In this notebook we map the nodes between the all the extant versions of the BHSA dataset.
The resulting mappings can be used for writing version independent programs that process the BHSA data. Those programs can only be version independent to a certain extent, because in general, node mappings between versions cannot be made perfect.
If one imagines what may change between versions, it seems intractable to make a device that overcomes differences in the encoding of the texts and its syntax. However, we are dealing with versions of a very stable text, that is linguistically annotated by means of a consistent method, so there is reason to be optimistic. This notebook shows that this optimism is well-founded.
In another notebook, versionPhrases we show how one can use the mappings to analyze phrase encodings across versions of the data.
We create the mappings in two distinct stages, each being based on a particular insight, and dealing with a set of difficult cases.
This is a big notebook, here are links to some locations in the computation.
In the text-fabric data model, nodes correspond to the objects in the text and its syntax, and edges correspond to relationships between those objects. Normally, these edges are intra-dataset, they are between nodes in the same dataset.
Now, each version of the BHSA in text-fabric is its own dataset. The mappings between nodes of one version and corresponding nodes in another version are inter-dataset edges.
Nodes in text-fabric are abstract, they are just numbers, starting with 1 for the first slot (word), increasing by one for each slot up to the last slot, and then just continuing beyond that for the non-slot nodes.
So an edge is just a mapping between numbers, and it is perfectly possible to have just any mapping between numbers in a dataset.
We store mappings as ordinary TF edge features, so you can use the mapping in both ways, by
nodesInVersion4 = Es('omap@3-4').f(nodeInVersion3)
nodesInVersion3 = Es('omap@3-4').t(nodeInVersion4)
respectively. When one version supersedes another, we store the mapping between the older and newer version as an edge in the new version, leaving the older version untouched.
We store the node mapping with a bit more information than the mere correspondence between nodes. We also add an integer to each correspondence which indicates how problematic that correspondence is.
If the correspondence is perfect, we do not add any value.
If it is a simple discrepancy, confined to an equal amount of slots in both versions, we add value 0
If the discrepancy is more complicated, we add a higher number.
The details of this will follow.
The basic idea in creating a slot mapping is to walk through the slots of both versions in parallel, and upon encountering a difference, to take one of a few prescribed actions, that may lead to catching up slots in one of the two versions.
The standard behaviour is to stop at each difference encountered, unless the difference conforms to a "predefined" case. When there is no match, the user may add a case to the list of cases. It might be needed to add a different systematic kind of case, and for that programming is needed.
This notebook shows the patterns and the very small lists of cases that were needed to do the job for 4 version transitions, each corresponding to 1 year or more of encoding activity.
When we compare versions, our aim is not to record all differences in general, but to record the correspondence between the slots of the versions, and exactly where and how this correspondence is disturbed.
We use the lexeme concept as an anchor point for the correspondence. If we compare the two versions, slot by slot, and as long as we encounter the same lexemes, we have an undisturbed correspondence. In fact, we relax this a little bit, because the very concept of lexeme might change between versions. So we reduce the information in lexemes considerably, before we compare them, so that we do not get disturbed by petty changes.
While being undisturbed, we just create an edge between the slot in the one version that we are at, to the node in the other version that we are at, and we assign no value to such an edge.
But eventually, we encounter real disturbances. They manifest themselves in just a few situations:
In full generality, we can say: $i$ slots in the source $V$ version correspond to $j$ slots in the target version $W$, where $i$ and $j$ may be 0, but not at the same time:
If $i$ slots in version $V$, starting at $n$ get replaced by $j$ slots in the version $W$, starting at $m$, we create edges between all $n, ..., n+i-1$ on the one hand and all $m, ..., m+j-1$ on the other hand, and associate them all with the same number $j-i$.
But so far, it turns out that the only things we have to deal with, are specific instances of 1, 2, and 3 above.
We have a closer look at those cases.
When a lexeme changes at a particular spot $n, m$, we have $i=j=1$, leading to exactly one edge $(n, m)$ with value $0$.
When slot $n\in V$ splits into $m, ..., m+j \in W$, we create edges from $n$ to each of the $m, ..., m+j$, each carrying the number $j$. The larger $j$ is, the greater the dissimilarity between node $n\in V$ and each of the $m, ..., m+j \in W$.
When slots $n, ..., n+i \in V$ collapse into $m\in W$, we create edges from each of the $n, ..., n+i$ to $m$, each carrying the number $j$. The larger $j$ is, the greater the dissimilarity between the nodes $n, ..., n+i\in V$ and $m \in W$.
When slot $n$ is deleted from $V$, we have $i=1, j=0$, leading to zero edges from $n$. But so far, we have not encountered this case.
When slot $m$ is added to $W$, we have $i=0, j=1$, again leading to zero edges to $m$. But so far, we have not encountered this case.
The basic idea we use for the general case is that that nodes are linked to slots.
In text-fabric, the standard oslots
edge feature lists for each non-slot node the slots it is linked to.
Combining the just created slot mappings between versions and the oslots
we can extend the slot mapping into a general node mapping.
In order to map a node $n$ in version $V$, we look at its slots $s$, use the already established slot mapping to map these to slots $t$ in version $W$, and collect the nodes $m$ in version $W$ that are linked to those $t$. They are good candidates for the mapping.
When we try to match nodes across versions, based on slot containment, we also respect
their otype
s. So we will not try to match a clause
to a phrase
We make implicit use of the fact that for most otype
s, the members contain disjoint slots.
Of course, things are not always as neat as in the diagram. Textual objects may have split, or shifted, or collapsed. In general we find 0 or more candidates. Even if we find exactly one candidate, it does not have to be a perfect match. A typical situation is this:
We do not find a node $m\in W$ that occupies the mapped slots exactly. Instead, we find that the target area is split between two candidates who also reach outside the target area.
In such cases, we make edges to all such candidates, but we add a dissimilarity measure. If $m$ is the collection of slots, mapped from $n$, and $m_1$ is a candidate for $n$, meaning $m_1$ has overlap with $m$, then the dissimilarity of $m_1$ is defined as:
$$|m_1\cup m| - |m_1\cap m|$$In words: the number of slots in the union of $m_1$ and $m$ minus the number of slots in their intersection.
In other words: $m_1$ gets a penalty for
If a candidate occupies exactly the mapped slots, the dissimilarity is 0. If there is only one such candidate of the right type, the case is completely clear, and we do not add a dissimilarity value to the edge.
If there are more candidates, all of them will get an edge, and those edges will contain the dissimilarity value, even if that value is $0$.
The most difficult type to handle in our dataset is the subphrase
because they nest and overlap.
But it turns out that the similarity measure almost always helps out: when looking for candidates
for a mapped subphrase, usually one of them has a dissimilarity of 0.
That's the real counterpart.
We report the success in establishing the match between non-slot nodes. We do so per node type, and for each node type we list a few statistics, both in absolute numbers and in percentage of the total amount of nodes of that type in the source version.
We count the nodes that fall in each of the following cases. The list of cases is ordered by decreasing success of the mapping.
s;import os,collections
from functools import reduce
from utils import caption
from tf.fabric import Fabric
We specify our versions and the subtle differences between them as far as they are relevant.
REPO = os.path.expanduser('~/github/etcbc/bhsa')
baseDir = '{}/tf'.format(REPO)
tempDir = '{}/_temp'.format(REPO)
versions = '''
versionInfo = {
'': dict(
'3': dict(
Load all versions in one go!
TF = {}
api = {}
for v in versions:
for (param, value) in versionInfo.get(v, versionInfo['']).items():
globals()[param] = value
caption(4, 'Version -> {} <- loading ...'.format(v))
TF[v] = Fabric(locations='{}/{}'.format(baseDir, v), modules=[''])
api[v] = TF[v].load('{} {}'.format(OCC, LEX))
caption(4, 'All versions loaded')
.............................................................................................. . 0.00s Version -> 3 <- loading ... . .............................................................................................. This is Text-Fabric 3.1.1 Api reference : Tutorial : Example data : 118 features found and 0 ignored 0.00s loading features ... | 0.13s B lexeme from /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/3 | 0.19s B text_plain from /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/3 | 0.00s Feature overview: 115 for nodes; 2 for edges; 1 configs; 7 computed 4.55s All features loaded/computed - for details use loadLog() .............................................................................................. . 4.56s Version -> 4 <- loading ... . .............................................................................................. This is Text-Fabric 3.1.1 Api reference : Tutorial : Example data : 104 features found and 0 ignored 0.00s loading features ... | 0.15s B g_word from /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/4 | 0.13s B lex from /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/4 | 0.00s Feature overview: 98 for nodes; 5 for edges; 1 configs; 7 computed 4.55s All features loaded/computed - for details use loadLog() .............................................................................................. . 9.12s Version -> 4b <- loading ... . .............................................................................................. This is Text-Fabric 3.1.1 Api reference : Tutorial : Example data : 103 features found and 0 ignored 0.00s loading features ... | 0.16s B g_word from /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/4b | 0.13s B lex from /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/4b | 0.00s Feature overview: 97 for nodes; 5 for edges; 1 configs; 7 computed 4.64s All features loaded/computed - for details use loadLog() .............................................................................................. . 14s Version -> 2016 <- loading ... . .............................................................................................. This is Text-Fabric 3.1.1 Api reference : Tutorial : Example data : 108 features found and 0 ignored 0.00s loading features ... | 0.16s B g_word from /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/2016 | 0.14s B lex from /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/2016 | 0.00s Feature overview: 103 for nodes; 4 for edges; 1 configs; 7 computed 4.82s All features loaded/computed - for details use loadLog() .............................................................................................. . 19s Version -> 2017 <- loading ... . .............................................................................................. This is Text-Fabric 3.1.1 Api reference : Tutorial : Example data : 114 features found and 0 ignored 0.00s loading features ... | 0.15s B g_word from /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/2017 | 0.17s B lex from /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/2017 | 0.00s Feature overview: 109 for nodes; 4 for edges; 1 configs; 7 computed 5.41s All features loaded/computed - for details use loadLog() .............................................................................................. . 24s Version -> c <- loading ... . .............................................................................................. This is Text-Fabric 3.1.1 Api reference : Tutorial : Example data : 114 features found and 0 ignored 0.00s loading features ... | 0.19s B g_word from /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/c | 0.16s B lex from /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/c | 0.00s Feature overview: 109 for nodes; 4 for edges; 1 configs; 7 computed 6.21s All features loaded/computed - for details use loadLog() .............................................................................................. . 30s All versions loaded . ..............................................................................................
We want to switch easily between the APIs for the versions.
def activate(v):
for (param, value) in versionInfo.get(v, versionInfo['']).items():
globals()[param] = value
caption(4, 'Active version is now -> {} <-'.format(v))
Inspect the amount of slots in all versions.
nSlots = {}
for v in versions:
nSlots[v] = F.otype.maxSlot
caption(0, '\t {} slots'.format(nSlots[v]))
.............................................................................................. . 30s Active version is now -> 3 <- . .............................................................................................. | 30s 426499 slots .............................................................................................. . 30s Active version is now -> 4 <- . .............................................................................................. | 30s 426555 slots .............................................................................................. . 30s Active version is now -> 4b <- . .............................................................................................. | 30s 426568 slots .............................................................................................. . 30s Active version is now -> 2016 <- . .............................................................................................. | 30s 426581 slots .............................................................................................. . 30s Active version is now -> 2017 <- . .............................................................................................. | 30s 426584 slots .............................................................................................. . 30s Active version is now -> c <- . .............................................................................................. | 30s 426584 slots
When we compare two versions, we inspect the lexemes found at corresponding positions in the versions. We start at the beginning, and when the lexemes do not match, we have a closer look.
However, in order not to be disturbed by minor discrepancies in the lexemes, we mask the lexemes: we apply a few transformations to it, such as removing alephs and wavs, and finally even turning them into ordered sets of letters, thereby loosing the order and multiplicity of letter. We also strip the disambiguation marks.
We maintain a current mapping between the slots of the two versions, and we update it if we encounter disturbances. Initially, this map is the identity map.
What we encounter as remaining differences boils down to the following:
, MN
, or B
table (which has been found by repeatedly
chasing for the first remaining difference.The first two types of cases can be solved by splitting a lexeme into k
parts or combining k
lexemes into one.
After that the mapping has to be shifted to the right or to the left from a certain point onwards.
The loop then is as follows:
We end up with a mapping from the slots of the first version to those of the other version that links slots with approximately equal lexemes together.
masks = [
(lambda lex: lex.rstrip('[/='), 'strip disambiguation'),
(lambda lex: lex[0:-2] if lex.endswith('JM') else lex, 'remove JM'),
(lambda lex: lex[0:-2] if lex.endswith('WT') else lex, 'remove WT'),
(lambda lex: lex.replace('J', ''), 'remove J'),
(lambda lex: lex.replace('>', ''), 'remove Alef'),
(lambda lex: lex.replace('W', ''), 'remove W'),
(lambda lex: lex.replace('Z', 'N'), 'identify Z and N'),
(lambda lex: lex.rstrip('HT'), 'strip HT'),
(lambda lex: (''.join(sorted(set(set(lex)))))+'_'*lex.count('_'), 'ignore order and multiplicity'),
def mask(lex, trans=None):
if trans != None:
return masks[trans][0](lex)
for (fun, desc) in masks:
lex = fun(lex)
return lex
Carry out the lexeme masking for all versions.
lexemes = {}
caption(4, 'Masking lexemes')
for v in versions:
lexemes[v] = collections.OrderedDict()
for n in F.otype.s('word'):
lex = Fs(LEX).v(n)
lexemes[v][n] = (lex, mask(lex, trans=0), mask(lex))
caption(0, 'Done')
.............................................................................................. . 30s Masking lexemes . .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. . 30s Active version is now -> 3 <- . .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. . 33s Active version is now -> 4 <- . .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. . 36s Active version is now -> 4b <- . .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. . 39s Active version is now -> 2016 <- . .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. . 42s Active version is now -> 2017 <- . .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. . 45s Active version is now -> c <- . .............................................................................................. | 48s Done
In cases
we store special cases that we stumbled upon.
Every time we encountered a disturbance which did not follow a recognized pattern,
we turned it into a case.
The number is the slot number in the first version where the case will be applied.
Cases will only be applied at these exact slot number and nowhere else.
In mappings
we build a mapping between corresponding nodes across a pair of versions.
At some of those correspondences there are disturbances, there we add a measure of the
dissimilarity to the mapped pair.
We store the dissimilarities in a separate dictionary, dissimilarity
All these dictionaries are keyed by a 2-tuple of versions.
cases = {}
mappings = {}
dissimilarity = {}
edges = {}
Here is the code that directly implements the method.
Every pair of distinct versions can be mapped.
We store the mappings in a dictionary, keyed by tuples like (4, 4b)
for the mapping from version 4
to 4b
, for instance.
The loop is in doDiffs
def inspect(v1, v2, start, end):
mapKey = (v1, v2)
mp = mappings[mapKey]
vI1 = versionInfo.get(v1, versionInfo[''])
vI2 = versionInfo.get(v2, versionInfo[''])
for n in range(start, end):
print('{:>6}: {:<8} {:<8}'.format(
def inspect2(v, w, n, k):
nodeType = api[v].F.otype.v(n)
mapKey = (v, w)
edge = edges[mapKey]
for i in range(n-k, n+k+1):
print('EDGE {} =>'.format(i), edge.get(i, 'X'))
def firstDiff(v1, v2, start):
mapKey = (v1, v2)
mp = mappings[mapKey]
theseCases = cases[mapKey]
fDiff = None
for (n, (lx1, sxl, mx1)) in lexemes[v1].items():
if n < start: continue
if n in theseCases or mx1 != lexemes[v2][mp[n]][2]:
fDiff = n
return fDiff
def printDiff(v, w, n, k):
mapKey = (v, w)
mp = mappings[mapKey]
comps = {}
prevChunkV = None
prevChunkW = None
for i in range(n - k, n + k + 1):
chunkV = None if i not in mp else api[v].L.u(i, otype='phrase_atom')
boundaryV = prevChunkV != None and prevChunkV != chunkV
prevChunkV = chunkV
currentV = i == n
j = mp.get(i, None)
chunkW = None if j == None else api[w].L.u(j, otype='phrase_atom')
boundaryW = prevChunkW != None and prevChunkW != chunkW
prevChunkW = chunkW
currentW = j == mp[n]
lvTuple = lexemes[v].get(i, None)
lwTuple = None if j == None else lexemes[w].get(j, None)
lv = '□' if lvTuple == None else lvTuple[1]
lw = '□' if lwTuple == None else lwTuple[1]
comps.setdefault(v, []).append((lv, currentV, boundaryV))
comps.setdefault(w, []).append((lw, currentW, boundaryW))
rep = {}
for version in comps:
rep[version] = printVersion(version, comps[version])
print('''{} {}:{} ==> slot {} ==> {}
n, mp[n],
def printVersion(v, comps):
rep = ''
for (lex, isCurrent, boundary) in comps:
rep += '┫┣' if boundary else '╋'
rep += '▶{}◀'.format(lex) if isCurrent else lex
rep += '╋'
return rep
This function contains the loop to walk through all differences.
