# Author: Jake Vanderplas <jakevdp@cs.washington.edu>
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from scipy.stats import norm
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
# `normed` is being deprecated in favor of `density` in histograms
if LooseVersion(matplotlib.__version__) >= '2.1':
density_param = {'density': True}
density_param = {'normed': True}
# Plot the progression of histograms to kernels
N = 20
X = np.concatenate((np.random.normal(0, 1, int(0.3 * N)), np.random.normal(5, 1, int(0.7 * N))))[:, np.newaxis]
X_plot = np.linspace(-5, 10, 1000)[:, np.newaxis]
bins = np.linspace(-5, 10, 10)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05)
# histogram 1
ax[0, 0].hist(X[:, 0], bins=bins, fc='#AAAAFF', **density_param)
ax[0, 0].text(-3.5, 0.31, "Histogram")
# histogram 2
ax[0, 1].hist(X[:, 0], bins=bins + 0.75, fc='#AAAAFF', **density_param)
ax[0, 1].text(-3.5, 0.31, "Histogram, bins shifted")
# tophat KDE
kde = KernelDensity(kernel='tophat', bandwidth=0.75).fit(X)
log_dens = kde.score_samples(X_plot)
ax[1, 0].fill(X_plot[:, 0], np.exp(log_dens), fc='#AAAAFF')
#ax[1, 0].text(-3.5, 0.31, "Tophat Kernel Density")
# Gaussian KDE
kde = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.75).fit(X)
log_dens = kde.score_samples(X_plot)
ax[1, 1].fill(X_plot[:, 0], np.exp(log_dens), fc='#AAAAFF')
ax[1, 1].text(-3.5, 0.31, "Gaussian Kernel Density")
for axi in ax.ravel():
axi.plot(X[:, 0], np.full(X.shape[0], -0.01), '+k')
axi.set_xlim(-4, 9)
axi.set_ylim(-0.02, 0.34)
for axi in ax[:, 0]:
axi.set_ylabel('Normalized Density')
for axi in ax[1, :]:
# Plot a 1D density example
N = 100
X = np.concatenate((np.random.normal(0, 1, int(0.3 * N)), np.random.normal(5, 1, int(0.7 * N))))[:, np.newaxis]
X_plot = np.linspace(-5, 10, 1000)[:, np.newaxis]
true_dens = (0.3 * norm(0, 1).pdf(X_plot[:, 0]) + 0.7 * norm(5, 1).pdf(X_plot[:, 0]))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.fill(X_plot[:, 0], true_dens, fc='black', alpha=0.2, label='input distribution')
for kernel in ['gaussian', 'tophat', 'epanechnikov']:
kde = KernelDensity(kernel=kernel, bandwidth=0.5).fit(X)
log_dens = kde.score_samples(X_plot)
ax.plot(X_plot[:, 0], np.exp(log_dens), '-', label="kernel = '{0}'".format(kernel))
ax.text(6, 0.38, "N={0} points".format(N))
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax.plot(X[:, 0], -0.005 - 0.01 * np.random.random(X.shape[0]), '+k')
ax.set_xlim(-4, 9)
ax.set_ylim(-0.02, 0.4)