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In many Computer Vision applications, digital images must be rescaled to smaller or, more rarely, larger dimensions. This is particularly common in applications involving Convolutional Neural Networks, where we need to downsample an image to a small rectangle so it can fit through its input window - this box may usually be around 128x128 or 224x224 pixels.
When upsampling an image to a higher resolution, this process is called as Interpolation, whereas when downsampling to a lower resolution it is called Decimation. Even though we will be giving more attention to the downscaling process, we shall be referring to it as interpolating, for simplicity's sake. Advanced theory on Interpolation & Decimation can be found in Computer vision: algorithms and applications, (2021).
In this notebook, we shall examine the various interpolation methods offered in the OpenCV library, both from a visual standpoint as well as performance-wise. The goal is to find, if possible, which method provides the best and fastest downscaling, and investigate what parameters can affect them and to what degree.
OpenCV provides the following Interpolation methods:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import cv2
import random
import time
import sys
import os
from os import walk
from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
%matplotlib inline
# Retrieve all image filenames from the specified datasets
DATASETS = ['Tomato-240519-Healthy-zz-V1-20210225103740',
'Black nightsade-220519-Weed-zz-V1-20210225102034',
'Broccoli-011120-Plasmodiophora brassicae (clubroot)-zz-V1-20210225102059']
FILE_EXTENSIONS = ("jpg","bmp","png")
# Get paths to the datasets
data_paths = [str(Path(Path.cwd()).parents[0].joinpath('eden_library_datasets/').joinpath(dataset_name)) for dataset_name in DATASETS]
image_files = []
for path in data_paths:
_, _, filenames = next(walk(path)) # Get filenames in each path
for x in filenames:
if x.lower().endswith(FILE_EXTENSIONS): # Keep only imagefiles
image_files.extend([path + os.path.sep + x])
print(len(image_files), 'files found')
338 files found
# Gather all OpenCV interpolation methods in a dictionary for easy recall during testing
interpol_names = ["Nearest Neighbor", "Bilinear", "Bicubic", "Area Relation", "Lanczos", "BitExact Bilinear", "BitExact Nearest Neighbor"]
interpol_dict = dict(zip(interpol_names, interpol_methods))
def resize_array(im_original, interpolation, im_size):
First resizes to smaller a resolution of given dimensions, and then back to the original using the same interpolation method.
im_original (np.array): Original image array to be resized
interpolation (int): OpenCV interpolation method
im_size (int tuple): Tuple of dimensions to resize to
im_up_sized (np.array): Interpolated image array
im_down_sized = cv2.resize(im_original, im_size, interpolation=interpolation) # Downscale original image to small resolution
im_up_sized = cv2.resize(im_down_sized, (im_original.shape[1], im_original.shape[0]), interpolation=interpolation) # Upscale downscaled image to initial dimensions
return im_up_sized
def interpolate_image(inter_method, im_file, im_size):
Loads image from given filename, checks dimensions for scaling while maintaining aspect ratio,
calls method to resize the image using specified OpenCV interpolation methods.
inter_method (int): OpenCV interpolation method
im_file (str): Image filename string
im_size (int tuple): Tuple of dimensions to resize to
im_original/im_resized (np.array): Original or interpolated image array
im_initial = cv2.imread(im_file)
im_initial = cv2.cvtColor(im_initial, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
height_in, width_in, channel_in = im_initial.shape # Get dimensions of original image
largest_dim = max(im_initial.shape) # Get largest dimension of original image
# Based on
new_width = new_height = largest_dim # Set dimensions of base image
im_original = np.full((new_width, new_height, channel_in), (0,0,0), dtype=np.uint8) # Create new base image for padding
x_off = (largest_dim - width_in) // 2 # X-axis offset
y_off = (largest_dim - height_in) // 2 # Y-axis offset
im_original[y_off:y_off+height_in, x_off:x_off+width_in] = im_initial # Copy original image into center of base image
# If no interpolation method specified, return padded original image
if inter_method is None:
return im_original
im_resized = resize_array(im_original, inter_method, im_size)
return im_resized
def add_subplot(image_array, position, title, fig, num_samples):
Places displayed image in a subplot position of the given figure.
image_array (np.array): Image array to be displayed in subplot
position (int): Subplot position in main plot
title (str): String to use as subplot title
fig (plt.figure): Figure to plot in
num_samples (int): Number of sample images - used to scale plot
fig.add_subplot(2*num_samples, 8, position)
def plot_images(im_size, num_samples):
Plots the 7 interpolated images in a single plot.
Interpolation methods and diffs from the original image are shown in columns, separate image files are shown in rows.
im_size (int tuple): Tuple of dimensions to resize to
num_samples (int): Number of sample images to examine
# Plotting may take some time as the final plot has large dimensions
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16*num_samples, 9*num_samples))
# Run all interpolation methods for each random sample
for row, im_file in enumerate(tqdm(random.sample(image_files, num_samples))):
im_original = interpolate_image(None, im_file, im_size)
print("Selected file is not an image.")
# Display original image in first position
add_subplot(im_original, 2*row*8+1, "Original: " + im_file.split("/")[-1], fig, num_samples)
# Run each sample through all interpolation methods
for i, interpol in enumerate(interpol_dict.keys()):
im_resized = interpolate_image(interpol_dict[interpol], im_file, im_size)
add_subplot(im_resized, 2*row*8+2+i, interpol, fig, num_samples) # Display interpolated images in first row
add_subplot(cv2.absdiff(im_resized, im_original), 2*row*8+10+i, interpol + " vs Original", fig, num_samples) # Display diffs in second row
plot_images((128, 128), num_samples=3)
100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:20<00:00, 6.68s/it]
As can be seen in the above images, the various interpolation methods offer slightly differing visual results, which will certainly diverge when downscaling to even smaller resolutions. The differences can be perceived as increased blurring, sharpening, or pixelating compared to the original image (1st row/1st position).