MAX_ITER = 250
def doDiffs(v1, v2):
mapKey = (v1, v2)
dissimilarity[mapKey] = {}
dm = dissimilarity[mapKey]
mappings[mapKey] = dict(((n, n) for n in api[v1].F.otype.s('word')))
mp = mappings[mapKey]
theseCases = cases.get(mapKey, {})
it = 0
start = 1
solved = True
while True:
n = firstDiff(v1, v2, start)
if n == None:
print('No more differences.\nFound {} points of disturbance'.format(it))
if it > MAX_ITER:
print('There might be more disturbances: increase MAX_ITER')
it += 1
printDiff(v1, v2, n, 5)
(lx1, sx1, mx1) = lexemes[v1][n]
(lx2, sx2, mx2) = lexemes[v2][mp[n]]
(lx1n, sx1n, mx1n) = lexemes[v1][n+1]
(lx2n, sx2n, mx2n) = lexemes[v2][mp[n+1]]
solved = None
skip = 0
if n in theseCases:
(action, param) = theseCases[n]
if action == 'collapse':
plural = '' if param == 1 else 's'
solved = '{} {} fewer slot{}'.format(action, param, plural)
dm[n] = -param
skip = param
for m in range(api[v1].F.otype.maxSlot, n + param, -1):
mp[m] = mp[m-param]
for m in range(n+1, n+param+1):
mp[m] = mp[n]
elif action == 'split':
plural = '' if param == 1 else 's'
solved = '{} into {} extra slot{}'.format(action, param, plural)
dm[n] = param
for m in range(n+1, api[v1].F.otype.maxSlot+1):
mp[m] = mp[m] + param
elif action == 'ok':
solved = 'incidental variation in lexeme'
dm[n] = 0
elif lx1 in theseCases:
(action, param) = theseCases[lx1]
if action == 'ok':
if lx2 == param:
solved = 'systematic variation in lexeme'
dm[n] = 0
elif action == 'split':
plural = '' if param == 1 else 's'
solved = 'systematic {} into {} extra slot{}'.format(action, param, plural)
dm[n] = param
for m in range(n+1, api[v1].F.otype.maxSlot+1):
mp[m] = mp[m] + param
elif '_' in lx1:
action = 'split'
param = lx1.count('_')
plural = '' if param == 1 else 's'
solved = '{} on _ into {} extra slot{}'.format(action, param, plural)
dm[n] = param
for m in range(n+1, api[v1].F.otype.maxSlot+1):
mp[m] = mp[m] + param
elif lx1 == lx2 + lx2n:
if lx2 == 'H':
solved = 'split article off'
dm[n] = 1
for m in range(n+1, api[v1].F.otype.maxSlot+1):
mp[m] = mp[m] + 1
elif set(mx1) == set(mx2) | set(mx2n):
if lx2 == 'B' or lx2 == 'MN':
solved = 'split preposition off'
dm[n] = 1
for m in range(n+1, api[v1].F.otype.maxSlot+1):
mp[m] = mp[m] + 1
print('Action: {}\n'.format(solved if solved else 'BLOCKED'))
if not solved: break
start = n + 1 + skip
if not solved:
print('Blocking difference in {} iterations'.format(it))
The mappings itself are needed elsewhere in Text-Fabric, let us write them to file.
We write them into the dataset corresponding to the target version.
So the map 3-4
ends up in version 4
def edgesFromMaps():
for ((v, w), mp) in sorted(mappings.items()):
caption(4, 'Make edge from slot mapping {} => {}'.format(v, w))
edge = {}
dm = dissimilarity[(v, w)]
for n in range(1, api[v].F.otype.maxSlot + 1):
m = mp[n]
k = dm.get(n, None)
if k == None:
if n in edge:
if m not in edge[n]:
edge[n][m] = None
edge.setdefault(n, {})[m] = None
if k > 0:
for j in range(m, m + k + 1):
edge.setdefault(n, {})[j] = k
elif k < 0:
for i in range(n, n - k + 1):
edge.setdefault(i, {})[m] = k
edge.setdefault(n, {})[m] = 0
edges[(v, w)] = edge
('3', '4'): {
'CXH[' : ('ok', 'XWH['),
'MQYT/': ('split', 1),
28730 : ('ok', None),
121812 : ('ok', None),
174515 : ('ok', None),
201089 : ('ok', None),
218383 : ('split', 2),
221436 : ('ok', None),
247730 : ('ok', None),
272883 : ('collapse', 1),
353611 : ('ok', None),
doDiffs('3', '4')
Genesis 18:2 ==> slot 7840 ==> 7840 ╋MN╋PTX╋H╋>HL┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣>DNJ┫┣>M╋ ╋MN╋PTX╋H╋>HL┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣>DNJ┫┣>M╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 19:1 ==> slot 8447 ==> 8447 ╋W┫┣QWM┫┣L╋QR>┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣HNH╋ ╋W┫┣QWM┫┣L╋QR>┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣HNH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 21:14 ==> slot 9856 ==> 9856 ╋HLK┫┣W┫┣T<H┫┣B╋MDBR╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣KLH┫┣H╋MJM┫┣MN╋ ╋HLK┫┣W┫┣T<H┫┣B╋MDBR╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣KLH┫┣H╋MJM╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 21:31 ==> slot 10174 ==> 10175 ╋L╋H╋MQWM╋H╋HW>┫┣▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣KJ┫┣CM┫┣CB<┫┣CNJM┫┣W╋ ╋L╋H╋MQWM╋H╋HW>┫┣▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣KJ┫┣CM┫┣CB<┫┣CNJM╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 21:32 ==> slot 10183 ==> 10185 ╋CNJM┫┣W┫┣KRT┫┣BRJT┫┣B╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣>BJMLK╋W╋PJKL╋ ╋CNJM┫┣W┫┣KRT┫┣BRJT┫┣B╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣>BJMLK╋W╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 21:33 ==> slot 10200 ==> 10203 ╋PLCTJ┫┣W┫┣NV<┫┣>CL┫┣B╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣QR>┫┣CM┫┣B╋CM╋ ╋PLCTJ┫┣W┫┣NV<┫┣>CL┫┣B╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣QR>┫┣CM┫┣B╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 22:5 ==> slot 10341 ==> 10345 ╋N<R┫┣HLK┫┣<D╋KH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣CWB┫┣>L┫┣W┫┣LQX╋ ╋N<R┫┣HLK┫┣<D╋KH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣CWB┫┣>L┫┣W┫┣LQX╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 22:19 ==> slot 10641 ==> 10645 ╋QWM┫┣W┫┣HLK┫┣JXDW┫┣>L╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣JCB┫┣>BRHM┫┣B╋B>R_CB<╋ ╋QWM┫┣W┫┣HLK┫┣JXDW┫┣>L╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣JCB┫┣>BRHM┫┣B╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 22:19 ==> slot 10646 ==> 10651 ╋B>R_CB<┫┣W┫┣JCB┫┣>BRHM┫┣B╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣HJH┫┣>XR╋H╋DBR╋ ╋B>R┫┣W┫┣JCB┫┣>BRHM┫┣B╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣HJH┫┣>XR╋H╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 23:7 ==> slot 10830 ==> 10836 ╋MWT┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣>BRHM┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋<M╋H╋>RY┫┣L╋ ╋MWT┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣>BRHM┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋<M╋H╋>RY┫┣L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 23:12 ==> slot 10933 ==> 10939 ╋NTN┫┣L┫┣QBR┫┣MWT┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>BRHM┫┣L╋PNH╋<M╋H╋ ╋NTN┫┣L┫┣QBR┫┣MWT┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>BRHM┫┣L╋PNH╋<M╋H╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 24:26 ==> slot 11604 ==> 11610 ╋W┫┣QDD┫┣H╋>JC┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣BRK╋ ╋W┫┣QDD┫┣H╋>JC┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣BRK╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 24:48 ==> slot 12051 ==> 12057 ╋<L╋JD┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣BRK┫┣>T╋ ╋<L╋JD┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣BRK┫┣>T╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 24:52 ==> slot 12144 ==> 12150 ╋<BD╋>BRHM┫┣>T╋DBR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>RY┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣JY>╋ ╋<BD╋>BRHM┫┣>T╋DBR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>RY┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣JY>╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 25:20 ==> slot 12724 ==> 12730 ╋BT╋BTW>L┫┣H╋>RMJ┫┣MN╋▶PDN_>RM◀┫┣>XWT╋LBN┫┣H╋>RMJ┫┣L╋ ╋BT╋BTW>L┫┣H╋>RMJ┫┣MN╋▶PDN◀╋>RM┫┣>XWT╋LBN┫┣H╋>RMJ╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 26:23 ==> slot 13405 ==> 13412 ╋>RY┫┣W┫┣<LH┫┣MN╋CM┫┣▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣R>H┫┣>L┫┣JHWH┫┣B╋ ╋>RY┫┣W┫┣<LH┫┣MN╋CM┫┣▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣R>H┫┣>L┫┣JHWH╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 26:33 ==> slot 13588 ==> 13596 ╋<L╋KN┫┣CM╋H╋<JR┫┣▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣<D╋H╋JWM╋H╋ZH╋ ╋<L╋KN┫┣CM╋H╋<JR┫┣▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣<D╋H╋JWM╋H╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 27:29 ==> slot 14101 ==> 14110 ╋W╋TJRWC┫┣<BD┫┣<M┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣L>M┫┣HWH┫┣GBJR┫┣L╋ ╋W╋TJRWC┫┣<BD┫┣<M┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣L>M┫┣HWH┫┣GBJR┫┣L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 27:29 ==> slot 14109 ==> 14118 ╋HWH┫┣GBJR┫┣L╋>X┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣BN╋>M┫┣>RR┫┣>RR╋ ╋HWH┫┣GBJR┫┣L╋>X┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣BN╋>M┫┣>RR┫┣>RR╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 28:2 ==> slot 14510 ==> 14519 ╋MN╋BT╋KN<N┫┣QWM┫┣HLK┫┣▶PDN_>RM◀┫┣BJT╋BTW>L┫┣>B╋>M┫┣W╋ ╋MN╋BT╋KN<N┫┣QWM┫┣HLK┫┣▶PDN◀╋>RM┫┣BJT╋BTW>L┫┣>B╋>M╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 28:5 ==> slot 14568 ==> 14578 ╋JYXQ┫┣>T╋J<QB┫┣W┫┣HLK┫┣▶PDN_>RM◀┫┣>L╋LBN┫┣BN╋BTW>L┫┣H╋ ╋JYXQ┫┣>T╋J<QB┫┣W┫┣HLK┫┣▶PDN◀╋>RM┫┣>L╋LBN┫┣BN╋BTW>L╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 28:6 ==> slot 14592 ==> 14603 ╋>T╋J<QB┫┣W┫┣CLX┫┣>T┫┣▶PDN_>RM◀┫┣L╋LQX┫┣L┫┣MN╋CM╋ ╋>T╋J<QB┫┣W┫┣CLX┫┣>T┫┣▶PDN◀╋>RM┫┣L╋LQX┫┣L┫┣MN╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 28:7 ==> slot 14623 ==> 14635 ╋W╋>L╋>M┫┣W┫┣HLK┫┣▶PDN_>RM◀┫┣W┫┣R>H┫┣<FW┫┣KJ┫┣R<╋ ╋W╋>L╋>M┫┣W┫┣HLK┫┣▶PDN◀╋>RM┫┣W┫┣R>H┫┣<FW┫┣KJ╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 28:10 ==> slot 14659 ==> 14672 ╋>CH┫┣W┫┣JY>┫┣J<QB┫┣MN╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣HLK┫┣XRN┫┣W┫┣PG<╋ ╋>CH┫┣W┫┣JY>┫┣J<QB┫┣MN╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣HLK┫┣XRN┫┣W╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 31:18 ==> slot 16687 ==> 16701 ╋MQNH╋QNJN┫┣>CR┫┣RKC┫┣B╋▶PDN_>RM◀┫┣L╋BW>┫┣>L╋JYXQ┫┣>B╋ ╋MQNH╋QNJN┫┣>CR┫┣RKC┫┣B╋▶PDN◀╋>RM┫┣L╋BW>┫┣>L╋JYXQ╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 33:3 ==> slot 18117 ==> 18132 ╋HW>┫┣<BR┫┣L╋PNH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>RY┫┣CB<╋P<M┫┣<D╋NGC╋ ╋HW>┫┣<BR┫┣L╋PNH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>RY┫┣CB<╋P<M┫┣<D╋NGC╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 33:6 ==> slot 18175 ==> 18190 ╋CPXH┫┣HNH╋W╋JLD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣NGC┫┣GM┫┣L>H╋W╋ ╋CPXH┫┣HNH╋W╋JLD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣NGC┫┣GM╋L>H╋W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 33:7 ==> slot 18183 ==> 18198 ╋GM┫┣L>H╋W╋JLD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>XR┫┣NGC┫┣JWSP╋W╋ ╋GM╋L>H╋W╋JLD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>XR┫┣NGC┫┣JWSP╋W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 33:7 ==> slot 18191 ==> 18206 ╋NGC┫┣JWSP╋W╋RXL┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣MJ┫┣L┫┣KL╋ ╋NGC┫┣JWSP╋W╋RXL┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣MJ┫┣L┫┣KL╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 33:18 ==> slot 18397 ==> 18412 ╋>RY╋KN<N┫┣B╋BW>┫┣MN╋▶PDN_>RM◀┫┣W┫┣XNH┫┣>T╋PNH╋H╋ ╋>RY╋KN<N┫┣B╋BW>┫┣MN╋▶PDN◀╋>RM┫┣W┫┣XNH┫┣>T╋PNH╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 35:9 ==> slot 19216 ==> 19232 ╋J<QB┫┣<WD┫┣B╋BW>┫┣MN╋▶PDN_>RM◀┫┣W┫┣BRK┫┣>T┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ ╋J<QB┫┣<WD┫┣B╋BW>┫┣MN╋▶PDN◀╋>RM┫┣W┫┣BRK┫┣>T┫┣W╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 35:26 ==> slot 19485 ==> 19502 ╋J<QB┫┣>CR┫┣JLD┫┣L┫┣B╋▶PDN_>RM◀┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣J<QB┫┣>L╋JYXQ╋ ╋J<QB┫┣>CR┫┣JLD┫┣L┫┣B╋▶PDN◀╋>RM┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣J<QB┫┣>L╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 37:7 ==> slot 20271 ==> 20289 ╋W┫┣HNH┫┣SBB┫┣>LMH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋>LMH┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣L╋ ╋W┫┣HNH┫┣SBB┫┣>LMH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋>LMH┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 37:9 ==> slot 20323 ==> 20341 ╋JRX╋W╋>XD╋<FR╋KWKB┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣SPR┫┣>L╋>B╋ ╋JRX╋W╋>XD╋<FR╋KWKB┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣SPR┫┣>L╋>B╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 37:10 ==> slot 20355 ==> 20373 ╋W╋>M╋W╋>X┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣QN>┫┣B╋ ╋W╋>M╋W╋>X┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣QN>┫┣B╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 42:6 ==> slot 23509 ==> 23527 ╋W┫┣BW>┫┣>X╋JWSP┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣R>H╋ ╋W┫┣BW>┫┣>X╋JWSP┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣R>H╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 43:26 ==> slot 24650 ==> 24668 ╋B╋JD┫┣H╋BJT┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣C>L┫┣L╋ ╋B╋JD┫┣H╋BJT┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣C>L┫┣L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 43:28 ==> slot 24682 ==> 24700 ╋<WD┫┣XJ┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣NF>┫┣<JN┫┣W┫┣R>H╋ ╋<WD┫┣XJ┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣NF>┫┣<JN┫┣W┫┣R>H╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 46:1 ==> slot 25981 ==> 25999 ╋KL┫┣>CR┫┣L┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣ZBX┫┣ZBX┫┣L╋>LHJM╋ ╋KL┫┣>CR┫┣L┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣ZBX┫┣ZBX┫┣L╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 46:5 ==> slot 26042 ==> 26061 ╋<JN┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣J<QB┫┣MN╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣NF>┫┣BN╋JFR>L┫┣>T╋ ╋<JN┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣J<QB┫┣MN╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣NF>┫┣BN╋JFR>L╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 46:15 ==> slot 26201 ==> 26221 ╋>CR┫┣JLD┫┣L╋J<QB┫┣B╋▶PDN_>RM◀┫┣W┫┣>T╋DJNH┫┣BT┫┣KL╋ ╋>CR┫┣JLD┫┣L╋J<QB┫┣B╋▶PDN◀╋>RM┫┣W┫┣>T╋DJNH┫┣BT╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Genesis 47:31 ==> slot 27267 ==> 27288 ╋L┫┣W┫┣CB<┫┣L┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣JFR>L┫┣<L╋R>C╋H╋MVH╋ ╋L┫┣W┫┣CB<┫┣L┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣JFR>L┫┣<L╋R>C╋H╋MVH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 48:12 ==> slot 27501 ==> 27522 ╋>T┫┣MN╋<M╋BRK┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣LQX╋ ╋>T┫┣MN╋<M╋BRK┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣LQX╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 49:8 ==> slot 27858 ==> 27879 ╋>X┫┣JD┫┣B╋<RP╋>JB┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣BN╋>B┫┣GWR╋>RJH╋ ╋>X┫┣JD┫┣B╋<RP╋>JB┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣BN╋>B┫┣GWR╋>RJH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Genesis 50:26 ==> slot 28730 ==> 28751 ╋CNH┫┣W┫┣XNV┫┣>T┫┣W┫┣▶FJM◀┫┣B╋H╋>RWN┫┣B╋MYRJM╋ ╋CNH┫┣W┫┣XNV┫┣>T┫┣W┫┣▶JFM◀┫┣B╋H╋>RWN┫┣B╋MYRJM╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme Exodus 4:31 ==> slot 30778 ==> 30799 ╋>T╋<NJ┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>XR┫┣BW>┫┣MCH╋W╋ ╋>T╋<NJ┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>XR┫┣BW>┫┣MCH╋W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Exodus 11:8 ==> slot 34587 ==> 34608 ╋KL╋<BD╋>LH┫┣>L┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣L╋>MR┫┣JY>┫┣>TH╋ ╋KL╋<BD╋>LH┫┣>L┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣L╋>MR┫┣JY>┫┣>TH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Exodus 12:27 ==> slot 35293 ==> 35314 ╋W┫┣QDD┫┣H╋<M┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣HLK┫┣W┫┣<FH┫┣BN╋ ╋W┫┣QDD┫┣H╋<M┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣HLK┫┣W┫┣<FH┫┣BN╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Exodus 18:7 ==> slot 38561 ==> 38582 ╋MCH┫┣L╋QR>┫┣XTN┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣NCQ┫┣L┫┣W┫┣C>L╋ ╋MCH┫┣L╋QR>┫┣XTN┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣NCQ┫┣L┫┣W┫┣C>L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Exodus 20:5 ==> slot 39627 ==> 39648 ╋TXT╋L╋H╋>RY┫┣L>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣<BD┫┣KJ╋ ╋TXT╋L╋H╋>RY┫┣L>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣<BD┫┣KJ╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Exodus 23:24 ==> slot 41400 ==> 41421 ╋H╋JBWSJ┫┣W┫┣KXD┫┣L>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋>LHJM┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣<BD╋ ╋H╋JBWSJ┫┣W┫┣KXD┫┣L>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋>LHJM┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣<BD╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Exodus 24:1 ==> slot 41592 ==> 41613 ╋CB<┫┣MN╋ZQN╋JFR>L┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣MN╋RXWQ┫┣W┫┣NGC┫┣MCH╋ ╋CB<┫┣MN╋ZQN╋JFR>L┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣MN╋RXWQ┫┣W┫┣NGC┫┣MCH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Exodus 32:8 ==> slot 46644 ==> 46665 ╋<FH┫┣L┫┣<GL┫┣MSKH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣ZBX┫┣L┫┣W╋ ╋<FH┫┣L┫┣<GL┫┣MSKH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣ZBX┫┣L┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Exodus 33:10 ==> slot 47480 ==> 47501 ╋QWM┫┣KL╋H╋<M┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>JC┫┣PTX╋>HL┫┣W┫┣DBR╋ ╋QWM┫┣KL╋H╋<M┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>JC┫┣PTX╋>HL┫┣W┫┣DBR╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Exodus 34:8 ==> slot 47918 ==> 47939 ╋MCH┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣>M┫┣N>┫┣MY>╋ ╋MCH┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣>M┫┣N>┫┣MY>╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Exodus 34:14 ==> slot 48052 ==> 48073 ╋>T╋>CRH┫┣KRT┫┣KJ┫┣L>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋>L╋>XR┫┣KJ┫┣JHWH╋ ╋>T╋>CRH┫┣KRT┫┣KJ┫┣L>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋>L╋>XR┫┣KJ┫┣JHWH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Leviticus 26:1 ==> slot 68138 ==> 68159 ╋L>┫┣NTN┫┣B╋>RY┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣<L┫┣KJ┫┣>NJ┫┣JHWH┫┣>LHJM╋ ╋L>┫┣NTN┫┣B╋>RY┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣<L┫┣KJ┫┣>NJ┫┣JHWH┫┣>LHJM╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Numbers 22:31 ==> slot 84445 ==> 84466 ╋B╋JD┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋>P┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣>L╋ ╋B╋JD┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋>P┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣>L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Numbers 25:2 ==> slot 85620 ==> 85641 ╋W┫┣>KL┫┣H╋<M┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋>LHJM┫┣W┫┣YMD┫┣JFR>L╋ ╋W┫┣>KL┫┣H╋<M┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋>LHJM┫┣W┫┣YMD┫┣JFR>L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Deuteronomy 4:19 ==> slot 95563 ==> 95584 ╋H╋CMJM┫┣W┫┣NDX┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣<BD┫┣>CR┫┣XLQ╋ ╋H╋CMJM┫┣W┫┣NDX┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣<BD┫┣>CR┫┣XLQ╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Deuteronomy 5:9 ==> slot 96432 ==> 96453 ╋TXT╋L╋H╋>RY┫┣L>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣<BD┫┣KJ╋ ╋TXT╋L╋H╋>RY┫┣L>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣<BD┫┣KJ╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Deuteronomy 8:19 ==> slot 98341 ==> 98362 ╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣<BD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣<WD┫┣B┫┣H╋JWM╋ ╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣<BD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣<WD┫┣B┫┣H╋JWM╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Deuteronomy 11:16 ==> slot 99903 ==> 99924 ╋W┫┣<BD┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣XRH┫┣>P╋JHWH╋ ╋W┫┣<BD┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣XRH┫┣>P╋JHWH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Deuteronomy 17:3 ==> slot 102960 ==> 102981 ╋W┫┣<BD┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣L╋H╋CMC╋ ╋W┫┣<BD┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣L╋H╋CMC╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Deuteronomy 26:10 ==> slot 107354 ==> 107375 ╋L╋PNH╋JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋PNH╋JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W╋ ╋L╋PNH╋JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋PNH╋JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Deuteronomy 29:25 ==> slot 110064 ==> 110085 ╋W┫┣<BD┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣>LHJM┫┣>CR┫┣L>┫┣JD<╋ ╋W┫┣<BD┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣>LHJM┫┣>CR┫┣L>┫┣JD<╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Deuteronomy 30:17 ==> slot 110528 ==> 110549 ╋L>┫┣CM<┫┣W┫┣NDX┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣<BD╋ ╋L>┫┣CM<┫┣W┫┣NDX┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣<BD╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Joshua 5:14 ==> slot 115288 ==> 115309 ╋JHWCW<┫┣>L╋PNH┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣L┫┣MH┫┣>DWN╋ ╋JHWCW<┫┣>L╋PNH┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣L┫┣MH┫┣>DWN╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Joshua 15:22 ==> slot 121812 ==> 121833 ╋W╋JGWR┫┣W┫┣QJNH╋W╋▶DJBWN◀╋W╋<D<DH┫┣W┫┣QDC╋W╋ ╋W╋JGWR┫┣W┫┣QJNH╋W╋▶DJMWNH◀╋W╋<D<DH┫┣W┫┣QDC╋W╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme Joshua 15:28 ==> slot 121847 ==> 121868 ╋W╋BJT_PLV┫┣W┫┣XYR_CW<L╋W╋▶B>R_CB<◀╋W╋BZJWTJH┫┣B<LH╋W╋<JJM╋ ╋W╋BJT_PLV┫┣W┫┣XYR_CW<L╋W╋▶B>R◀╋CB<╋W╋BZJWTJH┫┣B<LH╋W╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Joshua 19:2 ==> slot 123405 ==> 123427 ╋W┫┣HJH┫┣L┫┣B╋NXLH┫┣▶B>R_CB<◀╋W╋CB<╋W╋MWLDH┫┣W╋ ╋W┫┣HJH┫┣L┫┣B╋NXLH┫┣▶B>R◀╋CB<╋W╋CB<╋W╋MWLDH╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Joshua 19:13 ==> slot 123552 ==> 123575 ╋MN╋CM┫┣<BR┫┣QDM┫┣MZRX┫┣▶GT_XPR◀┫┣<T_QYJN┫┣W┫┣JY>┫┣RMWN┫┣H╋ ╋MN╋CM┫┣<BR┫┣QDM┫┣MZRX┫┣▶GT◀╋XPR┫┣<T╋QYJN┫┣W┫┣JY>╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Joshua 19:13 ==> slot 123553 ==> 123577 ╋CM┫┣<BR┫┣QDM┫┣MZRX┫┣GT_XPR┫┣▶<T_QYJN◀┫┣W┫┣JY>┫┣RMWN┫┣H┫┣T>R╋ ╋CM┫┣<BR┫┣QDM┫┣MZRX┫┣GT┫┣▶<T◀╋QYJN┫┣W┫┣JY>┫┣RMWN┫┣H╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Joshua 23:7 ==> slot 126335 ==> 126360 ╋W┫┣L>┫┣<BD┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣KJ╋>M┫┣B╋JHWH╋ ╋W┫┣L>┫┣<BD┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣KJ╋>M┫┣B╋JHWH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Joshua 23:16 ==> slot 126577 ==> 126602 ╋W┫┣<BD┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣XRH┫┣>P╋JHWH╋ ╋W┫┣<BD┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣XRH┫┣>P╋JHWH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Judges 2:12 ==> slot 128424 ==> 128449 ╋H╋<M┫┣>CR┫┣SBJB┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣K<S┫┣>T╋JHWH╋ ╋H╋<M┫┣>CR┫┣SBJB┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣K<S┫┣>T╋JHWH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Judges 2:17 ==> slot 128518 ==> 128543 ╋ZNH┫┣>XR╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣SWR┫┣MHR┫┣MN╋H╋ ╋ZNH┫┣>XR╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣SWR┫┣MHR┫┣MN╋H╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Judges 2:19 ==> slot 128586 ==> 128611 ╋>XR┫┣L╋<BD┫┣W┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣L>┫┣NPL┫┣MN╋M<LL╋ ╋>XR┫┣L╋<BD┫┣W┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣L>┫┣NPL┫┣MN╋M<LL╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Judges 7:15 ==> slot 131789 ==> 131814 ╋XLWM╋W╋>T╋CBR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣CWB┫┣>L╋MXNH╋JFR>L╋ ╋XLWM╋W╋>T╋CBR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣CWB┫┣>L╋MXNH╋JFR>L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Judges 20:1 ==> slot 139866 ==> 139891 ╋L╋MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R_CB<◀╋W╋>RY╋H╋GL<D┫┣>L╋ ╋L╋MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R◀╋CB<╋W╋>RY╋H╋GL<D╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 1_Samuel 1:3 ==> slot 141555 ==> 141581 ╋<JR┫┣MN╋JWM┫┣JWM┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣L╋ZBX┫┣L╋JHWH╋ ╋<JR┫┣MN╋JWM┫┣JWM┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣L╋ZBX┫┣L╋JHWH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Samuel 1:19 ==> slot 141867 ==> 141893 ╋CKM┫┣B╋H╋BQR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋PNH╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣CWB╋ ╋CKM┫┣B╋H╋BQR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋PNH╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣CWB╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Samuel 1:28 ==> slot 142070 ==> 142096 ╋HW>┫┣C>L┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣CM┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣PLL╋ ╋HW>┫┣C>L┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣CM┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣PLL╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Samuel 2:36 ==> slot 142808 ==> 142834 ╋JTR┫┣B╋BJT┫┣BW>┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣L╋>GWRH╋KSP╋W╋ ╋JTR┫┣B╋BJT┫┣BW>┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣L╋>GWRH╋KSP╋W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Samuel 3:20 ==> slot 143208 ==> 143234 ╋JFR>L┫┣MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣KJ┫┣>MN┫┣CMW>L┫┣L╋NBJ>╋ ╋JFR>L┫┣MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣KJ┫┣>MN┫┣CMW>L┫┣L╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 1_Samuel 8:2 ==> slot 145073 ==> 145100 ╋CM╋MCNH┫┣>BJH┫┣CPV┫┣B╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣HLK┫┣BN┫┣B╋ ╋CM╋MCNH┫┣>BJH┫┣CPV┫┣B╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣HLK┫┣BN╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 1_Samuel 9:21 ==> slot 145980 ==> 146008 ╋C>WL┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣H┫┣L>┫┣▶BN_JMJNJ◀┫┣>NKJ┫┣MN╋QVN╋CBV╋JFR>L╋ ╋C>WL┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣H┫┣L>┫┣▶BN◀╋JMJNJ┫┣>NKJ┫┣MN╋QVN╋CBV╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 1_Samuel 15:25 ==> slot 150040 ==> 150069 ╋XV>T┫┣W┫┣CWB┫┣<M┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣CMW>L╋ ╋XV>T┫┣W┫┣CWB┫┣<M┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣CMW>L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Samuel 15:30 ==> slot 150127 ==> 150156 ╋JFR>L┫┣W┫┣CWB┫┣<M┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣CWB╋ ╋JFR>L┫┣W┫┣CWB┫┣<M┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣CWB╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Samuel 15:31 ==> slot 150137 ==> 150166 ╋CWB┫┣CMW>L┫┣>XR╋C>WL┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣C>WL┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ ╋CWB┫┣CMW>L┫┣>XR╋C>WL┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣C>WL┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Samuel 20:41 ==> slot 154264 ==> 154293 ╋NPL┫┣L╋>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣CLC╋P<M┫┣W┫┣NCQ┫┣>JC╋ ╋NPL┫┣L╋>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣CLC╋P<M┫┣W┫┣NCQ┫┣>JC╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Samuel 24:9 ==> slot 156141 ==> 156170 ╋QDD┫┣DWD┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣DWD┫┣L╋C>WL╋ ╋QDD┫┣DWD┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣DWD┫┣L╋C>WL╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Samuel 25:23 ==> slot 156977 ==> 157006 ╋>P╋DWD┫┣<L╋PNH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣NPL┫┣<L╋RGL╋ ╋>P╋DWD┫┣<L╋PNH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣NPL┫┣<L╋RGL╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Samuel 25:41 ==> slot 157436 ==> 157465 ╋L╋>CH┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣HNH╋ ╋L╋>CH┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣HNH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Samuel 28:14 ==> slot 158789 ==> 158818 ╋W┫┣QDD┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣CMW>L┫┣>L╋C>WL╋ ╋W┫┣QDD┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣CMW>L┫┣>L╋C>WL╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 1:2 ==> slot 160475 ==> 160504 ╋DWD┫┣W┫┣NPL┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣L┫┣DWD┫┣>J╋ ╋DWD┫┣W┫┣NPL┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣L┫┣DWD┫┣>J╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 3:10 ==> slot 161848 ==> 161877 ╋JHWDH┫┣MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣JKL┫┣<WD┫┣L╋ ╋JHWDH┫┣MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣JKL┫┣<WD╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 2_Samuel 9:6 ==> slot 165033 ==> 165063 ╋W┫┣NPL┫┣<L╋PNH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣DWD┫┣MPJBCT┫┣W╋ ╋W┫┣NPL┫┣<L╋PNH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣DWD┫┣MPJBCT┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 