Function geom_livemap()
enables a researcher to visualize geospatial information on interactive map.
When building interactive geospatial visualizations with Lets-Plot the visualisation workflow remains the
same as it is when building a regular ggplot2
However, geom_livemap()
creates an interactive base-map super-layer and certain limitations do apply
comparing to a regular ggplot2
must be added as a 1-st layer in plot;geom_livemap()
layer is alloed per plot;The following ggplot2
geometry can be used with interactive maps:
, geon_hline
, geom_contourf
, geom_density2df
from lets_plot import *
p = ggplot() + ggsize(700, 400)
# Add an empty base-map layer.
p + geom_livemap()
The default initial location and zoom level shown on the figure above
can be adjusted by using the location
and zoom
# In Lets-Plot coordinates are always encoded as: `longitude` - first and `latitude` - second
p + geom_livemap(location=[29.737809, 60.003151], zoom=11)
Map's initial location
and zoom
parameters are not used very often because map
automatically chooses its initial viewport so that all the added geometries are visible.
But the horizontal
and vertical
lines are exception because they do not have determined bounds. In this case its often necessary to set the desired location and zoom value manually.
lons = [-73 + x for x in range(4)]
lats = [41.5 + 0.5 * y for y in range(4)]
p + geom_livemap(location=[-71.94375, 42.572511], zoom=7)\
+ geom_hline(aes(yintercept=lats), color='red', linetype=2)\
+ geom_vline(aes(xintercept=lons), color='dark_green', linetype=4)
path = {
'lon': [11.620273, -71.075466, -121.898220, -96.761501],
'lat': [48.169211, 42.383651, 37.362240, 32.797371]
p + geom_livemap()\
+ geom_path(data=path, mapping=aes(x='lon', y='lat'), size=1, color='magenta')
p + geom_livemap()\
+ geom_path(data=path, mapping=aes(x='lon', y='lat'), size=1, color='magenta')
p + geom_livemap()\
+ geom_path(data=path, mapping=aes(x='lon', y='lat'), size=1, color='magenta')\
+ geom_point(data=path, mapping=aes(x='lon', y='lat'), shape=21, size=7, fill='yellow')
data = dict(
x0 = [-97.8, 22.6], y0 = [41.2, -1.3],
x1 = [ 19.3, -64.5], y1 = [18.7, -15.9],
Direction = ['east', 'west']
p + geom_livemap()\
+ geom_segment(data=data, mapping=aes(x='x0', y='y0', xend='x1', yend='y1', color='Direction'), size=1, linetype=2)
data = {
'label': ["== 0 ==>", "== 60 ==>", "== 120 ==>", "== 180 ==>", "== -60 ==>", "== -120 ==>"],
'angle': [0, 60, 120, 180, -60, -120],
p + geom_livemap() + geom_point(x=0, y=0, size=140, color='white', alpha=0.6)\
+ geom_text(aes(label = 'label', angle='angle'), data=data,
x=0, y=0,
hjust = "left", vjust = "center",
size=10, family='monospace', color='red')
UK = {
'lon': [-2.598046, -2.378320, -2.466210, -3.169335, -1.938867,
-0.576562, -0.312890, 0.873632, 0.082617, -2.598046],
'lat': [51.030349, 51.797754, 53.945750, 54.561879, 55.193929,
53.816229, 52.924809, 52.525588, 51.113188, 51.030349]
Germany = {
'lon': [7.685156, 9.926367, 13.661718, 14.101171, 11.464453,
12.870703, 8.564062, 8.651953, 6.806250, 6.938085, 7.685156],
'lat': [53.294124, 54.049078, 53.608160, 51.305902, 50.221916,
48.679365, 48.007575, 49.485266, 50.024691, 51.552493, 53.294124]
France = {
'lon': [-2.246484, 2.367773, 7.245703, 5.268164, 6.586523,
2.895117, 2.279882, -0.532617, -0.356835, -2.246484],
'lat': [48.095702, 50.586036, 48.795295, 46.365136, 44.169607,
43.663114, 43.088157, 43.631315, 46.516550, 48.095702]
polygons = dict(
lon = UK['lon'] + Germany['lon'] + France['lon'],
lat = UK['lat'] + Germany['lat'] + France['lat'],
country = ['UK' for _ in UK['lon']] + ['Germany' for _ in Germany['lon']] + ['France' for _ in France['lon']]
p + geom_livemap()\
+ geom_polygon(aes('lon', 'lat'),
bounds = dict(
lon0 = [min(UK['lon']), min(Germany['lon']), min(France['lon'])],
lon1 = [max(UK['lon']), max(Germany['lon']), max(France['lon'])],
lat0 = [min(UK['lat']), min(Germany['lat']), min(France['lat'])],
lat1 = [max(UK['lat']), max(Germany['lat']), max(France['lat'])],
country = ['UK', 'Germany', 'France']
p + geom_livemap()\
+ geom_rect(aes(xmin='lon0', ymin='lat0', xmax='lon1', ymax='lat1', fill='country'),
alpha = 0.3)
In the examples above we've seen how values in input data series can be mapped to aesthetic values on map.