In the alternating rows, the difference between the interpolated and original arrays is displayed (without normalization) so one can visually assess the effect the various interpolation methods have on the original image. One can see that the effect is most pronounced on the edges of regions, either of fore- and background objects, or patterns.
def measure_resize_performance(im_file):
Resizes given imagefile using different pairs of interpolation methods for downscaling & upscaling to a series of different dimensions.
Also, measures performance and loss vs. the original image array.
im_file (str): Image filename string
df_results (pd.DataFrame): Pandas Dataframe containing all interpolation comparison data for given imagefile
global df_results
# Loop through small, medium and high resolutions for downscaling
for im_dim in [32, 128, 512]:
im_size = (im_dim,im_dim)
im_original = interpolate_image(None, im_file, im_size)
# Check all interpolation method combinations of down- and upscaling
for down_scale in interpol_dict.keys():
for up_scale in interpol_dict.keys():
start_time = time.process_time()
im_down_sized = cv2.resize(im_original, (im_dim, im_dim), interpolation=interpol_dict[down_scale]) # Downscale original image to small resolution
im_up_sized = cv2.resize(im_down_sized, (im_original.shape[1], im_original.shape[0]), interpolation=interpol_dict[up_scale]) # Upscale downscaled image to initial dimensions
end_time = time.process_time()
distance = np.linalg.norm(im_up_sized-im_original)
timer = end_time - start_time
df_results = df_results.append({"down_im": down_scale, # Downscaling interpolation method
"up_im": up_scale, # Upscaling interpolation method
"scale_res": im_dim, # Downscaling resolution
"distance": distance, # Euclidean distance between interpolated and original image
"time": timer, # Time required for down- and upscaling
}, ignore_index=True)
return df_results
# Measure performance for each interpolation pair (down- and upscaling) for 10 sample images
num_samples = 10
df_results = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["down_im", "up_im", "scale_res", "distance", "time"]) # Dataframe to contain comparison data
for row, im_file in enumerate(tqdm(random.sample(image_files, num_samples))):
df_results["scaling"] = "D: " + df_results["down_im"] + " / U: " + df_results["up_im"] # Combine down- and upscaling columns for easier plotting
100%|██████████| 10/10 [04:44<00:00, 28.47s/it]
down_im | up_im | scale_res | distance | time | scaling | |
0 | Nearest Neighbor | Nearest Neighbor | 32 | 9.850084e+05 | 0.080501 | D: Nearest Neighbor / U: Nearest Neighbor |
1 | Nearest Neighbor | Bilinear | 32 | 1.018404e+06 | 0.050911 | D: Nearest Neighbor / U: Bilinear |
2 | Nearest Neighbor | Bicubic | 32 | 9.894064e+05 | 0.247536 | D: Nearest Neighbor / U: Bicubic |
3 | Nearest Neighbor | Area Relation | 32 | 9.850084e+05 | 0.053768 | D: Nearest Neighbor / U: Area Relation |
4 | Nearest Neighbor | Lanczos | 32 | 9.872205e+05 | 0.503642 | D: Nearest Neighbor / U: Lanczos |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1465 | BitExact Nearest Neighbor | Bicubic | 512 | 9.320225e+05 | 0.087400 | D: BitExact Nearest Neighbor / U: Bicubic |
1466 | BitExact Nearest Neighbor | Area Relation | 512 | 9.483952e+05 | 0.081426 | D: BitExact Nearest Neighbor / U: Area Relation |
1467 | BitExact Nearest Neighbor | Lanczos | 512 | 9.358776e+05 | 0.453585 | D: BitExact Nearest Neighbor / U: Lanczos |
1468 | BitExact Nearest Neighbor | BitExact Bilinear | 512 | 9.281876e+05 | 0.103788 | D: BitExact Nearest Neighbor / U: BitExact Bil... |
1469 | BitExact Nearest Neighbor | BitExact Nearest Neighbor | 512 | 9.532612e+05 | 0.082236 | D: BitExact Nearest Neighbor / U: BitExact Nea... |
1470 rows × 6 columns
The following set of diagrams plots the Euclidean distance (we may call it loss) between the interpolated and their original arrays - lower values are better.
In the left diagram we see the loss of each down- and upscale interpolation method combination:
In the right diagram, we have plotted the loss for the various downscale resolutions. Downscaling to higher resolutions obviously helps with retaining more information, but not by a large margin.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(16,9))
df_results.boxplot(column=['distance'], by=['scaling'], ax = axes[0], rot=90)
df_results.boxplot(column=['distance'], by=['scale_res'], ax = axes[1], rot=90)
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'distance'}, xlabel='[scale_res]'>
The following set of diagrams plots the processing time required to resize the original arrays, using the various interpolation methods - lower values are better.
In the left diagram we see the processing time of each down- and upscale interpolation method combination:
In the right diagram is displayed the processing time for the various downscale resolutions. Downscaling takes about the same time for the tested resolutions.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(16,9))
df_results.boxplot(column=['time'], by=['scaling'], ax = axes[0], rot=90)
df_results.boxplot(column=['time'], by=['scale_res'], ax = axes[1], rot=90)
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'time'}, xlabel='[scale_res]'>
From the above we can conclude that no single interpolation method is the best.
All are lossy techniques, and our selection would have to take into account the algorithm performance, the acceptable level of information loss, the downscaling resolution required, the visual artifacts, as well as the nature of the image dataset itself.
Szeliski, Richard. Computer vision: algorithms and applications. Springer Science & Business Media, 2010. (