9:8 ==> slot 165073 ==> 165103 ╋LXM┫┣<L╋CLXN┫┣TMJD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣MH┫┣<BD┫┣KJ╋ ╋LXM┫┣<L╋CLXN┫┣TMJD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣MH┫┣<BD┫┣KJ╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 12:20 ==> slot 166812 ==> 166842 ╋W┫┣BW>┫┣BJT╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣>L╋BJT┫┣W╋ ╋W┫┣BW>┫┣BJT╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣>L╋BJT┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 14:4 ==> slot 168053 ==> 168083 ╋NPL┫┣<L╋>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣JC<┫┣H╋MLK╋ ╋NPL┫┣<L╋>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣JC<┫┣H╋MLK╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 14:22 ==> slot 168532 ==> 168562 ╋JW>B┫┣>L╋PNH┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣BRK┫┣>T╋H╋MLK╋ ╋JW>B┫┣>L╋PNH┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣BRK┫┣>T╋H╋MLK╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 14:33 ==> slot 168816 ==> 168846 ╋BW>┫┣>L╋H╋MLK┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣<L╋>P┫┣>RY┫┣L╋ ╋BW>┫┣>L╋H╋MLK┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣<L╋>P┫┣>RY┫┣L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 15:5 ==> slot 168939 ==> 168969 ╋HJH┫┣B╋QRB┫┣>JC┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣CLX┫┣>T╋JD╋ ╋HJH┫┣B╋QRB┫┣>JC┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣CLX┫┣>T╋JD╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 15:32 ==> slot 169576 ==> 169606 ╋BW>┫┣<D╋H╋R>C┫┣>CR┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣CM┫┣L╋>LHJM┫┣W┫┣HNH╋ ╋BW>┫┣<D╋H╋R>C┫┣>CR┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣CM┫┣L╋>LHJM┫┣W┫┣HNH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 16:4 ==> slot 169812 ==> 169842 ╋L╋MPJBCT┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣YJB>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣MY>┫┣XN┫┣B╋<JN┫┣>DWN╋ ╋L╋MPJBCT┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣YJB>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣MY>┫┣XN┫┣B╋<JN┫┣>DWN╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 17:11 ==> slot 170486 ==> 170516 ╋JFR>L┫┣MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣K╋H╋XWL┫┣>CR┫┣<L╋ ╋JFR>L┫┣MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣K╋H╋XWL┫┣>CR╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 2_Samuel 18:21 ==> slot 171572 ==> 171603 ╋H╋MLK┫┣>CR┫┣R>H┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣KCJ┫┣L╋JW>B┫┣W┫┣RWY╋ ╋H╋MLK┫┣>CR┫┣R>H┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣KCJ┫┣L╋JW>B┫┣W┫┣RWY╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 18:28 ==> slot 171749 ==> 171780 ╋>L╋H╋MLK┫┣CLWM┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣L╋>P╋ ╋>L╋H╋MLK┫┣CLWM┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣L╋>P╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 22:27 ==> slot 174515 ==> 174546 ╋GBWR╋TMJM┫┣TMM┫┣<M╋BRR┫┣▶BRR◀┫┣W┫┣<M╋<QC┫┣TPL┫┣W╋ ╋GBWR╋TMJM┫┣TMM┫┣<M╋BRR┫┣▶TBR◀┫┣W┫┣<M╋<QC┫┣TPL┫┣W╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme 2_Samuel 24:2 ==> slot 175416 ==> 175447 ╋JFR>L┫┣MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣PQD┫┣>T╋H╋<M╋ ╋JFR>L┫┣MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣PQD┫┣>T╋H╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 2_Samuel 24:6 ==> slot 175525 ==> 175557 ╋>L╋>RY╋TXTJM_XDCJ┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣▶DN_J<N◀┫┣W┫┣SBJB┫┣>L╋YJDWN┫┣W╋ ╋>L╋>RY╋TXTJM_XDCJ┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣▶DN◀╋J<N┫┣W┫┣SBJB┫┣>L╋YJDWN╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 2_Samuel 24:7 ==> slot 175547 ==> 175580 ╋W┫┣JY>┫┣>L╋NGB╋JHWDH┫┣▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣CWV┫┣B╋KL╋H╋ ╋W┫┣JY>┫┣>L╋NGB╋JHWDH┫┣▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣CWV┫┣B╋KL╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 2_Samuel 24:15 ==> slot 175749 ==> 175783 ╋<M┫┣MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣CB<╋>LP╋>JC┫┣W┫┣CLX╋ ╋<M┫┣MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣CB<╋>LP╋>JC┫┣W╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 2_Samuel 24:20 ==> slot 175878 ==> 175913 ╋<L┫┣W┫┣JY>┫┣>RWNH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣>P┫┣>RY╋ ╋<L┫┣W┫┣JY>┫┣>RWNH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣>P┫┣>RY╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Kings 1:16 ==> slot 176360 ==> 176395 ╋MLK┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣BT_CB<┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ ╋MLK┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣BT_CB<┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Kings 1:23 ==> slot 176502 ==> 176537 ╋L╋PNH╋H╋MLK┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣<L╋>P╋ ╋L╋PNH╋H╋MLK┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣<L╋>P╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Kings 1:31 ==> slot 176685 ==> 176720 ╋QDD┫┣BT_CB<┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ ╋QDD┫┣BT_CB<┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Kings 1:47 ==> slot 177085 ==> 177120 ╋>T╋KS>┫┣MN╋KS>┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣H╋MLK┫┣<L╋H╋MCKB╋ ╋>T╋KS>┫┣MN╋KS>┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣H╋MLK┫┣<L╋H╋MCKB╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Kings 1:53 ==> slot 177213 ==> 177248 ╋H╋MZBX┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣CLMH┫┣W╋ ╋H╋MZBX┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣CLMH┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Kings 2:19 ==> slot 177635 ==> 177670 ╋H╋MLK┫┣L╋QR>┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣JCB┫┣<L╋KS>╋ ╋H╋MLK┫┣L╋QR>┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣JCB┫┣<L╋KS>╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Kings 5:5 ==> slot 179399 ==> 179434 ╋T>NH┫┣MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣KL╋JWM╋CLMH┫┣W┫┣HJH╋ ╋T>NH┫┣MN╋DN╋W╋<D╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣KL╋JWM╋CLMH┫┣W╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 1_Kings 9:6 ==> slot 183762 ==> 183798 ╋W┫┣<BD┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣KRT┫┣>T╋JFR>L╋ ╋W┫┣<BD┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣KRT┫┣>T╋JFR>L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Kings 9:9 ==> slot 183852 ==> 183888 ╋XZQ┫┣B╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣<BD┫┣<L╋KN╋ ╋XZQ┫┣B╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣<BD┫┣<L╋KN╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Kings 11:33 ==> slot 185644 ==> 185680 ╋JFR>L┫┣J<N╋>CR┫┣<ZB┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋<CTRT┫┣>LHJM╋YJDNJ┫┣L╋ ╋JFR>L┫┣J<N╋>CR┫┣<ZB┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋<CTRT┫┣>LHJM╋YJDNJ┫┣L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Kings 16:31 ==> slot 189693 ==> 189729 ╋<BD┫┣>T╋H╋B<L┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣MZBX┫┣L╋ ╋<BD┫┣>T╋H╋B<L┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣MZBX┫┣L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Kings 19:3 ==> slot 191400 ==> 191436 ╋HLK┫┣>L╋NPC┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣>CR┫┣L╋JHWDH┫┣W┫┣NWX╋ ╋HLK┫┣>L╋NPC┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣>CR┫┣L╋JHWDH┫┣W╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 1_Kings 22:54 ==> slot 194696 ==> 194733 ╋<BD┫┣>T╋H╋B<L┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣K<S┫┣>T╋JHWH╋ ╋<BD┫┣>T╋H╋B<L┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣K<S┫┣>T╋JHWH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 2:15 ==> slot 195567 ==> 195604 ╋W┫┣BW>┫┣L╋QR>┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣>L╋ ╋W┫┣BW>┫┣L╋QR>┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣>L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 4:37 ==> slot 197205 ==> 197242 ╋W┫┣NPL┫┣<L╋RGL┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣NF>┫┣>T╋BN╋ ╋W┫┣NPL┫┣<L╋RGL┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣NF>┫┣>T╋BN╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 5:18 ==> slot 197853 ==> 197890 ╋BW>┫┣>DWN┫┣BJT╋RMWN┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣CM┫┣W┫┣HW>┫┣C<N┫┣<L╋ ╋BW>┫┣>DWN┫┣BJT╋RMWN┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣CM┫┣W┫┣HW>┫┣C<N┫┣<L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 5:18 ==> slot 197861 ==> 197898 ╋HW>┫┣C<N┫┣<L╋JD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣BJT╋RMWN┫┣B╋CXH┫┣BJT╋ ╋HW>┫┣C<N┫┣<L╋JD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣BJT╋RMWN┫┣B╋XWH┫┣BJT╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 5:18 ==> slot 197865 ==> 197902 ╋W┫┣CXH┫┣BJT╋RMWN┫┣B╋▶CXH◀┫┣BJT╋RMWN┫┣SLX┫┣JHWH┫┣L╋ ╋W┫┣XWH┫┣BJT╋RMWN┫┣B╋▶XWH◀┫┣BJT╋RMWN┫┣SLX┫┣JHWH┫┣L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 10:2 ==> slot 201089 ==> 201126 ╋>X>B┫┣L╋>MR┫┣W┫┣<TH┫┣▶B◀╋BW>┫┣H╋SPR╋H╋ZH╋ ╋>X>B┫┣L╋>MR┫┣W┫┣<TH┫┣▶K◀╋BW>┫┣H╋SPR╋H╋ZH╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme 2_Kings 12:2 ==> slot 202531 ==> 202568 ╋W┫┣CM╋>M┫┣YBJH┫┣MN╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣<FH┫┣JHW>C┫┣H┫┣JCR╋ ╋W┫┣CM╋>M┫┣YBJH┫┣MN╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣<FH┫┣JHW>C┫┣H╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 2_Kings 17:16 ==> slot 205873 ==> 205911 ╋<GL┫┣W┫┣<FH┫┣>CRH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋KL╋YB>╋H╋CMJM╋ ╋<GL┫┣W┫┣<FH┫┣>CRH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋KL╋YB>╋H╋CMJM╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 17:35 ==> slot 206336 ==> 206374 ╋JR>┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣<BD┫┣W╋ ╋JR>┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣<BD┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 17:36 ==> slot 206366 ==> 206404 ╋NVH┫┣>T┫┣JR>┫┣W┫┣L┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣L┫┣ZBX┫┣W┫┣>T╋ ╋NVH┫┣>T┫┣JR>┫┣W┫┣L┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣L┫┣ZBX┫┣W┫┣>T╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 18:22 ==> slot 206992 ==> 207030 ╋PNH╋H╋MZBX╋H╋ZH┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣B╋JRWCLM┫┣W┫┣<TH┫┣<RB╋ ╋PNH╋H╋MZBX╋H╋ZH┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣B╋JRWCLM┫┣W┫┣<TH┫┣<RB╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 19:37 ==> slot 208105 ==> 208143 ╋B╋NJNWH┫┣W┫┣HJH┫┣HW>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣BJT╋NSRK┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣>DRMLK╋ ╋B╋NJNWH┫┣W┫┣HJH┫┣HW>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣BJT╋NSRK┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣>DRMLK╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 21:3 ==> slot 208684 ==> 208722 ╋<FH┫┣>X>B┫┣MLK╋JFR>L┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋KL╋YB>╋H╋CMJM╋ ╋<FH┫┣>X>B┫┣MLK╋JFR>L┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋KL╋YB>╋H╋CMJM╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 21:21 ==> slot 209093 ==> 209131 ╋GLWLJM┫┣>CR┫┣<BD┫┣>B┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣<ZB┫┣>T╋JHWH╋ ╋GLWLJM┫┣>CR┫┣<BD┫┣>B┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣<ZB┫┣>T╋JHWH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Kings 23:8 ==> slot 210002 ==> 210040 ╋H╋KHN┫┣MN╋GB<┫┣<D╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣NTY┫┣>T╋BMH╋H╋ ╋H╋KHN┫┣MN╋GB<┫┣<D╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣NTY┫┣>T╋BMH╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Isaiah 2:8 ==> slot 212626 ==> 212665 ╋>RY┫┣>LJL┫┣L╋M<FH╋JD┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋>CR┫┣<FH┫┣>YB<┫┣W╋ ╋>RY┫┣>LJL┫┣L╋M<FH╋JD┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋>CR┫┣<FH┫┣>YB<┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Isaiah 2:20 ==> slot 212810 ==> 212849 ╋ZHB┫┣>CR┫┣<FH┫┣L┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣L╋XPR┫┣PRWT╋W╋L╋ ╋ZHB┫┣>CR┫┣<FH┫┣L┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣L╋XPR┫┣PRWT╋W╋L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Isaiah 19:18 ==> slot 218383 ==> 218422 ╋W┫┣CB<┫┣L╋JHWH╋YB>┫┣▶<JR_HHRS◀┫┣>MR┫┣L╋>XD┫┣B╋H╋ ╋W┫┣CB<┫┣L╋JHWH╋YB>┫┣▶<JR◀╋H╋HRS┫┣>MR┫┣L╋>XD╋ Action: split into 2 extra slots Isaiah 27:13 ==> slot 220739 ==> 220780 ╋NDX┫┣B╋>RY╋MYRJM┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣B╋HR╋H╋ ╋NDX┫┣B╋>RY╋MYRJM┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣B╋HR╋H╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Isaiah 29:9 ==> slot 221436 ==> 221477 ╋H┫┣YB>┫┣<L╋HR╋YJWN┫┣▶TMH◀┫┣W┫┣TMH┫┣C<<┫┣W┫┣C<<╋ ╋H┫┣YB>┫┣<L╋HR╋YJWN┫┣▶MHH◀┫┣W┫┣TMH┫┣C<<┫┣W┫┣C<<╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme Isaiah 36:7 ==> slot 223853 ==> 223894 ╋PNH╋H╋MZBX╋H╋ZH┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣<TH┫┣<RB┫┣N>┫┣>T╋ ╋PNH╋H╋MZBX╋H╋ZH┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣<TH┫┣<RB┫┣N>┫┣>T╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Isaiah 37:38 ==> slot 224931 ==> 224972 ╋B╋NJNWH┫┣W┫┣HJH┫┣HW>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣BJT╋NSRK┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣>DRMLK╋ ╋B╋NJNWH┫┣W┫┣HJH┫┣HW>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣BJT╋NSRK┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣>DRMLK╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Isaiah 44:15 ==> slot 227568 ==> 227609 ╋LXM┫┣>P┫┣P<L┫┣>L┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣<FH┫┣PSL┫┣W┫┣SGD┫┣L╋ ╋LXM┫┣>P┫┣P<L┫┣>L┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣<FH┫┣PSL┫┣W┫┣SGD┫┣L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Isaiah 44:17 ==> slot 227604 ==> 227645 ╋L╋PSL┫┣SGD┫┣L┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣PLL┫┣>L┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ ╋L╋PSL┫┣SGD┫┣L┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣PLL┫┣>L┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Isaiah 45:14 ==> slot 228066 ==> 228107 ╋H╋ZQJM┫┣<BR┫┣W┫┣>L┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>L┫┣PLL┫┣>K┫┣B┫┣>L╋ ╋H╋ZQJM┫┣<BR┫┣W┫┣>L┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>L┫┣PLL┫┣>K┫┣B┫┣>L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Isaiah 