10 chapter1 120 non-null int64 11 NODE2 120 non-null int64 12 TYPE2 120 non-null object 13 TEXT2 120 non-null object 14 domain2 120 non-null object 15 kind2 120 non-null object 16 rela2 60 non-null object 17 typ2 120 non-null object 18 NODE3 120 non-null int64 19 TYPE3 120 non-null object 20 TEXT3 120 non-null object 21 bol_lexeme_occurrences3 120 non-null int64 22 bol_monad_num3 120 non-null int64 23 bol_sequence_number_clause3 120 non-null int64 24 bol_sequence_number_clause_atom3 120 non-null int64 25 bol_sequence_number_phrase3 120 non-null int64 26 bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom3 120 non-null int64 27 SDATSAU_qualifier_selection 120 non-null object 28 manual exam selection 0 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(15), object(13) memory usage: 28.1+ KB
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BHS_OTST551_clause_selection_sampled=BHS_OTST551_clause_selection_sampled \
]) \
.sample(n=30, random_state=1, replace=True)\
Unnamed: 0.1 | Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | book1 | chapter1 | NODE2 | TYPE2 | TEXT2 | domain2 | kind2 | rela2 | typ2 | NODE3 | TYPE3 | TEXT3 | bol_lexeme_occurrences3 | bol_monad_num3 | bol_sequence_number_clause3 | bol_sequence_number_clause_atom3 | bol_sequence_number_phrase3 | bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom3 | SDATSAU_qualifier_selection | manual exam selection | |
0 | 0 | 1 | 116 | Genesis | 1 | 7 | 1414360 | verse | וַיַּ֣עַשׂ אֱלֹהִים֮ אֶת־הָרָקִיעַ֒ וַיַּבְדֵּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427574 | clause | אֲשֶׁ֖ר מֵעַ֣ל לָרָקִ֑יעַ | N | NC | Attr | NmCl | 116 | word | אֲשֶׁ֖ר | 5500 | 116 | 22 | 23 | 69 | 73 | cl-rela_attr-asher | NaN |
1 | 1 | 176 | 138 | Genesis | 1 | 8 | 1414361 | verse | וַיִּקְרָ֧א אֱלֹהִ֛ים לָֽרָקִ֖יעַ שָׁמָ֑יִם וַ... | Genesis | 1 | 427579 | clause | יֹ֥ום שֵׁנִֽי׃ פ | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 138 | word | יֹ֥ום | 2304 | 138 | 27 | 28 | 85 | 89 | cl-rela_independent-nc | NaN |
3 | 2 | 140 | 189 | Genesis | 1 | 11 | 1414364 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427590 | clause | מַזְרִ֣יעַ זֶ֔רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 187 | word | מַזְרִ֣יעַ | 56 | 187 | 38 | 39 | 118 | 124 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
2 | 2 | 140 | 189 | Genesis | 1 | 11 | 1414364 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427590 | clause | מַזְרִ֣יעַ זֶ֔רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 187 | word | מַזְרִ֣יעַ | 56 | 187 | 38 | 39 | 118 | 124 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
2 | 2 | 140 | 189 | Genesis | 1 | 11 | 1414364 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427590 | clause | מַזְרִ֣יעַ זֶ֔רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 187 | word | מַזְרִ֣יעַ | 56 | 187 | 38 | 39 | 118 | 124 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
5 | 5 | 143 | 216 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 1414365 | verse | וַתֹּוצֵ֨א הָאָ֜רֶץ דֶּ֠שֶׁא עֵ֣שֶׂב מַזְרִ֤יע... | Genesis | 1 | 427596 | clause | עֹ֥שֶׂה פְּרִ֛י לְמִינֵ֑הוּ | N | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 216 | word | עֹ֥שֶׂה | 2629 | 216 | 44 | 48 | 137 | 147 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
11 | 14 | 147 | 534 | Genesis | 1 | 29 | 1414382 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים הִנֵּה֩ נָתַ֨תִּי לָכֶ֜ם ... | Genesis | 1 | 427665 | clause | זֹרֵ֣עַ זֶ֗רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 599 | word | זֹרֵ֣עַ | 56 | 599 | 116 | 122 | 342 | 358 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
12 | 15 | 148 | 546 | Genesis | 1 | 29 | 1414382 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים הִנֵּה֩ נָתַ֨תִּי לָכֶ֜ם ... | Genesis | 1 | 427668 | clause | זֹרֵ֣עַ זָ֑רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 616 | word | זֹרֵ֣עַ | 56 | 616 | 119 | 126 | 349 | 367 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
13 | 15 | 148 | 546 | Genesis | 1 | 29 | 1414382 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים הִנֵּה֩ נָתַ֨תִּי לָכֶ֜ם ... | Genesis | 1 | 427668 | clause | זֹרֵ֣עַ זָ֑רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 616 | word | זֹרֵ֣עַ | 56 | 616 | 119 | 126 | 349 | 367 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
13 | 15 | 148 | 546 | Genesis | 1 | 29 | 1414382 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים הִנֵּה֩ נָתַ֨תִּי לָכֶ֜ם ... | Genesis | 1 | 427668 | clause | זֹרֵ֣עַ זָ֑רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 616 | word | זֹרֵ֣עַ | 56 | 616 | 119 | 126 | 349 | 367 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
