Suppose we define an iteration
$$ x_{k+1} = g(x_k) $$If $\alpha$ is a point such that $g(\alpha) = \alpha$, we call $\alpha$ a fixed point of $g$.
A fixed-point iteration terminates once a fixed point is reached, since if $g(x_k)= x_k$ then we get $x_{k+1} = x_k$.
Also, if $x_{k+1}$ converges as $k \rightarrow \infty$, it must converge to a fixed point: Let $\alpha = \lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} x_k$, then
$$ \alpha = \lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} x_{k+1} = \lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} g(x_k) = g\left(\lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} x_k\right) = g(\alpha) $$Hence, we need to guarantee that a fixed-point iteration will converge.
We can use Lipschitz condition to prove that the fixed point iteration converges to $\alpha$.
If $g $ satisfies a Lipschitz condition in an interval $[a,b]$ if $\exists L \in \mathbb{R}_{>0}$ such that
$$ |g(x) - g(y)| \leq L |x-y|, \quad \forall x,y \in [a,b] $$$g$ is called a contraction if $L < 1$. Simply speaking, contraction takes two numbers and maps them close to each other.
$$ |x_k - \alpha| = |g(x_{k-1}) - g(\alpha)| \leq L|x_{k-1} - \alpha| $$which implies
$$ |x_k - \alpha| \leq L^k |x_0 - \alpha| $$and since $L < 1$, $|x_k - \alpha| \rightarrow 0$ as $k \rightarrow \infty$. This shows that error decreases by factor of $L$ each iteration.
Therefore, we define the rule of convergence of fixed-point iteration:
Suppose that $g(\alpha) = \alpha$ and that $g$ is a contraction on $[\alpha - A, \alpha + A]$. Suppose also that $|x_0 - \alpha| \leq A$. Then the fixed point iteration converges to $\alpha$.
We can verify convergence of a fixed-point iteration by checking the gradient of $g$, since if $g \in C^1[a,b]$, we can obtain a Lipschitz constant based on $g'$:
$$ L = \max_{\theta \in (a,b)} |g'(\theta)| $$We want to check if $|g'(\alpha)|<1$, i.e. if there is a neighborhood of $\alpha$ on which $g$ is a contraction.
Furthermore, as $k \rightarrow \infty$,
$$ {|x_{k+1} - \alpha| \over |x_k - \alpha|} = {| g(x_k) - g(\alpha)| \over |x_k - \alpha|} \rightarrow |g'(\alpha)| $$Hence, asymptotically, error decreases by a factor of $|g'(\alpha)|$ each iteration.
$|g'(\alpha)|$ can be used to dictate the asymptotic convergence rate:
We say an iteration converges linearly if, for some $\mu \in (0,1)$,
$$ \lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} {|x_{k+1} - \alpha| \over |x_k - \alpha|} = \mu $$An iteration converges superlinearly if
$$ \lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} {|x_{k+1} - \alpha| \over |x_k - \alpha|} = 0 $$Consider the following fixed-point iteration
$$ x_{k+1} = x_k - \lambda(x_k)f(x_k), \quad k = 0,1,2,... $$corresponding to $g(x) = x - \lambda(x_k) f(x_k)$, for some function $\lambda$.
We want to achieve a fixed point $\alpha$ of $g$ such that $f(\alpha) = 0$, and we also want $|g'(\alpha)| = 0$ t get superlinear convergence.
We take the first derivative and evaluate it at $f(\alpha) = 0$:
$$ g'(\alpha) = 1 - \lambda'(\alpha) f(\alpha) - \lambda(\alpha) f'(\alpha) = 1 - \lambda(\alpha) f'(\alpha) $$To satisfy $|g'(\alpha)| = 0$ we choose $\lambda(x) = 1/f'(x)$ to get Newton's Method:
$$ x_{k+1} = x_k - {f(x_k)\over f'(x_k)}, \quad k = 0,1,2,... $$To understand the superlinear convergence rate of Newton's Method, we apply Taylor expansion for $f(\alpha)$ about $f(x_k)$:
$$ 0 = f(\alpha) = f(x_k) + (\alpha - x_k) f'(x_k) + {(\alpha - x_k)^2 \over 2} f''(\theta_k) $$for some $\theta_k \in (\alpha , x_k)$.
Dividing through by $f'(x_k)$ gives
$$ \left(x_{k+1} - {f(x_k)\over f'(x_k)}\right) - \alpha = {f''(\theta_k)\over 2f'(x_k)} (x_k - \alpha)^2 $$equivalently,
$$ x_{k+1} - \alpha = {f''(\theta_k)\over 2f'(x_k)} (x_k - \alpha)^2 $$Hence, the error at iteration $k+1$ is the square of the error at each iteration $k$. This refers to as quadratic convergence.
Note that this result relies on the second order Taylor expansion near $\alpha$, we need to be sufficiently close to $\alpha$ to get quadratic convergence.
Secant method uses finite difference to approximate $f'(x_k)$:
$$ f'(x_k) \approx {f(x_k) - f(x_{k-1}) \over x_k - x_{k-1}} $$Substituting this into the iteration leads to Secant Method:
$$ x_{k+1} = x_k - f(x_k)\left({x_k - x_{k-1}\over f(x_k) - f(x_{k-1})}\right), \quad k = 1,2,3... $$The convergence rate fo Secant Method can be shown as
$$ \lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} {|x_{k+1} - \alpha| \over |x_k - \alpha|^q} = \mu $$where $\mu$ is a positive constant and $q$ is the golden ratio $q = {1+ \sqrt{5} \over 2} \approx 1.6$.
Thus, Secant Method has a golden ratio quadratic rate of convergence.
Fixed-point iteration
Newton's Method
Secant Method
The following section compares how fixed-point interation, Newton's method and Secant method solve $f(x) = e^x - x -2 = 0$.
from math import *
# f(x) = e^x-x-2
def f(x):
return exp(x)-x-2
# f'(x) = e^x-1
def df(x):
return exp(x)-1
startpt = 2
# Newton method setup
# Secant method setup
# Fixed-point iteration setup
# Initialize previous step x_{k-1} in secant method
xbb=startpt + 0.1
# store
xas = [xa]
xbs = [xb]
xcs = [xc]
for k in range(30):
print("%17.10g %17.10g %17.10g %17.10g %17.10g %17.10g" \
# Newton
# Secant
# Fixed point iteration
if xb-xbb == 0.0 and fxb-fxbb == 0.0:
2 3.389056099 2 3.389056099 2 3.389056099 1.469552928 0.8777382272 1.499485016 0.9798966489 1.386294361 0.6137056389 1.207329481 0.1372115734 1.295906562 0.3584007663 1.219736215 0.1665581464 1.148805629 0.005617477688 1.178508079 0.0710144738 1.169299435 0.0504367794 1.146198212 1.071354715e-05 1.149498374 0.007110700897 1.153510565 0.01578887016 1.146193221 3.919975455e-11 1.146270406 0.0001656637239 1.148516297 0.004994267732 1.146193221 0 1.146193407 4.007691814e-07 1.146931325 0.001584972228 1.146193221 0 1.146193221 2.267208643e-11 1.146427796 0.0005035296475 1.146193221 0 1.146193221 0 1.146267776 0.0001600193597
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
domain = np.arange(0,len(xas), 1)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8), dpi=80)
plt.plot(domain,[f(x) for x in xas], label = "Newton's Method")
plt.plot(domain,[f(x) for x in xbs], label = "Secant Method")
plt.plot(domain,[f(x) for x in xcs], label = "Fixed-point Iteration")