46:6 ==> slot 228361 ==> 228402 ╋W┫┣<FH┫┣>L┫┣SGD┫┣>P┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣NF>┫┣<L╋KTP┫┣SBL┫┣W╋ ╋W┫┣<FH┫┣>L┫┣SGD┫┣>P┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣NF>┫┣<L╋KTP┫┣SBL┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Isaiah 49:7 ==> slot 229225 ==> 229266 ╋R>H┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣FR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣LM<N╋JHWH┫┣>CR┫┣>MN┫┣QDWC╋ ╋R>H┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣FR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣LM<N╋JHWH┫┣>CR┫┣>MN┫┣QDWC╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Isaiah 49:23 ==> slot 229494 ==> 229535 ╋W┫┣FRH┫┣MJNQT┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣<PR╋RGL┫┣LXK╋ ╋W┫┣FRH┫┣MJNQT┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣<PR╋RGL┫┣LXK╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Isaiah 60:14 ==> slot 232790 ==> 232831 ╋>L┫┣CXX┫┣BN╋<NH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣<L╋KP╋RGL┫┣KL╋N>Y╋ ╋>L┫┣CXX┫┣BN╋<NH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣<L╋KP╋RGL┫┣KL╋N>Y╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Isaiah 66:23 ==> slot 234914 ==> 234955 ╋CBT┫┣BW>┫┣KL╋BFR┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣L╋PNH┫┣>MR┫┣JHWH┫┣W╋ ╋CBT┫┣BW>┫┣KL╋BFR┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣L╋PNH┫┣>MR┫┣JHWH┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Jeremiah 1:16 ==> slot 235230 ==> 235271 ╋QVR┫┣L╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋M<FH╋JD┫┣W┫┣>TH╋ ╋QVR┫┣L╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋M<FH╋JD┫┣W┫┣>TH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Jeremiah 7:2 ==> slot 238176 ==> 238217 ╋H╋C<R╋H╋>LH┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣KH┫┣>MR┫┣JHWH╋ ╋H╋C<R╋H╋>LH┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣KH┫┣>MR┫┣JHWH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Jeremiah 8:2 ==> slot 238952 ==> 238993 ╋W┫┣>CR┫┣DRC┫┣W┫┣>CR┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣L>┫┣>SP┫┣W┫┣L>╋ ╋W┫┣>CR┫┣DRC┫┣W┫┣>CR┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣L>┫┣>SP┫┣W┫┣L>╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Jeremiah 13:10 ==> slot 241282 ==> 241323 ╋>XR┫┣L╋<BD┫┣W┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣HJH┫┣K╋H╋ ╋>XR┫┣L╋<BD┫┣W┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣HJH┫┣K╋H╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Jeremiah 16:11 ==> slot 242826 ==> 242867 ╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣<BD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣>T┫┣<ZB┫┣W╋ ╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣<BD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣>T┫┣<ZB┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Jeremiah 22:9 ==> slot 245440 ==> 245481 ╋>T╋BRJT╋JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣<BD╋ ╋>T╋BRJT╋JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣<BD╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Jeremiah 25:6 ==> slot 247079 ==> 247120 ╋>XR┫┣L╋<BD┫┣W┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣K<S┫┣>T╋ ╋>XR┫┣L╋<BD┫┣W┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣K<S┫┣>T╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Jeremiah 25:34 ==> slot 247730 ==> 247771 ╋ML>┫┣JWM┫┣L╋VBX┫┣W┫┣▶TPWYH◀┫┣W┫┣NPL┫┣K╋KLJ╋XMDH╋ ╋ML>┫┣JWM┫┣L╋VBX┫┣W┫┣▶PWY◀┫┣W┫┣NPL┫┣K╋KLJ╋XMDH╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme Jeremiah 26:2 ==> slot 247827 ==> 247868 ╋<JR╋JHWDH┫┣H┫┣BW>┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣BJT╋JHWH┫┣>T╋KL╋H╋ ╋<JR╋JHWDH┫┣H┫┣BW>┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣BJT╋JHWH┫┣>T╋KL╋H╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Ezekiel 8:16 ==> slot 267952 ==> 267993 ╋W┫┣PNH┫┣QDM┫┣W┫┣HMH┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣QDM┫┣L╋H╋CMC┫┣W╋ ╋W┫┣PNH┫┣QDM┫┣W┫┣HMH┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣QDM┫┣L╋H╋CMC┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Ezekiel 18:14 ==> slot 272883 ==> 272924 ╋W┫┣R>H┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣<FH┫┣▶K◀╋HN┫┣<L╋H╋HR┫┣L>╋ ╋W┫┣R>H┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣<FH┫┣▶K◀┫┣<L╋H╋HR┫┣L>┫┣>KL╋ Action: collapse 1 fewer slot Ezekiel 46:2 ==> slot 289063 ==> 289103 ╋<LH╋W╋>T╋CLM┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣<L╋MPTN╋H╋C<R┫┣W╋ ╋<LH╋W╋>T╋CLM┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣<L╋MPTN╋H╋C<R┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Ezekiel 46:3 ==> slot 289079 ==> 289119 ╋SGR┫┣<D╋H╋<RB┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣<M╋H╋>RY┫┣PTX╋H╋ ╋SGR┫┣<D╋H╋<RB┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣<M╋H╋>RY┫┣PTX╋H╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Ezekiel 46:9 ==> slot 289210 ==> 289250 ╋BW>┫┣DRK╋C<R╋YPWN┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣JY>┫┣DRK╋C<R╋NGB┫┣W╋ ╋BW>┫┣DRK╋C<R╋YPWN┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣JY>┫┣DRK╋C<R╋NGB┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Amos 5:5 ==> slot 296522 ==> 296562 ╋H╋GLGL┫┣L>┫┣BW>┫┣W┫┣▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣L>┫┣<BR┫┣KJ┫┣H╋GLGL╋ ╋H╋GLGL┫┣L>┫┣BW>┫┣W┫┣▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣L>┫┣<BR┫┣KJ┫┣H╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Amos 8:14 ==> slot 297728 ==> 297769 ╋>LHJM┫┣DN┫┣W┫┣XJ┫┣DRK╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣NPL┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣QWM╋ ╋>LHJM┫┣DN┫┣W┫┣XJ┫┣DRK╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣NPL┫┣W┫┣L>╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Micah 5:12 ==> slot 300758 ==> 300800 ╋MYBH┫┣MN╋QRB┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣<WD┫┣L╋M<FH╋JD┫┣W╋ ╋MYBH┫┣MN╋QRB┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣<WD┫┣L╋M<FH╋JD┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Zephaniah 1:5 ==> slot 303109 ==> 303151 ╋H╋KHN┫┣W┫┣>T┫┣H┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣<L╋H╋GG┫┣L╋YB>╋ ╋H╋KHN┫┣W┫┣>T╋H┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣<L╋H╋GG┫┣L╋YB>╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Zephaniah 1:5 ==> slot 303120 ==> 303162 ╋H╋CMJM┫┣W┫┣>T┫┣H┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣H┫┣CB<┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W╋ ╋H╋CMJM┫┣W┫┣>T╋H┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣H┫┣CB<┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Zephaniah 2:11 ==> slot 303598 ==> 303640 ╋KL╋>LHJM╋H╋>RY┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣>JC┫┣MN╋MQWM┫┣KL╋ ╋KL╋>LHJM╋H╋>RY┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣>JC┫┣MN╋MQWM┫┣KL╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Zechariah 14:16 ==> slot 309251 ==> 309293 ╋DJ╋CNH┫┣B╋CNH┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣L╋MLK┫┣JHWH╋YB>┫┣W╋ ╋DJ╋CNH┫┣B╋CNH┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣L╋MLK┫┣JHWH╋YB>┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Zechariah 14:17 ==> slot 309276 ==> 309318 ╋H╋>RY┫┣>L╋JRWCLM┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣L╋MLK┫┣JHWH╋YB>┫┣W╋ ╋H╋>RY┫┣>L╋JRWCLM┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣L╋MLK┫┣JHWH╋YB>┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 5:8 ==> slot 311040 ==> 311082 ╋B╋RB╋XSD┫┣BW>┫┣BJT┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>L╋HJKL╋QDC┫┣B╋JR>H╋ ╋B╋RB╋XSD┫┣BW>┫┣BJT┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>L╋HJKL╋QDC┫┣B╋JR>H╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 7:1 ==> slot 311219 ==> 311261 ╋L╋JHWH┫┣<L╋DBR╋KWC┫┣▶BN_JMJNJ◀┫┣JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣B┫┣XSH┫┣JC<╋ ╋L╋JHWH┫┣<L╋DBR╋KWC┫┣▶BN◀╋JMJNJ┫┣JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣B┫┣XSH╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Psalms 22:28 ==> slot 313781 ==> 313824 ╋JHWH┫┣KL╋>PS╋>RY┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋PNH┫┣KL╋MCPXH╋GWJ╋ ╋JHWH┫┣KL╋>PS╋>RY┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋PNH┫┣KL╋MCPXH╋GWJ╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 22:30 ==> slot 313799 ==> 313842 ╋B╋H╋GWJ┫┣>KL┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣KL╋DCN╋>RY┫┣L╋PNH╋ ╋B╋H╋GWJ┫┣>KL┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣KL╋DCN╋>RY┫┣L╋PNH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 29:2 ==> slot 314650 ==> 314693 ╋JHB┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣KBWD╋CM┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣B╋HDRH╋QDC╋ ╋JHB┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣KBWD╋CM┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣B╋HDRH╋QDC╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 45:12 ==> slot 317948 ==> 317991 ╋JPJ┫┣KJ┫┣HW>┫┣>DWN┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣BT╋YR┫┣B╋ ╋JPJ┫┣KJ┫┣HW>┫┣>DWN┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣BT╋YR┫┣B╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 66:4 ==> slot 320924 ==> 320967 ╋L┫┣>JB┫┣KL╋H╋>RY┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣ZMR┫┣L┫┣ZMR╋ ╋L┫┣>JB┫┣KL╋H╋>RY┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣ZMR┫┣L┫┣ZMR╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 72:11 ==> slot 322344 ==> 322387 ╋W╋SB>┫┣>CKR┫┣QRB┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣KL╋MLK┫┣KL╋GWJ╋ ╋W╋SB>┫┣>CKR┫┣QRB┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣KL╋MLK┫┣KL╋GWJ╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 81:10 ==> slot 324624 ==> 324667 ╋B┫┣>L╋ZR┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋>L╋NKR┫┣>NKJ┫┣JHWH╋ ╋B┫┣>L╋ZR┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋>L╋NKR┫┣>NKJ┫┣JHWH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 86:9 ==> slot 325294 ==> 325337 ╋GWJ┫┣>CR┫┣<FH┫┣BW>┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋PNH┫┣>DNJ┫┣W┫┣KBD╋ ╋GWJ┫┣>CR┫┣<FH┫┣BW>┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋PNH┫┣>DNJ┫┣W┫┣KBD╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 95:6 ==> slot 326949 ==> 326992 ╋W┫┣JBCT┫┣JD┫┣JYR┫┣BW>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣KR<┫┣BRK┫┣L╋PNH╋ ╋W┫┣JBCT┫┣JD┫┣JYR┫┣BW>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣KR<┫┣BRK┫┣L╋PNH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 96:9 ==> slot 327100 ==> 327143 ╋MNXH┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣L╋XYR┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣B╋HDRH╋QDC╋ ╋MNXH┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣L╋XYR┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣B╋HDRH╋QDC╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 97:7 ==> slot 327237 ==> 327280 ╋H┫┣HLL┫┣B╋H╋>LJL┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣KL╋>LHJM┫┣CM<┫┣W╋ ╋H┫┣HLL┫┣B╋H╋>LJL┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣KL╋>LHJM┫┣CM<┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 99:5 ==> slot 327443 ==> 327486 ╋<FH┫┣RWM┫┣JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋HDM╋RGL┫┣QDWC┫┣HW>╋ ╋<FH┫┣RWM┫┣JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋HDM╋RGL┫┣QDWC┫┣HW>╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 99:9 ==> slot 327492 ==> 327535 ╋<LJLH┫┣RWM┫┣JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋HR╋QDC┫┣KJ┫┣QDWC╋ ╋<LJLH┫┣RWM┫┣JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋HR╋QDC┫┣KJ┫┣QDWC╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 106:19 ==> slot 329085 ==> 329128 ╋<FH┫┣<GL┫┣B╋XRB┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋MSKH┫┣W┫┣MWR┫┣>T╋ ╋<FH┫┣<GL┫┣B╋XRB┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋MSKH┫┣W┫┣MWR┫┣>T╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 132:7 ==> slot 333437 ==> 333480 ╋FDH╋J<R┫┣BW>┫┣L╋MCKN┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋HDM╋RGL┫┣QWM┫┣JHWH╋ ╋FDH╋J<R┫┣BW>┫┣L╋MCKN┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋HDM╋RGL┫┣QWM┫┣JHWH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Psalms 138:2 ==> slot 334200 ==> 334243 ╋KL╋LB┫┣NGD╋>LHJM┫┣ZMR┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>L╋HJKL╋QDC┫┣W┫┣JDH╋ ╋KL╋LB┫┣NGD╋>LHJM┫┣ZMR┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>L╋HJKL╋QDC┫┣W┫┣JDH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Job 1:20 ==> slot 336428 ==> 336471 ╋R>C┫┣W┫┣NPL┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣<RWM┫┣JY>┫┣MN╋ ╋R>C┫┣W┫┣NPL┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣<RWM┫┣JY>┫┣MN╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Proverbs 24:31 ==> slot 353611 ==> 353654 ╋LB┫┣W┫┣HNH┫┣<LH┫┣KL┫┣▶QMWF◀┫┣KSH┫┣PNH┫┣XRWL┫┣W┫┣GDR╋ ╋LB┫┣W┫┣HNH┫┣<LH┫┣KL┫┣▶QMFWN◀┫┣KSH┫┣PNH┫┣XRWL┫┣W┫┣GDR╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme Ruth 2:10 ==> slot 356377 ==> 356420 ╋W┫┣NPL┫┣<L╋PNH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣>L┫┣MDW<╋ ╋W┫┣NPL┫┣<L╋PNH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>RY┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣>L┫┣MDW<╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Esther 3:2 ==> slot 366631 ==> 366674 ╋C<R╋H╋MLK┫┣KR<┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋HMN┫┣KJ┫┣KN┫┣YWH╋ ╋C<R╋H╋MLK┫┣KR<┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋HMN┫┣KJ┫┣KN┫┣YWH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Esther 3:2 ==> slot 366646 ==> 366689 ╋MRDKJ┫┣L>┫┣KR<┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣<BD╋H╋MLK╋ ╋MRDKJ┫┣L>┫┣KR<┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣<BD╋H╋MLK╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Esther 3:5 ==> slot 366702 ==> 366745 ╋KJ┫┣>JN┫┣MRDKJ┫┣KR<╋W╋▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣ML>┫┣HMN┫┣XMH╋ ╋KJ┫┣>JN┫┣MRDKJ┫┣KR<╋W╋▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣ML>┫┣HMN┫┣XMH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Daniel 1:2 ==> slot 370037 ==> 370080 ╋>T╋JHWJQJM┫┣MLK╋JHWDH┫┣W┫┣▶MQYT◀╋KLJ╋BJT╋H╋>LHJM┫┣W╋ ╋>T╋JHWJQJM┫┣MLK╋JHWDH┫┣W┫┣▶MN◀╋QYT╋KLJ╋BJT╋H╋>LHJM╋ Action: systematic split into 1 extra slot Daniel 1:5 ==> slot 370138 ==> 370182 ╋L╋GDL┫┣CNH╋CLC┫┣W┫┣▶MQYT◀┫┣<MD┫┣L╋PNH╋H╋MLK╋ ╋L╋GDL┫┣CNH╋CLC┫┣W┫┣▶MN◀╋QYT┫┣<MD┫┣L╋PNH╋H╋ Action: systematic split into 1 extra slot Daniel 1:15 ==> slot 370329 ==> 370374 ╋W┫┣NSH┫┣JWM╋<FRH┫┣W┫┣▶MQYT◀╋JWM╋<FRH┫┣R>H┫┣MR>H┫┣VWB╋ ╋W┫┣NSH┫┣JWM╋<FRH┫┣W┫┣▶MN◀╋QYT╋JWM╋<FRH┫┣R>H┫┣MR>H╋ Action: systematic split into 1 extra slot Daniel 1:18 ==> slot 370390 ==> 370436 ╋XZWN╋W╋XLWM┫┣W┫┣L╋▶MQYT◀╋H╋JWM┫┣>CR┫┣>MR┫┣H╋ ╋XZWN╋W╋XLWM┫┣W┫┣L╋▶MN◀╋QYT╋H╋JWM┫┣>CR┫┣>MR╋ Action: systematic split into 1 extra slot Nehemiah 7:69 ==> slot 386987 ==> 387034 ╋CB<╋M>H╋W╋<FRJM┫┣W┫┣▶MQYT◀╋R>C╋H╋>B┫┣NTN┫┣L╋ ╋CB<╋M>H╋W╋<FRJM┫┣W┫┣▶MN◀╋QYT╋R>C╋H╋>B┫┣NTN╋ Action: systematic split into 1 extra slot Nehemiah 8:6 ==> slot 387279 ==> 387327 ╋M<L╋JD┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W╋ ╋M<L╋JD┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Nehemiah 9:3 ==> slot 387715 ==> 387763 ╋JWM┫┣W┫┣RBJ<J┫┣JDH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣QWM╋ ╋JWM┫┣W┫┣RBJ<J┫┣JDH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣>LHJM┫┣W┫┣QWM╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Nehemiah 9:6 ==> slot 387815 ==> 387863 ╋W┫┣YB>╋H╋CMJM┫┣L┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣>TH┫┣HW>┫┣JHWH┫┣H╋>LHJM╋ ╋W┫┣YB>╋H╋CMJM┫┣L┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣>TH┫┣HW>┫┣JHWH┫┣H╋>LHJM╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme Nehemiah 11:27 ==> slot 389626 ==> 389674 ╋W┫┣B╋XYR_CW<L╋W╋B╋▶B>R_CB<◀╋W╋BT┫┣W┫┣B╋YQLG╋ ╋W┫┣B╋XYR_CW<L╋W╋B╋▶B>R◀╋CB<╋W╋BT┫┣W┫┣B╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot Nehemiah 11:30 ==> slot 389660 ==> 389709 ╋W╋BT┫┣W┫┣XNH┫┣MN╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣<D╋GJ>╋HNM┫┣W┫┣BN╋ ╋W╋BT┫┣W┫┣XNH┫┣MN╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣<D╋GJ>╋HNM┫┣W╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 1_Chronicles 4:28 ==> slot 393152 ==> 393202 ╋BN╋JHWDH┫┣W┫┣JCB┫┣B╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣MWLDH╋W╋XYR_CW<L┫┣W╋ ╋BN╋JHWDH┫┣W┫┣JCB┫┣B╋▶B>R◀╋CB<╋W╋MWLDH╋W╋XYR_CW<L╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 1_Chronicles 16:29 ==> slot 399894 ==> 399945 ╋MNXH┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣L╋PNH┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣B╋HDRH╋QDC╋ ╋MNXH┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣L╋PNH┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣B╋HDRH╋QDC╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Chronicles 21:2 ==> slot 401751 ==> 401802 ╋HLK┫┣SPR┫┣>T╋JFR>L┫┣MN╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣<D╋DN┫┣W┫┣BW>╋ ╋HLK┫┣SPR┫┣>T╋JFR>L┫┣MN╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣<D╋DN┫┣W╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 1_Chronicles 21:21 ==> slot 402212 ==> 402264 ╋JY>┫┣MN╋H╋GRN┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋DWD┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W╋ ╋JY>┫┣MN╋H╋GRN┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋DWD┫┣>P┫┣>RY┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 1_Chronicles 27:12 ==> slot 405025 ==> 405077 ╋>BJ<ZR┫┣H╋<NTTJ┫┣L╋H╋▶BN_JMJNJ◀┫┣W┫┣<L╋MXLQT┫┣<FRJM╋W╋ ╋>BJ<ZR┫┣H╋<NTTJ┫┣L╋H╋▶BN◀╋JMJNJ┫┣W┫┣<L╋MXLQT┫┣<FRJM╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 1_Chronicles 29:20 ==> slot 406515 ==> 406568 ╋>LHJM╋>B┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣L╋H╋ ╋>LHJM╋>B┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣L╋H╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 7:3 ==> slot 409997 ==> 410050 ╋>RY┫┣<L╋H╋RYPH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣JDH┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣KJ╋ ╋>RY┫┣<L╋H╋RYPH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣JDH┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣KJ╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 7:19 ==> slot 410427 ==> 410480 ╋W┫┣<BD┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣NTC┫┣MN╋<L╋ ╋W┫┣<BD┫┣>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣NTC┫┣MN╋<L╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 7:22 ==> slot 410513 ==> 410566 ╋XZQ┫┣B╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣<BD┫┣<L╋KN╋ ╋XZQ┫┣B╋>LHJM╋>XR┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L┫┣W┫┣<BD┫┣<L╋KN╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 19:4 ==> slot 415696 ==> 415749 ╋JY>┫┣B╋H╋<M┫┣MN╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣<D╋HR╋>PRJM┫┣W┫┣CWB╋ ╋JY>┫┣B╋H╋<M┫┣MN╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣<D╋HR╋>PRJM┫┣W╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 2_Chronicles 20:18 ==> slot 416304 ==> 416358 ╋NPL┫┣L╋PNH╋JHWH┫┣L╋▶CXH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣H╋ ╋NPL┫┣L╋PNH╋JHWH┫┣L╋▶XWH◀┫┣L╋JHWH┫┣W┫┣QWM┫┣H╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 24:1 ==> slot 418154 ==> 418208 ╋W┫┣CM╋>M┫┣YBJH┫┣MN╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣<FH┫┣JW>C┫┣H┫┣JCR╋ ╋W┫┣CM╋>M┫┣YBJH┫┣MN╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣<FH┫┣JW>C┫┣H╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 2_Chronicles 24:17 ==> slot 418544 ==> 418599 ╋JHWJD<┫┣BW>┫┣FR╋JHWDH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣>Z┫┣CM<╋ ╋JHWJD<┫┣BW>┫┣FR╋JHWDH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣>Z┫┣CM<╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 25:14 ==> slot 419155 ==> 419210 ╋L╋>LHJM┫┣W┫┣L╋PNH┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣L┫┣QVR┫┣W┫┣XRH╋ ╋L╋>LHJM┫┣W┫┣L╋PNH┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣L┫┣QVR┫┣W┫┣XRH╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 29:28 ==> slot 421534 ==> 421589 ╋JFR>L┫┣W┫┣KL╋H╋QHL┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣H╋CJR┫┣CJR┫┣W╋ ╋JFR>L┫┣W┫┣KL╋H╋QHL┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣H╋CJR┫┣CJR┫┣W╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 29:29 ==> slot 421564 ==> 421619 ╋KL┫┣H┫┣MY>┫┣>T┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣JXZQJHW┫┣H╋MLK╋ ╋KL┫┣H┫┣MY>┫┣>T┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣JXZQJHW┫┣H╋MLK╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 29:30 ==> slot 421595 ==> 421650 ╋L╋FMXH┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣<NH┫┣JXZQJHW┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ ╋L╋FMXH┫┣W┫┣QDD┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣<NH┫┣JXZQJHW┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 30:5 ==> slot 421839 ==> 421894 ╋QWL┫┣B╋KL╋JFR>L┫┣MN╋▶B>R_CB<◀┫┣W┫┣<D╋DN┫┣L╋BW>╋ ╋QWL┫┣B╋KL╋JFR>L┫┣MN╋▶B>R◀╋CB<┫┣W┫┣<D╋DN┫┣L╋ Action: split on _ into 1 extra slot 2_Chronicles 32:12 ==> slot 423282 ==> 423338 ╋>MR┫┣L╋PNH╋MZBX╋>XD┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣W┫┣<L┫┣QVR┫┣H┫┣L>╋ ╋>MR┫┣L╋PNH╋MZBX╋>XD┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣W┫┣<L┫┣QVR┫┣H┫┣L>╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 33:3 ==> slot 423850 ==> 423906 ╋B<L┫┣W┫┣<FH┫┣>CRH┫┣W┫┣▶CXH◀┫┣L╋KL╋YB>╋H╋CMJM╋ ╋B<L┫┣W┫┣<FH┫┣>CRH┫┣W┫┣▶XWH◀┫┣L╋KL╋YB>╋H╋CMJM╋ Action: systematic variation in lexeme No more differences. Found 234 points of disturbance
('4', '4b'): {
214730: ('collapse', 3),
260028: ('split', 1),
289948: ('ok', None),
307578: ('split', 1),
323067: ('ok', None),
389774: ('ok', None),
407543: ('split', 1),
408429: ('split', 1),
doDiffs('4', '4b')
Genesis 24:65 ==> slot 12369 ==> 12369 ╋H╋<BD┫┣MJ┫┣H╋>JC╋▶HLZH◀┫┣H┫┣HLK┫┣B╋H╋FDH╋ ╋H╋<BD┫┣MJ┫┣H╋>JC╋▶H◀╋LZH┫┣H┫┣HLK┫┣B╋H╋ Action: split article off Genesis 37:19 ==> slot 20514 ==> 20515 ╋>X┫┣HNH┫┣B<L╋H╋XLWM╋▶HLZH◀┫┣BW>┫┣W┫┣<TH┫┣HLK┫┣W╋ ╋>X┫┣HNH┫┣B<L╋H╋XLWM╋▶H◀╋LZH┫┣BW>┫┣W┫┣<TH┫┣HLK╋ Action: split article off Judges 6:20 ==> slot 130846 ==> 130848 ╋W┫┣NWX┫┣>L╋H╋SL<╋▶HLZ◀┫┣W┫┣>T╋H╋MRQ┫┣CPK╋ ╋W┫┣NWX┫┣>L╋H╋SL<╋▶H◀╋LZ┫┣W┫┣>T╋H╋MRQ╋ Action: split article off 1_Samuel 14:1 ==> slot 148319 ==> 148322 ╋MYB╋PLCTJ┫┣>CR┫┣MN╋<BR╋▶HLZ◀┫┣W┫┣L╋>B┫┣L>┫┣NGD╋ ╋MYB╋PLCTJ┫┣>CR┫┣MN╋<BR╋▶H◀╋LZ┫┣W┫┣L╋>B┫┣L>╋ Action: split article off 1_Samuel 17:26 ==> slot 151331 ==> 151335 ╋>CR┫┣NKH┫┣>T╋H╋PLCTJ╋▶HLZ◀┫┣W┫┣SWR┫┣XRPH┫┣MN╋<L╋ ╋>CR┫┣NKH┫┣>T╋H╋PLCTJ╋▶H◀╋LZ┫┣W┫┣SWR┫┣XRPH┫┣MN╋ Action: split article off 1_Samuel 20:19 ==> slot 153816 ==> 153821 ╋W┫┣JCB┫┣>YL╋H╋>BN┫┣▶H>ZL◀┫┣W┫┣>NJ┫┣CLC╋H╋XY╋ ╋W┫┣JCB┫┣>YL╋H╋>BN╋▶H◀╋>ZL┫┣W┫┣>NJ┫┣CLC╋H╋ Action: split article off 2_Kings 4:25 ==> slot 196975 ==> 196981 ╋GJXZJ┫┣N<R┫┣HNH┫┣H╋CWNMJ╋▶HLZ◀┫┣<TH┫┣RWY┫┣N>┫┣L╋QR>╋ ╋GJXZJ┫┣N<R┫┣HNH┫┣H╋CWNMJ╋▶H◀╋LZ┫┣<TH┫┣RWY┫┣N>┫┣L╋ Action: split article off 2_Kings 23:17 ==> slot 210326 ==> 210333 ╋W┫┣>MR┫┣MH┫┣H╋YJWN╋▶HLZ◀┫┣>CR┫┣>NJ┫┣R>H┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ ╋W┫┣>MR┫┣MH┫┣H╋YJWN╋▶H◀╋LZ┫┣>CR┫┣>NJ┫┣R>H┫┣W╋ Action: split article off Isaiah 8:1 ==> slot 214730 ==> 214738 ╋<L┫┣B╋XRV╋>NWC┫┣L╋▶MHR◀┫┣CLL┫┣XWC┫┣BZ┫┣W┫┣<WD╋ ╋<L┫┣B╋XRV╋>NWC┫┣L╋▶MHR_CLL_XC_BZ◀┫┣W┫┣<WD┫┣L┫┣<D╋>MN╋ Action: collapse 3 fewer slots Jeremiah 46:20 ==> slot 260028 ==> 260033 ╋NYH┫┣MN╋>JN╋JCB┫┣<GLH╋▶JPHPJ◀┫┣MYRJM┫┣QRY┫┣MN╋YPWN┫┣BW>╋ ╋NYH┫┣MN╋>JN╋JCB┫┣<GLH╋▶JPH◀╋PJH┫┣MYRJM┫┣QRY┫┣MN╋YPWN╋ Action: split into 1 extra slot Ezekiel 16:7 ==> slot 271124 ==> 271130 ╋RBH┫┣W┫┣GDL┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣▶B<D◀╋<DJ┫┣CD┫┣KWN┫┣W┫┣F<R╋ ╋RBH┫┣W┫┣GDL┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣▶B◀╋<DJ╋<DJ┫┣CD┫┣KWN┫┣W╋ Action: split preposition off Ezekiel 36:35 ==> slot 283104 ==> 283111 ╋<BR┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣H╋>RY╋▶HLZW◀┫┣H┫┣CMM┫┣HJH┫┣K╋GN╋ ╋<BR┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣H╋>RY╋▶H◀╋LZW┫┣H┫┣CMM┫┣HJH┫┣K╋ Action: split article off Ezekiel 47:13 ==> slot 289948 ==> 289956 ╋TRWPH┫┣KH┫┣>MR┫┣>DNJ╋JHWH┫┣▶ZH◀┫┣GBWL┫┣>CR┫┣NXL┫┣>T╋H╋ ╋TRWPH┫┣KH┫┣>MR┫┣>DNJ╋JHWH┫┣▶G>◀╋GBWL┫┣>CR┫┣NXL┫┣>T╋H╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme Zechariah 2:8 ==> slot 305480 ==> 305488 ╋RWY┫┣DBR┫┣>L╋H╋N<R╋▶HLZ◀┫┣L╋>MR┫┣PRZWT┫┣JCB┫┣JRWCLM╋ ╋RWY┫┣DBR┫┣>L╋H╋N<R╋▶H◀╋LZ┫┣L╋>MR┫┣PRZWT┫┣JCB╋ Action: split article off Zechariah 9:8 ==> slot 307578 ==> 307587 ╋JBWSJ┫┣W┫┣XNH┫┣L╋BJT┫┣▶MYBH◀┫┣MN╋<BR╋W╋MN╋CWB╋ ╋JBWSJ┫┣W┫┣XNH┫┣L╋BJT┫┣▶MN◀╋YB>┫┣MN╋<BR╋W╋MN╋ Action: split into 1 extra slot Psalms 75:7 ==> slot 323067 ==> 323077 ╋M<RB┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣MN╋MDBR┫┣▶RWM◀┫┣KJ┫┣>LHJM┫┣CPV┫┣ZH┫┣CPL╋ ╋M<RB┫┣W┫┣L>┫┣MN╋MDBR╋▶HR◀┫┣KJ┫┣>LHJM┫┣CPV┫┣ZH┫┣CPL╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme Daniel 8:16 ==> slot 375529 ==> 375539 ╋W┫┣>MR┫┣GBRJ>L┫┣BJN┫┣L╋▶HLZ◀┫┣>T╋H╋MR>H┫┣W┫┣BW>╋ ╋W┫┣>MR┫┣GBRJ>L┫┣BJN┫┣L╋▶H◀╋LZ┫┣>T╋H╋MR>H┫┣W╋ Action: split article off Nehemiah 12:4 ==> slot 389774 ==> 389785 ╋XVWC┫┣CKNJH╋RXWM╋MRMWT┫┣<D>╋▶GNTWN◀╋>BJH┫┣MJMJN╋M<DJH╋BLGH┫┣CM<JH╋ ╋XVWC┫┣CKNJH╋RXWM╋MRMWT┫┣<D>╋▶GNTWJ◀╋>BJH┫┣MJMJN╋M<DJH╋BLGH┫┣CM<JH╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 2:12 ==> slot 407543 ==> 407554 ╋>JC╋XKM┫┣JD<┫┣BJNH┫┣L╋▶XWRM_>BJ◀┫┣BN╋>CH┫┣MN╋BT╋DN╋ ╋>JC╋XKM┫┣JD<┫┣BJNH┫┣L╋▶XWRM◀┫┣>B┫┣BN╋>CH┫┣MN╋BT╋ Action: split into 1 extra slot 2_Chronicles 4:16 ==> slot 408429 ==> 408441 ╋W┫┣>T╋KL╋KLJ┫┣<FH┫┣▶XWRM_>BJ◀┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣CLMH┫┣L╋ ╋W╋>T╋KL╋KLJ┫┣<FH┫┣▶XWRM◀┫┣>B┫┣L╋H╋MLK┫┣CLMH╋ Action: split into 1 extra slot No more differences. Found 20 points of disturbance
We need other cases.
('4b', '2016'): {
28423: ('split', 2),
28455: ('split', 2),
91193: ('split', 1),
91197: ('split', 1),
122218: ('split', 1),
122247: ('split', 1),
123160: ('split', 1),
184086: ('split', 1),
394186: ('collapse', 1),
395150: ('ok', None),
395190: ('ok', None),
401036: ('split', 2),
404503: ('ok', None),
419138: ('split', 2),
doDiffs('4b', '2016')
Genesis 50:10 ==> slot 28423 ==> 28423 ╋KBD╋M>D┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣<D╋▶GRN_>VD◀┫┣>CR┫┣B╋<BR╋H╋JRDN╋ ╋KBD╋M>D┫┣W┫┣BW>┫┣<D╋▶GRN◀╋H╋>VD┫┣>CR┫┣B╋<BR╋ Action: split into 2 extra slots Genesis 50:11 ==> slot 28455 ==> 28457 ╋KN<NJ┫┣>T╋H╋>BL┫┣B╋▶GRN_>VD◀┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣>BL╋KBD┫┣ZH╋ ╋KN<NJ┫┣>T╋H╋>BL┫┣B╋▶GRN◀╋H╋>VD┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣>BL╋ Action: split into 2 extra slots Numbers 33:45 ==> slot 91193 ==> 91197 ╋MN╋<JJM┫┣W┫┣XNH┫┣B╋▶DJBWN_GD◀┫┣W┫┣NS<┫┣MN╋DJBWN_GD┫┣W╋ ╋MN╋<JJM┫┣W┫┣XNH┫┣B╋▶DJBN◀╋GD┫┣W┫┣NS<┫┣MN╋DJBN╋ Action: split into 1 extra slot Numbers 33:46 ==> slot 91197 ==> 91202 ╋B╋DJBWN_GD┫┣W┫┣NS<┫┣MN╋▶DJBWN_GD◀┫┣W┫┣XNH┫┣B╋<LMWN_DBLTJMH┫┣W╋ ╋B╋DJBN┫┣W┫┣NS<┫┣MN╋▶DJBN◀╋GD┫┣W┫┣XNH┫┣B╋<LMWN_DBLTJMH╋ Action: split into 1 extra slot Joshua 16:3 ==> slot 122218 ==> 122224 ╋GBWL╋H╋JPLVJ┫┣<D╋GBWL╋▶BJT_XRWN_TXTWN◀╋W╋<D╋GZR┫┣W┫┣HJH╋ ╋GBWL╋H╋JPLVJ┫┣<D╋GBWL╋▶BJT_XWRWN◀╋TXTWN╋W╋<D╋GZR┫┣W╋ Action: split into 1 extra slot Joshua 16:5 ==> slot 122247 ==> 122254 ╋GBWL╋NXLH┫┣MZRX┫┣<VRWT_>DR┫┣<D╋▶BJT_XRWN_<LJWN◀┫┣W┫┣JY>┫┣H╋GBWL┫┣H╋ ╋GBWL╋NXLH┫┣MZRX┫┣<VRWT_>DR┫┣<D╋▶BJT_XWRWN◀╋<LJWN┫┣W┫┣JY>┫┣H╋GBWL╋ Action: split into 1 extra slot Joshua 18:13 ==> slot 123160 ==> 123168 ╋HR┫┣>CR┫┣MN╋NGB┫┣L╋▶BJT_XRWN_TXTWN◀┫┣W┫┣T>R┫┣H╋GBWL┫┣W╋ ╋HR┫┣>CR┫┣MN╋NGB┫┣L╋▶BJT_XWRWN◀╋TXTWN┫┣W┫┣T>R┫┣H╋GBWL╋ Action: split into 1 extra slot 1_Kings 9:17 ==> slot 184086 ==> 184095 ╋CLMH┫┣>T╋GZR╋W╋>T╋▶BJT_XRWN_TXTWN◀┫┣W┫┣>T╋B<LT╋W╋>T╋ ╋CLMH┫┣>T╋GZR╋W╋>T╋▶BJT_XWRWN◀╋TXTWN┫┣W┫┣>T╋B<LT╋W╋ Action: split into 1 extra slot 1_Chronicles 6:13 ==> slot 394186 ==> 394196 ╋W┫┣BN╋CMW>L┫┣H╋BKR╋▶W◀╋CNJ╋W╋>BJH┫┣BN╋MRRJ╋ ╋W┫┣BN╋CMW>L┫┣H╋BKR┫┣▶WCNJ◀┫┣W┫┣>BJH┫┣BN╋MRRJ┫┣MXLJ╋ Action: collapse 1 fewer slot 1_Chronicles 7:12 ==> slot 395150 ==> 395159 ╋YB>┫┣L╋H╋MLXMH┫┣W┫┣▶CPM◀╋W╋XPJM┫┣BN╋<JR┫┣XCM╋ ╋YB>┫┣L╋H╋MLXMH┫┣W┫┣▶CPJM◀╋W╋XPJM┫┣BN╋<JR┫┣XCM╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme 1_Chronicles 7:15 ==> slot 395190 ==> 395199 ╋>CH┫┣L╋XPJM╋W╋L╋▶CPM◀┫┣W┫┣CM╋>XWT┫┣M<KH┫┣W╋ ╋>CH┫┣L╋XPJM╋W╋L╋▶CPJM◀┫┣W┫┣CM╋>XWT┫┣M<KH┫┣W╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme 1_Chronicles 18:12 ==> slot 401036 ==> 401045 ╋YRWJH┫┣NKH┫┣>T╋>DWM┫┣B╋▶GJ>_MLX◀┫┣CMNH╋<FR╋>LP┫┣W┫┣FJM╋ ╋YRWJH┫┣NKH┫┣>T╋>DWM┫┣B╋▶GJ>◀╋H╋MLX┫┣CMNH╋<FR╋>LP╋ Action: split into 2 extra slots 1_Chronicles 26:16 ==> slot 404503 ==> 404514 ╋BN┫┣BJT╋H╋>SP┫┣L╋▶CPM◀╋W╋L╋XSH┫┣L╋H╋ ╋BN┫┣BJT╋H╋>SP┫┣L╋▶CPJM◀╋W╋L╋XSH┫┣L╋H╋ Action: incidental variation in lexeme 2_Chronicles 25:11 ==> slot 419138 ==> 419149 ╋NHG┫┣>T╋<M┫┣W┫┣HLK┫┣▶GJ>_MLX◀┫┣W┫┣NKH┫┣>T╋BN╋F<JR╋ ╋NHG┫┣>T╋<M┫┣W┫┣HLK┫┣▶GJ>◀╋H╋MLX┫┣W┫┣NKH┫┣>T╋ Action: split into 2 extra slots No more differences. Found 14 points of disturbance
We need other cases.