BHS_OTST551_clause_selection_sampled.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_sequence_number_clause3", keep='first', inplace=True)
Unnamed: 0.1 | Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | book1 | chapter1 | NODE2 | TYPE2 | TEXT2 | domain2 | kind2 | rela2 | typ2 | NODE3 | TYPE3 | TEXT3 | bol_lexeme_occurrences3 | bol_monad_num3 | bol_sequence_number_clause3 | bol_sequence_number_clause_atom3 | bol_sequence_number_phrase3 | bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom3 | SDATSAU_qualifier_selection | manual exam selection | |
0 | 0 | 1 | 116 | Genesis | 1 | 7 | 1414360 | verse | וַיַּ֣עַשׂ אֱלֹהִים֮ אֶת־הָרָקִיעַ֒ וַיַּבְדֵּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427574 | clause | אֲשֶׁ֖ר מֵעַ֣ל לָרָקִ֑יעַ | N | NC | Attr | NmCl | 116 | word | אֲשֶׁ֖ר | 5500 | 116 | 22 | 23 | 69 | 73 | cl-rela_attr-asher | NaN |
1 | 1 | 176 | 138 | Genesis | 1 | 8 | 1414361 | verse | וַיִּקְרָ֧א אֱלֹהִ֛ים לָֽרָקִ֖יעַ שָׁמָ֑יִם וַ... | Genesis | 1 | 427579 | clause | יֹ֥ום שֵׁנִֽי׃ פ | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 138 | word | יֹ֥ום | 2304 | 138 | 27 | 28 | 85 | 89 | cl-rela_independent-nc | NaN |
3 | 2 | 140 | 189 | Genesis | 1 | 11 | 1414364 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427590 | clause | מַזְרִ֣יעַ זֶ֔רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 187 | word | מַזְרִ֣יעַ | 56 | 187 | 38 | 39 | 118 | 124 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
5 | 5 | 143 | 216 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 1414365 | verse | וַתֹּוצֵ֨א הָאָ֜רֶץ דֶּ֠שֶׁא עֵ֣שֶׂב מַזְרִ֤יע... | Genesis | 1 | 427596 | clause | עֹ֥שֶׂה פְּרִ֛י לְמִינֵ֑הוּ | N | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 216 | word | עֹ֥שֶׂה | 2629 | 216 | 44 | 48 | 137 | 147 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
11 | 14 | 147 | 534 | Genesis | 1 | 29 | 1414382 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים הִנֵּה֩ נָתַ֨תִּי לָכֶ֜ם ... | Genesis | 1 | 427665 | clause | זֹרֵ֣עַ זֶ֗רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 599 | word | זֹרֵ֣עַ | 56 | 599 | 116 | 122 | 342 | 358 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 61 entries, 0 to 149 Data columns (total 29 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Unnamed: 0.1 61 non-null int64 1 Unnamed: 0 61 non-null int64 2 R 61 non-null int64 3 S1 61 non-null object 4 S2 61 non-null int64 5 S3 61 non-null int64 6 NODE1 61 non-null int64 7 TYPE1 61 non-null object 8 TEXT1 61 non-null object 9 book1 61 non-null object 10 chapter1 61 non-null int64 11 NODE2 61 non-null int64 12 TYPE2 61 non-null object 13 TEXT2 61 non-null object 14 domain2 61 non-null object 15 kind2 61 non-null object 16 rela2 29 non-null object 17 typ2 61 non-null object 18 NODE3 61 non-null int64 19 TYPE3 61 non-null object 20 TEXT3 61 non-null object 21 bol_lexeme_occurrences3 61 non-null int64 22 bol_monad_num3 61 non-null int64 23 bol_sequence_number_clause3 61 non-null int64 24 bol_sequence_number_clause_atom3 61 non-null int64 25 bol_sequence_number_phrase3 61 non-null int64 26 bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom3 61 non-null int64 27 SDATSAU_qualifier_selection 61 non-null object 28 manual exam selection 0 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(15), object(13) memory usage: 14.3+ KB
Unnamed: 0.1 | Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | book1 | chapter1 | NODE2 | TYPE2 | TEXT2 | domain2 | kind2 | rela2 | typ2 | NODE3 | TYPE3 | TEXT3 | bol_lexeme_occurrences3 | bol_monad_num3 | bol_sequence_number_clause3 | bol_sequence_number_clause_atom3 | bol_sequence_number_phrase3 | bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom3 | SDATSAU_qualifier_selection | manual exam selection | |
0 | 0 | 1 | 116 | Genesis | 1 | 7 | 1414360 | verse | וַיַּ֣עַשׂ אֱלֹהִים֮ אֶת־הָרָקִיעַ֒ וַיַּבְדֵּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427574 | clause | אֲשֶׁ֖ר מֵעַ֣ל לָרָקִ֑יעַ | N | NC | Attr | NmCl | 116 | word | אֲשֶׁ֖ר | 5500 | 116 | 22 | 23 | 69 | 73 | cl-rela_attr-asher | NaN |
1 | 1 | 176 | 138 | Genesis | 1 | 8 | 1414361 | verse | וַיִּקְרָ֧א אֱלֹהִ֛ים לָֽרָקִ֖יעַ שָׁמָ֑יִם וַ... | Genesis | 1 | 427579 | clause | יֹ֥ום שֵׁנִֽי׃ פ | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 138 | word | יֹ֥ום | 2304 | 138 | 27 | 28 | 85 | 89 | cl-rela_independent-nc | NaN |
3 | 2 | 140 | 189 | Genesis | 1 | 11 | 1414364 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427590 | clause | מַזְרִ֣יעַ זֶ֔רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 187 | word | מַזְרִ֣יעַ | 56 | 187 | 38 | 39 | 118 | 124 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