For the instance, values in the country
series were mapped to the fill
color in "geom_rect()" example.
Lets plot another data - the countries population:
pop_UK = 66.65e6
pop_Germany = 83.02e6
pop_France = 66.99e6
# Create data frame containing countries name, centroid and population.
centroids = dict(
lon = [(max(xs) - min(xs)) / 2 + min(xs) for xs in [UK['lon'], Germany['lon'], France['lon']]],
lat = [(max(ys) - min(ys)) / 2 + min(ys)for ys in [UK['lat'], Germany['lat'], France['lat']]],
country = ['UK', 'Germany', 'France'],
population = [pop_UK, pop_Germany, pop_France]
p + geom_livemap() + scale_size(range=[10, 50], guide='none')\
+ geom_point(aes('lon', 'lat', color='country', size='population'),
alpha = 0.8)
# Create data frame containing countries name, boundary polygon and population.
polygons_and_pop = polygons.copy()
polygons_and_pop['population'] = [pop_UK for _ in UK['lon']]\
+ [pop_Germany for _ in Germany['lon']]\
+ [pop_France for _ in France['lon']]
# Note that in this case it's necessary to define `group` aesthetic.
# Otherwise `geom_polygon` will not be able to split the data into tree "data points".
p + geom_livemap()\
+ geom_polygon(aes('lon', 'lat', fill='population', group='country'),
+ scale_fill_continuous(format="~s")
)¶The dataframe format used in the previouse Choropleth
example is not the most
convenient way to represent data with geospatial boundaries because each
real data-point is duplicated for each vertex in the corresponding polygon.
More convenient would be to store the data-points and their geospatial boundaries in a separate data structures.
In this example let's use geopandas.GeoDataFrame
to store the boundaries.
# Data-points.
population = dict(
country = ["UK", "Germany", "France"],
population = [pop_UK, pop_Germany, pop_France]
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame, points_from_xy
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LinearRing
# GeoDataFrame with boundaries.
polygons_gdf = GeoDataFrame(
name = ['UK', 'Germany','France']
Polygon(tuple(zip(UK['lon'], UK['lat']))),
Polygon(tuple(zip(Germany['lon'], Germany['lat']))),
Polygon(tuple(zip(France['lon'], France['lat'])))
# Use `map` parameter to pass `boundaries` and
# `map_join` parameter to tell `geom_polygon` how to merge "data" and "map".
p + geom_livemap()\
+ geom_polygon(aes(fill='population'),
+ scale_fill_continuous(format="~s")
The way these geometries are added to an interactive map is the same as it is done on regular plots.
import numpy as np
x, y = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=[0,0], cov=[[1,0],[0,1]], size=50).T
p + geom_livemap() + scale_fill_gradient('white', 'darkgreen')\
+ geom_bin2d(aes(x * 5, y * 5, fill='..density..'), bins=[7, 7], alpha=0.5)
p + geom_livemap() + scale_fill_gradient('white', 'darkgreen')\
+ geom_density2df(aes(x * 5, y * 5, fill='..level..'), alpha=0.5)