('2016', '2017'): {
16562: ('split', 1),
392485: ('split', 2),
doDiffs('2016', '2017')
Genesis 31:11 ==> slot 16562 ==> 16562 ╋>MR┫┣>L┫┣ML>K╋H╋>LHJM┫┣▶B◀╋XLWM┫┣J<QB┫┣W┫┣>MR┫┣HNH╋ ╋>MR┫┣>L┫┣ML>K╋H╋>LHJM┫┣▶B◀╋H╋XLWM┫┣J<QB┫┣W┫┣>MR╋ Action: split into 1 extra slot 1_Chronicles 2:52 ==> slot 392485 ==> 392486 ╋L╋CWBL┫┣>B╋QRJT_J<RJM┫┣HR>H┫┣▶XYJ_HMNXWT◀┫┣W┫┣MCPXH╋QRJT_J<RJM┫┣H╋JTRJ╋ ╋L╋CWBL┫┣>B╋QRJT_J<RJM┫┣HR>H┫┣▶XYJ◀╋H╋MNWXH┫┣W┫┣MCPXH╋QRJT_J<RJM╋ Action: split into 2 extra slots No more differences. Found 2 points of disturbance
No changes expected right now.
This may change when c
is being updated with a regular frequency.
('2017', 'c'): {
doDiffs('2017', 'c')
No more differences. Found 0 points of disturbance
.............................................................................................. . 1m 00s Make edge from slot mapping 2016 => 2017 . .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. . 1m 01s Make edge from slot mapping 2017 => c . .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. . 1m 01s Make edge from slot mapping 3 => 4 . .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. . 1m 02s Make edge from slot mapping 4 => 4b . .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. . 1m 02s Make edge from slot mapping 4b => 2016 . ..............................................................................................
nodeMapping = {}
diagnosis = {}
statLabels = collections.OrderedDict(
b='unique, perfect',
d='multiple, one perfect',
c='unique, imperfect',
f='multiple, cleanly composed',
e='multiple, non-perfect',
a='not mapped',
def makeNodeMapping(nodeType, v, w, force=False):
caption(2, 'Mapping {} nodes {} ==> {}'.format(nodeType, v, w))
mapKey = (v, w)
edge = edges[mapKey]
if not force and mapKey in nodeMapping and nodeType in nodeMapping[mapKey]:
mapping = nodeMapping[mapKey][nodeType]
diag = diagnosis[mapKey][nodeType]
mapping = {}
diag = {}
caption(0, 'Extending slot mapping {} ==> {} for {} nodes'.format(*mapKey, nodeType))
for n in api[v].F.otype.s(nodeType):
slots = api[v].E.oslots.s(n)
mappedSlotsTuple = reduce(
lambda x,y: x + y,
[tuple(edge.get(s, ())) for s in slots],
mappedSlots = set(mappedSlotsTuple)
mappedNodes = reduce(
[set(api[w].L.u(s, nodeType)) for s in mappedSlots],
result = {}
nMs = len(mappedNodes)
if nMs == 0:
diag[n] = 'a'
elif nMs >= 1:
theseMSlots = {}
for m in mappedNodes:
mSlots = set(api[w].E.oslots.s(m))
dis = len(mappedSlots | mSlots) - len(mappedSlots & mSlots)
result[m] = dis
theseMSlots[m] = mSlots
mapping[n] = result
# we wait further case analysis before we put these counterparts of n into the edge
if nMs == 1:
m = list(mappedNodes)[0]
dis = result[m]
if dis == 0:
diag[n] = 'b'
edge[n] = {m: None} # this is the most freqent case, hence an optimization: no dis value.
# all other cases require the dis value to be passed on, even if 0
diag[n] = 'c'
edge[n] = {m: dis}
edge[n] = result
dis = min(result.values())
if dis == 0:
diag[n] = 'd'
allMSlots = reduce(
[set(theseMSlots[m]) for m in mappedNodes],
composed = \
allMSlots == mappedSlots and \
sum(result.values()) == len(mappedSlots) * (len(mappedNodes) - 1)
if composed:
diag[n] = 'f'
diag[n] = 'e'
diagnosis.setdefault(mapKey, {})[nodeType] = diag
nodeMapping.setdefault(mapKey, {})[nodeType] = mapping
caption(0, '\tDone')
def exploreNodeMapping(nodeType, v, w, force=False):
caption(4, 'Statistics for {} ==> {} ({})'.format(v, w, nodeType))
mapKey = (v, w)
diag = diagnosis[mapKey][nodeType]
total = len(diag)
if total == 0:
reasons = collections.Counter()
for (n, dia) in diag.items():
reasons[dia] += 1
caption(0, '\t{:<30} : {:6.2f}% {:>7}x'.format('TOTAL', 100, total))
for stat in statLabels:
statLabel = statLabels[stat]
amount = reasons[stat]
if amount == 0:
perc = 100 * amount / total
caption(0, '\t{:<30} : {:6.2f}% {:>7}x'.format(statLabel, perc, amount))
ntypes = api['3'].F.otype.all
for (i, v) in enumerate(versions):
if i == 0: continue
prev = versions[i-1]
ntypes = api[v].F.otype.all
for ntype in ntypes[0:-1]:
makeNodeMapping(ntype, prev, v, force=False)
exploreNodeMapping(ntype, prev, v)
********************************************************************************************** * * * 1m 03s Mapping book nodes 3 ==> 4 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 1m 03s Extending slot mapping 3 ==> 4 for book nodes | 1m 26s Done .............................................................................................. . 1m 26s Statistics for 3 ==> 4 (book) . .............................................................................................. | 1m 26s TOTAL : 100.00% 39x | 1m 26s unique, perfect : 100.00% 39x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 1m 26s Mapping chapter nodes 3 ==> 4 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 1m 26s Extending slot mapping 3 ==> 4 for chapter nodes | 1m 33s Done .............................................................................................. . 1m 33s Statistics for 3 ==> 4 (chapter) . .............................................................................................. | 1m 33s TOTAL : 100.00% 929x | 1m 33s unique, perfect : 100.00% 929x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 1m 33s Mapping lex nodes 3 ==> 4 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 1m 33s Extending slot mapping 3 ==> 4 for lex nodes | 1m 33s Done .............................................................................................. . 1m 33s Statistics for 3 ==> 4 (lex) . .............................................................................................. ********************************************************************************************** * * * 1m 33s Mapping verse nodes 3 ==> 4 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 1m 33s Extending slot mapping 3 ==> 4 for verse nodes | 1m 39s Done .............................................................................................. . 1m 39s Statistics for 3 ==> 4 (verse) . .............................................................................................. | 1m 39s TOTAL : 100.00% 23213x | 1m 39s unique, perfect : 100.00% 23213x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 1m 39s Mapping half_verse nodes 3 ==> 4 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 1m 39s Extending slot mapping 3 ==> 4 for half_verse nodes | 1m 44s Done .............................................................................................. . 1m 44s Statistics for 3 ==> 4 (half_verse) . .............................................................................................. | 1m 44s TOTAL : 100.00% 44683x | 1m 44s unique, perfect : 100.00% 44681x | 1m 44s unique, imperfect : 0.00% 2x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 1m 44s Mapping sentence nodes 3 ==> 4 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 1m 44s Extending slot mapping 3 ==> 4 for sentence nodes | 1m 51s Done .............................................................................................. . 1m 51s Statistics for 3 ==> 4 (sentence) . .............................................................................................. | 1m 51s TOTAL : 100.00% 71354x | 1m 51s unique, perfect : 83.41% 59515x | 1m 51s unique, imperfect : 14.94% 10661x | 1m 51s multiple, cleanly composed : 1.28% 915x | 1m 51s multiple, non-perfect : 0.37% 263x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 1m 51s Mapping sentence_atom nodes 3 ==> 4 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 1m 51s Extending slot mapping 3 ==> 4 for sentence_atom nodes | 1m 57s Done .............................................................................................. . 1m 57s Statistics for 3 ==> 4 (sentence_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 1m 57s TOTAL : 100.00% 71727x | 1m 57s unique, perfect : 83.85% 60144x | 1m 57s unique, imperfect : 14.52% 10416x | 1m 57s multiple, cleanly composed : 1.35% 968x | 1m 57s multiple, non-perfect : 0.28% 199x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 1m 57s Mapping clause nodes 3 ==> 4 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 1m 57s Extending slot mapping 3 ==> 4 for clause nodes | 2m 03s Done .............................................................................................. . 2m 03s Statistics for 3 ==> 4 (clause) . .............................................................................................. | 2m 03s TOTAL : 100.00% 88387x | 2m 03s unique, perfect : 96.00% 84852x | 2m 03s unique, imperfect : 2.82% 2490x | 2m 03s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.81% 714x | 2m 03s multiple, non-perfect : 0.37% 331x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 2m 03s Mapping clause_atom nodes 3 ==> 4 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 2m 03s Extending slot mapping 3 ==> 4 for clause_atom nodes | 2m 09s Done .............................................................................................. . 2m 09s Statistics for 3 ==> 4 (clause_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 2m 09s TOTAL : 100.00% 90061x | 2m 09s unique, perfect : 97.08% 87428x | 2m 09s unique, imperfect : 1.84% 1659x | 2m 09s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.91% 822x | 2m 09s multiple, non-perfect : 0.17% 152x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 2m 09s Mapping phrase nodes 3 ==> 4 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 2m 09s Extending slot mapping 3 ==> 4 for phrase nodes | 2m 16s Done .............................................................................................. . 2m 16s Statistics for 3 ==> 4 (phrase) . .............................................................................................. | 2m 16s TOTAL : 100.00% 257109x | 2m 16s unique, perfect : 97.37% 250346x | 2m 16s unique, imperfect : 2.29% 5895x | 2m 16s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.30% 779x | 2m 16s multiple, non-perfect : 0.03% 89x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 2m 16s Mapping phrase_atom nodes 3 ==> 4 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 2m 16s Extending slot mapping 3 ==> 4 for phrase_atom nodes | 2m 23s Done .............................................................................................. . 2m 23s Statistics for 3 ==> 4 (phrase_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 2m 24s TOTAL : 100.00% 269638x | 2m 24s unique, perfect : 98.17% 264692x | 2m 24s unique, imperfect : 1.56% 4202x | 2m 24s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.25% 683x | 2m 24s multiple, non-perfect : 0.02% 61x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 2m 24s Mapping subphrase nodes 3 ==> 4 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 2m 24s Extending slot mapping 3 ==> 4 for subphrase nodes | 2m 27s Done .............................................................................................. . 2m 27s Statistics for 3 ==> 4 (subphrase) . .............................................................................................. | 2m 27s TOTAL : 100.00% 109536x | 2m 27s unique, perfect : 63.42% 69472x | 2m 27s multiple, one perfect : 35.89% 39313x | 2m 27s unique, imperfect : 0.06% 64x | 2m 27s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.04% 42x | 2m 27s multiple, non-perfect : 0.24% 265x | 2m 27s not mapped : 0.35% 380x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 2m 27s Mapping book nodes 4 ==> 4b * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 2m 27s Extending slot mapping 4 ==> 4b for book nodes | 2m 52s Done .............................................................................................. . 2m 52s Statistics for 4 ==> 4b (book) . .............................................................................................. | 2m 52s TOTAL : 100.00% 39x | 2m 52s unique, perfect : 100.00% 39x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 2m 52s Mapping chapter nodes 4 ==> 4b * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 2m 52s Extending slot mapping 4 ==> 4b for chapter nodes | 2m 57s Done .............................................................................................. . 2m 57s Statistics for 4 ==> 4b (chapter) . .............................................................................................. | 2m 57s TOTAL : 100.00% 929x | 2m 57s unique, perfect : 100.00% 929x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 2m 57s Mapping lex nodes 4 ==> 4b * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 2m 57s Extending slot mapping 4 ==> 4b for lex nodes | 3m 32s Done .............................................................................................. . 3m 32s Statistics for 4 ==> 4b (lex) . .............................................................................................. | 3m 32s TOTAL : 100.00% 9225x | 3m 32s unique, perfect : 98.74% 9109x | 3m 32s unique, imperfect : 0.57% 53x | 3m 32s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.26% 24x | 3m 32s multiple, non-perfect : 0.42% 39x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 3m 32s Mapping verse nodes 4 ==> 4b * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 3m 32s Extending slot mapping 4 ==> 4b for verse nodes | 3m 37s Done .............................................................................................. . 3m 37s Statistics for 4 ==> 4b (verse) . .............................................................................................. | 3m 37s TOTAL : 100.00% 23213x | 3m 37s unique, perfect : 100.00% 23213x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 3m 37s Mapping half_verse nodes 4 ==> 4b * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 3m 37s Extending slot mapping 4 ==> 4b for half_verse nodes | 3m 43s Done .............................................................................................. . 3m 43s Statistics for 4 ==> 4b (half_verse) . .............................................................................................. | 3m 43s TOTAL : 100.00% 44682x | 3m 43s unique, perfect : 98.89% 44185x | 3m 43s multiple, cleanly composed : 1.11% 497x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 3m 43s Mapping sentence nodes 4 ==> 4b * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 3m 43s Extending slot mapping 4 ==> 4b for sentence nodes | 3m 48s Done .............................................................................................. . 3m 48s Statistics for 4 ==> 4b (sentence) . .............................................................................................. | 3m 49s TOTAL : 100.00% 66045x | 3m 49s unique, perfect : 92.88% 61344x | 3m 49s unique, imperfect : 6.63% 4376x | 3m 49s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.32% 212x | 3m 49s multiple, non-perfect : 0.17% 113x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 3m 49s Mapping sentence_atom nodes 4 ==> 4b * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 3m 49s Extending slot mapping 4 ==> 4b for sentence_atom nodes | 3m 54s Done .............................................................................................. . 3m 54s Statistics for 4 ==> 4b (sentence_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 3m 54s TOTAL : 100.00% 66701x | 3m 54s unique, perfect : 93.13% 62116x | 3m 54s unique, imperfect : 6.41% 4274x | 3m 54s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.34% 224x | 3m 54s multiple, non-perfect : 0.13% 87x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 3m 54s Mapping clause nodes 4 ==> 4b * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 3m 54s Extending slot mapping 4 ==> 4b for clause nodes | 4m 00s Done .............................................................................................. . 4m 00s Statistics for 4 ==> 4b (clause) . .............................................................................................. | 4m 00s TOTAL : 100.00% 87978x | 4m 00s unique, perfect : 97.43% 85715x | 4m 00s unique, imperfect : 1.59% 1396x | 4m 00s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.66% 577x | 4m 00s multiple, non-perfect : 0.33% 290x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 4m 00s Mapping clause_atom nodes 4 ==> 4b * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 4m 00s Extending slot mapping 4 ==> 4b for clause_atom nodes | 4m 06s Done .............................................................................................. . 4m 06s Statistics for 4 ==> 4b (clause_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 4m 06s TOTAL : 100.00% 90144x | 4m 06s unique, perfect : 98.09% 88421x | 4m 06s unique, imperfect : 0.99% 891x | 4m 06s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.81% 730x | 4m 06s multiple, non-perfect : 0.11% 102x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 4m 06s Mapping phrase nodes 4 ==> 4b * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 4m 06s Extending slot mapping 4 ==> 4b for phrase nodes | 4m 13s Done .............................................................................................. . 4m 13s Statistics for 4 ==> 4b (phrase) . .............................................................................................. | 4m 13s TOTAL : 100.00% 254664x | 4m 13s unique, perfect : 98.46% 250751x | 4m 13s unique, imperfect : 1.36% 3463x | 4m 13s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.15% 392x | 4m 13s multiple, non-perfect : 0.02% 58x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 4m 13s Mapping phrase_atom nodes 4 ==> 4b * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 4m 13s Extending slot mapping 4 ==> 4b for phrase_atom nodes | 4m 20s Done .............................................................................................. . 4m 20s Statistics for 4 ==> 4b (phrase_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 4m 20s TOTAL : 100.00% 267965x | 4m 20s unique, perfect : 99.15% 265687x | 4m 20s unique, imperfect : 0.67% 1799x | 4m 20s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.17% 462x | 4m 20s multiple, non-perfect : 0.01% 17x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 4m 20s Mapping subphrase nodes 4 ==> 4b * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 4m 20s Extending slot mapping 4 ==> 4b for subphrase nodes | 4m 24s Done .............................................................................................. . 4m 24s Statistics for 4 ==> 4b (subphrase) . .............................................................................................. | 4m 24s TOTAL : 100.00% 112229x | 4m 24s unique, perfect : 62.12% 69720x | 4m 24s multiple, one perfect : 33.21% 37275x | 4m 24s unique, imperfect : 0.31% 349x | 4m 24s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.13% 141x | 4m 24s multiple, non-perfect : 2.86% 3206x | 4m 24s not mapped : 1.37% 1538x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 4m 24s Mapping book nodes 4b ==> 2016 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 4m 24s Extending slot mapping 4b ==> 2016 for book nodes | 4m 49s Done .............................................................................................. . 4m 49s Statistics for 4b ==> 2016 (book) . .............................................................................................. | 4m 49s TOTAL : 100.00% 39x | 4m 49s unique, perfect : 100.00% 39x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 4m 49s Mapping chapter nodes 4b ==> 2016 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 4m 49s Extending slot mapping 4b ==> 2016 for chapter nodes | 4m 55s Done .............................................................................................. . 4m 55s Statistics for 4b ==> 2016 (chapter) . .............................................................................................. | 4m 55s TOTAL : 100.00% 929x | 4m 55s unique, perfect : 100.00% 929x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 4m 55s Mapping lex nodes 4b ==> 2016 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 4m 55s Extending slot mapping 4b ==> 2016 for lex nodes | 5m 34s Done .............................................................................................. . 5m 34s Statistics for 4b ==> 2016 (lex) . .............................................................................................. | 5m 34s TOTAL : 100.00% 9238x | 5m 34s unique, perfect : 99.70% 9210x | 5m 34s unique, imperfect : 0.16% 15x | 5m 34s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.03% 3x | 5m 34s multiple, non-perfect : 0.11% 10x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 5m 34s Mapping verse nodes 4b ==> 2016 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 5m 34s Extending slot mapping 4b ==> 2016 for verse nodes | 5m 39s Done .............................................................................................. . 5m 39s Statistics for 4b ==> 2016 (verse) . .............................................................................................. | 5m 39s TOTAL : 100.00% 23213x | 5m 39s unique, perfect : 100.00% 23213x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 5m 39s Mapping half_verse nodes 4b ==> 2016 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 5m 39s Extending slot mapping 4b ==> 2016 for half_verse nodes | 5m 45s Done .............................................................................................. . 5m 45s Statistics for 4b ==> 2016 (half_verse) . .............................................................................................. | 5m 45s TOTAL : 100.00% 45180x | 5m 45s unique, perfect : 100.00% 45180x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 5m 45s Mapping sentence nodes 4b ==> 2016 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 5m 45s Extending slot mapping 4b ==> 2016 for sentence nodes | 5m 51s Done .............................................................................................. . 