5 | 5 | 143 | 216 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 1414365 | verse | וַתֹּוצֵ֨א הָאָ֜רֶץ דֶּ֠שֶׁא עֵ֣שֶׂב מַזְרִ֤יע... | Genesis | 1 | 427596 | clause | עֹ֥שֶׂה פְּרִ֛י לְמִינֵ֑הוּ | N | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 216 | word | עֹ֥שֶׂה | 2629 | 216 | 44 | 48 | 137 | 147 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
11 | 14 | 147 | 534 | Genesis | 1 | 29 | 1414382 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים הִנֵּה֩ נָתַ֨תִּי לָכֶ֜ם ... | Genesis | 1 | 427665 | clause | זֹרֵ֣עַ זֶ֗רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 599 | word | זֹרֵ֣עַ | 56 | 599 | 116 | 122 | 342 | 358 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
clauserelatypes= BHS_OTST551_clause_selection_sampled['SDATSAU_qualifier_selection'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
clauserelatypes.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall Tense Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
BHS_OTST551_clause_selection_sampled.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_clause-relation_OTST_551_Qualifier-Selection_filtered_v0.3.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
Unnamed: 0.1 | Unnamed: 0 | R | S1 | S2 | S3 | NODE1 | TYPE1 | TEXT1 | book1 | chapter1 | NODE2 | TYPE2 | TEXT2 | domain2 | kind2 | rela2 | typ2 | NODE3 | TYPE3 | TEXT3 | bol_lexeme_occurrences3 | bol_monad_num3 | bol_sequence_number_clause3 | bol_sequence_number_clause_atom3 | bol_sequence_number_phrase3 | bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom3 | SDATSAU_qualifier_selection | manual exam selection | |
0 | 0 | 1 | 116 | Genesis | 1 | 7 | 1414360 | verse | וַיַּ֣עַשׂ אֱלֹהִים֮ אֶת־הָרָקִיעַ֒ וַיַּבְדֵּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427574 | clause | אֲשֶׁ֖ר מֵעַ֣ל לָרָקִ֑יעַ | N | NC | Attr | NmCl | 116 | word | אֲשֶׁ֖ר | 5500 | 116 | 22 | 23 | 69 | 73 | cl-rela_attr-asher | NaN |
1 | 1 | 176 | 138 | Genesis | 1 | 8 | 1414361 | verse | וַיִּקְרָ֧א אֱלֹהִ֛ים לָֽרָקִ֖יעַ שָׁמָ֑יִם וַ... | Genesis | 1 | 427579 | clause | יֹ֥ום שֵׁנִֽי׃ פ | N | NC | NaN | NmCl | 138 | word | יֹ֥ום | 2304 | 138 | 27 | 28 | 85 | 89 | cl-rela_independent-nc | NaN |
2 | 2 | 140 | 189 | Genesis | 1 | 11 | 1414364 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427590 | clause | מַזְרִ֣יעַ זֶ֔רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 187 | word | מַזְרִ֣יעַ | 56 | 187 | 38 | 39 | 118 | 124 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
3 | 2 | 140 | 189 | Genesis | 1 | 11 | 1414364 | verse | וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ... | Genesis | 1 | 427590 | clause | מַזְרִ֣יעַ זֶ֔רַע | Q | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 187 | word | מַזְרִ֣יעַ | 56 | 187 | 38 | 39 | 118 | 124 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
4 | 3 | 143 | 216 | Genesis | 1 | 12 | 1414365 | verse | וַתֹּוצֵ֨א הָאָ֜רֶץ דֶּ֠שֶׁא עֵ֣שֶׂב מַזְרִ֤יע... | Genesis | 1 | 427596 | clause | עֹ֥שֶׂה פְּרִ֛י לְמִינֵ֑הוּ | N | VC | Attr | Ptcp | 216 | word | עֹ֥שֶׂה | 2629 | 216 | 44 | 48 | 137 | 147 | cl-rela_attr-participle | NaN |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 150 entries, 0 to 149 Data columns (total 29 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Unnamed: 0.1 150 non-null int64 1 Unnamed: 0 150 non-null int64 2 R 150 non-null int64 3 S1 150 non-null object 4 S2 150 non-null int64 5 S3 150 non-null int64 6 NODE1 150 non-null int64 7 TYPE1 150 non-null object 8 TEXT1 150 non-null object 9 book1 150 non-null object 10 chapter1 150 non-null int64 11 NODE2 150 non-null int64 12 TYPE2 150 non-null object 13 TEXT2 150 non-null object 14 domain2 150 non-null object 15 kind2 150 non-null object 16 rela2 90 non-null object 17 typ2 150 non-null object 18 NODE3 150 non-null int64 19 TYPE3 150 non-null object 20 TEXT3 150 non-null object 21 bol_lexeme_occurrences3 150 non-null int64 22 bol_monad_num3 150 non-null int64 23 bol_sequence_number_clause3 150 non-null int64 24 bol_sequence_number_clause_atom3 150 non-null int64 25 bol_sequence_number_phrase3 150 non-null int64 26 bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom3 150 non-null int64 27 SDATSAU_qualifier_selection 150 non-null object 28 manual exam selection 0 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(1), int64(15), object(13) memory usage: 34.1+ KB
['cl-rela_attr-asher', 'cl-rela_independent-nc', 'cl-rela_attr-participle', 'cl-rela_objc', 'cl-rela_independent-vc']
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BHS_OTST552_clause_selection_sampled=BHS_OTST552_clause_selection_sampled \
]) \
