# librerias
from numpy import mean
from numpy import std
from pandas import read_csv
from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneOut
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
Descripcion de datos https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbrownlee/Datasets/master/housing.names
Enlace con datos https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbrownlee/Datasets/master/housing.csv
# librerias
from pandas import read_csv
# cargar datos
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbrownlee/Datasets/master/housing.csv'
dataframe = read_csv(url, header=None)
# shape
(506, 14)
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |
0 | 0.00632 | 18.0 | 2.31 | 0 | 0.538 | 6.575 | 65.2 | 4.0900 | 1 | 296.0 | 15.3 | 396.90 | 4.98 | 24.0 |
1 | 0.02731 | 0.0 | 7.07 | 0 | 0.469 | 6.421 | 78.9 | 4.9671 | 2 | 242.0 | 17.8 | 396.90 | 9.14 | 21.6 |
2 | 0.02729 | 0.0 | 7.07 | 0 | 0.469 | 7.185 | 61.1 | 4.9671 | 2 | 242.0 | 17.8 | 392.83 | 4.03 | 34.7 |
3 | 0.03237 | 0.0 | 2.18 | 0 | 0.458 | 6.998 | 45.8 | 6.0622 | 3 | 222.0 | 18.7 | 394.63 | 2.94 | 33.4 |
4 | 0.06905 | 0.0 | 2.18 | 0 | 0.458 | 7.147 | 54.2 | 6.0622 | 3 | 222.0 | 18.7 | 396.90 | 5.33 | 36.2 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
501 | 0.06263 | 0.0 | 11.93 | 0 | 0.573 | 6.593 | 69.1 | 2.4786 | 1 | 273.0 | 21.0 | 391.99 | 9.67 | 22.4 |
502 | 0.04527 | 0.0 | 11.93 | 0 | 0.573 | 6.120 | 76.7 | 2.2875 | 1 | 273.0 | 21.0 | 396.90 | 9.08 | 20.6 |
503 | 0.06076 | 0.0 | 11.93 | 0 | 0.573 | 6.976 | 91.0 | 2.1675 | 1 | 273.0 | 21.0 | 396.90 | 5.64 | 23.9 |
504 | 0.10959 | 0.0 | 11.93 | 0 | 0.573 | 6.794 | 89.3 | 2.3889 | 1 | 273.0 | 21.0 | 393.45 | 6.48 | 22.0 |
505 | 0.04741 | 0.0 | 11.93 | 0 | 0.573 | 6.030 | 80.8 | 2.5050 | 1 | 273.0 | 21.0 | 396.90 | 7.88 | 11.9 |
506 rows × 14 columns
0 float64 1 float64 2 float64 3 int64 4 float64 5 float64 6 float64 7 float64 8 int64 9 float64 10 float64 11 float64 12 float64 13 float64 dtype: object
0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 dtype: int64
# separar en X y y
data= dataframe.values
X, y = data[:, :-1], data[:, -1]
print(X.shape, y.shape)
(506, 13) (506,)
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
# crear el modelo
model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42, n_estimators=10,max_depth=4)
scores = cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=7, verbose=1,scoring='r2')
[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Using backend SequentialBackend with 1 concurrent workers. [Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done 7 out of 7 | elapsed: 0.3s finished
print("%0.2f de r2 promedio con una desviacion estandar de %0.2f" % (scores.mean(), scores.std()))
0.52 de r2 promedio con una desviacion estandar de 0.26