5m 51s Statistics for 4b ==> 2016 (sentence) . .............................................................................................. | 5m 51s TOTAL : 100.00% 63586x | 5m 51s unique, perfect : 99.63% 63348x | 5m 51s unique, imperfect : 0.26% 165x | 5m 51s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.10% 63x | 5m 51s multiple, non-perfect : 0.02% 10x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 5m 51s Mapping sentence_atom nodes 4b ==> 2016 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 5m 51s Extending slot mapping 4b ==> 2016 for sentence_atom nodes | 5m 57s Done .............................................................................................. . 5m 57s Statistics for 4b ==> 2016 (sentence_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 5m 57s TOTAL : 100.00% 64354x | 5m 57s unique, perfect : 99.64% 64124x | 5m 57s unique, imperfect : 0.25% 163x | 5m 57s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.09% 61x | 5m 57s multiple, non-perfect : 0.01% 6x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 5m 57s Mapping clause nodes 4b ==> 2016 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 5m 57s Extending slot mapping 4b ==> 2016 for clause nodes | 6m 03s Done .............................................................................................. . 6m 03s Statistics for 4b ==> 2016 (clause) . .............................................................................................. | 6m 03s TOTAL : 100.00% 88011x | 6m 03s unique, perfect : 99.75% 87795x | 6m 03s unique, imperfect : 0.16% 144x | 6m 03s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.05% 46x | 6m 03s multiple, non-perfect : 0.03% 26x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 6m 03s Mapping clause_atom nodes 4b ==> 2016 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 6m 03s Extending slot mapping 4b ==> 2016 for clause_atom nodes | 6m 09s Done .............................................................................................. . 6m 09s Statistics for 4b ==> 2016 (clause_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 6m 09s TOTAL : 100.00% 90554x | 6m 09s unique, perfect : 99.82% 90391x | 6m 09s unique, imperfect : 0.11% 102x | 6m 09s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.06% 51x | 6m 09s multiple, non-perfect : 0.01% 10x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 6m 09s Mapping phrase nodes 4b ==> 2016 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 6m 09s Extending slot mapping 4b ==> 2016 for phrase nodes | 6m 16s Done .............................................................................................. . 6m 16s Statistics for 4b ==> 2016 (phrase) . .............................................................................................. | 6m 16s TOTAL : 100.00% 253161x | 6m 16s unique, perfect : 99.89% 252881x | 6m 16s unique, imperfect : 0.07% 182x | 6m 16s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.03% 84x | 6m 16s multiple, non-perfect : 0.01% 14x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 6m 16s Mapping phrase_atom nodes 4b ==> 2016 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 6m 16s Extending slot mapping 4b ==> 2016 for phrase_atom nodes | 6m 24s Done .............................................................................................. . 6m 24s Statistics for 4b ==> 2016 (phrase_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 6m 24s TOTAL : 100.00% 267499x | 6m 24s unique, perfect : 99.96% 267388x | 6m 24s unique, imperfect : 0.03% 68x | 6m 24s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.02% 41x | 6m 24s multiple, non-perfect : 0.00% 2x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 6m 24s Mapping subphrase nodes 4b ==> 2016 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 6m 24s Extending slot mapping 4b ==> 2016 for subphrase nodes | 6m 28s Done .............................................................................................. . 6m 28s Statistics for 4b ==> 2016 (subphrase) . .............................................................................................. | 6m 28s TOTAL : 100.00% 113764x | 6m 28s unique, perfect : 63.19% 71885x | 6m 28s multiple, one perfect : 36.74% 41800x | 6m 28s unique, imperfect : 0.00% 1x | 6m 28s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.00% 1x | 6m 28s multiple, non-perfect : 0.02% 27x | 6m 28s not mapped : 0.04% 50x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 6m 28s Mapping book nodes 2016 ==> 2017 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 6m 28s Extending slot mapping 2016 ==> 2017 for book nodes | 6m 53s Done .............................................................................................. . 6m 53s Statistics for 2016 ==> 2017 (book) . .............................................................................................. | 6m 53s TOTAL : 100.00% 39x | 6m 53s unique, perfect : 100.00% 39x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 6m 53s Mapping chapter nodes 2016 ==> 2017 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 6m 53s Extending slot mapping 2016 ==> 2017 for chapter nodes | 6m 59s Done .............................................................................................. . 6m 59s Statistics for 2016 ==> 2017 (chapter) . .............................................................................................. | 6m 59s TOTAL : 100.00% 929x | 6m 59s unique, perfect : 100.00% 929x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 6m 59s Mapping lex nodes 2016 ==> 2017 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 6m 59s Extending slot mapping 2016 ==> 2017 for lex nodes | 7m 34s Done .............................................................................................. . 7m 34s Statistics for 2016 ==> 2017 (lex) . .............................................................................................. | 7m 34s TOTAL : 100.00% 9236x | 7m 34s unique, perfect : 99.88% 9225x | 7m 34s unique, imperfect : 0.09% 8x | 7m 34s multiple, non-perfect : 0.03% 3x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 7m 34s Mapping verse nodes 2016 ==> 2017 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 7m 34s Extending slot mapping 2016 ==> 2017 for verse nodes | 7m 39s Done .............................................................................................. . 7m 39s Statistics for 2016 ==> 2017 (verse) . .............................................................................................. | 7m 39s TOTAL : 100.00% 23213x | 7m 39s unique, perfect : 100.00% 23213x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 7m 39s Mapping half_verse nodes 2016 ==> 2017 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 7m 39s Extending slot mapping 2016 ==> 2017 for half_verse nodes | 7m 45s Done .............................................................................................. . 7m 45s Statistics for 2016 ==> 2017 (half_verse) . .............................................................................................. | 7m 45s TOTAL : 100.00% 45180x | 7m 45s unique, perfect : 100.00% 45180x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 7m 45s Mapping sentence nodes 2016 ==> 2017 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 7m 45s Extending slot mapping 2016 ==> 2017 for sentence nodes | 7m 50s Done .............................................................................................. . 7m 50s Statistics for 2016 ==> 2017 (sentence) . .............................................................................................. | 7m 50s TOTAL : 100.00% 63570x | 7m 50s unique, perfect : 99.21% 63066x | 7m 50s unique, imperfect : 0.41% 259x | 7m 50s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.36% 231x | 7m 50s multiple, non-perfect : 0.02% 14x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 7m 50s Mapping sentence_atom nodes 2016 ==> 2017 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 7m 50s Extending slot mapping 2016 ==> 2017 for sentence_atom nodes | 7m 56s Done .............................................................................................. . 7m 56s Statistics for 2016 ==> 2017 (sentence_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 7m 56s TOTAL : 100.00% 64339x | 7m 56s unique, perfect : 99.26% 63860x | 7m 56s unique, imperfect : 0.39% 250x | 7m 56s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.34% 221x | 7m 56s multiple, non-perfect : 0.01% 8x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 7m 56s Mapping clause nodes 2016 ==> 2017 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 7m 56s Extending slot mapping 2016 ==> 2017 for clause nodes | 8m 02s Done .............................................................................................. . 8m 02s Statistics for 2016 ==> 2017 (clause) . .............................................................................................. | 8m 02s TOTAL : 100.00% 88000x | 8m 02s unique, perfect : 99.76% 87792x | 8m 02s unique, imperfect : 0.08% 68x | 8m 02s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.14% 126x | 8m 02s multiple, non-perfect : 0.02% 14x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 8m 02s Mapping clause_atom nodes 2016 ==> 2017 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 8m 02s Extending slot mapping 2016 ==> 2017 for clause_atom nodes | 8m 07s Done .............................................................................................. . 8m 07s Statistics for 2016 ==> 2017 (clause_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 8m 07s TOTAL : 100.00% 90562x | 8m 07s unique, perfect : 99.80% 90383x | 8m 07s unique, imperfect : 0.06% 51x | 8m 07s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.14% 126x | 8m 07s multiple, non-perfect : 0.00% 2x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 8m 07s Mapping phrase nodes 2016 ==> 2017 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 8m 07s Extending slot mapping 2016 ==> 2017 for phrase nodes | 8m 14s Done .............................................................................................. . 8m 14s Statistics for 2016 ==> 2017 (phrase) . .............................................................................................. | 8m 14s TOTAL : 100.00% 253174x | 8m 14s unique, perfect : 99.96% 253073x | 8m 14s unique, imperfect : 0.03% 71x | 8m 14s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.01% 23x | 8m 14s multiple, non-perfect : 0.00% 7x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 8m 14s Mapping phrase_atom nodes 2016 ==> 2017 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 8m 14s Extending slot mapping 2016 ==> 2017 for phrase_atom nodes | 8m 22s Done .............................................................................................. . 8m 22s Statistics for 2016 ==> 2017 (phrase_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 8m 22s TOTAL : 100.00% 267515x | 8m 22s unique, perfect : 99.99% 267489x | 8m 22s unique, imperfect : 0.01% 17x | 8m 22s multiple, cleanly composed : 0.00% 9x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 8m 22s Mapping subphrase nodes 2016 ==> 2017 * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 8m 22s Extending slot mapping 2016 ==> 2017 for subphrase nodes | 8m 25s Done .............................................................................................. . 8m 25s Statistics for 2016 ==> 2017 (subphrase) . .............................................................................................. | 8m 25s TOTAL : 100.00% 113792x | 8m 25s unique, perfect : 63.21% 71927x | 8m 25s multiple, one perfect : 36.77% 41836x | 8m 25s unique, imperfect : 0.00% 1x | 8m 25s multiple, non-perfect : 0.01% 11x | 8m 25s not mapped : 0.01% 17x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 8m 25s Mapping book nodes 2017 ==> c * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 8m 25s Extending slot mapping 2017 ==> c for book nodes | 8m 51s Done .............................................................................................. . 8m 51s Statistics for 2017 ==> c (book) . .............................................................................................. | 8m 51s TOTAL : 100.00% 39x | 8m 51s unique, perfect : 100.00% 39x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 8m 51s Mapping chapter nodes 2017 ==> c * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 8m 51s Extending slot mapping 2017 ==> c for chapter nodes | 8m 57s Done .............................................................................................. . 8m 57s Statistics for 2017 ==> c (chapter) . .............................................................................................. | 8m 57s TOTAL : 100.00% 929x | 8m 57s unique, perfect : 100.00% 929x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 8m 57s Mapping lex nodes 2017 ==> c * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 8m 57s Extending slot mapping 2017 ==> c for lex nodes | 9m 33s Done .............................................................................................. . 9m 33s Statistics for 2017 ==> c (lex) . .............................................................................................. | 9m 33s TOTAL : 100.00% 9233x | 9m 33s unique, perfect : 100.00% 9233x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 9m 33s Mapping verse nodes 2017 ==> c * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 9m 33s Extending slot mapping 2017 ==> c for verse nodes | 9m 39s Done .............................................................................................. . 9m 39s Statistics for 2017 ==> c (verse) . .............................................................................................. | 9m 39s TOTAL : 100.00% 23213x | 9m 39s unique, perfect : 100.00% 23213x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 9m 39s Mapping half_verse nodes 2017 ==> c * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 9m 39s Extending slot mapping 2017 ==> c for half_verse nodes | 9m 44s Done .............................................................................................. . 9m 44s Statistics for 2017 ==> c (half_verse) . .............................................................................................. | 9m 44s TOTAL : 100.00% 45180x | 9m 44s unique, perfect : 100.00% 45180x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 9m 44s Mapping sentence nodes 2017 ==> c * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 9m 44s Extending slot mapping 2017 ==> c for sentence nodes | 9m 50s Done .............................................................................................. . 9m 50s Statistics for 2017 ==> c (sentence) . .............................................................................................. | 9m 50s TOTAL : 100.00% 63711x | 9m 50s unique, perfect : 100.00% 63711x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 9m 50s Mapping sentence_atom nodes 2017 ==> c * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 9m 50s Extending slot mapping 2017 ==> c for sentence_atom nodes | 9m 55s Done .............................................................................................. . 9m 55s Statistics for 2017 ==> c (sentence_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 9m 55s TOTAL : 100.00% 64486x | 9m 55s unique, perfect : 100.00% 64486x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 9m 55s Mapping clause nodes 2017 ==> c * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 9m 55s Extending slot mapping 2017 ==> c for clause nodes | 10m 01s Done .............................................................................................. . 10m 01s Statistics for 2017 ==> c (clause) . .............................................................................................. | 10m 01s TOTAL : 100.00% 88101x | 10m 01s unique, perfect : 100.00% 88101x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 10m 01s Mapping clause_atom nodes 2017 ==> c * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 10m 01s Extending slot mapping 2017 ==> c for clause_atom nodes | 10m 07s Done .............................................................................................. . 10m 07s Statistics for 2017 ==> c (clause_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 10m 07s TOTAL : 100.00% 90669x | 10m 07s unique, perfect : 100.00% 90669x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 10m 07s Mapping phrase nodes 2017 ==> c * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 10m 07s Extending slot mapping 2017 ==> c for phrase nodes | 10m 14s Done .............................................................................................. . 10m 14s Statistics for 2017 ==> c (phrase) . .............................................................................................. | 10m 14s TOTAL : 100.00% 253187x | 10m 14s unique, perfect : 100.00% 253187x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 10m 14s Mapping phrase_atom nodes 2017 ==> c * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 10m 14s Extending slot mapping 2017 ==> c for phrase_atom nodes | 10m 21s Done .............................................................................................. . 10m 21s Statistics for 2017 ==> c (phrase_atom) . .............................................................................................. | 10m 21s TOTAL : 100.00% 267519x | 10m 21s unique, perfect : 100.00% 267519x ********************************************************************************************** * * * 10m 21s Mapping subphrase nodes 2017 ==> c * * * ********************************************************************************************** | 10m 21s Extending slot mapping 2017 ==> c for subphrase nodes | 10m 24s Done .............................................................................................. . 10m 24s Statistics for 2017 ==> c (subphrase) . .............................................................................................. | 10m 24s TOTAL : 100.00% 113784x | 10m 24s unique, perfect : 63.22% 71938x | 10m 24s multiple, one perfect : 36.78% 41846x
def writeMaps():
for ((v1, v2), edge) in sorted(edges.items()):
fName = 'omap@{}-{}'.format(v1, v2)
caption(4, 'Write edge as TF feature {}'.format(fName))
edgeFeatures = {
fName: edge
metaData = {
fName: {
'about': 'Mapping from the slots of BHSA version {} to version {}'.format(v1, v2),
'encoder': 'Dirk Roorda by a semi-automatic method',
'see': '',
'valueType': 'int',
'edgeValues': True,
caption(4, 'Write mappings as TF edges')
for (v1, v2) in sorted(mappings.keys()):
caption(0, '\t {:>4} ==> {:<4}'.format(v1, v2))
.............................................................................................. . 10m 24s Write mappings as TF edges . .............................................................................................. | 10m 24s 2016 ==> 2017 | 10m 24s 2017 ==> c | 10m 24s 3 ==> 4 | 10m 24s 4 ==> 4b | 10m 24s 4b ==> 2016 .............................................................................................. . 10m 24s Write edge as TF feature omap@2016-2017 . .............................................................................................. 0.00s Exporting 0 node and 1 edge and 0 config features to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/2017: | 7.10s T omap@2016-2017 to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/2017 7.10s Exported 0 node features and 1 edge features and 0 config features to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/2017 .............................................................................................. . 10m 31s Write edge as TF feature omap@2017-c . .............................................................................................. 0.00s Exporting 0 node and 1 edge and 0 config features to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/c: | 6.66s T omap@2017-c to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/c 6.66s Exported 0 node features and 1 edge features and 0 config features to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/c .............................................................................................. . 10m 38s Write edge as TF feature omap@3-4 . .............................................................................................. 0.00s Exporting 0 node and 1 edge and 0 config features to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/4: | 7.40s T omap@3-4 to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/4 7.41s Exported 0 node features and 1 edge features and 0 config features to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/4 .............................................................................................. . 10m 45s Write edge as TF feature omap@4-4b . .............................................................................................. 0.00s Exporting 0 node and 1 edge and 0 config features to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/4b: | 7.89s T omap@4-4b to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/4b 7.89s Exported 0 node features and 1 edge features and 0 config features to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/4b .............................................................................................. . 10m 53s Write edge as TF feature omap@4b-2016 . .............................................................................................. 0.00s Exporting 0 node and 1 edge and 0 config features to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/2016: | 7.45s T omap@4b-2016 to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/2016 7.45s Exported 0 node features and 1 edge features and 0 config features to /Users/dirk/github/etcbc/bhsa/tf/2016