.sample(n=30, random_state=1, replace=True)\
BHS_OTST552_clause_selection_sampled.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_sequence_number_clause3", keep='first', inplace=True)
clauserelatypes= BHS_OTST552_clause_selection_sampled['SDATSAU_qualifier_selection'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
clauserelatypes.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall Tense Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
BHS_OTST552_clause_selection_sampled.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_clause-relation_OTST_552_Qualifier-Selection_filtered_v0.3.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
## A first attempt to organize and sample the data
## We use `groupby`, a sequence of `sort_values`, and `nth` (to select only 2 entries per grouped category)
BHS_OTST625_clause_selection_sampled=BHS_OTST625_clause_selection_sampled \
]) \
.sample(n=50, random_state=1, replace=True)\
BHS_OTST625_clause_selection_sampled.drop_duplicates(subset="bol_sequence_number_clause3", keep='first', inplace=True)
clauserelatypes= BHS_OTST625_clause_selection_sampled['SDATSAU_qualifier_selection'].value_counts()
# Plotting the overall distribution
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
clauserelatypes.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.7)
plt.title('Overall Tense Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Part of Speech')
BHS_OTST625_clause_selection_sampled.to_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_BHSa4c_BOL_syntax_clause-relation_OTST_625_Qualifier-Selection_filtered_v0.3.xlsx', encoding='utf-16')
#BibleOL_verbal_morphology=pd.read_csv('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
TotalMorphSelection=pd.read_excel('/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/0_source_OTST551_Heb-I-II-III_verbal-morphology_selection_of_2.xlsx', 'CourseApprovedForms')
#BHSallWords=pd.read_csv('D:/OneDrive - Andrews University/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2 Hebrew/BHSa4c_BOL_exercises.tsv', delimiter='\t', encoding='utf-16')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
OTST552_morph = TotalMorphSelection[(TotalMorphSelection["course approved"]=='OTST551') | (TotalMorphSelection["course approved"]=='OTST552')]
OTST552_Week10_morph=OTST552_morph.sample(n=10, replace=True, random_state=10).sort_values(['bol_monad_num1'],ascending=[True])
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
OTST552_morph = TotalMorphSelection[(TotalMorphSelection["course approved"]=='OTST551') | (TotalMorphSelection["course approved"]=='OTST552')]
OTST552_Week11_morph=OTST552_morph.sample(n=10, replace=True, random_state=12).sort_values(['bol_monad_num1'],ascending=[True])
v1:verse book=Ruth chapter=1 verse=6|7
w1:word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences<1000 bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
w2:word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences>100 bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
w1 = w2
OTST552_Final_Vocab_Text01 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Final_Vocab_Text01)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Final_Vocab_Text01, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552_Final_Vocab_Text01, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_Vocab_Text01.tsv')
v1:verse book=Psalmi chapter=3 verse=7|8
w1:word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences<1000 bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
w2:word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences>100 bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
w1 = w2
OTST552_Final_Vocab_Text02 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Final_Vocab_Text02)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Final_Vocab_Text02, start=1, end=4, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552_Final_Vocab_Text02, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_Vocab_Text02.tsv')
v1:verse book=Genesis chapter=26 verse=1|2|3|4|5|6
w1:word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences<1000 bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
w2:word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences>100 bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
w1 = w2
OTST552_Final_Vocab_Text03 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Final_Vocab_Text03)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Final_Vocab_Text03, start=1, end=4, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552_Final_Vocab_Text03, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_Vocab_Text03.tsv')
