Binary classification of hand-written digits in Julia.
Add the Julia packages used in this demo.
Change false
to true
in the following code block
if you are using any of the following packages for the first time.
if false
import Pkg
Tell Julia to use the following packages.
Run Pkg.add()
in the preceding code block first, if needed.
using InteractiveUtils: versioninfo
using LaTeXStrings # nice plot labels
using LinearAlgebra: dot
using MIRTjim: jim, prompt
using MLDatasets: MNIST
using Plots: default, gui, savefig
using Plots: histogram, histogram!, plot
using Plots: RGB, cgrad
using Plots.PlotMeasures: px
using Random: seed!, randperm
using StatsBase: mean
default(); default(markersize=5, markerstrokecolor=:auto, label="",
tickfontsize=14, labelfontsize=18, legendfontsize=18, titlefontsize=18)
The following line is helpful when running this file as a script; this way it will prompt user to hit a key after each figure is displayed.
isinteractive() ? jim(:prompt, true) : prompt(:draw);
Read the MNIST data for some handwritten digits.
This code will automatically download the data from web if needed
and put it in a folder like: ~/.julia/datadeps/MNIST/
if !@isdefined(data)
digitn = (0, 1) # which digits to use
isinteractive() || (ENV["DATADEPS_ALWAYS_ACCEPT"] = true) # avoid prompt
dataset = MNIST(Float32, :train)
nrep = 100 # how many of each digit
# function to extract the 1st `nrep` examples of digit n:
data = n -> dataset.features[:,:,findall(==(n), dataset.targets)[1:nrep]]
data = cat(dims=4, data.(digitn)...)
labels = vcat([fill(d, nrep) for d in digitn]...) # to check later
nx, ny, nrep, ndigit = size(data)
data = data[:,2:ny,:,:] # make images non-square to force debug
ny = size(data,2)
data = reshape(data, nx, ny, :)
tmp = randperm(nrep * ndigit)
data = data[:,:,tmp]
labels = labels[tmp]
size(data) # (nx, ny, nrep*ndigit)
Look at "unlabeled" image data
pd = jim(data, "Data"; size=(600,300), tickfontsize=8,)
Extract training data
data0 = data[:,:,labels .== 0]
data1 = data[:,:,labels .== 1];
pd0 = jim(data0[:,:,1:36]; nrow=6, colorbar=nothing, size=(400,400))
pd1 = jim(data1[:,:,1:36]; nrow=6, colorbar=nothing, size=(400,400))
# savefig(pd0, "class01-0.pdf")
# savefig(pd1, "class01-1.pdf")
red-black-blue colorbar:
RGB255(args...) = RGB((args ./ 255)...)
color = cgrad([RGB255(230, 80, 65), :black, RGB255(23, 120, 232)]);
Compute sample average of each training class and define classifier weights as differences of the means.
μ0 = mean(data0, dims=3)
μ1 = mean(data1, dims=3)
w = μ1 - μ0; # hand-crafted weights
images of means and weights
siz = (540,400)
args = (xaxis = false, yaxis = false) # book
p0 = jim(μ0; clim=(0,1), size=siz, cticks=[0,1], args...)
p1 = jim(μ1; clim=(0,1), size=siz, cticks=[0,1], args...)
pw = jim(w; color, clim=(-1,1).*0.8, size=siz, cticks=(-1:1)*0.75, args...)
pm = plot( p0, p1, pw;
size = (1400, 350),
layout = (1,3),
rightmargin = 20px,
# savefig(p0, "class01-0.pdf")
# savefig(p1, "class01-1.pdf")
# savefig(pw, "class01-w.pdf")
# savefig(pm, "class01-mean.pdf")
Examine performance of simple linear classifier. (Should be done with test data, not training data...)
i0 = [dot(w, x) for x in eachslice(data0, dims=3)]
i1 = [dot(w, x) for x in eachslice(data1, dims=3)];
bins = -80:20
ph = plot(
xaxis = (L"⟨\mathbf{\mathit{v}},\mathbf{\mathit{x}}⟩", (-80, 20), -80:20:20),
yaxis = ("", (0, 25), 0:10:20),
size = (600, 250), bottommargin = 20px,
histogram!(i0; bins, color=:red , label="0")
histogram!(i1; bins, color=:blue, label="1")
# savefig(ph, "class01-hist.pdf")
This notebook was generated using Literate.jl.