This page illustrates
the "linear operator" feature
of the Julia package
for the case of a multi-dimensional FFT operation.
Packages needed here.
using LinearMapsAA
using FFTW: fft, bfft, fft!, bfft!
using MIRTjim: jim, prompt
using LazyGrids: btime
using BenchmarkTools: @benchmark
using InteractiveUtils: versioninfo
The following line is helpful when running this file as a script; this way it will prompt user to hit a key after each figure is displayed.
isinteractive() ? jim(:prompt, true) : prompt(:draw);
A 1D N-point discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
is a linear operation
that is naturally represented as a N × N
The multi-dimensional DFT
is a linear mapping
that could be represented as a matrix,
using the vec(⋅)
of its arguments,
but it is more naturally represented
as a linear operator $A$.
For 2D images of size $M × N$,
we can think the DFT
as an operator
$A$ that maps a $M × N$ matrix into a $M × N$ matrix of DFT coefficients.
In other words,
$A : \mathbb{C}^{M × N} \mapsto \mathbb{C}^{M × N}$.
The LinearMapsAA
can represent such an operator easily.
We first define appropriate forward and adjoint functions.
We use fft!
and bfft!
to avoid unnecessary memory allocations.
forw!(y, x) = fft!(copyto!(y, x)) # forward mapping function
back!(x, y) = bfft!(copyto!(x, y)) # adjoint mapping function
Below is the operator definition for $(M,N) = (8,16)$.
Because FFT returns complex numbers, we must use T=ComplexF32
for LinearMaps
to work properly.
M,N = 16,8
T = ComplexF32
A = LinearMapAA(forw!, back!, (M*N, M*N); idim = (M,N), odim = (M,N), T)
The idim
argument specifies
that the input is a matrix of size M × N
the odim
argument specifies
that the output is a matrix of size (M,N)
Here is some verification that applying this operator to a matrix produces a correct result:
X = ones(M,N)
@assert A * X ≈ M*N * ((1:M) .== 1)*((1:N) .== 1)' # Kronecker impulse
X = rand(T, M, N)
@assert A * X ≈ fft(X)
Although $A$ here is not a matrix, we can convert it to a matrix (at least when $M N$ is sufficiently small) to perhaps understand it better:
Amat = Matrix(A)
using MIRTjim: jim
jim(real(Amat)', "Real(A)"; prompt=false),
jim(imag(Amat)', "Imag(A)"; prompt=false),
@assert Matrix(A)' ≈ Matrix(A')
Some users
might wonder if there is "overhead"
in using the overloaded linear mapping A * x
or mul!(y, A, x)
compared to directly calling
fft!(copyto!(y), x)
Here are some timing tests
that confirm that LinearMapsAA
does not incur overhead.
We deliberately choose very small M,N
because any overhead will be most apparent
when the fft
computation itself is fast.
x = rand(ComplexF32, M, N)
y1 = similar(x)
y2 = similar(x)
mul!(y1, A, x)
forw!(y2, x)
@assert y1 == y2
mul!(y1, A', x)
back!(y2, x)
@assert y1 == y2
time forward fft:
timer(t) = btime(t; unit=:μs)
t = @benchmark forw!($y2, $x) # 19.1 us (31 alloc, 2K)
compare to LinearMapsAA
t = @benchmark mul!($y1, $A, $x) # 18.1 us (44 alloc, 4K)
time backward fft:
t = @benchmark back!($y2, $x) # 19.443 μs (31 allocations: 2.12 KiB)
compare to LinearMapsAA
t = @benchmark mul!($y1, $(A'), $x) # 17.855 μs (44 allocations: 4.00 KiB)
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