v1:verse book=Genesis chapter=19 verse=1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20
word sp=verb bol_lexeme_occurrences* lex* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Gen19 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Gen19)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Gen19, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Gen19, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_VerbalMorphology_Text00_Gen19.tsv')
v1:verse book=Genesis chapter=20
word sp=verb bol_lexeme_occurrences* lex* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Gen20 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Gen20)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Gen20, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Gen20, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_VerbalMorphology_Text00_Gen20.tsv')
v1:verse book=Ruth chapter=1
word sp=verb bol_lexeme_occurrences* lex* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Ruth = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Ruth)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Ruth, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Ruth, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_VerbalMorphology_Text00_Ruth01.tsv')
v1:verse book=Psalmi chapter=3
word sp=verb bol_lexeme_occurrences* lex* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Psalm3 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Psalm3)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Psalm3, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text00_Psalm3, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_VerbalMorphology_Text00_Psalm03.tsv')
v1:verse book=Ruth chapter=1 verse=6|7
word sp=verb bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text01 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text01)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text01, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_Morphology_Text01, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_VerbalMorphology_Text01.tsv')
v1:verse book=Psalmi chapter=3 verse=7|8
word sp=verb bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text02 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text02)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text02, start=1, end=4, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text02, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_VerbalMorphology_Text02.tsv')
v1:verse book=Genesis chapter=26 verse=1|2|3|4|5|6
word sp=verb bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_sequence_number_phrase_atom* bol_lexeme_occurrences* bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_sequence_number_clause_atom* bol_monad_num* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text03 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text03)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text03, start=1, end=4, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552_Final_Morphology_Text03, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_VerbalMorphology_Text03.tsv')
v1:verse book=Genesis chapter=19 verse=1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20
clause typ*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|PreC|PreO|PreS typ* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_monad_num* lex*
OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Gen19 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Gen19)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Gen19, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Gen19, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Gen19.tsv')
v1:verse book=Genesis chapter=20
clause typ*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|PreC|PreO|PreS typ* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_monad_num* lex*
OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Gen20 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Gen20)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Gen20, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Gen20, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Gen20.tsv')
v1:verse book=Ruth chapter=1
clause typ*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|PreC|PreO|PreS typ* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_monad_num* lex*
OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Ruth1 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Ruth1)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Ruth1, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Ruth1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Ruth01.tsv')
v1:verse book=Psalmi chapter=3
