This Jupyter notebook is part of a collection of notebooks in the bachelors module Signals and Systems, Comunications Engineering, Universität Rostock. Please direct questions and suggestions to
The discrete Fourier transformation (DFT) can be implemented computationally very efficiently by the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Various algorithms have been developed for the FFT resulting in various levels of computational efficiency for a wide range of DFT lengths. The concept of the so called radix-2 Cooley–Tukey algorithm is introduced in the following.
Let's first consider the straightforward implementation of the DFT X[μ]=DFTN{x[k]} by its definition
X[μ]=N−1∑k=0x[k]wμkNwhere wN=e−j2πN. Evaluation of the definition for μ=0,1,…,N−1 requires N2 complex multiplications and N⋅(N−1) complex additions. The numerical complexity of the DFT scales consequently on the order of O(N2).
The basic idea of the radix-2 decimation-in-time (DIT) algorithm is to decompose the computation of the DFT into two summations: one over the even indexes k of the signal x[k] and one over the odd indexes. Splitting the definition of the DFT for an even lengths N and rearranging terms yields
X[μ]=N2−1∑κ=0x[2κ]wμ2κN+N2−1∑κ=0x[2κ+1]wμ(2κ+1)N=N2−1∑κ=0x[2κ]wμκN2+wμNN2−1∑κ=0x[2κ+1]wμκN2=X1[μ]+wμN⋅X2[μ]It follows from the last equality that the DFT can be decomposed into two DFTs X1[μ] and X2[μ] of length N2 operating on the even and odd indexes of the signal x[k]. The decomposed DFT requires 2⋅(N2)2+N complex multiplications and 2⋅N2⋅(N2−1)+N complex additions. For a length N=2w with w∈N which is a power of two this principle can be applied recursively till a DFT of length 2 is reached. This comprises then the radix-2 DIT algorithm. It requires N2log2N complex multiplications and Nlog2N complex additions. The numerical complexity of the FFT algorithm scales consequently on the order of O(Nlog2N). The notation DIT is due to the fact that the decomposition is performed with respect to the (time-domain) signal x[k] and not its spectrum X[μ].
The derivation of the FFT following above principles for the case N=8 is illustrated using signal flow diagrams. The first decomposition results in
where ⊕a denotes the weigthed summation g[k]+a⋅h[k] of two signals whereby the weighted signal h[k] is denoted by the arrow. The same decomposition is now applied to each of the DFTs of length N2=4 resulting in two DFTs of length N4=2
where w0N2=w0N, w1N2=w2N, w2N2=w4N und w3N2=w6N. The resulting DFTs of length 2 can be realized by
where w02=1 und w12=−1. Combining the decompositions yields the overall flow diagram of the FFT for N=8
Further optimizations can be applied by noting that various common terms exist and that a sign reversal requires to swap only one bit in common representations of floating point numbers.
The radix-2 DIT algorithm presented above can only be applied to lengths N=2w which are are power of two. Similar and other principles can be applied to derive efficient algorithms for various other cases. A wide variety of implemented FFTs is available for many hardware platforms. Their computational efficiency depends heavily on the particular algorithm and hardware used. In the following the performance of the numpy.fft
function is evaluated by comparing the execution times of a DFT realized by matrix/vector multiplication with the FFT algorithm. Note that the execution of the following cell may some time.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import timeit
n = np.arange(14) # lengths = 2**n to evaluate
reps = 100 # number of repetitions per measurement
# measure execution times
gain = np.zeros(len(n))
for N in n:
length = 2**N
# setup environment for timeit
tsetup = 'import numpy as np; from scipy.linalg import dft; \
x=np.random.randn(%d)+1j*np.random.randn(%d); F = dft(%d)' % (length, length, length)
tc = timeit.timeit('np.matmul(F, x)', setup=tsetup, number=reps)
tf = timeit.timeit('np.fft.fft(x)', setup=tsetup, number=reps)
# gain by using the FFT
gain[N] = tc/tf
# show the results
plt.figure(figsize = (15, 10))
plt.barh(n-.5, gain, log=True)
plt.plot([1, 1], [-1, n[-1]+1], 'r-')
plt.yticks(n, 2**n)
plt.xlabel('Gain of FFT')
plt.ylabel('Length $N$')
plt.title('Ratio of execution times between DFT and FFT')
The notebooks are provided as Open Educational Resource. Feel free to use the notebooks for your own educational purposes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, the code of the IPython examples under the MIT license. Please attribute the work as follows: Lecture Notes on Signals and Systems by Sascha Spors.