Building off the method we just looked at of using Pandas to grab a single file, we see here how Python can be quite effective at downloading industrial water data for all US states.
Compare running this script with doing the downloads by hand...
#import os & pandas
import os
import pandas as pd
#import the us package (install if necessary)
import us
!pip install us
print('installing the US package')
import us
#Create a folder to hold all the downloads
outFolder = "WaterData"
if not os.path.exists(outFolder): os.mkdir(outFolder)
#Loop through each state, download it's data, and save to a local file
for state in us.STATES:
stateAbbr = state.abbr.lower()
#Update the url with the state code
theURL = '{}/nwis/water_use?format=rdb&rdb_compression=value&wu_area=County&wu_year=ALL&wu_county=ALL&wu_category=IN&wu_county_nms=--ALL%2BCounties--&wu_category_nms=Industrial'
theURL = theURL.format(stateAbbr)
#Get the data as a dataframe
dfState = pd.read_csv(theURL,delimiter='\t',skiprows=list(range(49))+[50])
#write df to csv in the WaterData folder