clause typ*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|PreC|PreO|PreS typ* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_monad_num* lex*
OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Psalm3 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Psalm3)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Psalm3, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Psalm3, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_PhraseFunction_Text00_Psalm3.tsv')
v1:verse book=Samuel_II chapter=7 verse=25|26
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<100
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|PreC|PreO|PreS typ* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_monad_num* lex*
OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_ForeignSample = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_ForeignSample)
BHSa4c.show(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_ForeignSample, start=1, end=40, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_ForeignSample, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_phrase-syntax_Heb-II_Final_PhraseFunction_ForeignSample.tsv')
v1:verse book=Ruth chapter=1 verse=6|7
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|PreC|PreO|PreS typ* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_monad_num* lex*
OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text01 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text01)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text01, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text01, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_PhraseFunction_Text01.tsv')
v1:verse book=Psalmi chapter=3 verse=7|8
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|PreC|PreO|PreS typ* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_monad_num* lex*
OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text02 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text02)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text02, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text02, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_PhraseFunction_Text02.tsv')
v1:verse book=Genesis chapter=26 verse=1|2|3|4|5|6
clause typ*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|PreC|PreO|PreS typ* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_monad_num* lex*
OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text03 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text03)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text03, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text03, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_PhraseFunction_Text03.tsv')
v1:verse book=Genesis chapter=17 verse=1|2|3|4|5|6
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|PreC|PreO|PreS typ* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_monad_num* lex*
OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text04 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text04)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text04, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text04, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_PhraseFunction_Text04.tsv')
v1:verse book=Samuel_I chapter=1
clause typ
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
phrase function=Pred|Subj|Objc|Cmpl|PreC|PreO|PreS typ* det*
word bol_sequence_number_phrase* bol_monad_num* lex*
OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text05 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text05)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text05, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_Text05, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_PhraseFunction_Text05.tsv')
v1:verse book=Genesis chapter=19 verse=1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20
clause typ* kind* rela=NA|Attr|Objc domain*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
word bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Gen19 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Gen19)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Gen19, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Gen19, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Gen19.tsv')
v1:verse book=Genesis chapter=20
clause typ* kind* rela=NA|Attr|Objc domain*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
word bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Gen20 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Gen20)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Gen20, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Gen20, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Gen20.tsv')
v1:verse book=Ruth chapter=1
clause typ* kind* rela=NA|Attr|Objc domain*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
word bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Ruth1 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Ruth1)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Ruth1, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Ruth1, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Ruth1.tsv')
v1:verse book=Psalmi chapter=3
clause typ* kind* rela=NA|Attr|Objc domain*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
word bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Psalm3 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Psalm3)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Psalm3, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Psalm3, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_ClauseRelation_Text00_Psalm3.tsv')
v1:verse book=Samuel_II chapter=7 verse=25|26
clause typ* kind* rela=NA|Attr|Objc domain*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
word bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_ForeignSample = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_ForeignSample)
BHSa4c.show(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_ForeignSample, start=1, end=40, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_PhraseFunction_ForeignSample, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_ClauseRelation_ForeignSample.tsv')
v1:verse book=Ruth chapter=1 verse=6|7
clause typ* kind* rela=NA|Attr|Objc domain*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
word bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text01 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text01)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text01, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text01, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_ClauseRelation_Text01.tsv')
v1:verse book=Psalmi chapter=3 verse=7|8
clause typ* kind* rela=NA|Attr|Objc domain*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
word bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text02 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text02)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text02, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text02, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_ClauseRelation_Text02.tsv')
v1:verse book=Genesis chapter=26 verse=1|2|3|4|5|6
clause typ* kind* rela=NA|Attr|Objc domain*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
word bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text03 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text03)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text03, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text03, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_ClauseRelation_Text03.tsv')
v1:verse book=Genesis chapter=17 verse=1|2|3|4|5|6
clause typ* kind* rela=NA|Attr|Objc domain*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
word bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text04 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text04)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text04, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text04, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_ClauseRelation_Text04.tsv')
v1:verse book=Samuel_I chapter=1
clause typ* kind* rela=NA|Attr|Objc domain*
word bol_qere_presence=1
word language=Aramaic
word bol_dict_vc~^four.*verb
word bol_sequence_number_clause* bol_dict_vc*
OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text05 = BHSa4c.search(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text05)
BHSa4c.table(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text05, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number'}, condensed=True, colorMap={13: 'cyan'})
BHSa4c.export(OTST552Final_ClauseRelation_Text05, toDir='/Users/oliverglanz/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-AndrewsUniversity/1200_AUS-research/Fabric-TEXT/2_OTST551-2_Hebrew/BOL_exercises/', toFile='BHSa4c_BOL_Heb-II_Final_ClauseRelation_Text05.tsv')
word bol_lexeme_occurrences<200
word bol_dict_vc#regular
Experiment01 = BHSa4c.search(Experiment01)
BHSa4c.show(Experiment01, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number','bol_lexeme_occurrences'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})
word g_word~T:CAQ.: bol_monad_num
Experiment01 = BHSa4c.search(Experiment01)
BHSa4c.show(Experiment01, start=1, end=5, extraFeatures={'number','bol_lexeme_occurrences'}, condensed=False, colorMap={1: 'cyan'})